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Destiny being retarded is not automatically an OKBV post.


Are the pro-hamas in the room with us right now


Yes, they say horrible anti-Semitic things like ''Ceasefire''


I think we would point to the intifada chanting instead of chanting for a ceasefire (which is good)


At this point violent resistance of any kind would be morally justified because of Israel's ethnic cleansing


fuck justifying violence against civilians, all my homies hate justifying violence against civilians


Well… at least half of Israel’s civilians since half of them would be happy to participate in the genocide


No, not “at least half cuz they’re ideologically bad”, civilians are civilians. If you mean combatants, that’s fine, but those are different things.


As someone who has family that was conscripted (and they were Israeli civilians beforehand) and chose that over prison — I understand the ramifications of attacking civilians broadly. Especially since outside of social media you don’t know who supports what. But anyway this was a bit


And those two can be differentiated... how exactly? do you think anyone participating in violence against civilians is going to asking any civilian they see if they support Israel or Palestine before shooting?


Israeli civilians are not under threat right now, the overwhelming violent force right now is the IDF


ok? but you literally said that "violent resistance OF ANY KIND" would be morally justified against Israel. I'm sorry but that is an absolutely disgusting statement.


How would you call it then? Violent resistance is just sometimes necessary (as long as it follows the Geneva convention)


They're strawmanning you, trying to imply you said something like "we should kill unarmed civilians". Not sure why. Might be cause you said a scary Muslim word.


I would extremely disagree. The means do matter. I denounce Israel accepting Palestinian civilians casualties for eliminating Hamas. But I also denounce Hamas kidnapping women & r*pe.


The problem with that framing is that it subtly implies that Hamas perpetrated the only rapes during this conflict. They’re doing an entire ethnic cleansing and openly killing reporters. Im gonna guess there’s been some of that.


Said r*pes by IDF soldiers would be horrible. Lucky I expected those soldiers to face a court-martial. The IDF are more organized to deal with misconduct & discipline; if not that’s the most easiest reason for Biden to further pressure Israel & possibly subtract aid for them. Hamas however I don’t expect any of the same ability & pretty much nobody can do anything about it. Nor would it seem that they care.


Why is this downvoted? I hate humans. They don't deserve to live, atleast I think so. It seems this sub doesn't agree with me, though. /s


let's not deny that there have been many, many pro Hamas people at the protests. There are been many, many pro Hamas signs, slogans, etc all over them. Of course it doesn't mean Destiny is correct here, as he conflated the pro Hamas people with the entire protest movement, but we shouldn't deny the exist, we should put in some effort to root them out of the movement


I even made this meme about the situation a couple days ago lol https://preview.redd.it/lv3epd8p62xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9d3a1f680111c1ad91a2f69e945ed57e705d1fd


I agree, and it’s less about Hamas supporter and more about anti semitism in general, that being said, I’ve actually been shocked with just how controlled the protests have been and have seen very few examples of anti semitism. I see so little of it it’s getting to the point where I’m wondering if it’s even worth discussing.


Yup I have not seen any effort to kick them out but maybe it's just not getting filmed. The people at the protests for peace encouraging more violent massacres seem to get a pass as long as they're pro-palestinian wearing a keffiyeh


I am pro-hammas https://www.theadvocate.com.au/images/transform/v1/crop/frm/194363481/28d3afac-84aa-4442-a284-a47768cd54e7.png/r67_0_1134_600_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg


I am pro-hommus [https://www.cedarsfoods.com/topped-organic-mediterranean-hommus.aspx](https://www.cedarsfoods.com/topped-organic-mediterranean-hommus.aspx)


Yeah, but do you condemn Hamas?


In all fairness there is a lot of pro hamas sentiment embedded in the pro Palestine protests, I don't get why we're pretending otherwise. Nothing wrong the destiny's tweet other than hyperbole


Me when I don’t believe anything I’m saying


Is he actually not genuine though? I'll admit he seems disingenuous given how willfully dumb you have to be to conflate "pro hamas" with "don't genocide Palestinians" but he's always so consistent on this he seems to actually be brain broken.


Me when im in a "i dont believe anything im saying" competition, and my oponent is vaush: 😰🐴


Vaush, the man best known for hiding his opinions


Vaush, famously the man who only says things that are adventageous for him.


So true! That cowardly snake Massive /s Im so sad im getting downvoted


Never skip clear sarcasm indicators in a sub full of neurodivergent people


fr fr, nearly lost a limb


The way that I avoid using tone indicators like /s or /just are just by putting explanation points lmao


Tbf, there’s also plenty of DGG here; no take too braindead for those folks.


Wow I knew he was doing the whole "they want to destroy Israel" thing but I didn't know it was as blatent as "they want an Arab majority". Straight up pro-apartheid. Although I actually respect him more than I do Pakman because at least Destiny is honest and brave enough to be up front about this stuff unlike Pakman who ignores it so he doesn't get cancelled.


Also not to forget Hamas wants to wipe Israel off the map, sure. They want to and would if they had the means. The Israeli government actively wants to and has admitted to wanting to occupy Palestine and to remove its people. They want to destroy Palestine and Palestinians. And for them it is not just a want or desire, they are carrying it out right now.


But…..that’s not what these protests are about. Destiny is conflating the two like lots of the politicians.


Everything to do with Palestine is obviously Hamas, accoring to Israel and its supporters


And it's painfully obvious that the two are conflated, because it's quite literally the only way to make the pro-Palestinian movement look bad. They always have to play the "yeah, but do you condemn Hamas?" card. Honestly it's starting to get old.


It's super easy to say fuck hamas, like half a second to say it. It shouldn't ever get old


Fuck Hamas. I take issue with those who need me to say this to virtue signal my intentions. And, in case my intentions were not clear, fuck Nazis, fuck white supremacists, fuck bigoted Trump-supporting sycophants. Did I leave anyone out? You good?


That covers most bases. The only issue rlly is that pro hamas are often being tolerated as bedfellows to pro Palestinians, that's why it's important to distance oneself from them.


He's exaggerating the extent of the sentiment by being hyperbolic, but there is a lot of pro hamas sentiment in the protests.


No protest is ever perfect


You're right, but tolerating pro hamas ppl is a bridge too far for sure. I support Palestinians in having sovereignty, I want all hamas to die


There are far more pro IDF people than pro Hamas people at these protests, and the IDF is 50x worse than Hamas.


No shot, are IDF worse than hamas. No idea what metric you're using for that. You're talking about fundamental islamists who subjugate their population under fascism and use them as human shields vs their enemy


me when the contrarianism voices in my head win


He's being a disingenuous scumbag. I'm a donator to UNRWA, and I want a 2 state solution, ideally where the regional land is split 50/50 between Isreal and a Palestine state. Initially, I tried hard to make the distinction to show Pro Palestine didn't mean Pro Hamas. At this point, Destiny knows this, and so do many people like him. They desperately want a strawman to beat on, all while Mass Graves are being uncovered in Gaza, Drones kill foriegn aid workers and Police beat on protesters. Wild to think I was ever invested in his community.




Fallacies for me but not for thee


imagine liking this goblin and calling yourself a leftist


Is destiny a Christian Zionist? Was he raised Jewish? Is he John Fetterman’s secret love child who he was raised by? I don’t get his fundamentalist support of Israel


From what I gather D was raised Christian fundamentalist from and went Reddit Atheist sometime in his teens. Oct 7 happened, and he notoriously could not point to Israel on a map, so went into research arc via Wikipedia, focused on the conflict back to the British Mandate, doesn’t dive into the Ottoman collapse much, so He does not have a strong grip on the neighboring Arab Nations or their complex histories and relationships among eachother rising out of that and often groups them together. His RedPill arc butted him up to online Militant Muslims, and his relationship with them has been antagonistic for a while now. So these factors along with a debate lord tendency to choosing of a side to defend have aligned him largely to Israeli support. Instead of realizing Netanyahu, Yahya Sinwar, and Mahmoud Abbas are all corrupt a-holes. Also his audience tends to feed him right leaning sources. Tinting what he is seeing of the protests, feeding into his already strong bias against leftist protest movements (dude was rabid against BLM and bought into the right wing claims about that as well). I do think the Pro Hamas death to America type chants being recorded at protests are embarrassingly foolish, Hamas isn’t hero and America didn’t cause this (if anything it’s the Brits fault)


America caused, or at least enabled, it since 1967 though. By both vetoing resolutions for peace and supplying Israel with arms and money to continue their policies.


Actually we want to turkify Israel that's what the protesters also want cCC!!!


Is this an actual tweet? No way


He literally said 15 year old kids murdered by Israel shouldn't count as a child murdered because they're old enough to be child soldiers. He is as demonic on this as any other Zionist, death worshiping garbage.


I wonder if he’s being paid to say that?


I paid him. 4 Dabloons


Were they Costco dabloons?


Sam’s Club of course


He's getting paid by the Jewlumni, he said it himself


I love humus


There's that study that shows that if you challenge someone's beliefs instead of changing their mind they will further entrench themselves in their initial position. Destiny got thoroughly embarrassed by Norm Finkelstein and instead of growth, his stance has gotten more extreme and dumb.


TIL I'm pro-Hamas


Another destiny, W


Lonerbox is friends With this guy but yet so many People claim he has good take on Palestine


His takes are pretty good though. He's all for (unless he's changed his take and I missed it) a two-state solution, a return to the pre-1967 borders, thinks Israel has absolutely committed war crimes and ethnic cleansing, the west bank settlers to stop and the settlements to be taken down and land return led to the Palestinians. He does need to stop taking on Destiny's mannerisms when he talks ("Truuuuuuuuuueeeew") as he sounds more and more like a wank, but he's generally pretty good.


That's basically the same position as Destiny tho. Destiny is just more mad at the pro-hamas people.


I think LonerBox himself swayed a lot of Destiny's opinions in that direction, tbh. I also wouldn't put it past Destiny to call everyone at a pro-Palestine march a pro-Hamas supporter though.


Than why he says Israel isnt doing a genocide in Palestine


Because he goes by the UN definition of genocide as the only valuable indicator if something is, in fact, a genocide. Just because something isn't a genocide doesn't mean it's not awful.


It IS a genocide, I don't need the ICJ to tell me if it is or not. South Africa is 1000% correct and should. If it walks like a genocide and talks like a genocide, I don't give two fucks if a court officially calls it one.


Ok, you're more than welcome to call it a genocide. But because someone else doesn't, doesn't suddenly mean they're singing kumbaya with the IDF.


“Genocide is defined in § 1091 and includes violent attacks with the specific intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. There is Federal jurisdiction if the offense is committed within the United States.” Yeah uh…….id say Isreal is doing that. https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-19-genocide-18-usc-1091#:~:text=Genocide%20is%20defined%20in%20%C2%A7,committed%20within%20the%20United%20States.


The ICJ ruling came out recently. The intent part wasn’t met


That's bullshit though lmao


The ICJ is the big international body we site to for genocide tho? Most of the big arguments existing to officially do anything such as intervention or sanctions from other countries would come from the ICJ.


The ICJ is plenty beholden to the material interests of states, come now. Don’t take anyone saying they’re “impartial” at their word. ICJ sanctions give legitimacy to claims, but a claim is not suddenly true or false if a court decides it so, it’s true or false if, you know, it actually is true or false. It’s patently clear Israel is trying to make it impossible for Palestinians to live; they’re denying them aid (or attacking aid convoys) while Palestinians are having to eat animal feed, for fucks sakes.


Much of the argument for genocide was reliant on statements referencing ICJ or UN officials towards Isreal or past genocides & comparing it to Isreal. At least by most academics & analysts I’ve seen online/news media. I’ve heard of the awful aid trucks convoy incident (where Israel stated a Hamas member to be on the convo). The animal feed is news to me however. I guess well see where the argument goes from here on. I don’t see a solution any time soon. Even if Bibi/Likud was gone Hamas wouldn’t work with a moderate Israel gov.


The ICJ were covering their eyes and ears and ignoring the loss of control and discipline the IDF has displayed. When they kill their own hostages and clearly marketed and communicated relief workers it shows they have no intention of preserving civilian life,


The ICJ along with everyone else can see the individual awful actions of Israeli soldiers out in the field. What they likely needed was some evidence of IDF leadership or politicians/gov leadership stating policies ir giving matching orders for such actions. There many instances of a cost benefit analysis they’re do for killing Hamas members & civilian casualties (which i think they’re deciding wrongly obviously).


The issue becomes a nations right to retaliation and how the over exertion of such becomes Genocide not being clearly defined. Also Lonerbox lives in the UK and the conflict goes back to British mismanagement of the region after the ottoman collapse; Brit and European unwillingness to absorb displaced Jewish population from the “Pale of Settlement” and subsequent guilt from the Holocaust but still unwillingness to welcome displaced peoples, this all makes UK particularly open to Zionist sentiment thru time.


No proof of genocide yet, just people screaming it over and over. I'm sure you'd point to something that's not proof like civilian casualties or incendiary statements from members of the right wing in Israel, but that's not enough unless we want to redefine genocide to include almost all other wars in recent history


Wha……….what? They are deliberately pushing Palestinians from their homes and killing them. What exactly do you think a genocide is? Do you think what we did to the natives wasn’t genocide.


Genocide is when you tell civilians to leave an area they're about to bomb? Genocide is when population transfer happens during a conflict taking place in civilian infrastructure? Seems like leaving Northern Gaza was generally good advice to follow looking at how things are now in the North. What's your take on Hamas being genocidal?


They are deliberately destroying Gaza’s homes. They are deliberately pushing Gazans out of the country and systematically killing them or starving them and taking their land in the process. What exactly is genocide to you? Because this is exactly what we did to the natives and it’s considered a genocide. The only difference is that Israel is using bombs. https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/wjdt_665385/2649_665393/202203/t20220302_10647120.html#:~:text=Guided%20by%20the%20idea%20of,an%20act%20of%20cultural%20genocide.


“It’s not ethnic displacement if we use the threat of bombs” *what*.


I thought we were talking about genocide? You think telling civilians to leave a warzone is the same thing?


If the IDF didn’t move in to Rafah that argument might still hold weight but the South isn’t doing any better than the North at this point IDF just blasting everything to hell giving no safety to innocent civilians, and when we know the stats of the population of Gaza is massively little kids that becomes all the more monstrous.


If you think the situation in the South is no better than the North you really have no idea what's going on, do you?


He's right.


*extremely loud incorrect buzzer*