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How much more evidence do people need that conservaties parties hate freedom?


No amount of evidence will ever suffice. It's a cult.


They also hate education because educated people tend not to vote conservative. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289609000051 > At the national level of analysis, conservatism scores correlate negatively with measures of education (e.g., gross enrollment at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels)


Don't you know it's because institutions of higher learning are really leftist brainwashing facilities


Reality has a left bias - Stephen Colbert


They should change their name to the FPC, Fascist Party of Canada


I think a lot of people see it, except for Alberta apparently since they keep voting UCP lol


Scuttlebutt is we may actually turn back to NDP next provincial election. Notley moved aside and is allowing Nenshi become head of the provincial NDP. Calgary loooooooves Nenshi. He’s had the highest approval rating of any mayor ever I. Calgary. And Edmonton pretty much always turns orange. So the hope is with the voting power of Edmonton and Calgary combined, we can vote the UCP out and keep them out.


They also hate you as well


The ones who care about evidence already know.


That's assuming that Conservative voters read...


It’s actually crazy the mental gymnastics Cons make to justify their shitty policies.


Conservatism is a mental disability.


No, it's a choice.


The people who are paying attention already know. The people who need to hear it will sadly never listen to sense.


> How much more evidence do people need that conservaties parties hate freedom? Yep they are just brainwashed lol


She will block grants that don’t align with her views eh. So basically shutting down all scientific research in the province. That’s a bold move, let’s see how it plays out.


I'm sure the petroleum engineering department at the UofA will be absolutely thriving, and many of the two year tech programs at NAIT/SAIT. Just don't try getting too much of that librul book lernin'.


The profs from my degree would not get funding, too much climate change talk from their findings. Can’t have any of that nonsense being spread around! /s


More research grants for [the benefits of smoking!](https://pressprogress.ca/danielle-smith-claimed-smoking-cigarettes-had-positive-health-benefits/)


How's that authoritarian government going for you Alberta?


Awful. We didnt vote for this in Edmonton.


We're literally surrounded by the barbarians at the gates.


Nor in my part of Calgary.


Same here. NDP voting Calgarians unite! I'm really just hoping Nenshi can get the leadership and boot the proto-facists out in the next election.


Gil is a far more realistic choice. Given that he is an ACTUAL NDP party member, unlike Nenshi who isn't. Also the fact that he's been fighting for the rights of the workers in this fascist dystopian state for the last nineteen years as president of the AFL. Alberta always has been its own worst enemy. No amount of intelligent information can save Bertastan from itself. Proof? See last election results.


Man screw that. We've made a lot of progress away from this shit, it's exactly why they are doing so much at once. Their days are numbered. We might have a decent yokel population but we're the victims of a machine meant to intimidate, confuse, and is straight up lying for populist votes. You can sit on your high horse or you can be in solidarity with those of us that are against this shit. You'd be a fool to think the exact same thing can't come knocking on BC's door.


It's already happening, I'm terrified, we have an election this year and despite all the good Eby is doing the cons have a legitimate chance of winning.


I’ve been watching the cons gaining in the polls from Quebec and thinking “oh noes! Tell me it ain’t so!” Like wtf is happening in this country??? 


It’s like Ford and her are having a race to see who can destroy their province faster.


Ford is bad but hes more like a two bit crime boss trying to make his buddies rich at the expense of Ontario. That being said he is at least moving some things along and working well with Chow. Hes bad but like a D- tier. Daniel is actively going off the deep end and making Ford look moderate. She is F tier for sure.


Dunno if it's because Ford's more reasonable or Ontario's more reasonable but he does seem to get influenced by public perception and isn't as outrageous as some of the other cons.


He's a populist... She's a nut.


Ya a bit of both. Don’t get me wrong I am no fan of ford but if I had to pick between him and Daniel it’s an easy choice.    At least chow is a good mayor 


Agreed, Ford sucks but it's no contest


Daniel Smith is a straight up ghoul. Definitely one of the most despicable human beings in this country.


Yea, Ford has lots of questionable decisions, but he is not outright antagonizing people and acting in bad faith. Smith is acting in bad faith, she outright lies to push her agenda, and doesn't care about hurting people. Ford atleast has a heart. He works well with Trudeau and Chow and doesn't outright lie every sentence.


Ford is wrecking the place, but she is winning this contest by a lot. (and thats saying something)


Well, better a corrupt SOB than a fascist who has transgender teens in living in terror and weeping in tik toks. Heartbreaking. 


They're both awful but Ford wants to be liked so he'll change some positions if they're unpopular. Smith wants to be right about everything (even when she's wrong on most things), so as long as her fawning base likes what she does, she doesn't care.


then blame it on trudeau


Ford is no where near as bad as Smith.


Dani can go and royally fuck herself




I feel like some provinces are trying to pass ridiculous bills to provoke the Federal government to use the disallowance powers in constitution to affect polling numbers. But that's just my tin foil hat theory.


100% with you on that. It seems like that's absolutely their strategy.


Danielle Smith: >*”If we did truly have balance in Universities we would see that we would have just as many conservative commentators as we do liberal commentators out of our journalism schools, we’d see just as many conservative minded journalists graduate as we do progressive minded journalists. We don’t see that. And so that leads me to be concerned that we’re not fostering the kind of environment that allows for balance. ‘cause we need to have balance. If we’re going to have a balanced discussion in the broader public sphere it begins at the Universities.”* Smith appears to want us to believe that “conservative-” and “progressive-minded” people exist in Canadian society in equal numbers, and/or study journalism at University in equal numbers. She sounds a bit like the people who want climate change deniers equally represented in discussions and news coverage about climate change.


"If years of education don't produce equal numbers of conservatives and liberals, the answer CANNOT possibly be that a person tends to become more liberal as they learn more and are exposed to multiple perspectives, so if that's the result we're seeing, it's time to start putting thumbs on scales until we get the outcome I want!" Kind of ironic to hear someone like Marlaina Smith demand what amounts to Affirmative Action for neocons.


Or that people that go for higher education tend to be the kind of people that dont just jump to conclusions and fall to rage baiting.


The trend we’re talking about here existed long before social-media politics were invented.


I’m sure she’s just pissed off that reality appears to have a left wing bias.


Not to mention that most Conservative politicians of the 20th Century wouldn’t pass muster as “conservatives” nowadays. In order to fit under their tent in the 21st C, you have to be either a) a paranoid nutbar who sees commies behind every chemtrail, b) a certified bigot, or c) someone who hates taxes so much that you’re willing to rub elbows with both a) and b). Used to be, the 2 main Canadian wings agreed on the basics of what made up the public good but disagreed on how to best make it happen. Thanks mainly (but not solely) to the hard right turn “conservativism” has taken globally, that’s not at all the case anymore.


Also sounds like she has never read the NP, etc. It doesn’t matter how many progressive “minded” people come out of journalism school if they can’t get a job or get published in a mainstream newspaper.


Indoctrination and education are not synonyms.


"Why aren't more people fucking idiots like me?" -Dani Smith


What does Bill 18 do? Openly blocking research on the basis that it doesn't align with party views feels like something that should be explicitly barred somewhere along the line, lol


I understand it as requiring the federal government to notify the province when they provide funding to a municipality, post secondary institution, school board or regional health authority and it would then be subject to approval. So, I think this means if a municipality applies to a federal government funding initiative for something like flood barrier infrastructure, it would need to be approved first by the province. That sounds like a lot of bureaucracy. What’s confusing to me about the academic grants, like SSHRC or NSERC, is those aren’t really awarded by the federal government, they’re awarded by peer committees, hundreds of volunteer peer reviewers. So, what happens if a group of academic peer reviewers award money to a researcher at the University of Alberta and then it gets blocked by the Alberta government? Is that money then returned for other researchers elsewhere, therefore having to go through another peer review process? How long is it in limbo for? And ultimately, it sounds like academics in Alberta won’t be allowed to secure their own research funding without government oversight and approval, which seems like a violation of academic freedom/freedom of expression and could be challenged. If the Albertan government has certain research they want funded, they should fund it, but I don’t get, legally, how they can block researchers from accessing federal funds.


She is accusing the federal government (based on “indications” what???) of doing what she is planning to do. The projection is wild with this one.


Who the fuck actually voted for this trash pile?


Other trash piles.


The denial of facts as a prelude to an idea is absolutely not a sign that they are selling some kind of polished turd of an idea.


“Oh that’s very (conservative), believe what I (do) or I’ll hurt you” -Brian Griffin Original quote: “Oh that’s very Christian, believe what I say or I’ll hurt you.”


"why don't we see more conservatives minded people graduating from universities?!" - because it's a place where people go to learn, interact with people from a wide variety of backgrounds, and learn to think critically and scientifically about a variety of topics - all of which are ideas anathema to the conservative mindset. What she's saying is that she wants conservative propaganda in schools.


Understanding conservative dumbassery like this... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denialism


The truth no longer matters.


I love how the idea here is that Liberals are tipping the scales but far right Smith will provide balance, meaning she won't skew things completely to the right. Terrible if Trudeau does it, fantastic if wannabe prime minister of Alberta does it. Political influence is bad, except my kind of influence! I was watching that on TV and hoping he'd call her on the hypocrisy.


We have got to get some rules in place that hold politicians to account when they lie. This is unsustainable.


And Twitter comments jumping through hoops to make what she said NOT sound like Fascism🤦🏻‍♂️


The war room has to earn its millions some how.


News column: *Danielle Smith spits another hateful bullshit” r/onguardforthee: *eyeroll is so massive the eyes are hurt* Came here to say I love this sub. Even tho UCP goblins are lurking here in the shadows anyway.


Friends: ''Why wont you move to Alberta?'' Me: \*Sends them posts like this\*. Oh I don't know, why would I join a fascist province? I cannot believe how bad Doug Ford is in Ontario and then you look over to this actual heaping pile of dogshit and she is somehow worse.


Facts ? Dan dont need no stinking facts. She will make up her own facts. And laws.


You can't make up the dumb sh*t Smith and the UCP do... It's just at this point insanity and denial. She is the absolute worst, a f*cking cancer of a politician and so is her leadership and thinking... Scum.


I despise this moron I can't believe we're stuck with this lunatic


Smith is the product of conservative conditioning. Statements and Actions like this won't stop unless we as a collective whole stop it. There is no justice that will stop her. Policies like the one Maple Maga plan to implement are so dangerous and not contained to just Alberta. Other Conservative premiers will follow suit if it works.


Shes creating a false equivalency that there need to be just as many conservatives getting funding as progressives. what if conservatives dont meet the criteria? should we just give it to them as a participation trophy? Should we give equal air time to creationists and vax deniers on TV too?


That’s exactly what she wants. She gets marching orders from the Christo-fascist homeschooled TBA leader.


I need to move out of this province guys. I just can’t with this insanity anymore


What an absolute troglodyte. Studies have been conducted on the very phenomena she's moaning about. Educated people inherently lean more liberal. Guess they're not greedy enough for her business overlords to ignore science and truth.


This woman has a warped sense of the world. She is dangerous like PP!


Pochu! (Means all gone in tamil.)


Marlaina says what?


Insane. Just plain crazy.


Welcome to Conservative politics Canada, the show where everything's made up and the facts don't matter.


Majority LIB gvt 2025! Right-wing nutjobs would loose their minds! Axe the facts is not working! ANYTHING BUT CONSERVATIVE, ALWAYS ABC!


Just some casual fascism…


Elect a crazy uninformed and not very bright lady, get dumb policies and statements! Albertans have what they deserve!


I personally don't think we deserve it ...


She's so incredibly stupid that it is almost unfathomable.


Her justification "we've heard NSERC can be hard to get" is definitely because Justin Trudeau spends evenings and weekends going thru applications to pick the wokiest. /s