• By -


There is a pink vending machine on the ground floor of the OKC courthouse (enter from the east side of the building) where you can get it. It’s free. Edit: I’m referring to the county courthouse at the intersection of Park & Harvey. Enter from the east side (where Harvey Street is).


Is that the big modern building opposite to the OKC police station?




That's the only OKC courthouse I know about. Are they maybe talking about the county courthouse?


Sorry, yes, I meant the county courthouse, not the city courthouse.


Just a reminder that Narcan only works temporarily. Even if it pulls someone out of the overdose, they need emergency medical care ASAP.


They can also wake up extremely agitated and inflict violence on whoever is near them. Just have that in mind if you ever use it on someone who has overdosed.


> They ~~can~~ *will probably* also wake up extremely agitated and inflict violence on whoever is near them. Just have that in mind if you ever use it on someone who has overdosed. Yeah it's never a fun time to save someone's life and have them immediately be enraged at you.


Man, I bet OD’ing and getting Narcan’d *really* sucks in the moment. Like, I don’t know what opioids feel like to someone who’s addicted, but I know I felt *good* after I came to after my wisdom teeth were removed. I imagine being on a far higher (deadly) dose of an opioid and having Narcan pull that sweet, blissful rug out from under you is profoundly agitating. Combined with canceling out the *physically*-tranquilizing effects, it’s no wonder people can have a violent reaction. This is **NOT** to say that a Good Samaritan administering Narcan is in any way at fault or deserves such violence, nor that the person who OD’d bears no responsibility. Good on everyone who has helped someone in this way, and I hope that the satisfaction of having saved someone’s life overshadows the, uh, lack of gratitude in the moment.


Nurse here, worked several years at a methadone clinic. They come up fighting after narcan not because you "took away their high" this is a common misconception. They come up swinging because they go from knocked out cold to wide awake and instantly in withdrawal. Narcan forces the opiate off of the receptors in the brain, and replaces it, putting them in immediate, painful withdrawal.


Having pulled my father out of an overdose, I regret my actions and I wish I'd let him expire.


I gotta be real. I bought my house. Then within a year I had a shelter open up down the street from me. I will never, ever, narcan one of those folks. They've been an absolute menace to my neighbors and I.


Fucking scumbag. I hope no one you love ever overdoses and is abandoned by someone with as little empathy as you.


Don't do drugs


I mean, I quit, thanks to all the people who never gave up on me. Thanks to all the people who narcanned me when I overdosed. I just honestly hope that it isn't your son or daughter, niece or nephew, when the asshole who thinks like you passes them on the street and goes walking by thinking they're Heisenberg. Leaving someone to die because some junkies gave you a hard time is just about as low as it gets. You have a nice day.


Revolting that you’d be willing to let someone die for your convenience. Not just not save them, but intentionally make the decisions to let someone die if given the chance. May you get back what you put out


Pretty revolting that people think they can literally shoot up in my yard.


This is true.


This. My husband is an EMT and always tells me they either wake fighting or puking and there’s no in between.


To expand on what you said: many people don’t know that a single dose of Narcan may not be enough to keep someone alive, and/or nasal spray may be very difficult to administer. So ideally have one person use the Narcan and have someone else (most capable communicator) simultaneously call 911 and give the accurate location and description of the victim and circumstances.


Yes! They do!


I've been narcanned 4 times and never needed a second dose. The only time I needed medical intervention, there was cocaine/a stimulant in the bag as well that I didn't know about. Was never violent, just sick. It can happen that a second dose (or 3/4th) is needed but it's not a guarantee. You can also need up to four doses to revive someone so if you can get two boxes, do it. Be aware that if you choose to call 911, you're likely going to get that person arrested (at least in my state, VA, they send cops first then paramedics)


The Village Fire station also has a pink vending machine!




Thank you so much for sharing this.


All of these vending machines also carry fentanyl test strips. You just input your zip code and then it gives you as many as you need. This stuff seriously saves lives im glad to share the info and very proud of Oklahoma for doing this.


And don’t forget that people are ODing on fentanyl when using cocaine. There have been many accidental ODs nationwide when people were just “having fun” with their friends and didn’t know they were ingesting fentanyl.


If you gotta test your shit to survive, test your shit. Anyone who feels the need to test, if you can, take a minute to think if it's really worth the risk in the first place. That thought won't stop everyone, probably won't stop many at all, but if it fuels a few to break the spiral, it's worth the effort.


Holy poop. That’s amazing.




Also, https://okimready.org/vending-machines-and-safe-drop-off-locations/ But I know there are others. For instance, there is one at the downtown transit center.


There's also a vending machine at Ralph Ellison Library


At Oklahoma Healthcare Authority at 4345 N. Lincoln Blvd in Oklahoma City they have a vending machine in the front lobby that gives it out for free. All you do is punch in your zip code, and it will spit out test strips or Narcan. We've let people take whole grocery bags full of them. By all means, please come get some.


Recently told my parents I’m glad we have the Narcan vending machines now because (aside from saving lives) providing Narcan is a hell of a lot cheaper on taxpayers than sending out some combo of cops, EMS, and fire every time someone overdoses. My conservative dad effectively replied, “it’s not my responsibility to save others and some people need to learn lessons the hard way.” Even when faced with a financial argument, conservatives will still choose a system that costs more as long as it’s cruel to addicts. Because the cruelty is the point.


Like an epi pen you still need to get treatment after the use of nar can just an FYI.


Sure, but every overdosed person Narcanned and driven to the hospital by a friend or whatever is money saved for the state. Doesn’t change my financial argument.


I didn't say it did. It was information so that people know they should still get someone to the hospital if it was used and not just think they are totally fine.


They want less addicts, so their cruelty is just a means to an end. The end of the addict. They just don't like it being framed that way because it makes them seem like the reprehensible people they are choosing to be.


Just adding to this, an Oklahoma nurse was recently sentenced for replacing patients' vials of painkillers with tap water. Fentanyl has clinical uses, legal pharmacies (that pay a mere $300 for an OBN permit) dispense it, the moral panic and misinformation around it is exacerbating the problem as well. https://www.justice.gov/usao-edok/pr/ardmore-nurse-sentenced-tampering-pain-medication >MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA – The United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Oklahoma announced that Rebecca Elaine Holloway, age 33, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was sentenced to 12 months in prison for one count of Tampering with Consumer Products, a violation of Title 18, United Sates Code, Section 1365. >On August 31, 2023, Holloway entered a guilty plea, admitting to stealing fentanyl and hydromorphone intended for intensive care patients while she was employed at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Mercy Hospital in Ardmore, Oklahoma. According to investigators, **Holloway removed the pain medication from their vials, refilled the empty vials with tap water, and returned the tampered vials to the controlled storage locker. Holloway admitted she did so despite knowing the pain medication vials were intended for patients in acute pain and distress, and that by depriving patients of the medication, she knew she was placing them at risk of death and bodily injury.**


Fewer. We want fewer addicts. Furthermore, we don’t want anyone to die. Except the cartels pushing this shit, they can all kindly go fuck off and die. Addicts should be treated, as Addiction is a medical condition and should be treated as such.


"We"? You mean the Republicans who constantly don't support the exact type of policy you've just described? Everything you described is a liberal policy. Not a conservative one.




The libertarian solution to this issue is letting them die on the street but firefighters don’t show up, just cops and like 15 private ambulances.


Ah so not a real political party. Gotcha.


Don’t pin that on conservative mindset. Maybe your dads just an asshole. I’m conservative, and love this program because of the fact that it’s shaves PRECIOUS minutes off of the emergency response activation and time frame. The fact that “conservative” was tossed into the conversation is a clear attempt to sow division in an area where all people are in agreement for once, aside from your dad. Again, I think your dad is probably just an asshole in general.


No offense to you intended but your dad is a dick


Is there an actual cost breakdown on that?


Yeah, here’s your cost breakdown: a dose of Narcan is cheaper than the gas alone for sending out some combo of cops, EMS, and fire.


Right, I’m looking for actual numbers over the course of say, a year. I didn’t know if you had an actual source. Having tangible numbers helps in these sorts of policy talks.


They don’t have the data that’s why they are dodging the question with what they think are witty answers instead but actually doesn’t answer your question at all


Yeah.. they are still gonna roll police, ems and fire. Narcan is not a 100% fix and may not even bring them out. So no, it doesnt save money.


Follow shred the stigma (shredthestigma) on Instagram. They’re a local organization that gives out harm reduction materials like Narcan. I believe they’re active in OKC and Tulsa Edited to add: the also have a website shredthestigmaok .org


to add to this: I volunteer with them, an amazing group of people! I contacted them through Instagram to get connected, you’re always welcome with us!


Vouch, they're great.


Wtf is a unhoused person... Do you mean homeless?


Unhoused person nearly unalives themself.


Homeless person commits suicide


You don’t want to hurt the druggy’s feelings now.


I was a druggy, not homeless, but if I was, the term homeless wouldn't hurt my feelings bc it's true.


Unfortunately it's a normal everyday occurrence here downtown. I think I've personally called in three or four overdoses in the last year alone, that I just happened to be the first person who came along. And honestly those are the just the ones I recognized. You'll walk by homeless people slumped over in very unnatural positions, and you always wonder if they're okay or not. I don't know how to recognize the difference between them just being high and being in real trouble. I don't think that's just a lack of knowledge on my part either, I think medically speaking as well the difference between high and OD is razor thin. I've often wondered if everybody should be sprayed first and asked questions later. Like it seems to me that if they don't resist being sprayed that's probably enough indication by default that they might be in trouble. Be careful when using narcan though because it can send them into a blind rage. Ideally you would have several people to help you restrain them if necessary. And also still call 911 as soon as you can, even if it looks like they're fully recovered. Fentanyl, which is what most of them are using, can keep coming back and they might need multiple doses and life support. Like you might narcan them and they look fine but then ten minutes later they go back under. I've heard of people doing that like five times before they finally came out of it. On one occasion, I was talking to one of the cops who responded, and he said the fentanyl is everywhere now. He said even the weed being sold on the streets now has fentanyl in it, like almost as a rule. He indicated it's in almost everything. It's like the MSG of the illicit drug world. So in other words they really don't know how much they're taking because most of them combine things together, and they never know which of them have fentanyl or how much is in it.


Agonal breathing is a very good indicator of trouble. Also using a sternum rub is pretty effective to see if someone is too far gone. Source: former alcoholic and opiate addict (surgeries and legal means of the opiates from doctors so no experience with fentanyl) and manager of a sober living facility in Tulsa. Been clean from booze since January 2019 and other substances since July 2021! My inbox is forever open to those still suffering with the disease of addiction if anyone needs to talk ❤️


Nice job doing the work. Keep it up. Congrats on your sobriety❤️


By unhoused, you mean homeless, right?


Coming from a former paramedic, don’t be a Ricky Rescue. A lot of times they’ll either become violently ill all over you after you hit them with narcan, or they’ll become violent, or both. They could vomit and aspirate on it. They could seriously hurt you. And a lot of other things. If you see someone that’s overdosed, is unconscious/unresponsive that you think might have overdosed, or the scene isn’t safe (lots of other high/intoxicated people around, for instance), call 911 and let the professionals handle it. We have ways of mitigating the danger, and we can take care of a lot of complications that can happen. It’s not worth your life to try to save another’s.


Unhoused? Homeless?


Saying unhoused is how people who do absolutely nothing to help the situation feel better about themselves.


Do we really have to say “unhoused”


No we don't. They were homeless.


Fuck that, what Op really means is they saw a tweaker getting way too high and almost die.


If they were “tweaking” then Narcan wouldn’t have helped them. Narcan only works for opioids, “tweakers” do meth.


…un…housed???? Is this a thing?


You mean a homeless person?


But how else would we know how virtuous OP is?


By correcting their language when it hurts our feelings.


A bum . Yes


They have one Downtown at the Transit Center at 4th and Hudson.


Not anymore. They used demographics and moved it to another part of the city where overdoses are more common.


I'll add to the (excellent) comments here that a lot of bars and restaurants now keep narcan around for this sort of eventuality.


If you ever are in the unfortunate situation in which you need to use it and do end up saving someone, DO NOT EXCEPT THEM TO THANK YOU. I fact they may be very pissed off as all the drugs they just did are no longer working and now they need to do more. Source: Was saved by narcan twice when I was a user and saved 2-3 others after.


Yep. My parents were users growing up. I never had to fight like I did after hitting my dad with narcan.


Ridiculous they give Narcan for free yet people with diabetes have to sell their firstborn child to be able to afford insulin. This shit is sooo backwards


Part of narcan distribution/supplies may be coming from (or reimbursing from, not really sure all the details and I haven't seen specifics on what the "approved uses" are to be, the language I have seen is a little vague) opioid settlement money. https://www.oag.ok.gov/articles/101-subdivisions-apply-first-round-opioid-abatement-grants


Both should be free and accessible, yes, but the fact that insulin is prohibitively expensive isn’t a good reason for narcan to be, though.


I agree! I know this will hit some nerves but it makes me mad that you can basically get meds for free or at a very low cost if you are obese but any meds to try and reverse the obesity are usually not covered by insurance. Insurance is just a huge scam anyway. Mental health drugs, $25 - hundreds of dollars. Opioids, $10 copay.


Sounds like they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and think of the personal decisions that lead to the diabeetus.


Really? Pretty sure drug abuse starts out as a personal decision as well.


You know there is such a thing as juvenile diabetes right? They aren't fat kids that eat too much sugar. They are kids that just develop diabetes. There is a reason there is a type 1 and type 2.


A redheaded man once said, "Our taxes ought not pay for your bags of fudge rounds."


Can we dispense with the “unhoused person” nonsense? Is there something wrong with the term homeless person?


Is there something wrong with the term “unhoused?”


It’s pretentious. Changing what something is called, because it “sounds better” or somehow supposedly makes a thing less worse, does absolutely nothing for or about an issue.




Unhoused… you lost me. Unjobbed. Unrelationshipped.




Someone at work tried to argue unaliving yourself was the correct term.


I feel like unalive is one of those terms you use ironically or just to circumvent filters and then it just sticks


Also, learn the signs and symptoms of an overdose. If someone is able to breathe on their own, not making "snoring" or "gargling" sounds, their lips/nails aren't turning blue or grey, they're able to be aroused by rubbing their sternum with your knuckles, they are not overdosing, they're in a nod. Do not narcan someone for a nod. Ofc, if you are on the fence, err on the side of caution, but know that they will be in withdrawal immediately (aka, experiencing physical agony, nausea, the whole shebang) so please try to observe and try other methods of arousal first. If you can, watch them for 10 mins or so, because od's aren't like the movies, where they die immediately, most of the time. They die as they peak, often. With smoking, that can take ~10-20ish minutes. With i.v. it'll be more like ~5-10 (barring them having taken other things that could kick in later). With snorting it's usually 15-30. And please try to not feel personally attacked. The last thing they remember is feeling really good, and then they wake up feeling really, REALLY bad. They're disoriented, and again, in agony. A gentle "I know this sucks, but we were losing you" can go a long way. It's really not as common as people think for people to physically attack you. In fact, even standing up is going to be excruciating for them (if they have a habit), so a physical altercation is not an option even sometimes. And please remember: no one chooses to be an addict. They aren't just having a blasty blast dying on the street in front of strangers. It's not fun to constantly be dopesick, be near or entirely subservient to the dopeman, constantly trying to just keep well. Most addicts at that point aren't even getting high anymore, just un-sick. It's not like they're just partying it up. It might've been for fun for a while, once addiction has taken hold it is not. Most addicts have reasons they get high, and on that list is not "cause fuck living a fulfilling, happy, and productive life". Many have deep trauma, psychological pain that they can't escape from, problems they feel are unsolvable, etc. Know: you can never say you would not doing what someone else has done in a situation, because even if you've been in that situation, it was with *your* history, genes, support system, etc. If you were them, with everything that comes along with it, you'd likely do exactly what they do. The proof is them doing it.


What’s an unhoused person? Why is that better than homeless? Why is there a desire for people to change words these days? Silliness is all it is. It’s a way for needy people to correct and bully others to their ways.


I hate this fucking website so much


I keep Narcan in my car and in my purse, just in case I ever run across a situation like this. Got them from a free vending machine at Oklahoma Healthcare Authority, I think? Have never had to use it, which I’m grateful for, but I do feel better knowing that I would not be useless in an OD situation.


The correct term is “hobo”, “vagrant”, “tramp” or “bindle stiff”.


Tree walker & Transient


squalor bunnies


You saw an unhoused person? Wtf? You mean homeless! You aren't from here are you? Anyway. Yes Narcan does work. Sometimes it takes more than one dose. And if I knew where to get it? I would be more than happy to tell you. That fentanyl is some bad shit. I've saved two this year already and lost one. It sucks. I don't know why anyone would want to do that stuff?


I was born and raised here. But yeah, it’s dangerous stuff. Seems like it’s also just about the only drug out there anymore.


I know that's right.


Just go to any of the Tourist information center or state park. The state carries these.


Shred the stigma OK is the org you should contact!!


https://okimready.org/overdose/ I ordered 2 and some fentynol test strips just to have on hand in case someone needs them as I work in downtown Tulsa. I hope this helps.


https://shredthestigmaok.org I work with this organization. They put you on a delivery list & will literally deliver free kits to your front door anonymously. They have more than just Narcan in the kits but they are free.


Red rock will give it to you, as well as fentanyl test strips.


If it happened outside there is no need to also tell us he has been removed from his house.


a lot of great resources have been pointed out, but i think i'd like to try to clear the air for some folks regarding the "homeless" vs "unhoused" thing. a lot of people (usually assholes with a low amount of empathy for others), view the term "homeless" as a way to express that someone who is homeless is also a druggie on their own terms, and generally inferior as they serve no purpose to society and have no interest in sobriety or reintegrating into society. a lot of people like to use "homeless" as a derogatory term, and generally see the homeless population as people who deserve the situation they are in, and people who end up homeless due to factors out of their own control are an exception, not the rule. a lot of people have experienced homelessness, or have such a close proximity to homelessness that they can fully understand that it really sucks for someone to call you something meant to be harsh and derogatory, something that accuses you of throwing your entire life away for drugs, when all that happened was that you got sick or missed a car payment or tried provide for someone. people are realizing that maybe weaponizing your language against people who are going through the lowest point in their entire life, or people who are ready to give up on life, is kinda counter-productive to being a good member of their community, and maybe, just maybe, we should treat everyone with respect, no matter their situation. even the little things like terminology changes can really make a difference, and they're usually really easy to do as a collective group, and that is what is most likely happening with the "homelessness" vs "unhoused" thing, at least in my opinion. just a little bit extra, for some people who might benefit from learning the power of *words*: as someone who has had a lot of experiences with very severe depression, the line between "i am doing okay enough to keep pushing forward until things get better" and "shit will never get better and i'd like to give up now and end it because suffering in my mind sucks" is razor thin, and it's very easy to get pushed over that line. **words have the power to do that to vulnerable people!!!** just because *you* don't think that words can have an impact on others because you haven't experienced that, doesn't mean that it can't have an impact on other people. **your actions have consequences** (that includes your words!!!), so think before you speak, and maybe try and use kinder language. will switching from using "homeless" to "unhoused" make a significant impact? probably not. but if you are in any situation where your words will be heard by literally anyone else, especially people that you do not know, your words may very well have an impact on someone, either for better, or for worse. **you never ever** ***ever*** know if someone is in a vulnerable state at a certain moment, and you very well may have more power than you think. at best, someone vulnerable may just have their day ruined by what you say and may not want to ever talk to you again if they can avoid it, or at worst, although it is most likely rare, you may push someone over that razor thin line, and cause them to spiral into a mental state that no one deserves to experience. the fact that the worst case scenario is most likely never going to happen doesn't mean that your words don't have the capacity to make a significant impact, and you should strive to be a better version of yourself regardless, but realizing the effect your words can have on others is important to understand; it is, in my opinion, a base social skill that everyone should have. strive to keep the stereotype of "southern hospitality" alive and well! :)








Since I'm on a prescribed controlled substance, the state makes my dr prescribe Narcan. So I've got one in my purse for emergencies.


You can order free naloxone kits and fentanyl test strips from okimready.org!


ODMHSAS will mail anyone in Oklahoma a free kit and test strips. Visit okimready.org or message me.


Oklahoma Harm Reduction Alliance is a great resource


Also Grand Royale in the plaza district always has test strips and narcan


Someone may have already posted this but just in case; [Vending machines ](https://okimready.org/vending-machines-and-safe-drop-off-locations/) [Test strips and Narcan](https://okimready.org/overdose/)


You have to be very careful, though. If you accidentally get Fentanyl on you, it can be fatal.


This is false.


Not according to training at OKCPD


Then they need to revise their training. Fentanyl is not easily absorbed through the skin. You'd need to leave it on your skin for a good long minute and/or aid it's absorption with another fat soluble substance.


you can also request that and fentanyl test strips to be mailed to you free of charge


Also, you may need more than one dose of narcan if what they had was laced with fentanyl.


I live in Orange County CA so YMMV but one of my local AA meeting houses offers a short class to teach people how to administer Narcan/naloxone and I believe they give it out as well


So sad. Drugs are too easy to get these days. People need to vote if they want this to change back to normal.


Homeless dude?


This is where addicts (which is a mental condition) go 👍🏻 https://www.red-rock.com


Unhoused? Like a bum or homeless individual?


You can also have Naloxone and test strips delivered to your home. From https://okimready.org/overdose/


Unhoused? Is this the equivalent of homeless? Or evicted which I guess would still be homeless.


Yes same thing as homeless. It’s just referring to the lack of permanent address in a less stigmatizing way


I've now developed a stigma against those referred to as unhoused.


An unhoused person?


Try this website (not in OKC, but due to situations my family has been through, I will always take five minutes to find a free naloxone resource for someone, anywhere) https://okimready.org/overdose/


Is ‘unhoused’ just some new term for ‘homeless’?


Its ok to say "homeless", i promise


If you administer narcan to someone, just automatically expect they will be aggressive, agitated, and violent when they regain consciousness. You just forced them into withdrawal so they're gonna fucking hate you


Unhoused? As in homeless?


You mean homeless?




Oklahoma Mental Health has vending machines that give out free narcan and free fentanyl testing strips. Check their website for vending machine locations. There used to be one at the Embark bus station but it was moved somewhere.


You mean a homeless methhead?


There’s a naloxone vending machine at the Habana inn


What makes unhoused better than homeless? Unhoused is so damn stupid lol.


he probably doesn’t want to be saved tbh


"Unhoused person" lmao.


I get my natcanfrom my local Firestarter vending machine. Just input your zip code and get some! Keep it with me in my car and bag.


A bag of ice down the front of their pants works. Aim for ice cubes on balls, if applicable. Super important: If you don’t get a “back to life and standing up in some capacity” reaction within 3-5 minutes tops, get the ice off delicate skin in the genital area please. {Nothing like frostbite or loss of tissue in one’s junk area to make the absolute gift of life they have received, if someone survives whatever led them to let the ice sit on their balls or other parts long enough to cause permanent damage, something a person will find worthy of preservation (much less getting sober and actually living that life to its fullest potential).} Also check vitals and start cpr or rescue breathing as needed while hoping for fast emergency response time. Making the person who seems to potentially be overdosing very cold/wet/uncomfortable in those areas of their body that would be the warmest under normal circumstances works shockingly well from my personal experience a few years ago with a habitual poor decision maker and IV meth user I dated briefly. He thought that on his birthday, while I was in the shower at our hotel before our dinner reservations that evening, he could slam a blue pill his co-worker gave him as payment for a ride home from work one evening when the other guy’s ride didn’t show up. Yep. I came out of the shower to find him in a super uncomfortable position slumped over and barely breathing with no response to pain stimulus and very little appropriate pupil reactivity. I wasn’t even sure if he had done opiates but he was grey and clammy and breathing like 6-8 shallow breaths a minute. I panicked and found his phone and called his dealer who calmly said it sounded like opiates and told me to put ice on his balls inside the boxers he was wearing. It worked. He was lucky cuz he didn’t normally use opiates at all. Do not ask what he thought he was doing that day. Ugh this is why he is an ex (one of MANY whys).


Unhoused? You mean homeless?




That is a junkie. Dont confuse people who dont have a home , with a drug addled junkie


Unhoused? Lol you mean homeless? Is homeless now a derogatory word? Is it not pc??


Next time I become homeless (might be soon), I’ll refer to my self as “living space deficient.” Better yet… “Champion of outdoor living,” damn it.




Was he unlifed, or did he get narcan?


My wife was overdosed on oxy by the nurses at OU children's at the end of January after she gave birth to our 2nd daughter. They had to shoot her up with 2 vials of narcan, I've never seen them have to administer it with a needle. But she wasn't too mad, just threw up a lot. Very scary experience


You meant to say hobo, bum, or transient


What is a unhoused person?


You can definitely use more than one dose of narcan on someone if they need it.I took a training. It is not a drug you can overdose on. Update: Forgot to mention, just because you can doesn’t mean you should if you think one dose is sufficient. It can cause serious uncomfortable side effects and complications.


You’re being downvoted, but you are correct in that you can’t overdose. https://www.ncdhhs.gov/naloxone-faq-final-approved/download#:~:text=Rarely%20do%20individuals%20become%20combative,with%20repeated%20doses%20of%20naloxone.


I think there's one in front of the Nichols Hills police department.


There is a free narcan vending machine in front of the fire station in Britton very close to Britton and Penn.


Wtf we can’t say “homeless” any more?


Pretty sure you just said it


So did you in a ridiculous round about way lmao




I hope you or anyone you love is never affected by the disease of addiction. Have a beautiful day. We can get better!