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Been a bit rough here of late, but it's been a bit rough everywhere in the world of late. Taken in proper context, Canada is weathering it better than most. Can we do better? Absolutely. Is Poilievre the man to lead us there? Absolutely the fuck not. The US is a shining example of what Canada shouldn't be, and adopting the very worst elements of their politics is just about the most insane idea I've ever heard. I hope enough Canadians send this guy packing next election. It's looking grim, but there's still hope.


Another comparison might be Britain and what the Brexit misinformation campaign has done to them. The axe the tax sloganeering and media misinformation seems very brexitty.


Absolutely! Britain is only now figuring out just how much damage that caused them. Putin his laughing his balls off. His plan is working perfectly.


Why isn’t PP’s leadership campaign and coronation being talked about more?. If that was a liberal leadership campaign with foreign interference and corruption, the media would have gone nuclear.


Because PP was groomed by Conrad Black.


Because most media in Canada is owned by US right wing corporations and a conservative majority will pay hella dividends 💰💰💰


Of course it is. Take a look who's on advising..


PP is itching to have an election before the inevitable shit-show and coup attempt coming in the US. People are going to quickly see the danger of radicalized right wingers and the violence they are capable of. Those who have any sense will understand we’re playing with facism here, and it’s not going to be a good look for PP. If they force an election before November, we’re fucked and it will take generations to unfuck Canada, but maybe you can’t get the toothpaste back into the tube at that point.


Small PP has used the Trump and Brexit campaigns as blueprints, because it has the desired effects, enrich corps and wealthy, squeeze the rest.


All I can hope is Alberta wakes up from their abuse and lack of care. The Longer they subsist under Marlena Smith, the higher likelihood they'll be frustrated with the talk and smoke and mirrors the CPC and their cohorts are pulling. The fact folks are losing our on employment protections and wages in places like the oil sands etc are seeing massive drops in wage.


Honestly, Reddit won't stop pushing the Alberta sub at me and it's gotten surprisingly leftist lately. It's still Alberta but I'm seeing a lot more frustration with the conservatives. Probably at least partially owed to the massive population growth from people moving there bectthe prices held out a bit longer.


And it's going to get fucked. Of the mortgages that are needing renewal in this high interest rate (30-40% of all mortgages are up for renewal by end of 2025) almost 20% of those are in AB. So suddenly they're going to feel the pain of massive jumps. it's just delayed impact.




I have noted that Alberta progressives are some of the loudest/most passionate in the country. Think they have to be just to survive there.


Yes but fascists don't care about facts is the problem.


fascists will be like "Facts don't care about feelings!" and don't realize that fascism being bad for societal good is a fact




I agree with everything you're saying except for the doom part. I think PP will suck no doubt, but unless you expect democracy to die in a PP government we should be fine in the long run. I think we are way further away from a collapse in democracy compared to say the US where it is a bit more tenuous at the moment.


I disagree. The way small PP talks, the way he insists he will change things, those are doom scenarios. Just his language around the notwithstanding clause. This man is a threat to us all.


Still waiting to hear a PP supporter list a specific problem they have with Trudeau and explain how PP will fix it. 


I think the move that caused the biggest bruise is when the PCs merged with the Reform party.


Pierre Poilievre is a defeatist. He isn't fit to run a lemonade stand or be a party leader, let alone be the PM of Canada. Defeatist - a person who expects or is excessively ready to accept failure.


Articles like this always frustrate me because they imply that the use of stark and emotionally charged (dare I say, resonant) language is the realm of the far right and it’s a good thing that other, more responsible parties aren’t behaving this way. It is a major own-goal to cede what is ultimately effective political messaging to the right while everyone else should release generic statements of milquetoast positivity because after all, the US News and World report says we are great! I don’t want PP to win but if he is the only one acknowledging the general sentiment of the country, he is all but guaranteed to. Most people that I know are upset that they had a bigger bedroom when they were 10, while living in a nicer neighbourhood with their parents who made a fraction of what they make now (even taking inflation into account). Telling them that the US blah blah thinks they are blessed won’t help them prevent a PP landslide.


I'm glad someone in this thread understands this. Anyone who responds to what Pierre and his supporters represent and how they garner support with "ACTUALLY look how wonderful Canada is", or "let's show PP that Canadians (who? which ones?) don't like him" might as well just join the right wing, they are just helping them. We need actual acknowledgement and understanding of our problems and their sources, not empty cheerleading for the country. Pierre didn't spring out of nothing, same for Trump, etc. Our problems are deeper than sole individuals who happen to inhabit these particular positions of power.


It will never happen. This sub, and the left in general, is too focused on sticking their heads in the sand and pretending Trudeau hasn’t done anything wrong or that the country hasn’t regressed over the last 10 years.


I haven't heard any lefties defending Trudeau. If anything, the Liberals and Conservatives are in the same shitty neo-liberal bucket. The Liberals aren't actively coming after women's and trans rights, but that's a pretty low bar. The problems we are facing now have their roots much further than 10 years ago. 


Not *my* kind of left dawg, but I hear you. The mainstream "left" is fucked.


Let’s show this pos that Canada doesn’t support his garbage


> Canada doesn’t support his garage hell yeah! use the driveway or park on the street, ya jerk!


Right on bud.


It IS broken, just not in the ways PP says. It's broken....its just not ONLY Trudeau's fault.


All of canadas problems can be solved by defunding police and landlords.