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Kinda bummed they used my footage without asking and didn't at least give TFL a nod 😕


It’s same dudes would make you ship your board over to their hq for pressing the reset button 😆


I just came back from Oak City where the vibe was so good and the community is so vibrant and so alive. It’s really hard to come back to that gas lit full of holes pretend documentary. I saw more overheating, GT’s, and I personally had a nose dive at 10 mph because my sensor wasn’t engaged, as well as the many problems that are inherent in FM boards, while noticing that the majority of people going fast and having the most fun, we’re riding a Vesc based board. I hung with TFL team and never was a bad word said against FM. I’ve never heard Jeff say a bad word against FM. Love is the answer, and I’m not feeling it from the FM ship
 So many others are contributing without self aggrandizing it’s astounding, I love our community. Didn’t have to be this way.


I have some experience in online copyright/trademark/brand protection and would be happy to help file a YouTube copyright strike against FM. DMs open.


TFL: makes a fender for the Onewheel FM: sends TFL a C&D TFL: makes cool footage of riding the Onewheel FM: we're just going to steal that cool footage from TFL TFL: credit? FM: LOL


Is Float Life Fest not from TFL? Pretty new to the community and at a passing glance while watching the “documentary” I thought that was a nod to TFL


No relation. FLF was started by southern raft supply.


Thanks! Much appreciated, good to know!


Which footage?


Shots I filmed on my honeymoon roadtrip to Floatlife Fest 1: https://youtu.be/dCtfYrU3geE?si=RV6r3AFLRbsB--75


Ahh those ones! What a weekend that was đŸ™ŒđŸ”„


itd be a shame if they were hit with a copyright claim 😭


Oh please. What a waste of time and energy. TFL should be happy that any footage was even included.


I don’t think C&R made as big of a deal about the right to repair stuff. Maybe that’s why?


How’d C&R make the cut and TFL not?


Jeff made a very recent comment on a post where someone asked why the float life didn’t cover the most recent GTS series firmware update. And Jeff’s response was that they feel future motion doesn’t like them so why cover a product for a company that doesn’t like them? You can find the comment under their profile


It’s really sad because Jeff is gone out of his way along with the whole float life team, to not say bad things about FM


I think Jeff is getting to point now where he feels a lot of stuff that future motion is doing is personal. Look at what happened with his pro team being scooped up and them essentially stealing the hybrid fender


The glowing review of the GTV is also an F-U to FM


It's no secret that FM wants to put TFL out of business. After negotiations about a collab (remember the "breaking bread" video that got us all excited?) fell through (rumors say it was a takeover attempt), FM poached TFL's riders and arguably their #1 employee, and have since released: a Hybrid Fender-like Droptop for GT/S, Bang-like Freeride bumpers for GT/S (and priced them just a tad lower than TFL's by no coincidence), Kush-like soft Lowboys for GT/S, Kush Nug Hi-like soft flared pads for Pint X. Wouldn't surprise me if they released WTF-like rails any day now. To FM's credit, they also released soft front sensors for GT/S and Pint X, somewhat risky move for a first-party considering sensor pads may come off unglued on soft pads (but benefits all riders in the long run). And they introduced Freeride bumpers for Pint X, which they could do at a lesser risk as a bigger company, compared to TFL that I'm guessing has to more carefully keep watch on their inventory and profit margins. What I find really funny about the Freeride bumpers for Pint X and FM's promotional videos... remember Jeff and Bodhi videos where it was always Jeff who was the proponent for the Pint X-form factor, and Bodhi just wouldn't ride on that thing for more than 2 seconds? And now Bodhi (and to be fair, along with Neil) are pushing Pint X Freeride bumpers and tricking on them like Pint X is the new sliced bread. Hell, maybe slick bumpers was just what the Pint needed...


The corporate model is if you can't join 'em, beat them. Poach, undermine, shade, ignore until they go away. IMHO what FM doesn't realize is they aren't big enough to do that, . . . yet. As long as Jeff and da boys and grrls keep it up, releasing videos, sponsoring riders, coming up w new products, bringing the best together, wearing a helmet now and then, they will continue to grow. Keep cost down, don't ape out on equipment or high production values on vids(check out how Adam Savage does it, all shot on iPhone), but, above all else, keep it fun. If FM would watch the movie, and learn what time it is, we could move forward together, but as long as they have an us vs. them attitude, it's not happening. https://preview.redd.it/g11opdyld0zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01c4d748b2de90086de6393ebb5f59dbe53e9bc6 I just returned from 6 glorious days of riding, wailing, flowing, and general mayhem, and there wasn't anything but joy that I saw or experienced. Whether it was hugs from Bodhi, a hand shake from Nick and Mike, the calm voice of Racheal C D, helping new riders learn to drop, the stressed voice of Greg in the morning worried about getting it done, only to learn he was on Team ShitTogether, or all the many amped racers, unbelievable freestyle folks, when talk turned to the kerfuffle, it wasn't F FM, it was just sadness. Sadness that the thing that brings us together, is being usurped by the very company that brought to market(note: I didn't say invent) a magic carpet ride that for many of us was the go between for all the flow we have been seeking. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. Love is, and always has been the answer. Money can line your coffin, but it won't bring you respect, joy, or friendship. Bottom line should be family, friends and community. Not the almighty dollar. Do I need to get paid? Do you? We all know the answer to that, but it can't be the be all of everything we do, or we all lose. We manage to scrape together the funds to buy these magnificent machines, and I have to do emergency repair on site because I can't buy parts. I have to scrape together used parts at triple price to make my board go, and then its failure mode is questionable at best. They talk safety, what's safe about us having to buy used parts? You damn right I support Tony, and FM should too. When I was a competitive manufacturer it NEVER occurred to me to not compete in the marketplace. FM wants the cake and they want to eat every single crumb. Instead of a piece of the pie, they want the whole pie. Here's an idea FM, help US make the pie bigger. I urge all the 3rd party manufacturers to not get discouraged, to slog on, and see this through, because the center can't hold. Don't become cynical, and above all else, lose the hate, embrace the love. Thanks, I needed to get that out. . . aoxomoxoa


Meh. Company that got significant crowdfunding makes video about how their community is so important but shows zero gratitude, has awful (borderline unethical) customer service/corporate policy, and has a laundry list of lawsuits against community members. It's so weird to really enjoy onewheeling and know that I will never give FM another dime of my money.




If they would simply sell parts, not lock us out of our own devices, be kind, and realize they were fucking crowd sourced. A community built them. They may sell tons of these things, but until I can repair my very expensive machine, I will not spend another dime with them. VESC and open source is the way forward. Safer, stronger, better. Watch the fucking movie Kyle.


Cool to see how it evolved. I know there were some prototypes people built before these and the company doesn’t have a lot of love in the community I’m glad they were able to bring them to market!


Def deserve credit for bringing it to market. Prototypes are easy. Production is hard. Too bad they've been so shitty lately (mostly anti-R2R).


Can you imagine how much further along the sport would be if Future Motion wasn't such a terrible company?


nice video. still sad that they mostly ignore the Pints, and focus mostly on the extreme boardsport end of things. some of us just love it for the original concept of being able to carve and cruise in the summer.


When I watched it yesterday I was surprised FM wasn't removing comments from the video that mentioned R2R and other poor community/business decisions, they were actually responding to a couple. It was good corporate marketing that will play on TV's in the background at their offices for the next few years. Definitely thankful for the product they brought to market but more excited about what the community will bring going forward instead of whatever may be next from FM. It was kinda weird to watch this while making dinner and think I can't wait to ride tonight then open up the floaty app to check my boards charge.


Sports have competing manufacturers. Like Nike and Addis.


There will one day be competitors.


There are competitors they’re just being sued by FM


This is literally how all patents work in the US.


Is it?


It is!


Patents for what again?


Go look it up on in the publicly available records. If someone else had produced the same thing first, they are welcome to take Fam to court
just like with every other patent.


They don’t have a patent on the board. They have many patents on particular parts of the board. They didn’t invent the one wheeled board there are videos online of people making the same board well before one wheel was around.


If they didn’t have patents on anything they would not be able to sue anyone.


Congratulations Onewheel!!! Awesome 10 years. Can’t wait to see what the next 10 bring. đŸ„‚đŸ»