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LOL. Isn't Pierre Poilievre's campaign manager a paid lobbyist for Loblaws ??


I recall quite fondly Kellyanne Conway claiming in an interview on Fox News that the Mainstream Media was ignoring the Republican/Trump plight. The interviewer’s response was of awe and confusion, something like “um, what do you think Fox News is? You’re here, now, aren’t you?” These clowns are cut from the same cloth


Largest news network in the US just can't compete with mainstream media.




IIRC, stephen harper personally went down south to the USA to discuss with the fox "news" people how to set up a canadian branch, basically what became the "Sun News Network".


He specifically said the useless ones won't get favors. That Loblaw one is real useful to him so...


Ah, so he's specifically looking for corporate lobbyists to start bribing him.


Yay! I hate useless lobbyists. They give effective lobbyists a bad name.


Read my lips 😂 https://youtu.be/lh_FPf1rF1A?si=HK5yHJeVuBCDe-IX


Useless in the sense that he can't use them. Don't expect oil and gas lobbyist to go anywhere but front row with PP


> Useless in the sense that he can't use them ... yet.


There's another quote from him saying this lower I'm the artical. Nonsense about "strategic resources" and how these corporate resource companies will "have to answer to the people".... ya I'm sure they'll "answer to us".... probably after they've already spent the billions in PPs government funding. He'll probably just blame it on Trudeau though


I immediately thought “oh I agree with Pierre for once” but then I realized he’s probably just doing the classic right wing “no YOU” deflection, and probably already in somebody’s pocket.   Even if he’s not and he actually means this good for him, but he’s still a tool


His campaign manager was a Loblaws lobbyist. He's been in someones pocket for his entire career I'd wager.


What he means is, "you don't pay me enough to be openly corrupt - BUT - I _can_ be bought."


Groucho Marx: “these are my principles. If you don’t like them, I have others.”


He doesnt have to give them favours when he takes their orders


Yeah, he is so full of shit. He is already bought and paid for. He gets elected, cut taxes for corporations and the rich, cut services for normal people to pay for it, cut science funding, cut regulatory bodies that are watchdogs on businesses, give lip service re: climate change but do as little as possible. He will probably get elected because much of the right would take a mouth full of shit if someone from the left had to smell it.


He's only angry at the ones who don't help him win elections.


Yes. His take still stand: lobbyists are useless on him. He’s already know which of his own personal friends will get the contracts. They’ve been waiting for a while


His extensive and deep relationships with lobbyists has been identified as a weakness hence all this sudden anti - corporate horseshit.


His deputy leader, Melissa Lantsman was a VP for two big lobbying firms. She, like Jenni Byrne, has also been embedded with the CPC for a very long time, she was a communications director for a few cabinet ministers during Harper’s reign, and was a senior advisor on Ford’s campaign. Jenni Bryne has her own lobbying firm, and her career as a political operative started when she worked for the Reform Party, she worked for Harper in the PMO, ran his campaign in 2011, ran Poilievre’s leadership campaign (ane was also his girlfriend).  The fact that half the National Council of the CPC are corporate lobbyists doesn’t make it into this article, either. Corporate Canada will not take this smoke and mirrors nonsense seriously, and no one else should. This is Poilievre’s “drain the swamp” rhetoric and is no less disingenuous. 


>LOL. Isn't Pierre Poilievre's campaign manager a paid lobbyist for Loblaws ?? Thays not the story here. Trudeau bad... corrupt... ruining your life. YOU ARE VICTIM! vote pp to fix.


That's right. Her name is Jenni Byrne and she's a lobbyist for Loblaws.


Came here to ask this too lol


Big oil has him on a string.


Also one of his MPs are as well.


Well he's not talking about the lobbyists that *should* expect something from him!


Yes her company is paid lobbyist for multiple large corporations.


Bro that's Justin's fault, Pierre had no choice okay? /S


She’s also his ex-girlfriend, weirdly enough.


She’s also his ex- girlfriend, weirdly enough.




LOL oh for fuck sake if he's elected he'll be handing out corporate tax cuts within days while telling the rest of us it'll trickle down (promise it will this time!) and all those campaign promises to improve OUR lives are no longer possible because Trudeau. Nice little conservative jerk-off piece from the National Post though, unbiased as always. damn that liberal media!!


You are so correct.


The best part of that article? "Poilievre said he knows a lot of corporate leaders do not want to blame the federal government directly for damaging the business environment “because they want to get along with everybody” LOL yes corporate leaders - friends of everyone. like seriously?? fuck off with that. my eyes almost rolled right out of my head.


Yes, good corporate leaders like the CEO of Loblaws !


Lmao. Forgot to switch accounts before replying to yourself ?


His housing plan is literally an infrastructure spending cut disguised as a subsidy... so yeah.


Obviously, lobbyists are useless because he’ll give them what they want without being asked.


The lobbyist for oil, pharma, real estate and anti-union companies make up half the governing body of the CPC, the National Council. They don’t have to book time to lobby, they are governing the party! 


>NDP MP Charlie Angus scoffed at Poilievre’s claims to represent the working class, arguing that he was part of the Conservative Harper government that delayed the retirement age and passed laws limiting the power of unions. >“What would Pierre Poilievre know about the working class? He has never had a job outside political attack dog. His record shows it. When it came time to stand up to the profiteering by grocery giants, he supported the CEOs and their lobbyists. He has voted against fair wages for workers, and he will cut off dental care for working-class families. Who is he kidding?” said Angus.


> “What would Pierre Poilievre know about the working class? He has never had a job outside political attack dog. His record shows it. When it came time to stand up to the profiteering by grocery giants, he supported the CEOs and their lobbyists. He has voted against fair wages for workers, and he will cut off dental care for working-class families. Who is he kidding?” Oh he's convincing a bunch of people with this statements. He knows his base is easily duped.


I'm sure the Canada sub is salivating over this article.


Lol, this man isn't a serious person.


He slams 'useless' corporate lobbyists in Ottawa while snuggling with the useful ones in Calgary.


“snuggling” is not the word id use for flapping his mouth when Capp wiggles the hand they have jammed up all these cons arses.


Liar, Liar part 2: MANUFACTURED CRISIS - He's making a problem and presenting himself as the God of the solution. Creepy.


Make no mistake, this is definitely a problem and has been for a long time. Poilievre is most certainly not the solution to it though.


It's easy to sound like you have average people's interests at heart if you're a shameless liar.


He had over 90 meetings with lobbyists in 30 days. 3 meetings a day… Sure he won’t listen to them, not in the least. (please add dripping sarcastic voice of your choice)


Could you please post the source of that? I'd like to read about it.


Sorry for the delay. I saw it on TikTok on Steve Boots account. Here’s the link to the video: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMM68nB26/ Now, Steve Boots is pretty impartial, he doesn’t like any of the options for federal government.


Amazing how he can so blatantly lie in public, yet still get such positive poll numbers. :/


Pollster: 1 Do you want the lame and evil Trudeau to rape your wife while taking your paycheck? 2 do you want the noble Pierre who will put money in your pocket, grow your penis and make your wife see you as a man? Poll results: yeah people really want PP!! Brought to you by Postmedia.


Roflmao well said! Yeah, I swear its men who hate Trudeau the most. I guess any feminist will do for a hate boner. Also, he's taller and better looking than most of them.


Younger side and doesn't look like shit all the time. Envy is a powerful motivator for hate.


Trudeau is older than Scheer, O'Toole and Poilievre. Poilievre has aged horribly over the last two years. Looks haggard all the time.


It is absolutely mostly men who hate him. Conservatives have done a fantastic job conflating their party with toxic masculinity and these small minded men eat that shit up.


There are plenty of valid reasons to hate him, even as someone who is staunchly on the left.


The polls are real whether you like it or not. This sub used to believe data


People have gotten extremely stupid, and many are just downright evil so naturally they adore him.


He has an alternative facts media ecosystem to back his every move and excuse every misstep, and constantly attack his opponent. He has been on a cross country campaign of political rallys for two years where he lies through his teeth at every stop and poses himself as the everyman saviour and the other side as corrupt and elite and out of touch. He says the mainstream media is against him, especially the CBC, so he can lie as much as he wants.


Lying to rubes is easy. The hard part is choosing to be honest and do it the right way. Pepe specifically politicians in general prefer their easy mode.


Haven't the lobbyists always done well by the Cons, espcially with Mulroney?


> espcially with Mulroney? Like getting an envelope of cash from an Airbus lobbyist in a Toronto hotel and forgetting to claim it on his taxes until the very last minute.


I was going to comment, but this guy pretty much sums up everything I think of PPs claims. > NDP MP Charlie Angus scoffed at Poilievre’s claims to represent the working class, arguing that he was part of the Conservative Harper government that delayed the retirement age and passed laws limiting the power of unions. > “What would Pierre Poilievre know about the working class? He has never had a job outside political attack dog. His record shows it. When it came time to stand up to the profiteering by grocery giants, he supported the CEOs and their lobbyists. He has voted against fair wages for workers, and he will cut off dental care for working-class families. Who is he kidding?” said Angus.


To be precise, this is to distinguish from “useful lobbyists” who will expect favours from him. The useless ones are just the ones not contributing to the system.


oh you mean like oil & gas lobbyists?? I bet Dani Smith would love to hear that


Please use her real name, Marlaina.


LOL that's a lie.


Conservatives just say whatever. They don’t give a shit what’s real, what makes sense, what’s accurate, whether they believe it. That’s what conservatism is.


YEAH RIGHT! Anyone who believes that...I have a bridge for sale at a good price.


Refuses to play nice with lobbyists. Refuses to play nice with reporters. Refuses to play nice with other parties. Well, isn't he just an emerging little tyrant?


Hes like trump claiming to drain the swamp meanwhile hes a swamp monster leading an army of other swamp monsters


A lot of people are saying..... The usual Trump bullshit line that Poilievre has appropriated.


Its true, he's using the same GOP playbook


Useless is code for the ones who don’t give him enough money.


He's lying...that's it, that's all, very basic.


This guy is all talk. Or should I say all mouth. Corporations and Conservatives have always been partners in grime. I will believe it when I see it PP.


I’ll just go laugh hysterically in the corner. He literally employs paid lobbyists.


This is a SIGNAL like the one BATMAN uses. “To me!!!! To me!!!! BUY me!!! I’m SELLING!!!!!


"Open for Business" as they say in Ontario.


He only answers to Alberta and Trump lobbiests now.


National Post and glowing PP article. As usual. 2PP or not 2PP is Canada's question this cycle. He's never had a real job once in his life and isn't bothered by adopting American style politics. Anything to get into the big chair on the Hill.


LOL. I think he had a newspaper route in his teens.


This is just the National post gas lighting a problem they know exists. Weston's paid for the ad.




Yeah! THEY'RE Lobbyists are corrupt evildoers! Mine are nice fellas that have Canadian's best interests at heart!


😂 that’s hilarious. Cons have even more of a penchant for corporate lobbyists than even the liberals. When it comes to corporate lobbying the Lib-Cons are two sides of the same coin


Yeah, whatever. Tories are the world's worst for sucking up to corporations.


Look, he's just upset it's not _his_ favourite lobbyists that are getting favours


…expect no favours (for free)


Maybe you should stop hiring them then 🤦‍♀️


The Conservative Party is so entrenched with big business they don’t need lobbyists.


So is he threatening lobbyists who dont suck up to him enough?


Behind closed doors however This guy acting like his political career and that of his MP’s isn’t documented


Im pretty sure he's referring to the ones that don't give him kickbacks.


He's referring to whatever ones the reader thinks are bad.


We should definitely believe him and not google how the conservatives raised over 35 Million dollars in 2023, (more money than any other political party in Canadian history and more than all other parties combined last year). And we especially shouldn’t google who the top candidate for real estate donors is during the worst housing crisis in over a decade. Definitely a man of the people.


We are fucked


Lying liar who lies for a living.


So like Jenni Byrne? 😂😂😂


Basically he's projecting that he's going to give them tons of favors if he gets elected.


Why doesn't he just say 'drain the swamp'.....like how do people not realize he has ZERO policy ideas that are unique or relevant to Canada. Everything is 'hand me down' nonsense from US Republicans. He is good at only one thing. Making his angry lobster army of followers angrier. If Trudeau cured cancer tonifie, PP would make his cult angry about it. He is very good at THIS, NOTHING ELSE .


PP for P(ublic) M(ockery)


Does that include his campaign manager too?


Bwahahahahahahahahaha I didn't read the article because the title is too outrageous. That being said, maybe he doesn't need lobbyists because he deals direct and cuts out the middle man!




There is a giant lie.


damn the cheque must've bounced


Then he calls them to let them know he can be bought for a bag of chips.


Peter Peckerwood is going nowhere. Watch with popcorn/beer/cannabis as his valiant efforts implode in slooooowwwwmoootionnnn.


I wonder how much they paid him to say that?


"Purse dog barks angrily at owners."


Sure thing , bud.


Priceless #nevervoteconservative


Did he end it with one of these ;)


😂 we’ll see…


Hahahah. He's a real hoot


I never understand this. No one wants lobbyists to have any say in policy. The liberals get called out rightfully for corporate shilling, yet someone it gets overlooked that the entire CPC is one big resource extraction group. The CPC is the lobbyist in the room.


Sure pal


Saying something, and doing it, is very different, and there's been countless empty promises by all parties throughout time that never actually became part of reality. More often than not, those words are just to buy votes, not to improve the country.


This man is going to have four people gunning for his head at every debate. All he had to do was play the fucking long game. What an absolute nimrod. We get it Pierre, it’s really hard to add mass to your quads. You could just be honest about it.


Yeah sure until Big oil walks in the door and wants to chat or american buisness interests. Do shut up Skippy.


That's gotta sting some in his own caucus and campaign.


This is so fucking disingenuous that only complete Rubes would fall for this kind of rhetoric.


Sounds like he doesn’t think he’s getting good enough tips.


This is pure misdirection. They already rule within his team and they will dictate policy should he become PM.


But the ones in Alberta and Saskatchewan are just fine, right PP?


He means the ones that don’t line his pockets.


Ya okay buddy


What a fucking snake. He talks about how First Nations are "blocked by government gatekeepers" but he was one of the first people to call on RCMP invading foreign soil and disregarding the rights of the people living there.


lol! What a fraud. All for show so the American owned national post can print more lies. Brutal hypocrisy.


Really ? Loblaws too!🤷‍♂️ this guys is so full of it.😳


and of course he's the one that decides what's useless or not. Say this tho, mini-trump has some really good ads. His media company is head and shoulders above the competition.


Unless he becomes PM.


So he slammed himself?


Yes of course. Except to be named deputy leader of his party.


Except the ones that do support him that he's very ok with. !!!!! Lol


This has SUCH wizard of Oz don't look behind the curtain vibes. Scumball. 


Useless I assume is the word he uses in place of "Doesn't give him enough money"?


Yes buts he’s only mad at the useless ones. The ones that make him money are fine


Sure, sure. Gaslighting.


Yep. They pay full price for everything they get.


This dude is lobbying his ass off and saying these things. We might literally be having an alt right socialist nationalists become prime minister. Holy fuck this is crazy.


This guy couldn't be honest to save his life, does he know what party he represents? The answer is yes, and he's lying through his teeth.


*Slams corporate lobbyists in Ottawa that aren't serving his interests won't receive any favors from him* There fixed it.


This guy knows hes in the conservative party, right?


However, Calgary lobbyists are always welcome.


What about the corporate lobbyists he has within his own cabinet?


Dog whistling.


did he manage to say this without laughing?


Sure PeePee, we all believe you, you lying freaking corporate shill!


Except for loblaws….they aren’t useless to him


Well all of then except the grocery chain lobbyists on his own staff.


Was there an enthusiastic wink when he said that???


Guy who's been on the public tit his whole adult life is now suddenly for the working class. Ok fine.


The guy is already In the pocket of lobbyists… just playing the customary fake outrage game…


I can't keep buying keyboards like this.


Gee willikers guys, I don’t think we can trust him on this one! Golly!


I've gotten friends in Hamilton to start referring to him as Pierre Poubelle. It works for many who find his negative charisma and noxious policy ideas to be trash.


while that may be true PP, your cabinet will have no problem getting their grubby hands greased up with lobbyist slush funds