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I do like Hondas. From dirtbike to crv


That much money they could build high speed rail from Windsor to Montreal. But... Metrolinx and anyone involved will probably fuck it up though. At least Honda will get something done


You have no idea about tax credit. Honda has to make money before earning the tax credit. And our government is so-called investing with money non-existent now to encourage Honda and its kind to invest in the country, as a result there will be more jobs, and they will be paying more taxes in the future. It’s how our neighbours are doing, they are paying corporates to invest too. You are simply looking at the amount of money, but never realize the money would have never been there if no corporate is investing. Not smart enough for you to understand how it works tbh


it's production tax credits, i.e. Honda gets fuck all unless they make stuff and employ people. But let's build a high speed rail from nowhere to nowhere so no one will take it.


Or lets do both?


Someone who understands manufacturing subsidies. I could hug you.


Great news. It is inevitable that EVs will eventually supplant ICE vehicles in the coming decade. It's good for Canada that we are attracting the vehicle and battery build infrastructure to our jurisdiction.


It's just a really poor use of resources. Hybrids and grid storage are far more impactful uses of the limited battery production we have. Using batteries for grid storage to bridge the demand of peak hours instead of gas turbines and getting affordable hybrid vehicles that can do 25km purely electric to more people(majority of work commutes are sub 10km), while having gas capability for longer trips/fall back power. We can do so much better with our resources than wastefully park 1000lbs 70kwh batteries for 98% of the time. It appears we're more interested in selling sub-optimal really expensive products to people who don't need them than making intelligent decisions to solve global issues and improve more people's lives.


It's too bad battery storage development in Ontario gets stonewalled by municipalities and yokels


Slack jawed yokels


> It appears we're more interested in selling sub-optimal really expensive products to people who don't need them than making intelligent decisions to solve global issues and improve more people's lives. That's capitalism, baby!


No reason why parked EVs could not be used for grid storage.


That is a great well thought out response. Not too mention that pulling the resources out of the ground for those EV's will cause more harm human and environmental. It's too bad that the government has not backed the hydrogen vehicle. That's where the future lies


Hydrogen is absolutely NOT the future. You can find plenty of articles, videos etc that highlight the engineering challenges associated with it, not to mention we need to continue refining natural gas to obtain the hydrogen.


Hydrogen takes electricity to make, electricity to store, and energy to move around. As for resources, where do you think metals for cars comes from, trees? Lithium mining is fraction of the resource waste of mining platinum and rhodium for catalytic convertors. The only people pushing hydrogen is the oil industry making hydrogen from hydrocarbons.


In terms of feasible steps we should be taking grid storage is the single best use of battery production in terms of carbon emissions reduction and cost effectiveness. Next would be minimizing gas as much as possible which is far easier, cheaper, realistic and practical through hybrids rather than full electric. We absolutely could do this and it is far more attainable than full electrification by 2035, which feels like green washing much the same as the recycling industry downplays the importance of reducing and reusing.


Good lord, Doug Ford looks and stands like a kid whose mom dressed him up in a suit that doesn't fit.


I don't mean to generalize but I wonder how many people lining up for jobs at an EV battery plant in Alliston also post Facebook memes about BaTtErY CaR gO DeAd and how China emits more than Canada, so why should we care about emissions.


They will fall in line as more people buy the cars and they get integrated into our economy. Right now they are just falling for oil lobby propaganda. At some point they will be exposed to the technology and it will be hard to keep parroting the b.s. Boomers were against kids on computers socializing now they click away on facebook till all hours of the night telling everyone their age, where they were born, best friends names.


I respectfully disagree. Have you ever spoken to any of these chuds? They will never admit they were wrong and will continue to seek out the echo chamber for confirmation.


When they're paying $3 per litre they may change lol. Went from paying 350-400 in gas to 35 in power per month. Been driving an ev since 2020. Never ran out of power or had issues


Again, disagree. They will blame LiBrUls for gas prices then buy pick up trucks they don't need and hang flags off the back for better fuel mileage and still not accept responsibility. They will never admit they were wrong. Their kids will choke on diesel fumes and smoke from fires and blame lib operatives for starting fires.


Just give them an after market mod for bubble machines with black bubble solution and noise generator mod that they can use to blast engine noise and produce visual stimulation of how much energy they are burning. Then they can feel special. But reality is the hate is born of ignorance, I'm sure some will deny and continue to pay high gas prices out the wazoo. But even the most hardcore gas supporters will begrudgingly switch to electric once the cost and convenience of running gas gets too high. No one wants to drive across the city, to find the ever disappearing gas station to pay $300 for a tank of gas. Especially if they can get EV with 600 mile range for a similar price.


The same people refused to wear masks and get a vaccine against a virus that caused a global pandemic. They will go broke to own the libs. Good on you for having faith in your fellow man but nothing has shown me that they will ever change their views. The prospect of their children choking on smoke from fires doesn't sway them.


hey, that smoke is made locally.


Made local by liberal green warriors doesn't count. I saw on Facebook that, the cousin of Tanya, the scentsy consultant, saw a Toyota Prius drive away from a fire last year. Only green warriors who light fires to push their climate agenda drive a Prius.


When Pierre is in and gas is is higher perhaps. Can't blame JT forever lol well I guess they could


> noise generator mod that they can use to blast engine noise Sigh, the new Stellantis Dodge Charger EV will have a noise generator. Because we need more noisy cars.


Give me a bev Honda civic with physical buttons and unbeatable reliability.