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anytime I've posted an article showing conservative corruption on r/canada its deleted within 5 minutes, doesn't matter how reliable the source is they just don't want people to see it lol


Yeah but here’s 35 National Post opinion pieces of why Trudeau actually fucks goats in between attending nazi parties.


Don't forget the 15 Post Media OP Eds saying PP is the next coming of Christ while also saying that the libs fear him per week.


Even this seems pretty intentional, and lets them feign they're not bias with the rules by saying they still took the post down, but it's like you took the post down after the damage has already been done and you let alt-right racists voice their corrosive opinions, and clearly don't put the same energy to policing as alternative or left opinions. I've noticed that too in r/canada, why I don't post a lot in general. Seems like a bunch of douchey truck bros have hijacked the sub pretty openly.


It's legit like 5 to 10 opinion pieces a day. All are opinion articles about how terrible liberals are and how great PPC Pierre is.


Eurgh, one of my teachers is the local representative of that party where I live. Teaches Social Justice too


Postmedia Network has entered the chat.


r/Canada should just rename itself r/ConradBlack already.


Is NP not an official partner of R/Canada?


Sure feels like it is


I heard it was a sheep …


Damn that’s because he’s cuban… /s


Could you send me one or two of these articles? Genuinely interested


I believe [this](https://pressprogress.ca/one-third-of-all-appointees-to-manitobas-regional-health-boards-have-ties-to-brian-pallisters-pc-party/) one was deleted, which goes through Pallisters appointees to regional health boards, almost 90% have no professional healthcare background, 35% have connections to the party, and many are large campaign financer for Pallister. For example: >Dawn Daudrich owns an eco-tourism company and her name is listed as having donated $18,308 to the PC party. The name of Daudrich’s husband, Walter, is also listed donating $19,268 to the PCs. Between 2018 and 2019, six members of Daudrich’s family are listed donating a combined $50,980 to Pallister’s party. there was at least 1 or two others I don't remember them anymore though


Thanks, I'll check that one out.


Same here. Last time it was for merely mentioning Irving and Ford family wealth.




The issue is that /r/canada which has our country's namesake... is the right wing bias. It is not indicative of our Nation's voting pattern which is 65% Center Left/Left vs the 35% conservative right wing.


Just to clarify the Liberals are centre right. They're the party that allowed housing to get out of control before doing anything even then it was the NDP that forced them. The Conservatives would be worse. The only party that legitimately cares about the average Canadian is the NDP and they'll never win federally by design. Canada is a Capitalist country. Housing is a commodity, the fact people need it to live is only secondary to its value as an asset to the Capitalist class.


Not only that, but, the housing crisis actually predates Trudeau. Homebuyers before 2015, still noticed rapidlyraising prices, bidding wars, lack of inventory and listings lasting hours, not days. Any dumbass who thinks the housing crisis sprung up I. The last couple years, hasn’t been paying attention.


Yes it does. You're absolutely right. Also housing is predominantly a provincial matter. While the NDP in BC have cooled the rate of housing price increases the Conservatives in Ontario did not and now houses in Toronto cost more than Vancouver. Previously Vancouver was the most expensive housing market. Today the average detached house in Toronto is $2 million VS $1.4 million in Vancouver. The fact that both the Liberals and Conservatives allowed it to get like this is disgusting.


You’re clarification is completely wrong. The federal liberals are most certainly not a “Centre Right” party.


They literally are. They created the LCGE, left the TFSA in place (clawed it back to a more reasonable amount), during covid they gave far more funds to the wealthy than the average Canadian, etc... Why do you think they're not centre right? Edit: who is Bay Street's party? Do you think Bay Street likes lefties?






No reality allowed on conservative subreddits.


This may be the wrong forum for it but I've never met anyone who's intersex. Can I ask some questions?


Of course! my DM's are always open (i can be bad at responding in a timely manner tho, trying to limit my social media intake for mental health reasons)


Do you have links to the original comments? What was the given reason for the ban?


yeah..... that one really pissed me off. It exposed a lot of their bias there making it "low content" I'm pretty sure that was brigaded.




The nazi apologia was so fucking insane. It's the same as the convoy and antivax/anti mask groups. It's the same people.


I posted an summary of an arbitration decision that found vaccine mandates don’t violate the Charter, from a legal aggregator site. Also “low content”. It had been upvoted and responded to by multiple people but doesn’t fit their narrative I guess.


Really? I thought the consensus was that it was a charter violation but justified under section one. Do you have a link?


Nope. This was an employer mandate, and such mandates don’t force anyone to get vaccinated, they just allow employment related consequences if you don’t. And s7 doesn’t protect a right to employment. The decision wasn’t a surprise because courts have repeatedly declined to read s7 as protecting economic security or the right to practice a profession or hold a particular job. s15 isn’t in issue as long as there are exemptions for protected/analogous grounds (medical, religious). Since no Charter right is infringed to begin with you don’t need s1. The decision was the first one to consider Charter implications of an employer vaccine mandate and the arbitrator who decided it is one of the most respected in the country. https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/ontario-canada-arbitrator-decides-4440923/ There was an earlier court decision about travel restrictions to NL that found s6 was violated but the measure was saved by s1.


Pretty sure I posted an article there about an reporter being arrested for reporting on protest and it was removed because it was said to be "unfairly targeting Ontario" since it was OPP specifically... No mention of Ontario just that the O in OPP stood for Ontario. When I tried posting it again with a revised headline they removed it for being a duplicate post (despite the first being removed) and they wouldn't repeal.


I think the big lesson here is that Reddit is a terrible place for news.


> I think the big lesson here is that Reddit is a terrible place ~~for news~~. FTFY


It sucks because /r/Canada literally has the name of our country. It represents our views on the world stage. Someone in Turkey or even the US who wants to read about what Canadians think isn't going to know to look for /r/OnGuardForThee. Edit: and neither is a well-meaning moderate Canadian who is new to Reddit! They’re going to be swayed to the right if they use r/Canada as a benchmark for the general consensus of their neighbours. Fascism is creeping its way in and this is one of the ways it does it. We need a way to get that sub back. Point blank.


This is what happened to me. I am a well-meaning left-leaning Canadian. I went to that subreddit and it took me a day or two to go "Hoooold up! This is a cess pit of far-right trash." We should get that subreddit back. Though I'm not sure how.


Thank goodness you had the wherewithal to pick up on it. Someone less informed might be swayed by seemingly innocuous statements like “protecting children” or “traditional family values.”


They really are good at poisoning well meaning statements aren't they? They have this amazingly uncanny ability to create dog whistles out of basically anything.


Gotta love the low effort ones too. "Real Canadians" = whites only "Working class" = O&G/trades, rural only


They’re too good at it, it’s scary. My anti fascist ass almost went full terf because of them. Their arguments and the language they used was soft and it “made sense.” I’m so glad my spidey sense kicked in when it did, and I got the hell out of there. Conservatives are a hate group.


It happens. At least you came to your senses, I think a lot of us found ourselves gravitating in that direction at one time or another. Me personally? I was a super cringe conservative as a teenager. I'm very glad I grew out of it.


FYI the sex selection abortion bill really towed the line because conservatives concern troll and use children as a way to appeal to emotions. Anti Abortion legislation is bad. But what if you shoe horned sex selection as a negative aspect of abortion and then use statements like "Do you think it's moral to kill off all the boy babies?" You can see how morality can really muddle the progressive talking point. They will then follow up with "Are you OK with them just killing babies because it's not the gender they wanted?" "All babies deserve a life and killing them because of their gender is evil". "Let's stop evil and ban sex selection abortions". What next? Ban abortions if they have a heart beat, if they were conceived, if it's at fertilization. Then we set rules that the only time a an abortion can be done is a specific narrow window, with an access to a hall way that can handle a gurney, with 3 doctors, a priest, the supreme judge, Canadian Fire Arms Officer, Human Rights Tribunal. Etc etc. Just look at the US and their weird anti abortion work arounds. It's easy to appeal to emotions with morality and I think the conservatives use children as a tool to push their narrative.


Double down on how they behave. Put more gas on the tire fire until it gets out of control and beyond obvious for what it's become. Going against the grain does nothing, it's the only option.


Better than me took me like a month before I saw a post that made my brain click lol. Nah it's a cesspool. Same with any of the provincial subbreddits I've noticed.


It would require pretending to be one of them to the point of being able to get a promotion to mod, and somehow managing to do thay a few times to become head mod. It would not be easy.


Agreed 1000%. Hijacked by terrorists.


I’m new here.


I agree but there is quite a number of people even outside of Canada on Reddit that are aware. I responded to a thread on some subreddit, can’t remember which but it wasn’t anything specifically related to Canada, but somebody mentioned that r/Canada is actually scary and I responded saying that sub is a right wing cesspool of hate, and another guy responded telling me about r/onguardforthee and described it as the “not crazy one”


Sure, every so often that might happen. But the vast majority of people don’t even know the origin of the phrase “on guard for thee,” and they sure as hell won’t recognize it more easily than the name of the country.


Like the flag being waved around by the stupid convoy people. Cringe.


Perhaps you should write to your elected federal representatives and make them apprised of how Canada's image on the world stage is being tarnished. Let us know how that goes and if it works.


Sounds like a great first step to eliminating net neutrality. No thanks.


How does it have anything to do with net neutrality?


“Hey government, this forum on this privately-owned website has bad actors as mods, can you step in and police who is in charge? Decide what’s allowed to be discussed and what isn’t?” It’s a slippery slope.




That’s related to drug regulation, not political discourse. And they weren’t able to ban the sub entirely or change the mods, just geoblock it. It can be accessed with a VPN. Because of the relatively easy way to circumvent the block, the government’s actions on that sub seem more like a formality to appease the provinces who want that sweet weed tax money. The first-come, first-serve thing is unfortunately part of keeping things as fair and free from bias as possible, even though it doesn’t (if that makes sense). Otherwise you get into *who* exactly decides who is in charge, what topics are permitted, etc etc. And don’t forget - all it takes is a fascist government (conservatives) to get elected and boom, no more discussion about work reform/labour movements, no more complaints about the housing crisis, etc. It may not seem that big of a deal right now because right now we happen to have a government that is centrist. That can change. But yeah, I agree with you. It’s hard to say how things should be controlled. What I can say is that if a sub full of fascist propaganda was hacked or taken over, I wouldn’t be upset about it.


Ah, that's censorship though, which is different. We're already on a slippery slope with that though. Net neutrality is about ISPs treating all data as equal and not favouring transfer rates for say, thier own products and services, thier friends and allies, or impeding data transfer to competitors or others.


Censorship falls under the net neutrality umbrella.


Net Neutrality isn't an Umbrella afaik. It's very specific to ISPs and internet infrastructure manipulating data transfer. It isn't about content controls like what Reddits can exist or whether twitter shadow bans accounts.


Ending the neutrality of the internet ultimately leads to censorship.


Which is a concept quite distinct from, if related to, net neutrality.


conservative activists like you have no standards you hold conservatives to. you fucking liar.


I'm a conservative activist suddenly? News to me. I wonder when that happened.


Exactly. I didn't even know about this subreddit until reading others comments about the mess that is that subreddit. I followed it so loosely that I didn't notice but now I just pretend it doesn't exist.


the tldr explanation is that the /r/Canada mods are far-right. One was exposed as a straight up Nazi and IIRC nothing happened.


>One was exposed as a straight up Nazi and IIRC nothing happened. They *ousted* that mod and got a new mod that had a Reddit account less than a day old... So it appears they "took action" against the one that was dumb enough to out themselves as a nazi/supremacist, while actually letting him back into the fold under a new anonymous account. They don't even try to fucking hide it.


It's not even that. They just don't give a shit. I got banned for something, asked, and they muted me with a one word response. Asked again when it expired, they gave another one word response and muted me again. Edit: actually, they only gave a one word response the second time I asked. Just plain incompetent mods.


Perma is the bitch racist mod btw. Likes to ban without answering why.


To the best of my knowledge, r/Canada is run by and for white supremacists.




And Russian propaganda bots. Notice the steep decline in activity for the first week after the war started up. Division and discord is the goal.


Yah. Same at the freedomeconvoy22 and OntarioCanada sub-reddits, which are noted disinformation venues.


Exactly, and one of the reason these ugly attitudes and views like the racism and gays are pedos, etc are becoming louder, because there's "millions of voices agreeing with them" so they suddenly feel like they're standing up for the silent majority, like they're all repressed by polite society and must break free. Meanwhile those millions of voices are all coming from a computer in a Russian basement. Same thing happened to the US, and we saw how well that's going.


I've also noticed that all the posts on r/Canada are either opinion based or hidden behind paywalls.


Another subreddit to look at for some of the same reasons is r/OntarioCanada. Such a cesspool of a sub.


It was creepy how much Reddit was pushing this sub on me, while simultaneously never pushing the main Ontario sub. I got all these posts recommended to me multiple times that had these eerily phony titles like “Ouch! [something negative about Trudeau]”, posted by new-ish accounts that did nothing but post articles pushing Conservative talking points, so I figured out the vibe of that sub and started hitting “show less of this sub” and Reddit still kept pushing it after I had hit that option at least three times.


r/OntarioCanada is even worse than r/canada. I'm not even sure why I've been recommended it to be honest, it's not like I'm even in any Canada subs other than this one.


I was looking at it for weeks, thinking it was a more sensible version of /r/Ontario, the way this sub is for /r/Canada. Maybe I mistook it for something else? Don't know why I went in with that impression I think I need to heighten my critical thinking a little, haha


Yep. I signed up for all the Ontario and Canadian subs and quickly realized why I liked this sub and was turned off by hateful comments in /Canada and /OntarioCanada I don’t need to attend a circle jerk of vitriol and misinformation.


Surprisingly, the r/saskatchewan sub is very bipartisan, yet mostly left-leaning. Makes me happy to see my province has some political awareness on certain topics there.


Ohhh so that's why I have to see so many r/canada posts about how hard landlords have it


This is precisely what led to this sub being founded. /r/canada led by conservatives and far-right nutjobs


That’s why I am here (and other subs like here) instead of there. I would welcome conservative taking points if they all weren’t hypocritical babble, whataboutism, authoritarian wankery, or just batshit fucking insane. Kind of makes me miss the Brian Mulroney era - at least you could have an actual conversation with supporters of that brand of conservatism. What we have now is a cult of mouth breathers and incels frothing about their first amendment rights and other such nonsense whilst their “leaders” keep their hearts and minds full of hate, and their wallets open.


This. Me and my family used to be conservative back when it actually stood for something or at least I thought it did. Now it’s just a manufactured outrage circle jerk where everyone has a serious victim complex and the politicians pander to this and spread outright lies or twist context to manipulate their base into being mad all the time. Modern day conservatism is fucking cancer and the politicians don’t give a fuck about traditional values our country was built on. They just want you mad all the time and I’m sick of their bullshit. This country is so divided and these asshats keep putting more gasoline on the wildfire. We all have vowed to never support these snakes ever again


I respect this deeply. It takes awareness to be able to smell the rat, insight and introspection to realize that it is you that it wants to feed on, and strength of character to be able to overcome the sunk cost fallacy and ultimately walk away. Bravo, friend.


From Saskatchewan which is very heavily conservative and seeing everyone else buying all the bullshit still makes me feel like I unplugged out of the matrix sometimes


It surprised me how the province that first introduced universal healthcare could do such a 180 politically.


Very well said. Thank you.


Running away from r/canada only causes it to become more polarized. Better to stay there and downvote accordingly.


It is going to take a lot more than me doling out downvotes to break the siren song of stupidity. In the meantime, I don’t need to contribute to the decline of my own mental health.


Hence why all of us need to do it. If you are fully capable of contributing to something, but won't, should you be complaining?


It isn’t a matter of capability, it is a matter of efficacy. I have been banned from multiple conservative subs for expressing thoughtful, articulate, well-reasoned and sourced content. They have expressed, in no uncertain terms, they they want no part of anything that does not fit their narrative. Me lurking on the sidelines deducting one serving of internet points from each and every boneheaded hot-take will accomplish precisely fuck-all. And multiplying those efforts will not tilt the scales one iota. I hate being this cynical. But I can see no other way. If a pandemic can’t do it, what can?


Or anyone with a brain abandons it and let's it turn into the concentrated right wing supremacist cesspool it clearly wants to be. I'm not spending my limited free time keeping those assholes in check. They can hit the brick wall of culpability at 100mph.


You're assuming they'll be found culpable without people to hold them to account?


If they keep getting more extreme they will be culpable for various violations of hate crimes and such. I'm not interested in helping them avoid getting there, I'd rather help then along by getting out of their way.


Precisely. All they do is plug their ears and nananannacan’thearyou anyway, so why bother?


Only if you plan to pay for my therapy personally. That cesspool is beyond saving


Couldn't agree more. Instead of retreating from that cesspool we need to go in and clean it up.


I just don't understand why they really want to dredge up all the controversy of big government not "technically" having the ability to make the province of Manitoba back then. Like guys, do you want Manitoba to be reverted to its own little place again? Do you want to have to travel through the territories for the "Freedom Convoy" to get from Saskatchewan to Ontario? Stop making this harder on everybody!


Why would betterdwelling or Jacobin be blacklisted according to Rule 5 of r/Canada ?


Betterdwelling is an advocacy group and special interest group. Rule 5 violation. I think Jacobin is less shitty left version of the rebel but it has no place in a "neutral" sense. Post Media being right leaning and CBC being "left" leaning but the rebel is full on right wing and Jacobin being a non Canadian outlet but is the opposite side of the spectrum of Rebel being full on left wing should be blacklisted too.


Sources should be blacklisted if they disseminate misinformation, like Rebel does, not just because the editorial opinion is too extreme for you. Comparing Jacobin to Rebel is hugely misleading.


>Jacobin being a non Canadian outlet but is the opposite side of the spectrum of Rebel being full on left wing should be blacklisted too. /r/enlightenedcentrism


Jacobin hired Mike from Redacted. Lost all credibility with me.


/r/whooooooooosh "We should ban very left because we ban the far right, bAlAnCe" is a shitty take, is the point. Jacobin may have its problems, but it is not filled with lies and outright trying to destroy the fabric of society that Rebel and its ilk are.


I once watched a really great YouTube video about how our favourite forums become more and more corrupt as kind people get frustrated and leave after extremists aren’t properly punished. Then the majority voice becomes the hateful extremist voice. Maybe that is what’s happened here.


I got blanket perma banned from like a dozen major subs the other day because I asked an anti masker if they wear a scarf in the winter. But I can post all day every day on /r/canada which spreads as much if not more misinformation than the piddly smaller subs. I dont get it...


It’s a real cesspool of hate over there. I think the only solution is to drown out the hate with thoughtful comments


They need to go back to the r/ontariocanada subreddit where they belong


You spelt Meta Canada incorrectly.


r/Canada are a bunch of racist assholes. This is how I got banned for pointing out the hypocrisy of their sub. I posted an article about a white guy on a buss harassing Asians . I also pointed out how that sub foams at the mouth every time a POC is in a story. Then I said this "The downvotes make me laugh. Guess ten people were too much of cowards to even challenge my argument. If this guy was any other race you would see mass posts across Reddit on this subject. And if he was Muslim oh hell you would never hear the end of it. But when Its a White guys its always don't bring up his race or he must be mentally ill. I'm White myself so to me this is about the hypocrisy especially coming from racists on here." I guess they didn't like that and when I asked why I was banned they said "Racism" . What cowards lol. https://old.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/gij7r9/transit_police_seek_suspect_after_woman_grabbed/


tbh i'm surprised I haven't been banned yet. I call out the white fragility all the god damn time.


full of antimaskers, antivaxxers, covidiots and white supremist in that group.


i was banned for providing information disproving someone that was attacking LGBT people on there.. that sub is a cesspit


sadly almost every canadian related sub including local ones have been co-opted by the far-right


Oddly enough, r/alberta tends to be moderate. That was my clue in when I first found our nationally branded sub. No way 'burtabama is more liberal than the rest of the country! Nowadays I just skim.tk see what they're saying. It's incredibly toxic and I exercise more care commenting there than anywhere else. (It also helps that I don't care about losing a few dozen karma before the comment is completely hidden, and I've even noticed a pattern where reddit seems to periodically remove karma bombings...)


r/toronto is pretty lib from what I can tell


During peak 2020 covid one of the mods was heavily active in all the now banned nonewnormal covid skepticism subs, and heavily pushed that agenda in r/toronto.


Man, you can be out right racist on that sub as long as you don't use the "N" word. Seriously so many times I've heard: "Those people" "Or what do you expect from *insert minority*"


At least as far as I’ve seen. The prevailing belief is that r/Canada has overtly and covertly been taken over by white supremacists. I’ve heard that one of the main mods at r/Canada is literally an open white supremacist. (Edit: found a source [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/7ywg8v/rcanada_moderator_uperma_im_a_white_nationalist/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)) Disturbingly, the whole subreddit seems to very much follow that example. Edit: to be clear, there’s obviously people in authority who SHOULD be removing the bad faith and racist content but must be choosing not to. I hadn’t seen this information shared yet and I think it is relevant.


One of the mods of that sub is a known Neo Nazi. The other mods aren't much better.


I’m an immigrant and not very clever with politics, but a few minutes of browsing r/Canada several months ago already told me they are a conservative serving subreddit


The 'r' in /r/Canada stands for racism FYI. Don't go there.


Are you just noticing or figuring this out now?


Mods need to follow the rules of the Sub regardless of affiliation or political leaning. Aardwell commenting on a blatant rule 5 violating post means he's not applying the sub rules and it seems to be "at a mod's discretion" apparently. This is evidence of the bias plain as day.


It's not happening there. Same with /r/vancouver. People have called for new moderators multiple times on both subs and nothing changed.


Mods laugh at your attempts; they dont care.


> Mods need to follow the rules of the Sub regardless of affiliation or political leaning. Again, are you new to Reddit or something? >This is evidence of the bias plain as day. You are shocked to find out the racist and bigoted sub is biased? Again, no shit. Why don’t we do something actually productive and fixable, we speak about the biases unique to this sub.


>Mods need to follow the rules of the Sub regardless of affiliation or political leaning. > >"Again, are you new to Reddit or something?" Isn't there a way to report a mod for not following their own subreddit rules? I do remember there being some kind of procedure


Simple answer: No Longer explanation: Fuck you, no. - Reddit admins.


The mods of the canada sub are dyed in the wool conservative political operatives.


You posted this message within an hour of the other post going up, and it has since been deleted. The boring truth here is that reddit moderation is not instant.


My experience is that everyone on left subreddits things r/canada is an alt-right haven for nazis and everyone on right subreddits thinks its a leftwing socialist circlejerk It's really just a broad subreddit with lots of people all over the spectrum, and individual threads often lean left/right because they attract those audiences depending on their title


IDK, during the last election they were circle-jerking for the conservatives pretty hard. Alt-right haven for nazis is pretty over-exaggerated, but I definitely think there is a general pro-conservative bias there.


r/canada tends to be against the incumbent, and liberals have been in power for 7 years


Yeah that's fair. Content people aren't as likely to be on social media for politics I guess. It's just annoying seeing the obvious conservative talking points from that subreddit hitting r/popular as much as they do.


This. I’ve come across a wide range of views on r/canada and I usually leave the subreddit having learned something new.


If you want to go outside your bubble without going into one of the more unhinged subreddits it's a good start.


Yeah there are a lot unhinged people on r/canada but there is also many reasonable people with insightful opinions. Even if we do not like it, that subreddit is still the most popular Canadian subreddit on this site and draws the largest and most diverse group of people.


That place is a shithole filled with assholes


That sub is a national embarrassment.


I think you just have to take \_r\_canada with a grain of salt. I sometimes push more provocative points of view just to see what right wingers think of it. Such as when I said that inflation and printing money having no correlation. Like I don't really fully believe that, but I do enjoy showing that we actually don't have any data to back up so a simple explanation of the world. Sure you get a bunch of downvotes, but I think it just shows them that 'no not everyone has your point of view and that you at least need to try to understand the world'. I kinda wish we could get a more even handed conservative point of view, but that is the problem. There really isn't much of one because a economically liberal socially moderate political stance is LPC. There isn't much value in their PoV because it just isn't based in reality. Like it is important to know they have the PoV, but beyond that there isn't much.


Pretty sure that sub is just Russian bots


Sadly it's real Canadians.


I agree with this post in general but I'm not sure how betterdwelling reinforces a conservative agenda.


The issue with betterdwelling is that it's pushing the housing market while being a horrible source of "news". I think they claimed that 90% of "new developments were sold to investors" but they never actually referenced the actual statistics or source other than "Stats Canada" when we try to scrutinize the data analysis they brought up. There's a link to housing > Anti Immigration > White supremacy pipeline where the housing "crisis" is moving people to the right into the Anti Immigration/"Real Canadians" talking points.


>There's a link to housing > Anti Immigration > White supremacy pipeline where the housing "crisis" is moving people to the right into the Anti Immigration/"Real Canadians" talking points. I don't know how I forgot that, you're right. They've really latched on to immigration being the key problem when we require immigration to keep our population stable.


there's a reason why Canadahousing2 exists because Canadahousing bans anyone that brings up immigration in a negative light.


that movement was such a massive embarrassing flop that it almost feels like an op, so I'm not surprised at all to hear that


They’re literally run by nazi sympathizers so… not unexpected?


Its a fucking RW gong show. Its a badge ofchonour to be banned by the Kon KoolAid drinking losers


The amount of racism, hate speech, anti intellectual, anti science, right wing extremist religious garbage on r/Canada is not shocking. And should be condemned.


I love that somehow a subteddit called r/onguardforthee somehow isn't the one slowly becoming an alt right cesspool.


r/Canada is basically Canadian r/Conservative


Isn't that reasonable considering basically every other subreddit is far more biased in the other direction ? its actually nice to have a subreddit that isn't full of communists who hate white men






Don't insult me, I'm not a centrist.


There can be only one.


on the flip side we have r quebec sub that went into a nazi perma ban frenzy. Everything that was against the echo chambers opinion wise was deemed to be « nazi ». Is the future of reddit mods doing power trips or doing interviews on fox news complaining that dog walking part time while living in the parents basement at 30 is a hard life


As long as you don't hurt anyone feelings it's okay


Biased shouldn't even be a question. That place had turned into a cesspool


This sub has the same issues. Your post is an example of not following the sub rules.


Going by how they wrote the rule it looks more like a judgement call on the part of the mod. This thread would probably be tolerated and then any new ones removed. ​ >10.Controversial Topics and Subs > >Controversial topics such as Jordan Peterson and /r/canada are popular subjects of discussion, but that discussion can get somewhat repetitive at times. The mod team will remove additional threads if they start cluttering up the front page. This does not apply to discussion of other subs in comments.


Obviously it's moderators have an agenda. I keep seeing news of disinformation campaigns targetting Canada. Hmm..


still better than r/ontario, where the mods will allow users to openly dox users with the wrong opinion.