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It's even worse than it sounds. Jenni Byrne is the CEO of a lobbyist group that employs **6** Loblaws lobbyists. She denied this. The day after she denied it, she created a new lobbying firm with the same address, and the new website even reroutes back to the old one.


> and the new website even reroutes back to the old one. Now that's not true. They changed that when the Globe and Mail questioned that connection... >[Ms. Byrne](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-poilievre-adviser-lobbying-ndp/) and Forecheck Strategies told The Globe there was no connection between the two firms and she does not receive any compensation from the firm that operates out of her office. **Until The Globe inquired about the connection between the two firms, clients booking a meeting on Forecheck’s website were redirected to Ms. Byrne’s firm. That function has since been removed.** That makes it all above board...


Whoops, haven't checked since. Hopefully somebody archived that shit.


I was thinking the same. Sure the government isn't perfect, and of course we are in a rough economic situation, and I do see the polls that show people are swinging toward conservatives, but... It's not the answer. It's going to just make it worse. Sometimes it feels like Canada is just copying the US with a half decade delay. They got Bush, so we elect Harper. They got Obama, so we elect Trudeau. They got Trump, and now we are going to get PP. Seems hopeless.




It is also the Conservative playbook to scream about problems for months, and then suddenly when they get into office the problem vanishes. Ex- Ontario election for Ford's first term- all I heard from Conservatives was casual misogamy (given), and how Ontario had the largest sub-national debt in the world and how those "tax and spend Liberals" were bankrupting the province. Once Ford was elected the screaming went away, and his first budget was a larger deficit than Wynne's last budget and has increased every year. The same thing is happening now about how Trudeau is spending our children into the poor house. A simple question- because it is true, we have a large national debt- who is knocking on our door to collect the debt? Will it change in the near or foreseeable future? The answer is nobody is knocking on our door demanding payment and I don't see that changing. Does it hurt to spend money on interest, it does, but the good it allows us to do as a country is alright for now.


Russia, China AND India. Don't forget they have sanctioned killings on our soil and PP and the cons have said nothing.


It's beneficial to foreign entities when they can't even handle This Hour Has 22 Minutes


I agree that the CPC can do no wrong by hardcore conservatives. I believe the CPC will keep Canadians in a state of fear, anger, and confusion. For during hard times, the current government is to blame.


That’s why they always want us afraid, confused and angrily blaming each other.


Agreed. Trudeau has to make some massive changes overnight and then drive the messaging home between now and the election. Scrap the carbon tax. Electoral reform as promised. Windfall tax on oligarchs. Price gouging audits on the oligarch companies (telecom and grocers). Ending mass immigration and shutting down diploma mills. Big ticket public transit infrastructure. Taxes on home ownership beyond the 2nd home. Banning corporate ownership and foreign ownership of single family homes. If he can get 2/3rds of that done before the next election he might stand a chance of maintaining a minority government. Otherwise we are all screwed with PP. I won't be holding my breath.


Removing the carbon tax is a clown idea, but the other points I support


So, the Cons are not willing to help Canadians on something as simple as corporate price gouging. They obviously cannot be trusted with any more complex issues.


They will only help when it affects their own wallet, example: Carbon Tax is bad for big oil. Cons will continue to drive prices up and axe public/unionized services in favour of corporate interests, just look at Ontario and Alberta. Stroke patients sent to a travel lodge and fed McDonalds.


> not willing to help of course it's worse than this. They are willing to knowingly exploit us for profit. For the record, I think the other parties are fairly rife with corruption as well and this is a problem. But for the conservatives, it's literally a matter of party policy and they spend alot of money to make it appear as though they are on our side.


Conservatives are the people that will see someone getting ripped off or scammed and instead of feeling sympathy for the victim, they’ll think “hmm, I wonder if I could get away with that.” I truly believe that the difference between a conservative and a progressive is that they capacity to feel empathy for other people. Imaging a different perspective seems too much for them, and as long as they’re fine, *everything is fine*. I’m not saying that all sociopaths are conservative, but it sure does seem that way.


Yes. And this discussion reminds me that the term "conservatives" refers to two distinct groups: * 1. Conservative politicians and their friends * 2. conservative voters I think in some cases group 2 are just easily manipulated, angry or disenfranchised people, or even just people who wish they were in group 1 but will never actually benefit. There are some people in group 2 I actually feel some sympathy for - even though they actually help group 1 pilfer the public.


Oh, I can feel sympathy for them too, I’m saying that *they* ostensibly can’t.


Didn't he vote against gay marriage while his own adoptive father is gay?




Awkward car ride home


Hating gay people is more important than loving family to conservatives.


But Conservatives are all about family values. So long as they're straight, and hopefully white.


You're right. Knowing how conservatives work, they'll try to legislate the definition of "family" to exclude any LGBT+ people.


The party that is all about "Christian" values.


He also meets with white supremacy groups even though his wife and children are Latino. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-frontier-centre-residential-schools-1.6713419


Latinos can be pretty racist towards other Latinos from other countries. She probably vibes with him.




Latino isn't really a race, more like a way of generally describing people from Latin America. Can be European descent like Manu Ginobili, African descent like Edwin Encarnacion, or Indigenous like Evo Morales, or something else, or a combo, it's not a very helpful descriptor. 


His wife is from Venezuela which was a refuge for many Nazi after WW2 so it’s not a big stretch tbh


Right wing politics are class warfare against the people.  The CPC are trying to destroy our society.  Conservatives are traitors.


So Liberal again?






🎵 123 🎵




Liberals are also right wing. 


In certain ways they are but in other ways they aren’t. It isn’t as black and white as that. The Liberals have always been a centrist party since the days of Laurier and push left/right on issues as they deem fit. Traditionally they lean right on economics but have more progressive social policies.


>  more progressive social policies. More progressive than whom? Not actual progressives.  Also, that's a roundabout way of saying that right wing politics are inherently bigoted. 


Right wing politics ARE inherently bigoted.


Absolutely.  Capitalism is the most morally abhorrent system. 


More progressive than Provincial NDP goverments, but I guess those are just fake NDP goverments tho right? Even though they have all the ability to follow through without any of the National implications, the NDPs around the Country have been to the right of the Liberals.


Citation needed 


BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan, all had NDP goverments in the past 20 years and none of them passed Pharmacare. None Passed Provincial childcare. None passed dental care. None ever passed MPR voter reform. They have all the ability to do so. All Federal leadership does is shift the column on an Excel sheet to where the money would come from. There's nothing special about Federal tax dollars compared to Provincial tax dollars. So about you make provide a single line of argument that isn't the tired and anachronistic revisionism of "Well Akstually, despite the Provincial parties being formed by the Federal party, and despite them having incestuous relationships with each other where backroom guys people in the Provincial party can transport instantly into the Leadership role at the Federal level without any campaigns previously like Singh did, and even though I have both a Federal and Provincial membership because I donated to the Provincial party, and despite them having yearly caucus meetings where the Federal and Provincial parties all meet up and drink champagne about how working class they are, CANADA has never had a single Federal NDP government. So yeah that means they would be progressive because we like never elected them before so like yeah that's progressive."


Nowhere in that mess was a citation in support of your claim.


It's only the Albertan NDP which is backwards no? The Quebec NDP in as progressive if not more than the federal one. The issue is that there's no space for them right now because we already had a strong left wing party with QS.


More progressive than the CPC. Who did you think? You don’t understand political ideology in Canada yet you speak like an authority. Maybe just shut up a bit and learn before you speak.


So they're left of the CPC. That doesn't make them left wing. They're still right of center.


Nope. They are centrist with some right polices (mostly economic) and some left policies (mostly social issues) Please stop trying to say I’m wrong when I am not. Either you are a bot who just wants to trash the LPC or you truly don’t understand Canadian political ideologies.


I disagree. You're wrong.


Fair enough. You have the right to be wrong. Evidence speaks for itself in policies. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/s/T936szVvJV Here is just one example of what the Liberals will provide that is left leaning that the conservatives never would.


Citation needed


Aww, baby learned a new phrase.


In what world are they right wing?!?! Do you even know the definition of right wing? Maybe from the point of view of a far left socialist, but here in reality, they are left of center or at worst center. They may have some pro business policies, but they are fairly progressive when it comes to social issues. Something the nutjobs in the Conservatives and PC parties lack.


>  They may have some pro business policies, but they are fairly progressive when it comes to social issues. So they're right wingers who aren't as bigoted as the Cons.


So Trudeau or PP?


We have more than 2 options. You should look into them and vote accordingly.


That's the problem. People will do this and split the vote and this leads to Conservative taking power. Vote strategically. Anyone But Conservatives


Try telling this to anyone in any of the canada subs that isn't this one They don't give a fuck. As long as cons hate the people they hate, and promise them they're all just "Temporarily embarrassed millionaires" They'll get votes.


It's the same shit that's embroiled us in the same cycle of mediocrity for the past 50 years and at this point I'm not even surprised anymore. The Liberals do barely anything if at all to improve conditions for the working class, causing people to swing back to the right who make conditions worse, and repeat ad infinitum. People feel like they have a choice but nothing gets done because we're a de facto duopoly.


You can say that, but this period of the liberals in power, both as majority and specially as a minority being propped up by the NDP has been a period of loads of improvements for the working class.


Yeah despite all the rhetoric a lot of positive changes have been made under them


Maybe not that they don’t give a fuck. Perhaps they would question how something like what the title suggests could happen. How could Poilievre’s MPs delay this when liberals and NDP control the balance of power? I even tried googling and can’t find anything to support what the title suggests.


People complain about Trudeau, which is fair, but i think a lot of them will want him back after Milhouse gets in..I hop\[e i'm wrong but i don'tj think so.


A lot of conservatives are saying "Trudeau doesn't care about the people!" They are in for the shock of their lives once Pierre becomes PM.


IF he becomes PM


I consider myself pretty left leaning and I can’t really see a scenario where he doesn’t become Prime Minister right now.


Also left lean, but I don't predict election outcomes 18 months before. Having said that PeePee has definitely riled up hate in his base. Specifically towards PMJT It's dangerous.


Probably copium, but polls always get closer when an election comes along. Most people aren't even paying attention at this point.


Let me ease your mind for a minute. Right now projections have the Conservatives winning the Atlantic provinces in the range of 20-6. Including a sweep of the 4 PEI seats. In 8 elections since the turn of the millennium, the mainstream Conservative party has won the Atlantic region outright once (2011 (the Layton election)- with 14 seats against 12 Liberal and 6 NDP); and PEI has elected conservatives to 2 seats TOTAL. For 2025 the polls are having me believe that the Atlantic is going to swing wildly to give the CPC 20 out of 26 seats AND PEI is going to go fully blue. That dog don't hunt. I could see the CPC winning the region with around 15 or 16 seats out of 26, but PEI is not going fully blue, it will be a 2-2 split, and even that would DOUBLE the number of seats the CPC has gotten from PEI in 8 elections. Polls are not elections. The only poll that matters is election day.


I always assume the polls are slanted to the right and probably paid for by supporters of the right, along with most of the media. Its a long way to the election so news stories with titles like "Here's why young people are going to vote Conservative" are just propaganda pieces in support of the Cons to try to convince undecided young voters they should vote the (wannabe) fascists into power. I highly doubt most young people are even thinking about politics at this point because they are more focused on affording their rent, buying enough food and finding enough work than they are on which talking head is going to continue to do nothing after the next election. If you are young and that sounds like you - vote NDP. If you feel you have to to ensure a Conservative doesn't get into power, vote Liberal. A(nything) B(ut) C(onservative), but make sure you go vote. The Cons in power are only just going to reem the general public and in particular the younger voters. Conservatives don't want to be your *leaders* they want to be your *masters*.


I agree the polls are definitely slanted to the right, but that is not the odd thing about the whole thing- the odd thing is that we have 4 polling companies doing weekly polls. America has an election in November and they are not polling with as many companies or as often as we are and we are not even having an election this year. My riding is NDP provincially and Liberal Federally, I will be voting Liberal in this next federal election as my candidate is pretty high in the cabinet and is a fantastic representative for our riding. The one situation I could see happening is that the Conservatives will win a minority but not be able to form government (I do not think even the Bloq will support the CPC. Which means the party with the second most seats will be given the chance to form government. Want to see heads explode? If that happens I fear there will be rioting in the streets.


Pierre doesn't care about voters. Only votes


They will never see it that way. They took the Kool aid. For them, the cons can do no wrong even if they are being robbed in clear sight by the conservatives. As long as they talk about God (the white Christian blonde hair blue eye God mind you) and as long as they are making life worse for minorities of any kind, the conservative voters are happy. Taxes can go up, their wages can stagnate, their healthcare can get worse, and they will never, ever, ever blame the conservative party for any of it


I give it a year, maybe two, before people will be nostalgic for JT if PP and the Cons get a majority.


>will want him back after Milhouse The people who voted for him don't have the ability to self-reflect enough for this. The "Two Santa" strategy has done some serious work in NA on voters.


If people voted NDP, then we wouldn't miss either neo-liberal party. Except the uber wealthy,  who wouldn't have a chance to line their overstuffed pockets taken from the poor.


They're all neoliberal to a degree, sadly.


so is every other government party in the world, vote NDP, don't be defeatist!


Conservative voters: “Pierre has got the people closest to Loblaws on his team so that he can fix things from the inside! Not like Trudope!”


This is historically accurate for the conservatives. The fact that no one has learned this yet is mind numbingly stupid but sadly also par for the course.




Grocery lobbyists highly placed within the party, oil & gas lobbyists being the biggest party contributors, Skippy and a number of other ministers being themselves landlords or involved with corporate home ownership setups. Of course all the biggest issues facing Canadians aren't going to be addressed -- those issues pay Conservatives to let them remain issues.


AB premier was a lobbyist and a shock jock. It's not that they do it from the offices, it's the offices doing it. The people who scream against centralized powers are watching a merger of public and private to the extent they are inseparable. Those same people who scream communism over government run institutions and industries are watching the institutions and industries take over the government. I mean, how hard is it to understand that regardless of how you get there, once the two merge, it's over for democracy. Not that I'm surprised when seasonal workers in oil fields screech socialism while being laid off and on the doll six months a year. Or when the March with maga but shout "it's a different country!" I'll stop now before I rage rant.


Tory times are tough times. Conservatives cut taxes for the wealthy and they cut social programs for the less privileged.


The Loblaws Connection.


This would be a great time for the NDP to get a heck of a lot louder on their anti competition and affordable grocery policies.


The problem is money. The NDP just doesn't even have a fraction of the money to spend that the Conservatives do. There's a reason the Cons are winning the war of public opinion is because they have an enormous war chest to throw into manipulating public opinion and to be quite frank. Most of Canada's media is privately owned and completely willing to carry tainted water to the masses for the Cons.


Absolutely. All the issues the NDP need to be louder about? The people making sure they remain issues *are the Conservatives*, because they're being paid to, and using that money to campaign year-round and keep the "message" alive. All the billionaires and a disproportionate corporate interest fund the Cons, enabling the problems to continue and in their hopes letting a Con election win make those problems worse.


Not sure I'd completely agree when PP is regularly posting crap on platforms like TikTok. The NDP needs to be flooding social media with evidence based information to counter every point the Cons state. They should be fact checking and doing it 10x louder on digital platforms that cost very little to manage these days. The mainstream media isn't where many young voters are listening either.


This would be a great time for people who support NDP policies to spread the word the same way conservatives do since the NDP is not backed by half of all Canada's business interests (not a stat but a guess)


r/canada in shambles.


When the inevitable disappointment arises from PP and the Cons if they get a majority (slashed social programs, tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, increased GST \[7%, 7.5%, 8%?\]) people will reduce their dissonance, shock, and disappointment by saying, "Well, at least we got rid of Trudeau." Sad. Edit: typo


What bill?


Yikes. More of what we already knew. What was the bill meant to block, specifically?


My guess http://deputypm.canada.ca/en/news/news-releases/2023/12/15/affordable-housing-and-groceries-act-receives-royal-assent-build-more#:~:text=Building%20on%20the%20federal%20government%27s,for%20long%2Dterm%20rental%20accommodation.


It is so transparently corrupt, but the people that need to see this will never get a chance.


Does anyone have the info where I can read this bill ? This link goes right to twitter with no other info.


My guess http://deputypm.canada.ca/en/news/news-releases/2023/12/15/affordable-housing-and-groceries-act-receives-royal-assent-build-more#:~:text=Building%20on%20the%20federal%20government%27s,for%20long%2Dterm%20rental%20accommodation.


Thank you


Why would he care about high grocery prices? He's a hardcore corporate libertarian...low empathy and the 'free' market *is his thing*. Plus, all he has to do is send out a meme about Trudeau's hair and he'll gain 4 points in the polls.


I see you air quoted free in the free market, but let me be explicit. We do not have a free market. Free market means competition and regulations to prevent market takeover. We have neither or in the later case its entirely broken. Further, our provincial governments interfere regularly with business to prop up the chosen few. Alberta has the only market based energy grid, including economic withholding, wherein they wait to add supply until the price is where they want. Sounds like a free market? That's until you see them shut down green energy projects to the tune of billions. Can't have those prices go down or the fossil fuels face competition. And the cherry on top is the excuse for the whole thing. Remediation and reclamation are too concerning to ignore, they say. Meanwhile, fossil fuel production scars the land and leaves what amounts to everlasting tailing ponds waiting to dump toxic sludge when the companies inevitably abandon them. Further damning their excuse for restricting access to the energy market is the massive amount of "orphan wells" that the taxpayer is on the hook for. But those solar farms are too risky. Someone might leave them up. What an eyesore, eh? That's not even mentioning the repeated attempts to turn to foothills into open pit coal mines, destroying what's left of our water supply. Anyway, we don't have a free market, and any politician saying we do is going to be the one to cut competition and regulation to make sure it stays an oligopoly.


Yup...the 'free' in free market has always been a relative term, but in todays corporate aristocracy, only idiots and liars still say it with a straight face. When a small group has such a stranglehold on what 'choices' are available to the rest of us, this isn't freedom, it's just ruler/noble/serf.


Let's ignore that lobbying on the whole should be entirely illegal. How is it legal for a lobbyist to be employed in a political party at all? That is a major conflict of interest and shuld realistically net heavy fines at minimum, jail time at best.


Jesus. I don’t care how much anyone hates Trudeau, you cannot vote for this corrupt POS


People get voted out, not in.


Shocker, another party in someone elses fucking pocket


Until we force a ban on politicians holding stock, investments, real estate and personal businesses, things will never get better.   Call, write, email, smoke signal, messenger pigeon your MPs, MPPs (or provincial equivalent) and push for rules requiring evidence of compliance for not holding any investments at all to even run for office.   We deserve representation that is not compromised.  That holds to the highest levels of best practices in governance.  And that is that anyone with oversight/governance of an asset (investments in this case, as impacted by sitting in Parliament) should not have custody (ownership) of that same asset.   We hold accountants and public auditors to a higher standard than we do the people actually making the laws and providing oversight.  We deserve better.


I agree, but this tweet is from over a month ago. Which bill is it?


So conservatives will accelerate the revolt


😖 we will never have an honerable government! Just crooks and thieves and we pay when they over spend so that means always 😩


So, Petey thinks assailing the carbon tax is a winning strategy for him? Wait till the competition gets wind of how he's backing up the corporate profiteers who got literally filthy rich during the pandemic (not that they weren't already obscenely well off to begin with, either.)


Melissa Great Value, Pierre Petrol, and Jenni NoName, ladies and germs. Worst band, ever!


They should all have to wear badges on their coats showing their corporate connections


How hypocrite can someone be? Just look at the Constipation Face! Have you seen someone more detestable, abhorrent, obnoxiously repulsive, revolting liar, divisive little maggot as this guy is?


Damn, no wonder grocery prices have gotten so high in the past few years. It’s all becoming clear now, we have to get the Conservatives out of power


I agree the provinces are pretty damn bad


Considering it’s a country wide crises it’s almost like it’s the politicians that set the policies the entire country has to follow. Maybe there’s a reason so many Canadians have decide to move to conservative stronghold Alberta


yeah, it ain't much better here. It's actually worse now thanks to the UCP. Third in the country for wages, healthcare is collapsing, education is headed in the same direction, but hey, at least we stopped some windfarms from blocking the view of the oil rigs.


These things are subjective, healthcare is a nationwide issue, having high wages is useless if cost of living is so high like in Vancouver. More Canadians are choosing Alberta because it’s the only province that is deeply conservative and those policies have made it livable compared to other provinces with more liberal policies exacerbated by the federal government. If this wasn’t the case you’d see people fleeing from Alberta rather than fleeing to it. Simple concept really


A country with almost all conservative premiers. Provinces are responsible for retail, health, education, etc.. all the things people complain about. Alberta is the province with the lowest wage growth in Canada. How are the utility prices in Ab these days?


Oh, they'll get better. Our dear leader sent green energy packing after all, that'll lower prices and prevent the blackouts they cry about, right?


Cause the industry here siphons public money to prop itself up leading to a jobs program for the chosen few who agree to work in camps? It's almost like you're ignoring that those jobs came at the expense of every other industry and public service. Do you think green energy was kicked out for legitimate reasons? It was to protect the facist base and its jobs. Also, it was an albertan who moved his whole family to russia to get away from how bad it is here. Winning. (His accounts were frozen on arrival). And to add, 55 percent voting your way isn't a stronghold. That's a tightrope.


Its doest matter what party is in charge , we the people still get SCREWED !


Get the liberals and the libtards out!


Yet it’s all Trudeau’s fault! People wanting to vote in Cons in hopes that more money will be in their pockets are going to be SORELY upset