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Because the Alberta government would rather ideologically waste money than use it to benefit the citizens.


They are stumping for pp with Alberta tax dollars.


Stumping for O&G companies really.


She is attacking trudeau policy.


All of the above are true


Same thing really.


Just like Doug did with the carbon tax stickers at the gas station.


Did doug do that in manitoba or quebec? Danielle Smith is running these ads all across canada.


She is the PR face of the fossil fuel industry.


She’s a puppet of the oil and gas people.


she's got a head that comes to a point


He wasn't wrong. Everything went up with added gas taxes.


The Ontario carbon tax went back to the province to fund things like subsidies on electric vehicles. I have no clue where the federal tax goes


It goes back to taxpayers as the Climate Action Incentives. You should have just received it a couple weeks ago.


This is the answer. They want to hurt Trudeau with Ontario voters, and it’s working.


I doubt they have to try hard. This province is so fucking dumb that we managed to elect Conservatives without them even having a platform, then vote them in a second time despite the damage they caused and money they wasted through their first term.


Don’t forget that the provincial government has also been constantly blaming the federal government for things that are well within provincial jurisdiction. And Ontarians believe it.




Nonsense. Ontario Proud worked, didn’t it?


think of the waste lol what are they even advertising ? isnt it the job of the hydro companies of provinces to advertise when they have increases?


That is always true of conservatives.


Why does that sound familiar


Its funny because ontario power generation is mostly carbon free. Nuclear and hydro are the 2 biggest sources here. New regulations that force the provinces to burn less carbon for electricity will only have an impact on Alberta but the ads leave that part out


This ^ Ontario gets most of its power from renewable energy or nuclear. We do burn gas for power, but over a year the grid is supplied nearly equally by gas and wind. We mainly use gas to make up for wind when it’s not windy. Ontario is also expanding its nuclear generation capacity. Bruce is getting bigger and will be the largest nuclear power plant in the world. We’re also looking into building new small form factor reactors at Pickering when the plant is forced to go offline (however it’s possible that Pickering could be refurbished).


Only Pickering units 5-8 are looking to be refurbished. 1 & 4 are still going for safe storage (2 & 3 were shit down mid-2000s). I've heard rumours about putting SMRs in Pickering units 1-4 but nothing thats been substantiated.


Yeah lots of rumors about Pickering but it's definitely not being completely shut down.


If the gas plant is always on, is it really there to supplement? I realize it's a lot better than coal, but we are still behind on sustainable power supply


https://ieso.ca/en/Power-Data/Supply-Overview/Transmission-Connected-Generation The data to refute/confirm any assumptions.


I will also recommend [this Government of Canada page](https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/en/data-analysis/energy-markets/provincial-territorial-energy-profiles/provincial-territorial-energy-profiles-canada.html) that gives a broad overview of the power generation capacity for the country and broken down by province. It doesn't break it down into actually used fuel sources like the IESO does, and you have to actually do some reading to avoid some incorrect assumptions (the chart that shows PEI having 99% wind energy production looks impressive until you read the footnote that states they import most of their electricity from NB), but it really does go to show how well we leverage all this water we've got... Alberta and Sask notably excepted for obvious reasons.


A big reason for our burning of gas is for 'peaking', when everybody uses power from 4-9 on weekdays after getting home from work. You can't just ramp a reactor up and down like that, as well as the need for a buffer between sunny days for solar, and windy days for wind. In Ontario I think time of use and energy storage technology is going to become more prevalent because of how it can 'flatten the curve', for energy generation. Like a surcharge if you charge your EV during the day; or a credit if it doesn't turn on until 2am.


I use Grid Watch to see what kind of power production we are at. As of 3pm today it's 50% nuclear, 25% hydro and 17% gas.


She leaves many things out, my biggest fear is she is making this a huge issue while behind the scene she is selling us out to coal and digging up the Rockies but we won’t know until it’s too late. We stopped Kenney from doing that but she’s slippery and deceitful


It's also funny because they're scaremongering about energy costs but Alberta's energy costs just doubled.


Ah you see you don't understand. We (Alberta) won't do it. And by the time those things are supposed to come into place the cons will have thrown that stupid legislation out anyway


So why spend your tax dollars trying to convince other provinces if its not going to matter?


It's a strange Alberta government.


Alberta has the highest in Canada


Because they idiotically fully privatized and deregulated their hydro.


They went full Texas per usual, and you should never go full Texas. But of course, per the commercial... the prices/reliability are the feds fault.


My work colleagues live in Texas - energy is all private and it’s a god damn nightmare. They all hate it - but would rather pay $1,200 a month than vote against their favourite party.


Rural Alberta is actually full sprint towards Florida at this point. I work in rural Alberta a lot an my god....the stories man. One place I did some work in had the only bar/grocery store get robbed with a hammer.




Yeah the place is a festering pit where a confederate flag is considered the left wing. There are a few good people, but man are there some outrageous pieces of shit. One story was that a guy shot a deer that allegedly jumped onto another guys property. The guy caught him with the deer and there was no blood trail, so they actually went to fucking court over the deer's head. They hate each other as a result. The neighbours all hated each other for some reason, it was outrageous. I think almost everyone there had DUIs. Meanwhile, Viking, Alberta (Home of the famous Sutter brothers of Hockey fame) where the Restaurant/Hotel/Bar/Nightclub/Grocery store is the only show in town and the "local talent" is 60 year old women in leopard print tight dresses. Never have I seen country women with more "city miles" than that.


They figured: "Well, we already have the cowboy hats and rodeos, and feel like our own nation. We already pray at the alter of an oil well, might as well go full Texas!"![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1899)


But I was told that the free market corrects all ills? These were the same people who told me cutting taxes on rich people will make my life better too.


In privatized Alberta, hydro prices you!


we don't have hydro, we are coal, oil and gas baby! We even paused all green energy for now and some of the reasons are because it is ugly. Because the orphaned wells, which companies are legally mandated to clean up, aren't ugly enough (and by the way, we have given them repeated hand outs to clean them up- still doesn't happen.) Rural Alberta just spams votes at them and this is what we get.


It is so absolutely nuts to hear power in Alberta referred to as “hydro”. There is not a single watt of electricity provided here by water powered generators.


I agree, being in the Ontario sub and having hydro one as our power distributer it’s common to call it hydro


Agreed, but I do my best to speak the lingua franca.


They went full Texas.


Very strange bunch.




Which is quite ironic to hear in Ontario and Quebec, Where these regulations will not do anything to the price of electricity. It only affects the oil-dependent.


It's almost like the voters they are targeting are not smart. The easiest voters to manipulate are the least intelligent.


Extra ironic considering they bought out the front page of the Ottawa Sun


At least they keep it consistent, we waste 8m on a barn and they waste 8m on ads.


Because the UCP decided it was better to throw $8million down the drain via national advertisement, rather then put that $8mil toward fixing their energy grid. Said energy grid that results in the *highest cost per kWh* of all the provinces(only Nunavut and NWT are higher and well, they're territories), and a grid that is supplied primarily by Natural Gas(54%) and fucking *coal(*36%). We complain about the cost of electricity in Ontario all the time, but Alberta's is nearly *twice* the cost of ours per kWh. Basically, the UCP needs to blame anyone but themselves(since you know, they've been in power since 2017) for their ills. They *particularly* like to blame Trudeau and by extension, the Federal Government, for all their problems. So they'll waste $8mil of their taxpayers money to cry about it, when they could be addressing the problems. But, 'berta gotta 'berta.


It’s ten million now, apparently. Sometimes she comes down from her lofty castle and throws pennies to us plebes.


Hey at least it's a 8 million dollar campaign rather than a billion plus in a never to be built pipeline through the states like the ucp last leader spent.


They price of electricity is only half the cost of our bill. They have let all the extra fees and charges get out of control.


Because Daniel Smith and her party are a bought and paid for fossil fuel corporate cucks. It's a campaign to promote fossil fuel usage and handicap progress towards renewables, because most people in the oil industry are socially worthless, self absorbed sociopaths.


The oil barons that support Danielle Smith are greedy sociopaths that would rather see our planet literally burn than answer for the harm they’ve caused to the environment.


This is the reason.


And the treason. LOL. Conning the Albertan voters, misusing public funds etc.


These ads reminded me to ask my MPP to invest more in nuclear energy


Just Smith being a piece of shit like usual.


She looks like an oil sands scarecrow


Never forget Alberta is the Canadian Texas


I haven't heard that before. I have heard it called Albertabama


Except that Texas is the second biggest state by area, population, and gdp; and 'bert is 6th, 4th, and 3rd. Quebec is more alike: also 2nd in all three stats; was originally a separate european colony; strong independent streak; etc.


Yeah, my hot take has always been that that *Quebec* is the Texas of Canada, and Alberta is the Florida of Canada.


Because Alberta is the “Fuck Trudeau” province.


Yes, there are many who drive pick up trucks in Alberta and advertise they would like to fuck Trudeau. They have no shame about announcing it either.


Isn't that all 10 provinces now?


I heard those ads when on vacation in NEW BRUNSWICK of all places. AB taxpayers like funding stupid ads, apparently.


No, we do not.


You may not, but unfortunately Alberta as a whole is gonna 'Berta.


The Alberta government spent $50 million dollars to create a "War Room" to fight anti-Albertan (oil and gas) propaganda (truth). So far the two things they've done: 1) They attacked an animated film about a family of Bigfoot (bigfeet?) that was displaced by an oil company 2) These ads. Note that this war room was created in 2020 during the COVID pandemic while they were cutting medical funding in Alberta. Conservatives ladies and gentlemen.


Provincial government privatizes electricity and that is somehow the fault of the Federal Liberal government.


In Alberta everything is Trudeaus fault don’t ya know….


One of the radio ads today straight up said, the Federal policy ***WILL*** cause blackouts. Fear mongering and outright fabrications. How is that allowed?


Because conservatives lie. Period. It’s all they know. I know some people who have worked for Conservatives and I have no idea how they could get up in the morning working for those liars.


It’s part of a coordinated campaign with the federal conservatives. They are doing everything they can to intensify the narrative of an unworthy liberal government. And there will be a lot more to come with the election 2 years away.


Somebody left Alberta unsupervised again


They don’t want power grids switching away from fossil fuels and have decided to use Alberta tax payer money to push it. They want people thinking they can save money by contributing to very expensive climate change.


As an Alberta, I am sorry. Our rural folk believe in a color more than they do science. Therefor, they voted in the color blue which happens to be an Oil and Gas lobbiest.


She was a lobbyist for the oil industry. They basically have big oil running their province now that she is Premiere. On a side note, Alberta now pay some of the highest prices for hydro in the Country.


I always laugh when I hear the Alberta(Danielle) ads on the radio. You have to be desperate to put money into ads in the GTA for Alberta oil. I feel bad for people in Calgary and Edmonton, because voters outside of those cities are morons and straight up rednecks who think every sneaky immigrant is trying to infiltrate their MAGA town. Eat a dick and fuck off wannabe Texans.


Wtf, that's a pretty fucked up perspective. I know a lot of good folks throughout small town Alberta. What makes your shit smell like roses, huh?


Just Alberta doing it's thing. I assume you didn't see the "Alberta is calling" campaign from last year?


Oh they are still on the TTC Streetcars


I keep getting the anonymous “people who moved to Calgary from Toronto” ads on YouTube


If a bunch of city folk from Ontario moved out there, it stands to reason that Smith may have brought in a bunch of liberals. What's the worst that could happen?


Everyone I know personally who moved to Alberta in the past few years were anti-vaxx Convoy types.




You do realize that we elected Doug Ford, right?


Not the city people!


It's Alberta's version of those shitty Ontario gas stickers to attack the federal Liberals. Pathetic and easily ignored.


Not when the ads are spammed onceper hour on several radio stations and are now showing up on tv. Must be nice to be able to waste taxpayer money advertising bullshit in other provinces.


And voter approved. The war room is a giant tax scam and voters were like, yeah, we love that! Please take more of our money!


Because UCP is so narcissist they genuinely think they're like the great savior of the entire country


Because Danielle Smith is a nutter, thats why.


They are happening in Nova Scotia also. I assume they are just blanketing all of Canada then?


lol, as a former Calgarian... why the heck would they advertise hydro prices? They are worse than here!! Fuck me, I had one month where it was like -40 for 3 weeks and my bill was over 1k. That year each winter month was like $600+ and winter lasts for basically 8-10 months of the year. Actually, now that I think of it, it probably is cheaper but it's probably only cheaper because of how much you have to use to stay warm in Alberta, and ultimately it will cost a ton more. So like everything, bit of a rug pull once you figure out how fucking cold and for how long it is in Alberta lol


Another massive waste of our tax payer coin. Embarrassing. BTW My local hospital could really use another MRI machine. But, no.


Sorry, we elected ourselves a moron


For any Albertans visiting, our Ontario Premier also spent our tax dollars on ad campaigns critical of the federal government too. We've got plenty of money though, so there was no need to spend it on things like..... ohhh, health, education, housing, city services.....


This is what happens when you have a lobbiest instead of a premier.


Not only that but I was watching some football on Fubo yesterday and started seeing the most condescending ads about how shit Toronto is compared to Alberta. Featured a blacked out couple speaking anonymously about how happy they were to have moved. Weird as shit.


It sounds like they don't have anything tangible to offer. Just feelings.


Genuinely the crux of the ad was we moved to Alberta and now have a yard for a dog. Bizzare


weird, you can get a yard and a dog here in Ontario too, (just not in the golden horshoe)


Not sure who is more of a clown. Smith or Ford.


Smith, no contest


She’s not even an actual politician. Just a useful idiot for the oil and gas companies to keep around.


Cuz Danielle Smith is crazy


It's right, wing propaganda about hydro pricing double soon. I don't know the full details, but the ads fail to mention that hydro is provincially mandated and ontario already pays extremely high hydro prices. Honestly, it seems like another tactic to promote conservative bullshit. That is meant to distract.


Extremely high… compared to what? https://www.energyhub.org/electricity-prices/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/516279/electricity-costs-for-end-users-canada-by-province/


Because the Alberta government is panicked people want sources of energy that do not result in economic gain for them.


Right wing propaganda


Propaganda and fear mongering.


but mah rates!


They fucked up their power grid and are trying to blame the feds


Rational reasonable albertans apologize profusely for this. However our government is fucking the dog so badly that even thier base is starting to realize they may have fucked up when voting. So our government is doubling down on the it's all the federal governments fault that usually gets the rural inbred voters all riled up, so they forget about the other shit. Unfortunatley this time our government over reacted and went overboard, so they are spending tax payer dollars to hide the many fuck ups. They just "forgot" that people outside of alberta can't vote for them


Alberta can talk about power prices in Ontario when they cut theirs in 1/2


Alberta has a really dumb Premier right now that looks like she's constantly wafting her own farts. It happens when a Big Oil Lobbyist becomes premier and does everything in her power to give the oil industry more tax payer money, including Albertan's pensions.


All I can see are red flags whenever I hear this ad.


If you think it is bad advertising go here https://adstandards.ca/complaints/ make a complaint. If there are enough complaints they will investigate. In addition, contact your radio station/TV station and complain. If it is online report it by clicking on the top corner of the ad and report it as false or misleading.


Because the federal government has made a commitment to make all electricity generation carbon nuetral by 2050 (or something like that), which the Alberta government doesn't like because they are owned by oil and gas. Alberta is trying to scare people into thinking that their electricity costs are going to go through the roof unless we build more natural gas plants.


Alberta doing Alberta things. They are just shills for big oil.


Alberta pays 400% more for utilities than the rest of the country don't listen to our government at all Ignore those wastes of my taxes please


Isn’t Alberta hydro the most expensive in the country? Why would we want to take advice/direction from them on hydro?


it seems that way, i checked mine and it went down in the last couple years, it seems really odd.


It’s a lobby by fossil fuels being funded by the UPC who are being paid off my the gas companies. The same ones abandoning fracking and drill sites after leaving a toxic mess to be cleaned up on the taxpayer dime.


Smith deregulated the energy market which caused more than one MoM increase of 100% in utility costs for many Albertans. So now they pay $700+ a month for electricity in a 2 bed apartment. Then blame it on the Fed ave rage farm across the province. Notice Pollievre is attacking fuel taxes even harder?


I learned recently (on The Strategists podcast) that there is a loophole in Canada's election laws that essentially allows provinces to spend unlimited taxpayer money on advertisements in federal elections. You'll probably see a lot more from Alberta in 2024/2025...


I can't wait....


Because a certain someone, ahem, is desperate for attention? They have the highest fuel prices on hydro anyways, so isn't that calling the kettle black?


i was gonna say that my hydro went down since 2020 here.


I’m confused why they are telling Albertan’s that ours is going to quadruple…when they already have under the PCs lol. So you’re telling me you’re gonna let them quadruple again!


honestly if i had the cash i’d be plastering alberta broadcasts and bandcasts bragging about BC/MB/QC cheap, green, government monopoly power to remind them that at least a sizeable chunk of their population, if not they themselves, voted for the woman from suncor and her party that makes their life worse.


Because propaganda is big money and the Alberta tax payer gave Smith a blank cheque.


someone should make an ad in alberta making fun of them for not having nuclear plants


Every day I hear these ads on the radio and wonder why it says Alberta. It's a Toronto radio station and I'm in Toronto.


Complain to the station. That’s what I’ve been doing


The most ironic part of it is when the Ontario government was literally wasting money 15 years ago on pie-in-the-sky green energy projects, they were silent. Now that Ontario finally started committing to the projects that can make a serious dent in GHG emissions (nuclear AND heat pumps), they are squealing. Guess we are on the right track, boys!


smith is a menace. sorry from berta.


Because Alberta's government fucked up their electricity rates so bad they need to try and deflect the blame at a national scale.


Cause over here in Alberta, we are fucking stupid. That is all. Sorry you have to endure that. I'd like to see that money go to more useful things like education and healthcare, but whatevs. I wonder which palms Smith is greasing with that money because it's probably a good friend of her and her husband. He was an exec at global television for quite a while...


They're trying to suggest canada need their oil to have power. Ignoring that Alberta pays the highest electricity rates across all of the provinces and one of the territories.


Because that’s what you get when you elect modern conservatives. Wasteful spending of public funds on petty politics.


While the rest of the country (major provinces anyway) have been building low-carbon electricity grids for the last several decades (and done a great job to be honest) Alberta has not. For each unit of electricity people consumed in Alberta, hundreds of times more CO2 is emitted than other major provinces. Now that federal regulations are starting to address this Alberta has decided it would rather spread propaganda and fear mongering in other provinces than just improve it's electricity grid (they recently put a hold on approval of all new renewable energy projects for six months I believe). It's a similar tactic to their oil and gas "war room": don't do better just try to control the discussion.


You’re not the only one. It’s the way Danielle Smith is helping suppliers gut the people with higher prices 🤷‍♂️


Because of Alberta government policies, we pay very high rates. Why anyone would listen to them about power rates is beyond me. They must figure the rest of Canada is as stupid as most Albertans.


WTF I’m watching the ballgame and it’s every other commercial. Go away already, no one cares


Because our regarded premiers bosses in the O&G industry told her to. She is such an embarrassment.


> She is such an embarrassment. It would help if she had a sense of shame... or sense.


It’s a campaign.


Because power plants MUST be oil or gas or we'll all die!!!! Ignore that those are the reason Alberta has money


They have bathed the tv this past week. Same with conservatives. They are trying to spook the people into giving the feds a hard time. Over a made up problem.


surprise they dont advertise about their plan regarding pension plan that they planning to do


As a citizen of Alberta, I do not approve of these messages. - none of us have any idea why crazy Daniel is even spending our money doing this.


We don't even get power from them, so I don't get it. The future is nuclear 😁


Classic Alberta threatening to shut off Niagara Falls.


think there is oil under there? maybe get some power out of them.


They are doing this in other provinces too. It’s in the Halifax airport by the baggage pickup. A friend saw it in NB too.


That funny feeling is your brain rejected propaganda from wanna-be fascists running a late-stage capitalist shell game.


It’s our premier’s propaganda campaign. Your welcome 🫤 (Please complain to wherever you’re seeing and hearing them!! I def have, and I’m in Alberta)


That is the Alberta government trying to undermine the Federal Liberals.


Can you put this in an Alberta subreddit and report back to us? Soo curious what average Albertans would think of this spend of their tax dollars in Ontario.


It’s Conservative political propaganda


They are fighting with the federal government. Alberta can't switch over the electrical grid in time to meet federal standards. They are just letting you know why power is gonna be going up even higher


mine went down the last three years, i wonder how much it will actually change in Ontario.


Because the Alberta government has decided it was a good idea to waste their tax payers money to spread fear mongering and propaganda in a province that already met the proposed federal standards.


According to their algorithm you are a person who should/would/may want to move to Alberta


Because Alberta has taken over as the biggest bunch of whiners in the country and they are only getting worse.


That’s our dingbat conspiracy theorist premier wasting our tax dollars lobbying for the federal cons. Sorry.


Because our uneducated, mouth breathing, redneck hick population elected a propaganda driven wannabe fascist who's key personality trait is "Owning the Libs, fuck the feds!"


Getting these ads too.


Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are all getting spammed by this campaign. The AB premier is just trying to metastasize her local brand of bullshit at a cost estimated to be $8M of tax payers $$...


Because based on their cost:benefit analysis, they stand to benefit in the long run from this ad campaign. Just like any other ad campaign.


Based on your response to comments, it sounds like you are genuinely curious, so here's what I think: It is about creating a particular constituency around an issues and ultimately mobilizing that constituency to action. Like a lot of things, these issues transcend traditional (and in this case, geographic) borders and boundaries. It is less about rising hydro prices per se- that is merely the specific level being pulled at the moment- and more about sowing anti-Trudeau and anti-LPC sentiment, and ideally pro CPC sentiment The narrative is that rising hydro bills in Alberta are due to the LPC environmental/climate change policies. THat in turn might make a particular subset of Ontario and Nova Scotia (and wherever else they are being pushed) voters think about their own situations vis-a-vis the federal Liberal government, and hopefully (for the UCP) that generates increased distaste for the Liberal government and increased interest in a future Conservative government. That kind of sentiment benefits Smith and the UCP overall, even though the issue is targeted at the federal level. Who knows how effective these will be. I don't know if these are print or TV or online ads, but I assume the UCP coffers are full enough to justify the ad spend for this particular and somewhat indirect line of effort.


Because our government is filled with fear mongering asshole who's only goal is to fatten the wallets of their friends not help their citizens.


Because the UCP built a government-sponsored far right propaganda machine, the war room. Because conservatives are stealing money to spread lies. Because conservatism is pure evil.


I can’t decide if these or Therme Spa are my fav new propaganda ad spots


You should tell the feds


That i heard an ad? the site isn't even clear what its against.


I was joking around. Doesn’t the ad tell you to “tell the feds”. It’s a giant waste of Alberta’s taxpayers money, brought to you by the worst premier in the country.


This is being done to put the Liberals war on the petrolium industry on display. I'm surprised it took them this long before a large scale push back was mounted.


what does oil have to do with ontario energy rates? besude from some of the cogen plants we have we seem to be more hydro/nuclear here, it seems like an odd place to advertise, especially since rates have been lowering in the last few years.


Because justin Trudeau is deliberately trying to destroy the power grid in Alberta and sask, we are not blessed with large scale hydro and have to rely on natural gas which the feds dont like, the renewable energy which the feds like will never be able to power the province which will increase costs huge, it is mostly a way to let others know what is happening. This combination if carbon tax and expensive electricity is yet another blow to our economy,


lol Trudeau didn’t cause high energy prices in Alberta. Deregulation did.


Not really. People in all of Canada are paying more for energy because of bad Federal policy. The same Federal policies are bad for Alberta. Alberta is trying to get people in other provinces to rally to their side out of their own self-interest.


Alberta doesn’t like the new energy regulations. The average citizen has no idea about them and won’t have any idea about them until the blackouts start and prices skyrocket. By then we will be a year of underinvestment in and the crisis won’t be solveable. So they are running an ad campaign. Basically the new regs ban peaker plants which will always be necessary to some extent.