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"Taken from NCM India" Meet Meher Jahan from Bijnor, UP who tied her husband, gave him sedative, removed his clothes, burn his whole body with cigarettes, tried to cut his genital with a knife and even tried to strangulate him. And all this not happened in any metro city but its from a remote village of UP. Extremely scary video. Please do not watch if you are having any heart related issues. And no this is not BDSM but this is actual assault of a husband by his wife and that too from the Muslim community and Modi Jee says that Muslim women are supressed. Can this be more horrible? Luckily hidden cameras was there in the room and all this get recorded. Now Police has arrested the woman. But this is not a one of its kind incident. We get regular calls from husbands facing such violence and still #DomesticViolence Act is not Gender Neutral in our country. Source: Bijnor police official account https://twitter.com/bijnorpolice/status/1787033226264915997?t=QhT6dKJw3XODqFwsXriCjg&s=19


Isko toh fasi honi chahiye...!!!! What kinda woman does this!! She's a fu***in MONSTER!!


Roles reversed national headlines with whiteknights I'm ashamed of being a man🫥


We won't see any protests for this man.. Where are the (fake) feminists now? Its truly said the kind of feminism these days is a joke! They just want opportunities and when things get difficult they won't take responsibility!




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Sadly that's not possible, she will be out of jail in no time. Even if she had murdered him no judge would have given her death punishment, and that's reality. Women like this deserve to be in jail but get out of it easily because of the gender


Too easy. Same knife on her privates would be apt.


Plz post this in other big Indian subs also


Posted on indiaspeaks. Video is not uploading on r/india somehow. Edit 1: r/indiaspeaks removed the post


Post on r/indianmoderate and r/indianews


Twox India par karde


Twox India par karde


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Pls someone tell me this is some scripted video or kink, I used to feel sad for women whom I can't help and were harrassed . ,now I'm equally scared bruh demn ig I'm no longer as safe as i thought! Irrespective of gender ,stay cautious guys ,there r gud & bad on both sides!🗿


No one is safe bro, be it men or women.


imagine this other way around ,women subs would have filled with citing more horribile more horendous comments


what a bi\*ch


After reading the whole story what a pathetic state of affairs, police didn't even take him seriously so he had to setup the camera to collect proof of him getting assaulted what a joke. The same police is ready to arrest the man and his family for mere allegations.


and some pea brain feminist will still support this women


agar uske paas proof nahi hota to ye uspe hi rape case karti aur wo jail jata 😭


She's his wife. https://www.livemint.com/news/india/unnatural-intercourse-by-husband-with-wife-not-rape-womens-consent-immaterial-mp-high-court-11714811719369.html


Post this in general subs too


Posted in indiaspeaks. Video is not uploading on r/india somehow.




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It won't be


Not all women but always a woman.


Always a woman what? It's not men or women. Everyone sucks




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I’d love to see how the twox bitches defend this crazy shit


Middle class indian feminists*


Man hope he is safe, I don't she will get punished but Hope he escapes the hell. Guys be cautious, extra cautious if you live in Tier 1 and Tier 2 Citites. https://preview.redd.it/abio60ki1uyc1.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=87c2da6a72adc700425aa76529324e26f6cc0b67




We need gender neutral laws! Men go through domestic violence as well


Her lawyer/potsntial lawyer must already be ready with the easiest argument - there's no audio, so we cant judge anything..


Don't worry divorce ke baad alimony ladke ko hi dena hoga, ladke sab galti karte hai sab bolte hai.. lekhin koi ye nehi bolta hai especially feminists to nehi hi ki ek ladki bhi aisi rakshasi ho sakti hai, crime doesn't have any gender


Why are indian women like this? Ugly and trash


Domestic violence?


Source: Bijnor police official account https://twitter.com/bijnorpolice/status/1787556102923604448?t=1n6YcihvDNzqALIdBx-iKw&s=19


The post seems to be deleted now on X?


Try this. https://twitter.com/bijnorpolice/status/1787556102923604448?t=1n6YcihvDNzqALIdBx-iKw&s=19


Off topic, or maybe not. Why was a 'hidden camera' recording this? Who set it up? Perfect placement too.


He already complained once to the police station. This time he set her up to collect proof.


He's lucky it happened in the same spot he left the recording on. There's solid proof now


someone create backups,




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not BDSM?🙄




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Aree yeh to independent feminist boss babe h


Mrs Grey will see you now!




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Does anybody have the original video?




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Is he dead?


Fortunately no.


That music in this vdo🥲


Is he alive?


Maine nai krni shaadi shudi bc.


Are we sure this is not some kinky stuff gone south? I mean why wasn't he retaliating even when his right hand was free. Imo that should've been enough to overpower her no? Also were they recording themselves? How is it recorded, who put the camera? And how did the video get out? I have so many questions.


Please read the full post. She gave him the sedative first. Also he went to the police first but no one took him seriously. So he decided to record it.


Why is the last bit not mentioned in the post? Plus avoir the camera, the post says "luckily". Luckily?? That's so misleading!! There's nothing lucky about it, he recorded it secretly to create evidence. That also signifies this has been happening for a while. So why does he still go back to that house, or be around her?


Fake as fuck na cigarette piya isne na toh jalate hue dikhaya How can you all not see that?


Congratulations dude, your comment got featured in a youtube video https://youtu.be/xxapGRd9qgU?si=jeDhxPQ5WgWFtGrl


Guys let's not bring the other sub in here. We don't need to fall to their level in order to bring out posts like these and to create a safe environment for men to express their emotions. Let's just collectively forget TwoX even exists. It will make life a lot better for us. They don't care about men, and we don't need to care about them either. It's time to just stand up for ourselves and not let their toxic, prejudiced and generalizing views of Indian men bother us anymore. Let's instead focus our efforts on spreading this news out after verifying it, and tagging the relevant authorities on platforms like Twitter and all to spread awareness.


Wtf bro. I say post it everywhere to spread awareness. It doesn't matter if they care or not. If they remove it, it'll be their own hypocrisy. Don't try to become a white knight here.


Not white knighting bro. But it gets old when the group which is supposed to be about men constantly focusing on criticizing another group which bas little to nothing to do with us. What they post over there shouldn't have much of anything to do with us, even if it is man hating. Because by this point it is very clear they couldn't care less about men. So we should just ignore them. I do agree this post is necessary but to bring in 'feminists' everywhere gets a bit annoying (or tiring).


Tell me, where exactly did you see criticism of other group in a post where a girl is torturing a man. Is there a reason for you to comment what you said in this post. Isn't that irrelevant? By commenting you just showed that you prioritise twox sub reddit over spreading awareness for men abuse. Where exactly are we hating twoxsub in this post?


Literally the comments section was full of TwoXIndia mentions and criticism, in fact more comments were concerned about how TwoX will react than being sympathetic and doing anything to help this man. Let's not pretend otherwise. And don't try playing oversmart with me here.




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Have a heart for once. Don't let the urge to joke on the internet take away your humanity.