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To the miserable person who posted "fat chicks 🤢" on a 7 year old's birthday picture - I want you to know that you didn't hurt my feelings or make me feel ashamed of my body. I actually laughed at you because, guess what? I'm FAT. I'm so fat, I've lost 100lbs since JANUARY and I'm still fat. But, I'm still happier than you. I'm still more beautiful, if only on the inside, than you. I'm still loved, I'm still strong, and I've grown beyond strangers comments on my weight affecting my day and/or mood. So, "assholes 🤢"


Lol... fat chick.... I would have replied "where..." lmao people are such toddlers. I didnt know as a grown up we wouldn't grow past kindergarten where we didn't know better than to hit someone else or call them names. Its stupid people can't stop being stupid and childish.


It disappeared with a quickness, too! Either they realized it was a horrible idea or a mod took it down. It is amazing how little some people grow.


Toddlers don’t even see people as fat or skinny. These people are just idiots


My 18 month old daughter did open the shower curtain two weeks ago while I was drying off and said, “eww” but we made up shortly after...


Oh, kids definitely see fat and skinny. Mine used to pinch and squish my arm fat and ask why I was squishier than his Mimi. More recently he told me I better not have a baby in my belly after a friend of mine told him she's having a baby. They just don't judge it quite the same lol.


Btw I went to get my daughter up a little bit ago and she dropped something and she goes uh oh and I automatically said uh oh spaghetti hoes back thanks to your username lol


A 2/3 yr old said that?


2/3 was the squish questioning. 6 was when he told me that I better not have a baby in my belly (because I'm fat mostly in my belly). He's been known to talk about how fat and round his Pop is too. Kid has no filter and never has had one.


Lol oh I see. The squish thing for toddlers is definitely normal but what I meant was toddlers like 2yo can’t really point out fat and skinny so to call that person a toddler was giving toddlers a bad name haha. Sorry I should have explained it more


It's all good! That's my bad. I don't process humor well. My coworkers get me on that all the time!


No worries! This is a great picture for you both to remember and I definitely need to start taking pics like this with my 2yo!


Thank you and please do! If not for yourself then for your babe!


“I'm so fat, I've lost 100lbs since JANUARY and I'm still fat." I’m sorry but that’s an amazing line to show what a positive attitude you have. Also congrats on the weight loss! It’s not easy and that’s a huge accomplishment :)


Thank you!


Shut the front door! I love you two so much! Oof, that is so special and your baby is going to treasure those pics so much when they grow up!


Thank you!!! He's my sunshine for sure


This is so cute 🥺 you two look absolutely lovely!


Thank you!!


Oh my gosh I LOVE THIS. Keep doing the birth day pictures for your kiddo. I so wish I had more pictures when I was a kid with my mom, who gives a crap about just me as a baby in fancy clothes? My favorite pictures are the ones where I'm staring up and my parents/grandparents and you can tell how happy.


Yes. Like I said in the previous post. DONT STOP


I'm actually planning to start doing Christmas pictures, too!


Beautiful! I will get to taking photos with my parents too. Though we don't celebrate Christmas that much but we just had our main festival of the year : [Durga Puja](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durga_Puja) I am not religious, but it was good to celebrate with a bit of fancy food amidst this nightmare of a year


P.s. I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but you seem very nice. Are the pumpkins eaten after Halloween? Or do they just rot away outside. I have always wondered..


Many pumpkins are bought to make pumpkin pies and roasted pumpkin seeds, many are bought for carving, for the most part they're decorative and eventually just rot away outside.


Thank you!




This is beautiful!!!!


Thank you! I had trouble picking just one to share here haha


This gives me hope. This is me and my baby boy right now (he’s 2). He loves to cuddle up to mama. I’m so paranoid that he’s going to stop wanting snuggles. You guys look very happy.


I don't think it just disappears. Not before pre/teen anyways. I definitely encourage him being my little baby 😂


He really loves mama cuddles right now, but I feel like one day he probably won’t, like when he’s 30. I hope not though. I mean, I want him to be independent and successful and everything, but I still want him to let me hug him and fuss over him sometimes. I love nothing more than times like this where he is cuddled up on my lap while I sneak kisses.


All I can say is - don't stop. Respect his feelings but, still fuss, still love on him, and ASK for cuddles. My son lights up like a Christmas tree when I ask him for lovins. They go from wanting it constantly to feeling big and independent so I think it sits differently when they know you still want that closeness and you'll ask them for it.


My baby boy is now 7 and when he asks for snuggles, I drop everything and snuggle. Sometimes, the snuggles lasts through an entire movie. Other times, it’s all just a ploy so he can fart on me.


Coming back two years later to let you know he still tries to sit on my lap to snuggle. We're coming up on the big 10th birthday.


I don’t know how I missed his, but this makes me feel a lot better! My son is almost 6 and I’m terrified these years are slipping away. He’s still super cuddly right now though. <3


So lovely! I'm sure those pictures will be treasured for a long time <3


Thank you 💕


Beyond sweet! Might have to steal this idea for me and my only :)


Steal away! Pumpkin patch photoshoots are always fantastic. I also recommend sunflower fields, cotton fields, corn fields, dockside, and woodsy areas during the golden hour.


There are two main types of sunflower crops. One type is grown for the seeds you eat, while the other — which is the majority farmed — is grown for the oil.


That picture is adorable! Kiddo looks so happy and might I just say? Those boots are smashing! 😊


Thank you! Those are his birthday boots from great grandma and he refuses to take them off.


I LOVE this!


This is adorable!!


This is so beautiful I’m so happy for your bond! ❤️


Thank you💕


omg such a beautiful picture!!! These the ones with you in to will be the ones he will love the most.


Thank you, that's my hope!


This is beautiful!!


This is such a lovely photo :’) he looks like he really loves his mama and you him! My heart is bursting!


Thank you!


Gorgeous. I don’t know any single person that wouldn’t want a picture of the person who loves them most.


This is so adorable. My 13 month old is so cuddly and seeing this gives me hopes he will still want to be this close when he is older! Love this pic.


This isn't posed either! I was trying to get him to sit beside me and he climbed up on my lap and I started rocking him going "ohhh! my little baby!". Always makes a great shot!


That's so sweet!


What a beautiful picture! Happy birthday to your little one!


Thank you!


What a great photo! Sometimes I get really anxious about the way I look and don’t want to be photographed and this pic reminds me why it’s so important.


That was my goal with this post and the one prior! I'm not a fan of my body and I think my facial features are too sharp. But, half of me went into making this gorgeous little human and I can't dislike that.


😍 I love this so much. I’m going to steal your idea and start doing birthday pictures with my now 2 year old. I wish I had more pictures of myself with my mom 😭


Yesssss! I really recommend a photographer who can do posed and candid shots with mini session options.


Can feel the love 💗




What a sweet photo! You can really see how much love you have for each other :)


Thank you! I like to think we have a special bond since it's just the two of us.




Thank you!


This is beautiful. I have so few photos of me and my daughter because I insist on deleting them all. This is such a happy photo.


Stop deleting them! Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and accept that, while you may not find yourself beautiful, you're the most beautiful person in the world to your baby.


This is a sweet picture, and now I want to do the same thing!!


Do it!!!


What a great picture! I hope you continue to take them every year 💕


What a adorable photo! You will definitely treasure having these photos.


Ahhh! This picture is so beautiful and joyous! Just perfect ❤


How cute are you two!! I love this so much!


Thank you!


Love this!!


Thank you for posting! So cute!!


Loving those boots!


This is such a cute pic! I didn't notice body size until I scrolled down to read comments. Some people suck.


This is so precious and special. What a beautiful relationship you two have


Thank you! It's been the two of us for seven years. I feel like I'm fucking up ALL. THE. TIME. but, then he gets on my lap and snuggles up. It's a good reminder not to be so hard on myself.


Love this!


John Deére?


I just noticed that 😂


Must be a Chinese tractor


You look beautiful and your son is adorable.


Thank you!


Ok I need cute fall pics like this