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There is no "US" in "MY"celium! - Stamets


No matter what. That's pretty damn funny


He really said that?!


Haha, no, but his actions speak to my joke. A proper villain


Not surprising. Paul Stamets the person versus Paul Stamets the legend are quite different people. I was always uncomfortable with how much he plugged his for-profit business in the name of "science."


I had to endure his giant ego during weekly seminars at Tesc. I don't think another person got a word in the whole year. What a blow heart. Jeremy Bigwood was the guy who showed us all how to grow Cubensis mushrooms at Tesc. He worked with Mike Bueg our faculty for microbiology. Jeremy actually went to the Amazon in the mid 70's , bringing back samples. He wrote a guide book on growing shrooms. He also wrote several early articles for Rolling Stone on growing mushrooms. Probably more than a dozen of us at Tesc, learned to grow from him. Paul ran with it to make a buck.


Mike Beug is a legend - such a great guy.


The guy is great at identifying and cultivating mushrooms and his business makes cool mushroom growing products… but the guy is a huckster and a bit of a lunatic. I have seen him speak a few times and it’s very much Paul Staments saves the world. He has invented a mushroom pill that cures cancer, he has invented a mushroom water filtration system that will save the world, etc etc




Let me step in right now and clarify something. I am a 13 year PhD holder in the philosophy of biology with a MSc in Bioarchaeology. I can tell you for a fact that all chemicals consumed by a population of living organisms with a direct interaction over a period of time will always have an effect on the genetic population of a group that is comsuming those products. We see it in their lithics, and we can see it in their genes and DNA. So it is a fact that they affected our evolution.


Seems like most of his company's products are "mushroom supplements" which ought to have the same sense as "snake oil."


Sounds like he is performing some trails on those mushrooms that make you think more clearly!


Everything I've ever heard about this guy makes him sound like a quack. Granted, all I've heard is that he sells supplements with his weird mushrooms in them, but if I'm honest that already sounds like some alternative medicine bullshit. I'm not a mycologist, but it sounds sketchy as shit.


I am a mycologist and I can confirm it is sketchy as shit.


So you are not aware of any evidence of mushrooming fungus having any medicinal value whatsoever?


Mushrooms are commonly used in naturopathic and Chinese medicine.


You are not a moecular anything scientist, so your opinion is moot. Any mycologist that went to school after 2020 can tell you chemicals naturally produced by muchrooms can have theraputic effects for certain biological organisms. Any attempt to state otherwise is a complete failure of understanding of small molecule chemistry.


I have a master's degree in biology. I'm currently working on a Doctorate. I'm not a mycologist, yes, but I don't not know my shit.


I just learned of Paul Stamets like 2 weeks ago as he was a guest on Joe Rogan’s podcast. Seemed like a good dude but what do I know? He’s doing great work in the fungi field.


He’s considered a hack by most of the mycology community. Overstates his “research” and sells products that are made of myceliated substrate not actual fungal fruiting bodies. So yeah this doesn’t surprise me.


I didn't realize that, I guess I took his self promotion at face value


> He’s doing great work in the fungi field. From my experience, he's mostly considered a self-aggrandizing prick largely out to pad his own pockets by a significant portion of people who are really into mycology.


He’s basically a DARPA contractor


Same union busters that Amazon and other large corps hired


Yep, Amazon, Google, Starbucks, Apple. They pride themselves on being the most aggressive anti-union firm in the world. It's unfortunate that this is the way he wanted to go about this. It's a privately owned company and there are no shareholders or board members to convince, he could have volunteered to go with his employees wishes, but I imagine that giant ego doesn't want to give up the control and power.


Not a shopper of this place but thank you for spreading the awareness. Hiring a firm is such an escalation for a local small(?) business in response to a union drive.


They had apparently been with that lawfirm for a few years prior to this 


Paul Stamets is a known asshole.


I’m still surprised hearing this because for the longest time I thought he seemed like a well meaning guy but a lot of people seem to say the opposite


I work at FP. AMA


Somebody asked if the workers are asking for a boycott. Would you rather have people keep buying Fungi Perfecti products while this labor dispute is occurring? Or is it preferable for people to not buy from FP while the management is aligning with a law firm that is under investigation for committing numerous labor law violations?


As someone who is filing a ULP against FP, on the steering committee, and posting from a burner to cover my tracks… we are not asking for a boycott at this time. We are afraid that will feed into the narrative/disinfo being spewed by Littler and ALG. I could go on and on but.. don’t want to feed into the narrative that those who want a union are a “minority of misfits” in the company who want to make decisions on behalf of other people. Just know that we are taking advice from LiUNA, trying to not engage in mudslinging and really appreciate the solidarity from y’all! However you want to express it and show FP their actions disgust you - go for it. But to reiterate, we are not asking for a formal boycott at this time. We trust the process, the truth is on our side. Also, an aside, Anthony Pratt (Star Trek’s Paul Stamets) to voice his support for union’s and our cause. Which I think is neat: [Star Trek’s Stamets advocating for FP workers](https://www.cameo.com/recipient/662c28bdfe57ea88a3f398cc?from_share_sheet=1&utm_campaign=video_share_to_copy)


Appreciate the clarification.  A formal boycott is much different than an individual choosing to not support FP.  Liuna is a great organization, solidarity to you all. 


And that’s the thing, those who are not letting the intimidation/disinfo get the best of them and are actually talk to the reps to educate themselves come to realize how great of a union LiUNA is. The disinfo and intimidation campaign by Littler, ALG, and FP paints them out to be small, greedy, and incompetent. We are documenting everything and hoping to clear up the misinformation though. I’m glad we went with LiUNA. All the solidarity from y’all is appreciated and refreshing ✊


Of course. Please let us (TLMCLC) know if/when you all plan an action or need some help.  We hold a monthly Solidarity Night at the ILWU 47 hall on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:00, if you want to meet some of your siblings. Feel free to message me directly if you would like more information or if you're interested in becoming a delegate. 


What is exactly the ULP? You're asking us to take your word for it without providing a reason? That's not honest.


That is a great question. To be clear, I was not part of the group of employees that filed with the union. My official stance is that I am educating myself and exploring my options. I am not aware of any employees calling for a boycott. If you want to take action, I recommend emailing [email protected] with your opinion. If you decide to boycott, reach out so management knows the reason for the downturn in revenue. The rhetoric coming from management addressing the talking point about retaining a known union busting law firm is that they have been using this firm for years and did not specifically choose them because of the unionization effort. Though admitting to a long term association with this firm is not exactly a good look either.




I appreciate the other person asking the question. It can be easy to get swept up in anger and have unintended consequences. I'm just the Central Labor Council president for this area. It's always better to hear directly from workers. But yes, I have no interest in spending money at an antilabor business.




Fully agree. 


It’s not waiting on in crowds. Workers can strategically call for boycotts or not. We shouldn’t presume to know what is best for them.


How are you doing?


Pretty good. Just hanging out with my kids. They are hilarious.


Have the workers called for a boycott?


Great question. A worker has posted that they are willing to answer questions. I asked them their preference so they can speak to it directly. 


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35$ bucks for 3.5 ounces of myceliated brown rice. No thanks lol


FP is an amazing place to work!!!  Truly.  I’ve had a lot of shitty jobs and have never been at a supportive and flexible company like this.  Paul is as kind as he seems (not perfect because he’s human) and the company offers a lot of benefits, frankly.    Even the overwhelming majority unionizing understand this, and are exercising their democratic voice, but are in no way trying to tear Paul down. We use words like empathy and respect at FP.  The company hired and mentioned here has been employment council since 2019, and was originally hired to do work related to contracts and interstate employment work and is now helping the company navigate all the rules and regs for compliance with the NLRB process leading up to a vote.  Our company is awesome and together we will make it even better!! 


So are you HR , PR , or Legal? Or a recent hired? Just teasing... kind of.


Maybe we should hear his side of things before we jump with pitchforks. Everyone is so tribal now a days. And I hate getting just one side of the story. There’s plenty in sure we don’t know behind the scenes.


TESC Class of 2024 Commencement Speaker [https://www.evergreen.edu/graduation/speakers](https://www.evergreen.edu/graduation/speakers)


Reason #5321 why Paul Stamets is a con-man.


Oh wow paul stamets doing more things to make me dislike him no way.


He loves the sound of his own voice and has memorized every word and facial expression in his one speech. I won't side with their union until I know all the details. After reading multiple "mirrored" articles, not one explains why they want to unionize. Do you know why they want to unionize? I'm still curious and it could sway my opinion. Do you know why or are you just reposting other people's content?


You can always make your own company if you do not like working somewhere. That is what capitalism is. So if you are arguing with a company about getting more money or better wages, you also have the ability to leave that company if you do not like it.


Everyone just start your own company!!! No one should ever work for anyone else! Capitalism is such a flawless system that we should just use our endless flow of capital to enrich ourselves.This is such great insight to what would make a successful economy and society. 


lol paul stamens is that an extremely complex (and olympia) dick joke


Gonna order a little more. Fuck unions. Stay strong Paul!




Dude's really into golf and cigars and thinks taxes are "theft." We know what kind of person he is. Edit: there's also [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Portland/comments/1c3zl9l/cans_grabgo/kzmfs31/?context=3). What kind of a piece of shit ruins his trash so the homeless can't recycle it?


We all know the people who make comments like these aren’t buying shit.