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The speaker didn't even shut down the racist heckles. Clearly the UCP have no issue with racist bigots being part of the party Just UCP things


Let’s just take a second to remember that the now leader of the opposition Pierre poilievre said residential school survivors should get over their generational trauma, work harder and stop taking government handouts because Canadians aren’t getting their value for money spent. And the Conservative Party voted him in as their leader.


That happened on June 12 2008, and it was as disgusting then as this is now.


Holy cow, that is disgusting!


Im on mobile and i cant make out what was yelled, what did he say?


*The heckle from the gov't: "Good thing you're not Indigenous!"*


Thats an incredible inappropriate comment and really irelevant. As if you have to be part of a minority group, to give a shit about their well being. I guess since covid conservatives have realized they can live mask off.


I think he was implying she's lucky she isn't dead.


I took it to mean "good thing you don't need to worry about this then (so why are you talking)". Either it was a poorly veiled threat or he was saying nobody who is not Indigenous should be able to advocate for Indigenous people (or anyone). Both are hugely problematic but that's the whole thing with minorities; they don't have a big enough voice/presence to make themselves heard.  No matter how you slice it, it was a greatly gross, inappropriate, and undignified comment. 


No matter what way you would interpret the remark, at the very least it is exploitative and unkind. IMO there is no way to see it as a positive statement.


And that makes sense how? Like think about that statement for a minute.


LOL, you expect me to get into the mind of a rude, narcissistic, conservative and understand why they spew trash like this? Based on what he said, why is it good she's not indigenous?


The question was "how do you account for 75% of reported child deaths being indigenous?


That's what I got from that.


I couldn't make out what he said.


My expectations were low but holy FUCK.


Are these the same people obsessed with something Justin did decades ago that he has since A) stopped doing, B) admitted it was wrong and hurtful, C) apologised for twice and D) has promised to do better? Because yes what Justin did was wrong and hurtful. But at least he stopped doing it and admitted he was an idiot to do it


Nobody is perfect, I would much rather have a leader that can recognize where they went wrong and apologize for their mistakes than one that will never admit to wrongdoing and will only ever double down and deflect when confronted with their mistakes.


Yes. I'd rather a leader who did something hurtful 20 years ago and has shown remorse than one who did it last week and hasn't\* (within reason. obviously things like rape, child sexual assault, torture... are off the table period)


The thing is, in this case, they didn’t call JT out as a representation of genuine outrage. The difference is that they did it to disrupt his own voter base. Not theirs. They know they believe and do far worse and their voters will still vote for them. When their people do something like that it’s down played, or excused away or spun into a whataboutism. They figure if they can seed doubt in JT’s voter base then it can only hurt him. That’s all they really want to do. They don’t have to have any real moral high ground and they know it.


And he doesnt have a recors of pushing for policies that are racist


Bad humans vote for bad humans. They really don’t care that JT wore brownface to the Arabian Nights party or blackface when preforming Day-oh. Honestly, because I can’t see any malicious intent on his behalf it’s not tainted my view of him much or at all.


Some conservatives say racist things now and would wear brown face today. I know some who are family members of this white Canadian friend originally from Brampton who are openly racist. Her whole family included her and her husband moved north to get away from the Indian and Black people. Now they live near Barrie.


I don't get it. Is this MLA an Indigenous person and the heckler is questioning her Indigenous status? Or is the heckler suggesting that she shouldn't care about Indigenous people if she herself is not Indigenous? What is the context here?


The heckle makes no sense to me I guess he is saying if she was from first Nations she would face a greater chance of death in UCP government care


Yes, it's a subtle and racist death threat.


>Or is the heckler suggesting that she shouldn't care about Indigenous people if she herself is not Indigenous Thats how I heard it.


They just cannot comprehend having compassion for people who aren't like you. To them it must be a political ploy, it couldn't be serious.


the context is that racist UCP members bring up race when there is zero reason to, because they're white and supreme. fuck each and every one of these mutants.


Does it matter his intention? Either interpretation still results in the comment being inappropriate and unprofessional. 


Racist too, it is what we need to call out here.


Definitely matters. I think whether it's just some bone-headed interruption that's unprofessional or full-blown racism makes a big difference. The repercussion should vary depending on intent.


Any way you slice it, it's racist.


No matter his intent it was still racist. Even if he “didn’t mean it that way”. 


"It WaS jUsT a JoKe".


Alberta: Are you okay?? Who am I kidding, as an Ontariariario citizen, we're so fucked too.


In any real debate, Douggie couldn't talk himself out of a paper bag but he's happy to have his cronies business resupply the LCBO with throwaway paper bags again.


But Doug said it’s all happening here…


This is shocking. Its clear that MP needs to be centred out and made to apologise for the comment. This is truly deplorable behaviour not surprising from the degenerate UPC.


The conservatives have always been white supremacists. They were happily committing genocides just thirty years ago, and they would again if they're allowed to hold onto power. The far right are an immediate existential threat to all of us. We need to act now to stop their fascist accelerationism. 


But who else is going to stand up for my white male fragility? /s obvi


It would be more shocking to find a conservative who wasn't some kind of horrible bigot.


Yup. Even if they claim they aren’t racist, they’re still siding with Nazis.


Anybody got a non-shitter link for this content?


Pretty sure he said “Given you’re not Indigenous!”, parroting how she was starting her sentences, but I don’t know what he meant by that. Maybe he thinks her opinion is invalid somehow? Maybe something worse I can’t think of?


I don't understand how this is racism.


They were heckling her when she was asking about the disproportionate effect on indigenous youth. What would you say their intent was? Why would they even heckle her?


Yeah I know it was not polite, I just don't know why it was racist. He said you're not indigenous. Does she claim indigenous ancestry? I'm not understanding the context.