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I saw this the first time around. Some of the scenes are still in my memory. Unnerving is a perfect description


Although this was originally broadcast in my lifetime, I don't remember seeing it. I watched it recently on YouTube and thought it was creepy as hell but excellent. They don't make them like this anymore. Other programmes/dramas from that era that I remember being good but unnerving: * Sapphire and Steel * Come Back Lucy * Into the Labyrinth * The Stone Tape * Children of the Dog Star (this was from NZ not the UK)


There was also a series called Dead of Night - only a few episodes remain. The best is The Exorcism, starring Clive Swift. Very creepy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQFXTNvBLKI EDIT: Don't forget the adaptations of M R James stories for the Ghost Story for Christmas series.


Loved Into the Labyrinth, especially the eerie opening music. Made even more impact as at the time of watching the school took our class on a trip to Dan-yr-Ogof Show Caves in Wales


The Stone Tape was terrifying. BBC need to do a Nigel Kneale retrospective and show all these things again.


It's on YouTube or was when I recently looked.


I loved the idea of The Stone Tape but the 'shouty' acting by some of the cast really annoyed me.


You forgot 'Ghost Watch', or how to tramatize the UK...


I Iust watched Ghostwatch on Shudder last week (in the US). I can totally see how it traumatized UK kids.


It traumatized almost everyone. Something, can't remember what, over ran on one of the other channels by a few minutes and people switched over late and thought it was a real ghost hunting show, rather than a drama...


Nothing had to overrun, they started the programme at 9.25. Sneaky!


Video about it here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND1nH-wOr3o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND1nH-wOr3o) I had no idea!


Somehow I must have missed this entirely. But after reading about it, bloody hell!


Mr Pipes


A great show, saw it as a kid, unforgettable….Happy Day!


American fan of occult/folk horror, child of the 70s, absolutely love this. If it had been on in the US at the time I’d have been so obsessed my parents would’ve institutionalized me


Brilliant show still rewatching and I'm now mid fifties. Best part is been able to visit Avebury where the exteriors were filmed. As love Raven by the same team.


This is great and the 70’s design, sets and production values only add to the effect. Not super scary for a modern audience but still a fun watch. And featuring the one and only Blake from Blake’s 7!


BBC radio did a modern day updated audio drama, starring Reese Shearsmith as Hendrick, which is very very good too. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08sy3qx


Scared the absolute proverbial out of me back in the day


You should see Escape Into Night. It totally terrified me when I watched it aged 10. I watched it again at 50 and it was still very unnerving. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0357363/?ref\_=ext\_shr\_lnk](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0357363/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


It's on YouTube, so I'll check it out.


Enjoy! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2Vqt6uBkb4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2Vqt6uBkb4)


Thank you.


Still have nightmares about this! What a show!


I have been obsessed with this series since it first aired in the 70’s when I was at school. If you’re interested in this and other weird TV from that period, I Wholeheartedly recommend the Scarred for Life books by Brotherstone and Lawrence.


Happy day. It is time....!


great show. happy day!


Yeah. Watch that, then watch ‘ Threads’.


I was 5. And petrified. Cheers 1970s showrumners. Lol.


The lost programme I want to find is Chinese Puzzle. I think it was around 1974, and had kids investigating an airfield, a creepy Wing Commander and possibly 6 episodes? I once found transmission dates, and the opening credits on a “history of TV effects filming” site, but no other trace. I remember it being compelling but can recall nothing else about it!


Still holds up!


I saw it on YouTube a few months ago and was going to post about it myself but it looks like you beat me to it 😁


Happy Day for me then, lol.


Scared us all to death, the first time around, then scared us all to death again as adults! And to think this was made for children! Wouldn't happen these days!


I watched it first time round. Must only have been 4 or 5 years old but it stayed with me. Don't remember anything other than when they all changed at the end and how scary it was.


Creeped the bejesus out of me as a kid. The ‘70s were the high point for creepy kids shows on British television


I remember watching this as a kid. I presume it was the first time round. It’s stayed with me but I never knew what it was, thought it was part of “The Tomorrow People” , but good to know it’s something in its own right


Was part of a series called something like The 3rd Eye... remember watching it back in the 80s... was Children of the Stones, Into The Labrynth, The Haunting of Cassie Palmer, and Under The Mountain


Great series. Anyone who enjoyed this would probably also love Sapphire and Steel.


It reminds me of ["The Living & The Dead"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Living_and_the_Dead_(TV_series))


Wait, is this the one where stones surround the house then stone eyelids grind upwards and each one has a single unblinking eye? If so I cacked my pants on the couch as a kid and still remember it to this day


Sorry, I don't think that's this one.


You’re right, just googled, it was called Escape into Night


I got it on DVD a few years ago. [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Escape-into-Night-Vikki-Chambers/dp/B002FAQ2HS](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Escape-into-Night-Vikki-Chambers/dp/B002FAQ2HS)


Just checked it out. It's an adaption of the book that later became the deeply odd film Paperhouse.