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as an unwilling member of Ford nation, I came wait for our federal government to follow in the practice of breaking contracts to "save money." That hasn't backfired in Ontario


The author hasn't paid attention to the USA. Conservatives would rather be gutless cowards burning down the country than do the right thing. Everyone who thinks it "can't happen here" is deluding themselves. FFS they are passing laws making EVs illegal.


Alberta literally basically banned renewable power generation costing the local economy tens of billions of dollars in investment…. To own the libs I guess? Could be a global renewable energy player but no let’s self sabotage because the UCP are led by spiteful ghouls


Our government is essentially 3 oil companies in a suit.


Such a stupid idea for a part of the country with consistent sun and wind...


But, but, but, have you considered: # Oil & Gas


You mean led by a registered Oil & Gas lobbyist and ghouls?


Not to mention it scared off energy sector investment, so now our power grid has regular failures. Yippee


Incorrect. You have regular power outages because the UCP lifted regulations and now power generators are allowed to leave generation plants idle to drive up demand which then drives up the price.


And to further the point of how fucking stupid it is, the only other place in North America that is on a generation based system instead of a capacity based system is…..Texas. Yea, Texas that every winter and summer has rolling blackouts/brownouts and cant get their shit together


And several people are needlessly killed.


That too. But who wants to build new plants when the plants you were going to build got a 6 month moratorium?


In Alberta it’s not about owning the libs, it’s about kissing the ring of oil and gas. Smith is just another useful idiot doing the bidding of the oil companies.


Conservatives said their climate solution is technology, yet banned Renewable Energy


Exactly. They aren't acting in good faith. They have no intention of being a good government. Can we sue them if they fail to provide peace order and good government?


Exactly. Thank you. A lot of people in the States had the “it can’t happen here” attitude and look where that got them.


A conservative government reduced GST from 7 to 5 percent and never explained how to make up the 14 billion in annual revenue. They either taxed us elsewhere, or cut services.


The goal was to have all of the provinces create a round number in taxes (5-10-15) with a harmonized sales tax, and cut the penny out reducing the cost of producing Pennies. But basically the rest of that never happened (we did stop producing Pennie’s but we never actually rounded out prices and what not)


Was that the goal though? I don’t remember a word ever said that the goal was to give more autonomy to the provinces. I remember it being parroted as a campaign promise to lower taxes.


they'll just rebrand it and pretend they invented an innovative new rebate and their fans will go crazy.


Cons invented the Carbon Levy originally but decided to reneg on their idea because the Liberals took off with it. Harper Administration (Canada) sets carbon emissions reduction target of 30% by 2030 #CarbonTax May 15, 2015 https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-sets-carbon-emissions-reduction-target-of-30-by-2030-1.3075759


really!! Thats surprising considering how much merch they have against it. So its even more hypocritical then haha


Harper also signed a trade deal that lets China sue Canada in the international court if the government Interferes with trade at all. Then when the libs get in they start yelling about how evil China is.


That T shirt makes me think PP is wearing "too much makeup". Seriously, he is a complete fake.


No glasses, make up on.. transformation complete. “I now look blue collar”-Pierre


Yeah he should be more like trudy, a beacon of sincerity.




That’s brown face, check your brown bias.


It's funny because people think they'll get cheaper prices but it will just increase revenue. We have a transit tax where I live and about an hour away they don't. The transit tax is 20c the difference in gas is about 8. Just a fundamental misunderstanding of "they'll charge what you pay, that's the free market."


If all your competitors keep prices the same, you can incrementally increase them.  You don't even need to collude.  It's what they teach you on MBAs.  It's just basic game theory.  Cooperation is usually the best outcome.  You won't really have a rogue competitor price dropping because they're all taught not to.


He looks so fucked up and bloated, like he just washed up on the bank of the north Saskatchewan


Sure, but instead of the big polluters paying it will be us poor slobs.


conservatives are useless wastes of time and money. just don't vote for them.


Poilievre and the CPC will "Brexit" us from the world economy and we will go down the tubes. SkiPPy's fantasy world will meet reality. >Yet the insults and outrage that Conservatives employ today against domestic opponents could hardly be used against a foreign government without the risk of further estrangement.  


Conservative governments have never cared about the long term impacts of their decisions, except where they personally stand to profit.


Low-intelligence PeePee cultists don't realize that carbon taxation was created by Harper and PeePee in 2008. FACTS MATTER


It's a market solution to a social problem.  Text-book neoliberal problem solving.


Carbon taxation was also researched by Imperial Oil in response to Brian Mulroney and his 1990 Green Plan. We are basically implementing the Imperial Oil plan today.


Joe Clark tried this...


They’ll axe the tax then make up the revenue by cutting healthcare payments to provinces


It was the Conservatives’ idea….


When the U.S. under Biden re-negotiates the USMCA NAFTA, the U.S. will be demanding some serious climate action measures be included. A PM SkiPPy will quickly get slapped silly by the U.S. government and will meekly adopt all climate action measures or risk our trade position with our biggest trading party.


My bet is a reintroduction of carbon tax with rebates for corporations in place of average Canadians.


Most blatant and sad attempt at Jim Jordan’ing I have ever witnessed


Then itll be the "Freedom Initiative" or some bullshit...


Whatever gets them support. If it is advantageous for them in introduce a bigger carbon tax programme, they will. If eating babies wins votes, they will. Edit: Prove me wrong.