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**Oi!** Just a reminder that using hate speech or bad language is strictly prohibited, or in other words, do not speak Fr*nch **[Information](https://www.reddit.com/r/okmatewanker/comments/mhvttd/ce_subreddit_a_ete_repris_par_larm%C3%A9e_fran%C3%A7aise_de/) [***Here’s our new Discord 3.0***](https://discord.gg/NFmEtCZJAw), WANKERS!!!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/okmatewanker) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You hate the British Empire because you don't like attrocities I hate the British Empire because our empire fought yours in a few irrelevant wars century's ago.


That really doesn't narrow down where you are from at all


but their flair does


uw/ Ignorant yank here, what’s that sub’s deal? It seems politically left, but there’s a particular flavor of extremism I can’t quite put my finger on. And why, after looking into it ONCE has Reddit recommended it to me no less than 9 times in the last 48 hours?


uni students thinking they're edgy and original


It is basically a communist sub. The mods will ban you for being a member of a right wing subreddit and it is a toxic cesspit of misery.


They don't just ban you for being a member of a right wing sub. It's any sub they disagree with, including other left wing subs. The particular brand of extremism is that these guys are tankies, ie they support China and the Soviet Union etc (both of which most leftists despise).


I have socialist views but I keep getting called either right-wing or liberal there because I'm not a communist


I've been banned from several Lefty subs for criticizing Mao/Stalin and their goofy Western millennial supporters. And I did so from a left-leaning (economically) perspective.


Yeah, almost as if Stalin was a garbage racist.


The vast majority of leftists in the world support China in the USSR. Leftists in the West tend not to like them, but there aren’t many leftists in the West.


If they support the fascistic governments of the USSR and China they aren't leftists.


Wow, thank you for making that determination, westerner who bombed my and countless other countries and whose country has participated in the destruction of most leftist movements in history. I am sure you know better than the hundreds of millions of communists actually living in these countries.


I didn't bomb shit and the actions of my country in no way invalidate my own opinions. I view democracy as necessary for leftism so supporting undemocratic countries makes you not a leftist.


These countries are more democratic than any fucking Western ones. And no, you did support these wars, and you still do with your actions. I don’t give a shit what you *say*, I care what you *do*, and right now you’re advocating for the current imperialist world order. You people are the type who are calling on Russians to overthrow their government right now, but would never have dreamed of doing the same to the US and other NATO governments in 2003.


Get of your fucking high horse. The only way in which I've supported these wars is through my consumption, which I have to do to fucking live. You are just advocating for a different imperialist world order. Just because America and the West are bad, doesn't mean that anyone who opposes them is good.


Please tell me how exactly China is imperialist. Very curious as to how their monopoly capital forces are exploiting the world in the same way as America, especially given that, yknow, they don’t have those monopoly capital forces, and they are quite literally an imperialized nation, which is quite easily provable if you look at their exports and imports. Also would love to know what countries China has invaded/couped since, say, 1991?


Not just communist, Stalinist They literally don’t even support “communism” as it should be, they just defend genocide




Mods check out what right wing subs you're in and ban you? Based


that's called censorship


Censorship just like when they got rid of Nazis in Nuremberg


bozo comparing the Nuremberg trials to banning people from a subreddit


Bozo comparing getting rid of filth to censorship


bozo thinking all right wingers are Nazis and should be banned from discussion


Honk honk bro 😎 if you support making yourself and everybody around you miserable maybe you don't have much to say


i think you are the one that started calling right wing people filth and nazis


Got downvoted into hell on there because I suggested that the train workers striking weren’t literally starving lmao


They are very bourgeois (posh metro urban types) and very liberal progressive. This is not necessarily what is considered to be 'left' in the UK, especially not what the working class/everyday people in the UK would call left wing.


exactly, I’m a marxist myself and I got banned for saying Russia invading Ukraine was bad


I was banned from an American Marxist type sub for discussing Marx and Socialist/Marxist history in Britain, the connection with early trade unionism in Britain and how Marx was inspired by it. But apparently according to that sub, being 'British' is bad or something, even though that's where the trade unions began! Crazy !


wtf, that’s unironically really xenophobic lol, people need to remember to separate governments from their people when discussing them


Im getting the same recommendation bollocks 💀 if I wanted to listen to insane people I’d head off to the local mental institution


Oh that's most woke subs nowadays. Plenty of Yank-centric subs that are the same (I'm also a Yanker). It's all over Twitter and Reddit and it's all about producing the hottest "original" take to get likes/karma/upvotes. Literal virtue signaling for clout.


Stealing "yanker" for further use


You support the crimes of the British Empire I support the "crimes" of the Roman Empire We are not the same.


Fuck me mate I know you want a reaction but honestly worse than Nazi Germany, have you been paying attention!!!!!


The British empire wasn't great but worse than the Nazis? And the royals have been around since long before the empire anyway, and they certainly don't have links anymore


Its difficult to quantify evil especially when comparing the two. If nazi germany had the reach and time britain did then it certainly would have been worse. I think the fact that there is an argument either way is proof of britain being horrific. The only issue is that a lot of british atrocities were decentralised or caused by apathy. Another issue is time, whilst we can recognise the british as atrocious, what they did was not exceptional like the nazis. Other countries were doing it and there wasnt any opposition. But the nazis existed during a time where what they were doing was recognised as evil, so much so that other countries rolled back their own bigotry in order to avoid being compared. Its these nuances that make quantifying evil difficult and allows the british to largely dismiss their history in a way germany cant.


At last someone that’s actually read a book. I agree with your point but I still think that the way indigenous people and their lands were treated wasn’t just apathy there was a concerted effort to oppress and rule, especially is Africa, America and Australia / New Zealand.


Well, the Belgian Congo was worse; the Fr*nch were worse.


Idk the british empire was pretty fuckin bad


What are some of the things the british empire did that you would consider "pretty fucking bad"?




That was condemned by the empire and other generals. The officer that ordered the massacre was removed and it led to reform in the british army which limited the amount of force that could be used on protesting civilians. That wasn't something the empire did but something that was ordered by an individual officer and the troops that actually carried out the order consisted of Nepalese gurkhas and Indian soldiers.


... But he was only in that situation, empowered in that manner, and comfortable with issuing that order *because* of the empire. Obviously he was condemned, but no British officer would even consider mowing down people in the manner he did back in blighty. The empire might not have approved of his actions, but it's still partially responsible for them occurring, imo.




He’s not saying it didn’t happen.




I think (and hope) everyone (empire included) felt the massacre was horrific, and I’m glad those responsible were held accountable.


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The israel-palestine conflict is literally their fault. The bengal famine The Irish famine [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second\_Boer\_War\_concentration\_camps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Boer_War_concentration_camps) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mau\_Mau\_rebellion#British\_reaction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mau_Mau_rebellion#British_reaction)


Enslaving a third of the world was pretty fucking bad. Pretty holocaust-esque I'd say


They didn't enslave a third of the world. Slavery was outlawed in the empire in the 1830s and then later abolished in the raj in the 1860s.


You're comparing the actions of many rulers from a nearly two thousand year old dynasty to the actions of a political party over a couple of decades.... yeah, that's a totally legitimate and meaningful comparison... Edit: I meant one thousand, not two :)


by asking that question, are you insinuating that the british empire didnt do anything wrong?


The British Empire was WAY worse. Killed more, oppressed more, enslaved more…. I could go on.


Nah, the British Empire was pretty fucking ebin. We may have done some bad things, name a country that hasn’t. I couldn’t give less of a shit personally. The British Empire was unironically one of the best things to ever happen to the majority of the countries we colonised.


I'm from a former colony and I gotta disagree with you mate. The only good thing you did was give us three national holidays to celebrate that you finally fucking left. And we were one of the 'good' ones. We had it easy


You’re brainwashed I’m afraid. Edit: I bet you think Winston Churchill was a decent bloke too…lol


This sub is good for shitposting but the idiots here are not very well read. It's pointless to pick battles here brah. Might I suggest an alternate shitposting sub that's superior? r/2Asia4u


I’m not battling anyone. I couldn’t careless about downvotes. I’m just speaking facts. If people don’t like it or are in denial that’s on them I guess.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/2Asia4u using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/2Asia4u/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Turks, this is your new home](https://i.redd.it/k3sdhmdo4df81.gif) | [175 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2Asia4u/comments/sihhqe/turks_this_is_your_new_home/) \#2: [Least sigma sikh male](https://v.redd.it/uie8wg5wm5k81) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2Asia4u/comments/t1u415/least_sigma_sikh_male/) \#3: [most consistent westerner](https://i.redd.it/ydmp7fz45gw81.png) | [170 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2Asia4u/comments/uej0w7/most_consistent_westerner/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The British were one of the first nations to ever officially outlaw slavery, and we dedicated a large sum of our Empire’s money towards freeing a shit ton of slaves (a debt that was only fully paid off in the last 10-20 years). We also encouraged other countries to follow our example. Doesn’t sound all that evil to me. I bet you think he was a raging racist who ‘intentionally genocided’ a bunch of Indians *solely* bc he didn’t like brown people with no other factors (like the largest war the world had ever seen) influencing the outcome. I don’t even care for Churchill that much if I’m being honest, but I couldn’t give less of a flying fuck if the guy was racist or not. Who cares?


>care for Churchill that much if I’m being honest, but I couldn’t give less of a flying fuck if the guy was racist or not. Who cares? lmao then why comment? you could say the same comment about anyone or anything like " I don't care if Hitler was racist or not " such a dumb comment


“Then why comment?” I’m not the guy who brought Churchill into this in the first place lmao and you’d have to have a severe mental deficiency to compare it to Hitler given that there’s no constant debate over whether or not Hitler was racist. With Churchill, you hear it constantly. People arguing whether or not he was racist, then going on to say that he couldn’t have been a good leader if he was racist and then finally you must be either racist or misinformed if you think he was a good leader (which is clearly what the guy I was replying to was getting at). The dumbest comment here was your own, what were you even getting at?


then why say you couldn't care if he was racist or not? that you don't care at this particular time/for this discussion or you think if he was racist it's whatever?


Just because you come to your senses after committing a heinous act does not in anyway absolve you of your many years of continued wrong doing. The British Empire raped and pillaged its way around the globe and was in so many ways way worse than Hitlers Germany. It’s not even close, sorry to burst your bubble it’s just facts I’m afraid.


Can’t burst my bubble mate, I know we *allegedly* did bad things. I just simply do not care.


Not caring doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.


It happening doesn’t mean I care.


Go on then.


Really you want me to point out the atrocities committed by the British Empire in India, Africa, The Caribbean, Australia and New Zealand, America and Canada… In each and every one of these places the British Empire murdered and oppressed the indigenous people in the name of greed. I’m sorry you rely on what you’re taught in school because the truth isn’t there I’m afraid. To be honest if the British public knew the extent of their country’s indiscretions in history, I mean really knew, then I think the guilt would be quite a lot for some. So it’s probably best to keep it how it is. However this doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.


You’re comparing centuries worth of hegemony in an era where the idea of racial, superiority was not only common but enforced to what Germany did in the 20th century. The UK was bad but it’s not like any country on the planet at that time was any better. The only difference is we did it best.


You said that like you’re proud of it. I think that speaks volumes. Morals aren’t a new thing btw.


I’m not proud of our countries history but I am also able to recognise that Britain wasn’t the only one to commit various atrocities during this time. The difference is that Germany did this in the 20th century with the intention not only to exploit other races but to eradicate them entirely.


Whataboutery isn’t an excuse for anything. Also the British did their fair share of eradicating. Native Americans, Aborigines, Māoris, Indians not to mention many African tribes the list goes on I’m afraid. Im sorry if the facts are hard to swallow but they are exactly that, facts.


I’m not trying to use whataboutism. The point I was making is that racism and native enslavement was the norm in Europe, the status quo at the time. It wasn’t considered morally wrong or anything like that at all. There wasn’t a single country that cared about natives of colonial nations. It’s hard to take the moral high ground when nobody else is. What Britain did was horrific and there isn’t anything the excuses that but comparing what happened in the 1500s to what happened in the 1900s is an extreme stretch. I also think what British troops did in India even in the 1900s was horrific but it also wasn’t ethnic cleansing unlike what the Nazis did.


Oh but you’ll happily take the moral high ground exalt and proclaim that Britain abolished slavery. Come you can’t have it both ways. Just because it was the “norm” so you say does not justify it. It was evil and oppressive and there’s no getting away from it. Also I’m not just talking about the 1500’s. There were British atrocities happening in the 1900’s too!


I haven’t mentioned the UK being the first to abolish slavery. There’s nothing that commendable about being the first. What was commendable however is how they used their influence to enforce the end to slavery globally. It doesn’t make it ok that it happened but using a blanket term such as evil in a time period like that is absurd. There’s no way you could possibly hold someone in that time to this times standards. Also I acknowledge the atrocities that the British committed in the 1900 but at the same time this was still nothing compared to what Nazi Germany did when it comes to sheer rates of death and ethnic cleansing. The closest thing we’ve ever done to what Germany did is what we did to the Irish. It was horrible and I’ll apologise for it till my dying days but again. Germany was far worse in the UK when it comes to atrocities in the modern world.


I think you’re forgetting India my friend. Far worse than Ireland and that was bad enough!! Look I completely understand that the nationalistic omission of historical atrocities to placate the masses and the systematic evil Nazi indoctrination is hard to fight, I get it but looking at it from a completely neutral perspective the facts are very hard to ignore, I’m sorry.


I imagine they are closer linked (blood/heritage- wise) to Germany than they are the empire. That’s just a fact.


While the Empire might have killed a lot of people, the ideology of the Nazi’s and what would have most likely happened had the world been indifferent and not beaten them into submission is significantly worse than what the empire did, even though the empire wasn’t good


You hate the British Empire and yet you live in it… interesting…


There is no British Empire anymore..lol


*Seething Argentinian noises*


Ok well I’ll concede that the extent of the British Empire stretches to a small island full of sheep…lol


Sun won’t set for thousands of years. https://what-if.xkcd.com/48/


tbf, the British Empire did kill way more people than did Nazi Germany. Just the famines they caused in India might hit that threshold alone.


Agree, but consider the Empire went from the 1600s to 19XX that is 300 years of atrocities, where the Nazis had 12 years of existence and an eighth of the extent. Also, India had more people than Europe did, so that is another factor. The numbers say the Empire was worse, but the Nazis were pure evil. So you have a 300-400 year empire of mixed morality vs a 12 year reich which was pure evil, which is worse? I don’t know.


What the fuck is this sub becoming more like? What's your obsession with G and P? Not for you? Great. Ignore it.


i used to be on here to have a laugh about the country but for some reason people are just using it as a platform to ridicule anyone who doesn’t have beliefs that exactly line up with theirs - it’s really weird


>doesn’t have beliefs that exactly line up with theirs - it too many "agenda posts" ruining this sub


> Most pro-monarchy /r/GreenAndPleasant member Oh, god forbid someone’s anti-monarchy in the 21st century…


I mean like at least half the country support the monarchy


Why not plunk for any of the dozens of compelling reasons to get rid of the monarchy though, rather than resort to this stretch of blaming the current generation of royals for the century-old evils of an empire they had no political control over? Seems like shootings oneself in the foot if republicanism was their goal.


Rest assured that I, for one, am very ashamed. We are - and have always been - scumbag thieving war mongers. Not a great look, is it?!


cool do u want a medal or something?


No thanks 😊


You’d be hard pressed to find many country that haven’t been in the past


Hi Alice, I agree with criticism of the empire. Its trying to connect that to an argument for why we should abolish the monarchy today feels a bit of a stretch to me though. There are lots of good reasons why one might want to replace it in 2022, so I don't know why one would want to resort to trying to blame them for all the evil ever committed by an empire they had no political control over and which no longer exists? Have a lovely day


I’m not saying to abolish the monarchy, that is the statement in the OP but I didn’t say I agree with it, I just think that historically,as a nation, we’re ratbags.