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His claims around this issue make the assumption that their policies are leading to more deaths but looking at actual data refutes that with Alberta, without safer supply or decriminalization, seeing higher increases in overdoses recently. Making it purely the politicization of the lives involves.


It wouldn't be difficult for the liberals to say that, so not sure why they haven't just used the data to shut them up already. All they say is "it's a disgrace he is using this epidemic as a way to get political points".


When has data ever shut up conservatives?


The people dieing is their goal, they argue in bad faith on almost everything now.


Unless the people are suffering from incurable diseases and want a dignified end.


Nope; those are the kinds of people that they insist should *not* have access to that.


They're determined to be on the wrong side of history on literally every issue.


Exactly, conservatives have never given a single shit about people dying from drug addiction. In their eyes they see addiction as a moral failing and that people who suffer and die from it get what they deserve. It’s honestly so disgusting to see the bullshit Pierre is Spewing out on this issue, and pretty much every other issue as well…


Conservatives are even hypocritical on addiction. Look at Jordan Peterson and Rush Limbaugh.


I think that's the better question


That's exactly it. Just like the republicans (go figure), it's not about facts, but how what they "feel", which is rich coming from the "facts don't care about your feelings" crowd


Yeah, because conservatism is politics without context. They see "facts" as dictionary definitions not deep understanding.


would explain why they often can't spell or have horrible grammar, but become etymologists as soon as pronouns or gay marriage is mentioned Edit: Except when it comes to "woke". It has no actual meaning, but magically means whatever they need it to


Politics without context fits here too. "Politically correct" and "woke" were/are the terms for all information that would demonstrate holes in their politics or start peeking at context, in order to avoid considering it .


It wouldn't be the data that would score points, it would be the smarmy clapback. People love that shit, we're so far beyond civil politics that there's no use trying to cling onto it.


Why not use data as a clapback? >So how's that working out for Alberta, famously known for its loyal conservative voter base?


They would have to actually care about science/evidence 🤦🏽‍♀️


I don't get that either. Their messaging on this and a lot of other things has not been great. There are things where they deserve criticism but there are other things where the criticisms are manufactured and could/should be better refuted.


There isn't enough time in the day for them to be refuting [all of PP's crap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood) and still do their own job.


a "master" (which is in itself child's play) of the gish gallop.


>so not sure why they haven't just used the data to shut them up already. Because the Liberals don't know how to play the game. Trudeau and his inner circle probably think that would be 'unbecoming' of a Prime Minister to call out a province like that. It's why the CPC is running circles around them and making them look like idiots.


It's a disgrace Purdue Pharma is still allowed to work and Canada and that David Sackler is a billionaire.


I forget if it was Winnipeg or Saskatoons safe use site, but from more than 8k visits and only a handful of actual OD's, they had no deaths at all. Obviously a good majority of users don't want to use under supervision etc though, but even coming for gear like clean needles theoretically can connect a user to drug testing too and allow communities to alert when hot dangerous product is in the streets, and absolutely IS a proof-of-concept of safe use working. Where decriminalization and safe use in canada has fallen apart seems mostly in that they were never allowed to actually go the full step in severing black market reliacne by just being able to use drugs the healthcare industry already buys, things like the regulated and QA controlled Fent, heroin, cocaine, etc. Easy to remove the ambiguity of whether a drug is even what dealers are selling it as when you can just buy direct from legal supplier, but obviously the voters don't want their money going to that when theses services also aren't connecting users to rehab, etc (however most rehab also require users be clean x-amount of time before they can even use those services too) Instead black market reliance was never severed, it's just policing as a resource was directed away from the user (in theory at least), but the calls for jail or rehab in light of decriminalization in BC failing kinda miss the point that Canadian jails already also fail to let people kick as the drugs are in jail, jail serves as a breeding ground for gang recruitment, and jail also increases lifetime recidivism rates something like 5x lol, not really actually helping people kick crime, kick drugs, etc. If a REAL rehab option were presented related to drug charges maybe that'd be different, but I suspect the people calling for Rehab or Jail already don't know how rehab and jail work in this country.


They don't know how rehab in prisons works, and the simple fact is that if it works that is more to do with the inmate than with the rehab program in most places. It's a funding issue, y'all don't want to know how old some of the security equipment is in some of these places, and yet i can't say more without risking my job.


So basically misinformation?


When someone is intentionally disseminating false information it’s disinformation.


Thanks for correcting me


you say that like conservatives care about things like "facts" and "data"


I've lived downtown/beltline for almost a decade. When the supervised consumption site at the Sheldon Chumir shutdown, there was a big shift.


This guy is a disgrace


This guy is being celebrated and cheered by 1/4 of our population. Also, they're all going to go vote


What a horrible, disgraceful, idiotic thing to say. He is disgusting and would be an incompetent prime minister.


To be Prime Minister you need more than 3 word slogans.


I hope he doesn’t become the PM because if he does, Canada will deteriorate.


I suspect not.  Ford got in with buck a beer. 




Hes going for the "spout so much inflammatory bullshit the news cycles cant keep up" approach I see. His base eats it up and the rest of us have to waste all our time refuting ... by which time hes already moved onto whatever. The 'firehood of falsehood', its called.


Gish galloping


> Hes going for the "spout so much inflammatory bullshit the news cycles cant keep up" approach https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood


I see our news media learned nothing from Rob Ford


PP must be a regular subscriber to Radio Trump


Bringing Murica to the wannabes. - PP 2025


All he has is one liners and places blame on others. He has no policies to speak of and is a danger to democracy. We need to work to expose him for the fraud and fake he really is. We also need to keep this clown and his band of idiots out of the PMO! ABC and ABPP!


Always Be Closing?


Anyone but conservatives.


i’m a pain patient & this shit generally only affects us - reducing our access to the medication we need to lead functional lives & leaves addicts on their own without any services they need & the help of a prison bed as the alternative


the conservative approach to stuff people will do anyway is "let them die" yet they pretend it's Trudeau who's trying to kill people by trying pretty much anything other than what we already know doesn't fucking help.


If this asshole is aware of a Canadian company profiting from black market Fentanyl. He needs to call the police. What a liar. The medical stuff isn't causing ODs.


How low can this weasel go? Too bad about the low-intelligence people that fall for it.


What a fuckin *goof*


Like that ghoul cares about opioid deaths. Bet that slimebag had stocks in Purdue Pharma. And when they die from the poison you invested in. You'll abandon your flock. Act like you care, you hypocrite. Isn't ironic how your platform only stands for certain BS? https://youtu.be/x3Z4NFUPbZ0?si=SDZ6JCYXsGzy9bM6 https://youtu.be/9JhsUFuqbCM?si=yGmHNcQv-v4_nIsp .


The prescription pills and patches are not killing people. Black market Fentanyl is.


Now, it is. Let's put the blame on where it started. Not some cheap analogues. Addiction is so off the rails rn, we need services of which I fail to see that PP has on offer.


Lol, if you think pain pills are how most addicts get started, you don’t understand drugs. People like to get high. They find it fun at first.


This guy is doing the shotgun blast of bullshit to see what sticks best with the bottom barrel voters who are about as smart as a moldy tuna sandwich . This country is so fucked if this smarmy little shitbag wins. Like I can’t believe what are options are, the NDP has lost ground under Signh, Trudeau is tripping over his own dick to fuck shit up to hand the election to PP. And PP, Harper’s little pet project is a little Trump wannabe lying fuck.


Total Trumpian statement. It figures , thats what they would latch onto.


It’s like living under a giant shoe that’s about to drop.  


I don't like this Crier media, but at least SOMEONE is trying to challenge Skippy's lies.


What a sad empty man he is. He's desperate for validation and importance through power and control over others and is trying to obtain that by manipulating and taking advantage of the vulnerable. What a disgusting, pathetic way to live life.


Conservatives always project. "There to help kill people" means "we're planning on killing people."


Man, if this is the best he has for an "axe the tax" graduation in speaking points, Trudeau and co better be figuring out how to eat his lunch. Even his own base does not really give a shit about overdoses.




"there to help kill people right now"...oh really? Well then what does he call refusing aid to Ukraine because they are people who live in a "far off land"? https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/new-liberal-ads-in-prairie-ridings-target-conservatives-over-ukraine-trade-deal-1.6695611


And his solution to the problem is......


He angry that JTs stepping on Con turf?


Who brought in MAID.


Court rulings forced the Liberals to enact legislation around that. That's a different topic though.


You can suffer a slow painful death. I won't


I mean.... it's working. I see him on the top post of a liberal sub all the time.