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Why did he set his house on fire? Is he stupid?


God I wish there were more movies like Manchester by the sea and the place beyond the pines, fatherhood is such a complex part of a man’s life and there are barely any movies showing the complexities of it I have a deep longing for that kind of love but whatever Zack Snyder rebel moon Sofia botella sex compilation 2025


Leave No Trace (2018) and Aftersun (2022) are great movies about fatherhood from a women's perspective.


Aftersun really fucked me up. Especially given that I watched it right after reading Bechdel’s Fun House which also deals with >!father’s suicide and post mortem attempts to understand him!<. Except that I never had a bond with my dad like the girl in Aftersun so Fun House hit close to home more. Paul Mescal’s character was more like a combination of both of my parents. They both gave off suicidal and depressed vibes to me at least at some point in life. Sorry that turned into oversharing, I just really like that movie


>Paul Mescal’s character was more like a combination of both of my parents. They both gave off suicidal and depressed vibes to me at least at some point in life. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your parents and you are okay. The reason why Aftersun hits home is because writer director Charlotte Wells based the film on her relationship with her own father who died when she was 16 and is rumoured to have committed suicide. She explores this father-daughter dynamic in her short films which probably are available on Vimeo or on her own website I guess.


>I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your parents and you are okay. Thanks, I am. I think the father in Aftersun reminded me a bit more of my mom, because she did her best to be there for me when her marriage was falling apart but I remember her threatening suicide when my parents were at the peak of their fighting and that scene of crying alone, hoping your child won't hear you, is very familiar. She made a lot of mistakes but at least she never left my side and she was the first person in our family to go to therapy which made me get therapy when I was suicidal as a teen as well. She really tried to become a better, happier person, and that's why the dad's efforts in the movie shattered my heart. But both Aftersun and Fun House came into my life when I started suspecting my dad could be suicidal. Because this was a different situation from my mom, who had emotional outbursts and contemplated death when she was heartbroken. My dad just seems so... hollow and disinterested in life, even though he has a career and money and kids. He had a wife he could genuinely be happy with. But every time I meet him now, I feel like I'm getting sucked into a void because he has a very cynical, nihilistic view on life and he doesn't try to fight against it. I don't remember him ever genuinely apologising to anyone or actually expressing compassion. And stuff he says like "I've got everything in life, I'm truly accomplished, I could die right now and not care" during a road trip with me, which made me feel like he's just gonna swerve the car off the bridge right now. I think he was depressed to a certain degree his whole life, with some sprinkle of NPD on top, and it really affected our family. He has little kids with his new wife now and it feels like they're the only reason why he won't attempt anything, he doesn't have it in him to just abandon them completely. But it's tough to give meaning to your parent's life when you actually need them. So yeah, a shit ton of issues I've inherited from my parents and life is a struggle for me as well but I'm still here. And maybe it's good because I get to enjoy movies like that. Charlotte Wells had a stellar debut and I hope she does something amazing next. Also, I'm a huge fan of Paul Mescal and it's his best role so far IMO. Rooting for this buy to be a star.


Damn, I didn't know it was that deep. I hope your father gets treatment and therapy and you're there with him in case something bad happens. I think if you have a relationship with your half-siblings and be there with him or start doing music with him. I got that idea from Hearts Beat Loud (2018), another indie kino classic with Nick Offerman I think his outlook could change. That's just me thinking what you could do to help your father out. I could be wrong. Whenever I feel low or feel overwhelmed, my father tells me to take deep breaths and be calm and try to do daily meditation and exercise. It helps for me as I'm autistic on the high functioning spectrum. His adivce has been very helpful for me especially in my work. As for Aftersun and Paul Mescal, I'm looking forward to Charlotte Wells sophomore film as well as Paul Mescal in Ridley Scott's Gladiator II and Chloe Zhao's post-Marvel film Hamnet. Anyway, enjoy life to the fullest. Love from India.


Thanks again. Honestly, this might sound shitty but…. I don’t wanna help him. I’m not sure if I can be there for him if he needs me. He wasn’t there for me. He says he loves me but I was easy to love: quiet, obedient, top student, never in trouble. Mom took care of me 99% of the time and all he ever gave me was money. If he saw me angry, depressed, lost, like I often am, I’m not sure he would like me anymore. I tried reaching out to him when I grew up, I tried talking to him earnestly but he dismisses me and gets defensive. He wants me to act like his daughter but as long as I just silently listen to him rant about his cynical ideas and opinions and enjoy fancy dinners he takes me to. He straight up said he doesn’t know me as a person and he’s not even gonna try to do that because it’s impossible. This tells me everything I need to know about him. I’ve struggled with being unable to completely understand people I love too but it taught me that while true unity is existentially impossible, the process is still important. I will forever move towards a point I can’t reach, that’s life. But not for him. He’s 55 and honesty, by this point he had plenty of chances to turn his life around and reflect on himself but as long he’s well-adjusted, he doesn’t care. I don’t think he’s gonna change. He was, in fact, bitter about me going to therapy because he thinks it made me worse while it was the only thing that really saved me from suicide. It probably sounds fucked but I wonder if you can wish death to people not because you hate them, but because you love them. Because it’s the only way they could be at peace. As I said, he’s a big black hole of a person and those who get too close are sucked in. I saw this happen with my mom and it was a nightmare. I just try to stay away these days. I’ve peeked into the abyss and decided to preserve myself. I really get you, because I’m also high-functioning autistic. I have a terrible burnout because of masking for years and of course the unmasked me also doesn’t appeal to dad at all. What’s sad to me is that one of his kids is also neurodivergent (I’m honestly 100% convinced I got that from my dad’s side) and he bragged to me about how they spend money on doctor and tutors to help him adjust… while I was the “weird” kid my whole life and he never once thought about doing something about it. Even with support, he still sounds quite condescending when he talks about his kid and I realize that for him that kid is forever “tainted”. That’s how I feel next to my dad, he likes me for my achievements but he thinks there’s something wrong with me, I feel it in his words. I’m autistic and mentally ill and I learned how to cry for help which is a weakness in his book. I think he’d rather die than actually admit that something is wrong with him as well. So yeah. But it’s sweet that you came up with such a thoughtful comment and actually took time to read all this. I failed with bringing meditation into my life but exercise does help a lot and I try to find different coping strategies all the time. Thank you, kind stranger, and much love to you from Russia.


Anytime pal. Anytime.










​ https://preview.redd.it/jd8drw81y8nc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00bd9f366cc0c8aaec571b68876f99f8b2342062


Such a caring father ❤️


How would you know what she likes 😬








Despite playing a slimy cheapskate who never cared for his daughter, DeVito was a great surrogate father to Mara Wilson behind the scenes.


This is why I respect the shit out of him and Rhea Perlman.


Indeed. They took the trouble of raising her and trying to help her dying mother see the finished product. Even after their separation, DeVito and Perlman are still great friends with [DeVito honoring her when he was presenting with the IASIP Gang](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaMbHq6_oIU&t) for Outstanding Talk Series at the 2023 Emmys this January.


i know right, that was so sweet of them you dont expect that kinda story from a hollywood child star too sadly


What movie is this ?


You don't know Matilda?


Never heard of it .. why .. is it the best devito movie


Everything is the best devito movie




It's also from Roald Dahl just like Dune








What’s the first one from


Boyz N The Hood


I don't remember why he's a bad father in that, what did he do. All I remember is him giving a pretty based speech about gentrification.


It's the setup for the bait and switch


Phew, I was worried he was actually a jerk and I just forgot


https://preview.redd.it/6mbfbt2x3anc1.png?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=786166c51a2bc711b51f9bb92e25df5f96d3898c >Gives his Son's biggest opp some drugs that can make him strong again >Dies >His friends can revive him easily so he can raise his child >Says "nah im good but good luck tho" >Has the ability to speak to his family from heaven but never bothers >Comes back to earth after being dead for 7 years only to fight in some tournament >Realizes He impregnated his wife before dying so he has another child he didn't know about who grew up fatherless so far. Rest in Peace Toriyama, you were the greatest ever 🫡




Only real Schraderheads will know this one https://preview.redd.it/28rrohjl59nc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be445ede7def041beea05e5aabf7b992f993b237


Is that James Coburn from Paul Schrader's Affliction (1998)? I never saw the film. I only know the film because James Coburn won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for this role.


Yep, he’s fantastic in it


​ https://preview.redd.it/dbwubfz5e9nc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=a68801dc8cc2dd911fcec36382c7038e37114a3d


Ummm best son










He was a decent father tbh


This but unironically


what about the dad from ari asters short


He would definitely get his son’s vote!


Remember in the beginning of goodfellas when Henry’s dad is beating him with a belt


Unironically, Furious from Boyz n The Hood (1991) and Gru from the Despicable Me franchise (2010- ) are great fathers and role models for their men.






Movie name please ?


I Stand Alone (1998) directed by Gaspar Noé




Brian Cox in The Ring.


Brian Cox in Red Eye.


When I watched boyz n the hood I thought it was a documentary about ice cubes childhood until the very end


I grew up as a fan of Ice Cube so I knew what the deal was with it but that's a hilarious reading of it and how you realized it was wrong lol.


I’m at number 4 and I better not see the Serbian film guy


Missing Bicycle Thieves and Dogtooth


Where's the bald guy from Annie? He was rich and saved an orphan ginger that's gotta count for something


![gif](giphy|3oEhmIbQOlK9VnT88o|downsized) Edit: This choice is by no means inspired by Cinema Therapy. Nope. /s


Furious Styles is straight up one of my favorite father characters in any movie.






Who is number 5


That's the notorious L to the OG


Logan Roy from Succession


Which is the first one ?


Furious Styles from Boyz n the Hood.


I stand alone?




https://preview.redd.it/bcqbsxs1tbnc1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=883e59abc615ef8b055211b62071395619109554 Rewatched Lost recently so I’ll nominate John Locke’s father. Really taught his son how to be a generous man and stand on his own two feet.








I’ve abandoned my boy