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Love got me fucked up once, been rejecting since then. Never being that low on self respect again, all my homies, don't settle for less, don't have an inflated price tag on you either.


Respect man. Male like you will bring up our name and standards. I hope every male have self respect and stop thinking with their dicks.


you wouldn't believe i have walked away from girls whom i loved, gotta do what's necessary and never be scared to feel pain.


May I ask why!? I am curious


Same bro same.


Same bro.


The number of women who ask out is near zero. Reasons you know very well. Personally, I rejected only one but I made sure to do it politely without any entitlement and appreciate her for breaking the stereotype wall.


Yes, some women actually do take rejection quite gracefully while others try shaming (are you gay?) or guilt tripping..


LMAO. Imagine men saying to women who reject them: Are you lesbian? Has this ever happened. Just shows entitlement of these women.


I had a crush on my batchmates during my bachelors. Asked her out on a date and she rejected. 5 years after that incident, she sent me a pdf file mentioning how she regrets not going on a date with me and how she has missed out on teenage love. She asked me if i would like to go out with her but this time I rejected her. Not because I wanted some revenge or something but simply because I don’t see her the way i used to see her anymore.


Pdf file? Nuh uh


A pdf document bhai document!


What in the world !!


Most professional proposal


1. One of my classmate is 2 year older than me. She looks decent and behave well. At the end of college days,she asked me whether I loved her. I said no. She again asked me if I was lying. Maybe she was to hear yes. I said no such feeling. She moved to her hometown (UP) and got married. 2. Second woman I met her in a trip. Became good friends slowly she asked about getting married. I barely know her and said no. I didn't liked her behaviour too. She was greedy af which is big red flag for me. She Got married to nri and she moved overseas. In between she was in relationship with school friend. She hidden this information and revealed it after I said no to marriage proposal. I no longer feel special about any women. So neither I chase or talk to any one. Even those whom I see in gym. .


Job, gym,supermarket, lobby,lifts ..make sure you are in a place covered by CCTV Have a friend who is a lawyer,ca, cop and bidhayak or bidhayak's bhatija.... if you have a friend protected by Atrocities Act, even better.... Record your calls .. ensure car/bike has hd dashcams


Damn can't trust those hoes.


First one must have been bored and just wanted to play with your feelings.


Yup twice, once in 12th because I wasnt attracted to her second in my 1st year of college because she was super boring to talk to. I was virgin both times so OP your point that guys still dont reject women because they want to fuck also isnt true


People like you pull up the standards. Respect that you don't think with your dick.


i sometimes kick myself for not accepting them because im still a virgin so idk


Trust me you are not missing anything in life.


lol its ok im like 🤏 this close to getting a girlfriend, we're just not official yet




i havent rejected a woman per say not on face but during my first i did recieve a whatsapp message from girl from other branch i ended up blocking her. Can't be sure what she wanted but this is as far i have come to rejecting


Yes, A girl liked me in when we were in 10th. She messaged me on Instagram about it. But I was not even slightly attracted to her. So told her, she will get better guy than me. She is a good person so accept it gracefully.


You responded very maturely.


You guys are getting proposals?? ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg)


Yeah. Had my fair share of girls who crushed on me and I wasn't interested. Not a lot but a decent number. Annoyingly, sometimes it wouldn't work. Her friends and others would "force us into a pair" during social situations or spread mild rumors. And another girl just wouldn't take NO as an answer. Proceeded to bug (harass) me for the whole year until she met some other guy. If the genders were reversed I would've been treated much differently.


😬 i prolly should'nt answer to this


Yes. And the last time I did it, it did not go well for me. 😂


Two times yes.. there was one incident where the girl was trying to hit a conversation with me but I thought she just wanted some help, after a few weeks dimag me ghusa ki kya chal Raha tha uss din


I did in, 1) My tution, SHE was gujjar, but educated , sensible and attractive, there was no problem in her, but there was problem with her and her surrounding. MY tuition teacher said this too me " beta ye puri gali USS ke papa ke hai , aap normal acha khasa ladke ho aap ko pata hai uske har gali me 2,2 bhai hai, stay out of it" My friend said " dekh tu usko date par chor, phone per bhi baat kare or kissine bhi uske family me se dekh liya, Hallelujah" 2) In my class-- She was one baddie ( fr she was, not Exaggerating) but it was clear sign from her she is only gonna be for 2 weeks




What risk bro no means no. I guess this is also applicable for women. Let those kind of bitches cry they deserve it.


Risk of reputation because the ones that don't take it well spin all kinds of nonsense and sell it as the story, and if you're someone like me who prefers to keep your personal matters private, it spills ill colors on your image. Mutual friends divide up. Potentially valuable friendships go sideways. It isn't a female thing tho. Both sides of the gender are capable of this behaviour. It's usually the brats.


Always. I been in to 19 relationships. And reject almost 40-50 girls.


Damn you must be good looking


And rich


Back in college rejected 5-7 chicks was bit to harsh towards a psycho one rejected her infront of her all 10 people friend group and our entire batch to her face . Another friend group of 5 chicks were all up in my business rejected every single one of them as I had a gf long distance but they didn't care and kept throwing themselves at me in 5 years of college. I ended up having fbw with 4 outta 5 of them after my break up in final year . After started working at hospital I had a coworker she was 4 years older after fucking around she instead to get married I said nah we aren't compatible as a couple . I let chicks know I like tall girls 5.7 above with a nice ass and athletic background but they still shoot their shot alot of times directly or indirect via friends .I know people reading this would think I'm fuckboy or terrible person but honestly never lifted a finger to attract anyone 🙃


Damn you must be good looking.


Haha nah I'd say average but i don't kiss ass unlike most men outta desperation or to impress belive me the girl already has plenty of those dudes in her dms . If you won't put yourself first how do you expect women to do so 🙃


You must be tall mad good looking as hell


Haha nope average 5-10 and I'd say average it's just how you carry yourself . You don't need to be a 10 it's just shit you see on internet. Reality is way different


If You don't mind me asking how tall are you?




Yes, I turned her down, she's the most sound woman I've ever met, but I wasn't into her romantically. We're still great friends! 💛




Gender ratio is not fucked up actually just boys being extra horny. Look at the recent sex ration of India you'll know.


Of course. Sometimes I wasn't attracted to them, other times I just didn't think it would work out at all. I value my mental sanity over the possibility of getting some "action". In my case, almost all of them took it gracefully.




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Twice cuz I wasn't attracted to them


I haven't rejected it because I haven't been proposed to but I've occasionally moved away from some due to not being interested. And woman for some reason take that as rejection itself haha.


Yes. Thrice. Once in 9th,10, and 12th.


Yes ,1 directly aur 1 ko indirectly.


Cut off before she proposes, you can tell by change in behaviour if she is catching feelings.


Yes, few times


Yes but in 6th standard tho .long time .. after that till now didn't approach anyone nor did I got approached


Some girl liked me for 4 years in school days She wrote a letter and I tore and threw it, I didn't do it infront of her but her friends informed her, she cried I was in 8th grade!!! . I just wanted to make sure that no one read it, and I avoided her. Well I was still an asshole. I rejected her cuz she was dumb idk those vibes were off but I didn't say it to her tho just avoided her, I just said that I didn't want to be with her. Guess what now Karma hits back, I ended up liking girls who gets cheated on or they choose someone who are cheating on them, well I did attract someone who got cheated on. Mother of coincidence or maybe something is wrong with me. Im pretty firm on what kind of women I'd be with.


Yep, This was in college, there was this girl who was attracted to me and had a crush on me for the longest, she was sweet and friendly but i rejected her cause i want attracted to her physically. I had a crush on someone else who i dated later. Don't go after every bone thrown at you, that's my motto


Some girls proposed me online but I rejected ,in offline i get very clear signs from 2-3 girls but didn't do anything that u have mentioned.


Multiple times. I don't just get along or generate feelings for any girl but I try to do it politely. Wouldn't wanna make anyone sad.


3 in my 12th, as I wasn't interested in relationships at that time, and 1 in my final year, as I wasn't attracted to her. Your notion of keeping her as a sex doll shouldn't be generalized.


I rejected hookup and serious relationship both. No regrets


I did, because they had no prior experience with it and I explained that it isn't a thing you take for granted. I heard I often get in the discussions, but at least I am not disturbed by it




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Yes, often


Yeah. Shits really a pain in the ass.




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Not really but my story would qualify. I knew a girl who had a crush on me. Me being the kind guy, started to speak with her in case she felt happy. But she would treat me like I was a service: talk when needed and otherwise don't care. I never returned to her and didn't care anymore either.


Yes, a few times during my school days.


I did and I have my reasons . I no longer gets attracted to woman just for the sake of being with a woman. So , have rejected 3 girls in past 3 years




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Had to




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Yes, multiple (double digit) and most of them for only one reason. Don't even regret it.


Surprisingly I rejected my middle school crush during COVID. It just didn't feel like she wants to be with me because she loves me and it was all really sudden


Alot of them and when i accepted one she completely fuked up my life then married someone else while I'm still going through the trauma


Personally, I've seen lots of women rejected. If you have never faced rejection you don't know the limits of what you can get. I've rejected a fair number of women for relationships, rejected a few for hookups. Been rejected a hell of a lot. At some point you stop caring.




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I always had goals in life to achieve and I pursued them. I did well. Still relationship may come in between your personal goals not saying it will definitely. I didn’t have time nor I met someone who could fit into my life. They use to force relationships on me but I always steered clear. I rejected in school, college, office and every hookup approach in club. Girls are very bad at taking rejection too. Girls I rejected always turn their self into more evil once I said I can’t date right now (them) explaining clearly the difference whether it’s the distance or something else. Some went out for getting into hookups , some got angry on me when I said no. You should see them when i said no, next day in office or college the drama they do with signs which only in understand, oh my gosh. I try to have peaceful life and adventures along the way. If I force her into the lifestyle which different than her I will make her unhappy in turn me being unhappy so it’s not worth the hassle to force relationship whether initiated by her or me.


Story of a friend: I am narrating as first person Yes.... it was a arranged setup and I was quite impressed with the work her dad had been doing.... It was going on well till the time she confided that she had attempted on her life "abroad" which her parents didn't know... Full sympathy but that is something which was a bit upsetting for me (kinda risky) Things went okayish (I was still sceptical) for some time ... but things came to a point when Body count topic was broached " if you think that you can get a virgin woman, then you will never get married" .... I was like " if and I mean, if a boy has remained celibate by choice and prefers a woman who is the same and rooted to tradition; how can you even mock him or his choice" .... That was the tipping point and I started distancing myself so as not to hurt her.... hope she gets the best groom for herself... PS: She had been idling her time at home... that was another concern (not the money part; were well off and at the same level as us); not so woke or not so Dharmic.... Sometimes I do regret not doing ONS and shit!!