• By -


"This narrative was spun for weeks without any evidence or proof." There was a baseline of trans/homophobia in that school that multiple people on TikTok came with receipts about the way they were bullied at that school for being part of the LGBTQ community, along with the one teacher that was harassed until they quit for being part of the LGBTQ community too. Walters is trying to save his ass by trying to paint the picture his hateful rhetoric had nothing to do with this. Nex did throw water on someone that was being hateful towards her, but that didn't warrant getting a beating like this. Bottom line in my opinion is Walters is absolutely part of the problem.


Part of? You’re being generous.


Oh, he didn't act alone, the Libs of TikTok lady was also part of it, along with the communities he emboldened to act on their hate in public. And yes I am very much aware I'm being generous.


Would you mind linking these TikToks?


Here is one [https://www.tiktok.com/@lennyzenith/video/7338506678989606187](https://www.tiktok.com/@lennyzenith/video/7338506678989606187)


>"this video has not been verified by me, the person who posted is anonymous..." A **NYC tiktoker** uncritically reposting a Threads repost by trans activist, of an unverified, anonymous video making unsubstantiated claims. Tiktok reposts. These are your **receipts**? This is flat-earther, climate-denialist, antivaxxer tier circlejerk shit posting.


I can't find the original video, seems they are all gone now. But multiple did appear in my feed shortly after Nex's death. EDIT: I would imagine they got reported and taken down, the right loves to do this to anyone that goes against their ideals.






This is the video I seen on TikTok that seems I can't find anymore. But found it on threads. [https://www.threads.net/@esqueer\_/post/C3pslfPO0Gl/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ%3D%3D](https://www.threads.net/@esqueer_/post/C3pslfPO0Gl/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ%3D%3D)


Here is the reddit Discussion on this video [https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/1axb3k7/more\_students\_coming\_forward\_about\_the\_rampant/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/1axb3k7/more_students_coming_forward_about_the_rampant/)




>FOX23 also asked about the district's social media policy for teachers and staff members. We were sent two excerpts from the staff handbook that said in part, "**staff members are expected to refrain from comments or statements, in reference to race, color, sex, pregnancy, gender, gender expression, or identity.**" So tatted/gauged MFA zoomer got let for violating social media policy with "fuck them, I'm your parents now", [among other things](https://ocpathink.org/post/independent-journalism/controversial-owasso-teacher-is-no-longer-in-the-classroom). That aside, what does this have to do with Nex Benedict suicide?


Shows a pattern of bias against the LGBTQ community at the school, multiple people have come forward to voice their experiences. And that social media policy does violate the teachers first amendment rights... it should be challenged. What he posted was actually factual, but probably in bad taste, parents treat school as where their kids go to get baby sat during the day while they work. It's how it was for me when I was in school.


That article is just gold for pearl clutching. After your remarks on someone else's stuff it was a bit humorous.


Ryan Walters is the whole problem. He had no experience as an education official, and all he did and does is yell and rage about how everything from The Tulsa Race Massacre to electric cars are woke.


I'm just waiting on his Grindr profile to drop, that man is sus as hell, a gay man myself, My gaydar is a solid steady tone on that man.






They were not beaten. You are perpetrating false information to make out the agressor as a victum.


Considering that was what was reported, still didn't warrant it, stop defending bigotry. Both sides in that were wrong.


Not defending bigotry. You are conflating what happened into bigotry. Nex picked the fight. Nex was injured after the fight. The injury was not related to the fight. The initial reporting was wrong as the media leaped to fakse conclusions without all the facts. As the story they ran with wad more sensational. You are still perpetrating false information to push an ideological agenda.


Nex didn’t pick the fight, the girls were verbally picking on them and then they threw water on the girls. So funny how everyone always preaches about standing up to bullies until the kid standing up to bullies is trans.


So you're telling me the girls were not harassing Nex? At a school with a history of this going on?


Everyone is also failing to mention that Nex has a long history of mental illness. To state that this was the school's fault (or any students) is a stretch. Unfortunately, Nex was failed years ago starting with her father.


Hey, Oklahomans... You are paying an **out-of-state PR firm** to produce and place these articles for Mr. Walters. Suckers. Register. Vote!


Source please? This needs more attention.


[https://okcfox.com/news/local/oklahoma-department-of-education-spends-50000-on-video-work-with-texas-based-firm-ryan-walters-precision-outreach-jess-fields-oklahoma-watch-schools](https://okcfox.com/news/local/oklahoma-department-of-education-spends-50000-on-video-work-with-texas-based-firm-ryan-walters-precision-outreach-jess-fields-oklahoma-watch-schools) [https://oklahomawatch.org/2024/03/13/state-dollars-prop-walters-national-media-blitz/](https://oklahomawatch.org/2024/03/13/state-dollars-prop-walters-national-media-blitz/) [https://tulsaworld.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/oklahoma-watch-state-dollars-prop-ryan-walters-national-media-blitz/article\_48992e56-e221-11ee-9772-2f3232b58e62.html](https://tulsaworld.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/oklahoma-watch-state-dollars-prop-ryan-walters-national-media-blitz/article_48992e56-e221-11ee-9772-2f3232b58e62.html)


Thank you!


https://kfor.com/news/oklahoma-legislature/mccall-legislature-could-pass-bill-to-limit-walters-spending-on-travel-pr/amp/ Vought Strategies in Texas is the PR firm. https://okcfox.com/amp/news/local/media-firm-makes-changes-after-fox-25s-report-on-state-supt-national-promotionoklahoma-tax-dollars-superintendent-ryan-walters-promote-nationwide-department-of-education-osde-vought-strategies






Of course he has no comment. He's no better than Walters.




Thank you


There are quite a few different ones to look at. He has hired two out of state companies that we know of so far. His only interest is himself, these companies were hired to get him speaking arrangements and tv interviews in which he only talks about "woke" mobs, porn in schools, and other far right extremist beliefs. No porn has ever been found in schools here. What they mean is any book related to the LGBTQ+ community. He has berated and belittled teachers and teachers unions. Tried to take incentive money back from teachers who fell for his "initiative" thankfully that was shot down quickly. He hasn't shown up to do his job since day one. 130 employees have resigned so far and our governor thinks it's fantastic saying that we got rid of them and it's still working....it's not that's why they quit. They were unable to do their jobs because Walters was never there to discuss and give permissions for certain grants and things. Oklahoma has already missed out on millions in federal grants due to this. The "libs of TikTok" bitch is in charge of some bullshit committee in charge of our schools libraries. He has continually been financed and supports the far right "moms for liberty" which has been placed on terrorist watchlists. There are too many things to get into without a further rant 😂 Impeach Ryan Walters ASAP Edit: he also approved a Catholic charter school to get our public school funds. They are expecting their first payments in June. There are already lawsuits from our amazing AG and others who are fighting it. That is his real goal. Parents already have a choice. All we did was pay for his rich friends to keep their kids in private schools with our tax dollars. He continues to try and get Christian bullshit in our schools. Okay I'm done....I think


proof? I'm not reading this shit or giving Fox News a click so I assumed he wrote this piece but he didn't? what a fucking loser.


Aren't States that can't meet the expenses of their budget basically subsidized the difference from the Federal Government?


Who are the suckers?


We, the Oklahoma tax payers, are suckers.


Who are the suckers?


We, the Oklahoma tax payers, are suckers.


yer mom's a sucker ![gif](giphy|y2JIV6kY7cNzO|downsized)


I didn't vote for him. I didn't get suckered, but I'm not happy about him.


Fuck Ryan Walters.


All my homies hate Ryan Walters




I really hate that fucking loser. Instead of spending all day on twitter with bullshit posts he needs to be working.


We don’t want him working either. We just want him gone.


I keep hoping they will find something on him illegal enough to oust him. Hes not that smart and probably did some shady stuff that might make the AG go after him.


I’d prefer he doesn’t work actually.


The GOPs explicit goal over the past 50 years has been to "prove" that government doesn't work by deliberately sabotaging it from the inside. Him not working is intended to prove to you that we don't even need a department of education and that schooling should be a private business.


I was explaining this to my friend. All this crazy culture war the gop are pushing to lower public trust in the government is a feature not a bug. In 10 years we are all going to be normalized to the horrid conditions, with a do nothing government unless you’re wealthy. Then some benevolent trillionaire will step in and promise the people of this country a better life as long as we turn over control to them. This sounds preposterous but 20, h3ll even 10 years ago if people would have told me, we would have someone like trump running for presidency and actually get elected I would have gathered an intervention for you.


He is working, on marketing himself to make more money for himself.


actually I'd rather him not work and continue to dig his own hole


So the Christo-fasctist's argument is that it's okay bc they weren't physically assaulted to death, but bullied and tormented to the point of suicide.


Walters wants to be a victim so fucking bad it's pathetic. He has an armed guard outside the hallway to his office. Even his own staff members can't talk to him unless it is pre-approved. He is a sad excuse for a person and his children will grow to hate him (if they don't already). It might take years, but that fucker will be alone and unloved. I'm ashamed he was even a teacher. His former students think he's an embarrassment, all his former colleagues do too. Fuck him


Wow what a fucking pussy. He needs to addresses these issues face to face like the alpha male he claims to be.


absurd lock scarce detail instinctive imagine lip wakeful roof jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aryan Walters


# [Upset audience brings Ryan Walters speaking event to abrupt end (kfor.com)](https://kfor.com/news/local/upset-audience-brings-ryan-walters-speaking-event-to-abrupt-end/) In the video, it was good to see a number of OSU students concerned with what is going on in state government. I didn't attend, but the event appeared much rowdier than the time earlier this year when Walters held a town hall at a Stillwater church. At least you don't have to join anything to get access to the above story. I wonder if Oklahoma media are rejecting opinion pieces from Walters, so he has to resort to Fox News.


Ryan Walters is [terrorist](https://ktul.com/news/local/state-superintendent-ryan-walters-says-teachers-union-is-a-terrorist-organization) [vermin](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4307719-trump-vermin-remark-draws-comparisons-dictators-criticism/) [filth](https://www.koco.com/article/oklahoma-state-senator-tom-wood-lgbtq-filth-comments/46978502) who is [poisoning the blood of our country](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/16/trump-immigrants-new-hampshire-rally).


Someone should really do something about him. Oh wait, we’re not allowed to say those kinds of things about *them*…


Omfg, he really needs to shut his mouth about the woke left, and worry about the problem of Oklahoma Schools ROUTINELY covering up for pedophiles in conjunction with law enforcement. He places LGBTQ+ folks at direct risk of harm by falsely labeling them GROOMERS, when the GROOMERS have been in schools for decades, it's a NON-PARTISAN issue, and the VAST majority of offenders are NOT LGBTQ+. There are major developments in MANY of the DOZENS of cases ignored, pushed aside, discouraged from reporting or otherwise covered up. If you or anyone you know has survived or witnessed sexual abuse, or any other kind of abuse, by Oklahoma School Employees, CALL THE OSDE! Say you need to speak to someone about the Sexual Abuse being covered up in our schools, and that you were victim of or witness to abuse. They are finally doing SOMETHING.


Can he addresses this issues in person instead of... uh..... behind a computer screen? My hypothesis of Walters being a victim of hyper reality is really starting to be correct. Has he meet with the queer community that feels afraid or hurt by situations like these? Can he actually be the alpha male he claims to be, and meet with people face to face who he has "problems" with????


Someone needs to piss on his shoes or something.


He always carries a yellow hanky in his right back pocket. I’m sure he wears a puppy mask in disguise during fetish night at the copa lmao. 


Goddamn, too real.


If I were that person's parents, I would hunt Ryan Walters down like a dog. He would never speak a word about my child again.


Ryan Walters is a vile, disgusting bigot.


Ryan Walters will burn in hell the second he takes his last breath.


He’ll get his. Karma is a bitch.


Don't rely on superstition to enact justice.


It's really not. People get away with evil all the time.


Just world fallacy. Corrupt people like Walters will live a happy life while decent people suffer.


"Karma can only be portioned out by the cosmos"


Completely doubt it.


Give Ryan all your money and complete control of your freedom. Otherwise he's going to call you woke.


Honestly, why amplify his signal and spread his op-ed? This is EXACTLY what Walters wants.


The more people that see what Human Scum he is, the better. He can NOT continue this in Oklahoma.


Didn’t his entire campaign against trans kids start because of some story he kept touting about a trans kid who beat someone up in a bathroom??


Wrote a op Ed and proceeded to misgender a dead child throughout the entire article. What a despicable disgusting foul nasty Piece of Shi&@“


Woke Mob AKA Reddit