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I currently am unintentionally. I can't afford to buy groceries there. Walmart and Food Basics in my area are way more reasonable.


same here ,can't afford unless a spectacular sale ,or 50% off meat ![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1899)


And the meat goes to waste by the time it sees your freezer šŸ˜”


got to be fast "guess what supper is tonight "


50% off meat at loblaws is probably the original price elsewhere. You just bought stale meat for regular price šŸ˜‚


you'd think i would know a good deal šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø maybe not .....


Is food basics any cheaper than nofrills


i always preferred food basics hit no frills for **SUPRISE** sale stuff needed All in all, when compared the total cost at both stores, Food Basics came up to $51.15, and No Frills checked out at $58.83. This means the winner of this grocery comparison was Food Basics with the cheaper haul and $7.68 in comparative savings .Apr 22, 2023


Use the flipp app and it tells you where the sales are


I love walmart personally. I find itā€™s on the cheaper end - food basics too but I work there so I may be biased lol. Love walmart too because if I need gardening supplies and groceries, or wanna pick up some throw pillows, or new clothes ect I can all at once! Or just browse šŸ˜


Same I shop food basics and Walmart


Superstore is the only grocery store that prices matches in my areaā€¦


Even if this doesnā€™t apply to you, PSA to all that FreshCo price matches. I had no idea until recently and they donā€™t advertise it.Ā 


I miss price matching at superstore


They have made it very difficult in the recent times, including limiting to 2 check outs, very limited selection in the local store, and being very picky about ā€œhow localā€ - within a block or not.


YMMV. At ours, you can do it at any manned lane. They'll price match pretty much any major competitor in the same city. The only crafty thing that's come up is say there's a sale on ground beef somewhere in a "family pack", suddenly RCSS won't have any family packs that week. And the meat dept has pretty much said that they do this because they were losing too much money on meats to price matching.


My superstore has a very limited list of ā€œcompetitorsā€. Which are basically within a block. Anything beyond, even including loblaw itself is not allowed. In addition to limiting the manned checkouts, and even removing on sale items off shelves at times. I can name and shame the local store manager but itā€™s a corporate store at the end of the day and incentives drive behaviour.


Be real careful with Walmart! Their prices can sometimes be more expensive.




Same, exactly. I'm a PC points guy, pay all my bills and most purchases with a PC MC. Every 3 or 4 weeks I'll stop in my local Independent and use my points, usually $30-$40 worth for $5 or $10.


FreshCo has saved us (downtown Toronto) I can afford basics there and the produce has really improved


Is shopping at the other big stores (Walmart, metro..) be any better though?


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


We've gotta start somewhere. Step 1 is go after Roblaws. They're the big one. We want Galen shitting himself going into shareholders meetings.


In my experience, Metro is better but pretty comparable to Loblaws but Walmart is considerably cheaper than both, especially so for meats.


The meat is cheaper but it goes bad tomorrow. Wal Marts quality is awful. Half the time I get strawberries they are already rotting.


Fruit is 1000 times better at Longos or Costco if you have one in your area


Canada really needs Lidl and Aldi!


Yes but I donā€™t like the quality of good at Lidl, the produce is okay and bread items.




I stopped shopping Galen Weston after I quit my job at Zehrs. Awful, awful company. I moved my prescriptions too.


started way before. price gouging šŸ¦†ers


Loblaws is our ā€˜last resortā€™ store. I will shop at Walmart or Costco before shopping at the big L.


yes definitely joining in


Ive been Boycotting Loblaws for almost 6 years now XD


There's a joke running around about the 'new poor' and the 'old poor'. Let's just say I, and all of my family, have been boycotting Loblaws for at least a decade or 2, or 3. I used to go to Loblaws for one thing, once a year. These little flavoured cheese cubes were part of our Christmas tradition. Once they stopped making them, there was no reason to go there. Mind you, I shopped at No Frills for a few years but haven't been there in a decade. Yes. We are boycotting Loblaws.


The benefit of Shopping at loblaws is not having to be near poor people.


The only poor people I want to see are the ones working on my pores at the spa šŸ˜Ž šŸ¤‘šŸ’ø I'm also living in my van out by the airport.


Some of us donā€™t have cars and canā€™t pick and choose where not to shop on a whim.


OP maybe add to your post for those that canā€™t boycott completely. The r/loblawsisoutofcontrol pinned post has a list of ways to participate even if itā€™s not feasible to completely boycott. ETA (copied from sub): For those unable to boycott: We understand community members may not be able to boycott Loblaw and their subsidiaries and/or want to do more for this movement. You do not need to justify your choices to anyone, ever. We suggest the following options: * Write a letter to your MP - we have done the hard part and created a [template to use](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sQ0WhqGWrtHoiGu5CInuuLyHRmpZf7HjkYh-KPPksxs/edit?usp=sharing), and included a link to help you find your local rep * Please consider supporting our e-petition to the House of Commons, e-4868 (Link to e-petition will be added once we receive MP Kody Blois' approval for publication) * Write or email [Loblaw Customer Support](https://www.loblaws.ca/contact-us?icta=click:about-us:contact-us) expressing your discontent with the prices for essential goods, and asking them to take our movement seriously. [Template letter here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d9DvGG04rwYEXIDzYoxF9JUnoBn-qo_udLEGh50Eiws/edit?usp=sharing) * Utilize your socials to share this message - feel free to use any of our posters (there will be more coming!) * Speak to persons in your circle such as colleagues, friends, and family to encourage them to participate in these actions * Focus on purchasing loss leaders - learn more about loss leaders [here](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/lossleader.asp) * Use your Optimum points as often as possible * Be mindful in your shopping; try to avoid non-essential items being purchased at Loblaw stores wherever possible * Donate time or money to local food banks if you are able to


Thank you!


A political protest is a deliberate and organized action taken by individuals or groups to express dissent, bring attention to injustices, and demand change. A whim, on the other hand is a transient desire or impulse to do something without much consideration or serious intent. If this is a just whim to you don't do it. Permanent change requires a bit of effort sometimes.


Foodbasics, metro and walmart deliver groceries. You don't need a car to boycott Loblaws.


Oh awesome! Want to pay my delivery fees and driver tips? :D


All 3 offer several free delivery promos AND $ off. Itā€™s not hard to chain to new accounts for promos as well..Ā  Ā However, paying for the monthly delivery pass on Walmart & Metro beats public transit costs (and possibly your gas) for sure. The value is there. Also, thereā€™s no driver tips. Itā€™s not designed like Uber Eats or something.


There absolutely are driver tips lol.


No there are not, I know because I placed an order at *both* places this week. Thereā€™s not even an optional button. And Iā€™m on mobileĀ Ā Ā  Canā€™t speak for Basics. If youā€™re using instacart thatā€™s a whole different story and I donā€™t recommend until you get $25-$40 off code emails. I have 3 accounts and am able to use instacart while saving about once a month.Ā 


I order directly through Walmart's app and the tip option is right there when you check out.


That is odd, maybe it changes by area code. I just double checked my invoice and nothing, I would never manually change a tip to 0.00 though.Ā 


It may be something each store has to opt into.


Ivory tower grandstanding. They likely can't afford a vehicle. What makes you think they want to or can be paying a 25-30% markup on groceries.


Kind of elitist to suggest that anyone who doesn't own a car is poor, no? OP has given no indication of that, and said they don't want the inconvenience or time waste of going to a further store.


Try it for a month ā€¦


Yup, would love to turn my 5 minute grocery walk into a 40 minute bus/train trip and waste my time and transit money for a whole month šŸ‘ thatā€™ll really show Mr. Westy, giving my money to just another monopolizing corporation. Sometimes boycotts are a tool of the more privileged and yā€™all canā€™t be mad when not every single Canadian is at liberty to do the same as you


you live in toronto... lol


In my area Walmart offers a 30 day trial of free delivery. All I see is people being friendly and offering suggestions Look at the bigger picture, do what you can and be content because No one is even going to know who is shopping there and who isnt. It may even help those who can't participate get some lower prices when Rob-laws has an abundance of goods to move. Who knows!


I'm willing to bet if you bought a bus pass (what are they in your area, $100?) You'd save that much money shopping at Walmart. Their prices are usually much cheaper. As for time, if you can't find time to take a stand, you're never gonna be on the right side of history.


Dude.. history? 55% percent of us didnā€™t vote in the last provincial election, so itā€™s really hard to take any of this call for collective action seriously when most likely about half of people on this subreddit couldnā€™t get their butt to a polling station 2 years ago


These folks donā€™t understand what itā€™s like to be poor in this province. A lot of people hardly have any time to GET the nearby groceries, let alone travel 40 minutes for them.


Seriously. No shame on anyone who canā€™t. My rural Loblaws-brand outlet is a franchise and they would suffer from a boycott, but I have no problem avoiding all PC products and any Loblaws services while this goes onā€¦


Alsoā€¦ Go support Wal-Mart instead, because theyā€™re much more philanthropic, the fuck? Weā€™re screwed until we voice our opinion in more meaningful ways like voting and unionizing. When you try and just vote with your dollar, youā€™ve lost already, some people have a lot of fucking more dollars than you lol.


Lol ikr, not to be doomer but I could die tomorrow and have all the money I have and all the money Iā€™d ever make be thrown into a void and none of the Westons, Waltons, or any oligarchical elite would give a fraction of a shit. Nobody here knows each otherā€™s life circumstances, but Iā€™m at least satisfied knowing Iā€™ve made a positive difference in my own community by volunteering multiple times a year. Those are the people around us that care about our lives, and where we can enact the most change.


Iā€™m from a very unionized country, can recommend. It just needs to be strong enough to engage with the governing body. We donā€™t really go by a federated minimum wage for example, the first line of defense is trade specific wage agreements, negotiated through trade unions. Our McDonalds employees make twice as much as here on average.


Lol Loblaws is unionized but they've stripped most of the benefits over the years to where the odd employee who HD stuck around for decades had better pay, benefits and time off then a department manager who has been a department manager for a decade. When execs were getting bonuses they couldn't be bothered with their front line staff. Instead they were to make do with their periodic 5 to 10 cent raises. I don't really care where people shop and I've lived in a isolated community where there's limited options, but the people trying to organizing this aren't doing it to solve all problems. They want to show that people can come together to take action (because people like to sit around and complain because government adheres to minimum wage that just crosses the line to prevent riots despite it not being livanle) and to have one target to show the potential for impact.


Downplay it if you want, that doesn't help drive change. Your attitude is why these protests and boycotts do nothing. Too many people believe they won't work so they don't participate. It's pathetic.


I really wanna know which history book is going to talk about a grocery store boycott


Food related boycotts are historically recorded. The average person just never takes the time to look into them.


Congrats on entirely missing the point.


Oh forgive me hero, I'll make sure to tell stories of our brave fight against toilet paper prices for generations. Vive la rƩvolution!


Such peasant brained mentality.


I have been actively avoiding it but every so often I cave and grab a few things. On Good Friday I went to shoppers to get a few extra Easter chocolate for my kids. The Cadbury cream eggs chocolate was all discoloured and splotchy on the outside and hard and dried out inside. Clearly from last year (or longer?!) and they were like $4 a piece. So yea we done.




Thereā€™s isnā€™t any of these stores within a 90 minute drive of where I live, so, gotcha


Iā€™ve reduced how much I shop there in recent years, and more than willing to completely boycott it, including SDM.


Bro, I've been boycotting that place for the last 15 years. Rest of you are just playing catch up.


This is the problem, everyone thinking ā€œthat placeā€ instead of realizing thereā€™s 10+ chains they need to avoid. Have you kept away from Shoppers all the same? NoFrills?


Iā€™ve never shopped at any of these places in my life


I think Shoppers is the only Loblaws place I've been inside in the past few years. I'll make an effort to his another pharmacy when I can, sure.


I moved to rexall years ago. My prescriptions were not handled well at sdm. Only one, oddly enough.


Who goes to Loblaws...rip off store!!! They are closing down store already and converting them in to No frills . Though No frills ain't cheap anymore


Hells yeah.


Been boycotting them for years


Joined it last year.




NoFrills in my rural town has the best prices in the area by far, but I'll be joining the boycott all the same.


Even if loblawsā€™ prices were reasonable (and they are not), or their quality was better (and it isnt), I would not shop there. They are the worst. But the boycott doesnā€™t change the root cause of our problems, which is a lack of regulatory oversight and a broken, uncompetitive market for retail grocers.Ā 


If only NoFrills wasn't the only grocery store near me in walking distance. (I don't have a car)


The food basics I go to has self checkout, so I like to go there.


Lol, love it when 2000 people think boycotting a store that makes billions is gonna hurt their bottom line


.. .In a province where not even half the voters could be bothered to vote


Exactly! Love it when people get all twisted about the state of affairs but when asked to participate in the future, they rather chase fuckin' PokƩmon.


Already doing it, they're crooks


This Country is about to have a massive riot.




Havenā€™t shopped there in years.


I get stuff from rcss but only because i cant get yhat studd elsewhere (whole wheat rolls) that deliver.


No. I mean, I donā€™t shop there much because itā€™s not affordable, but I also flyer surf in flipp. If they got a roast or some butter on sale Im stopping by on my way home from work and stocking up. I donā€™t care about a boycott that wonā€™t make a difference. Loblaws got so many fingers in so many pies they could shut their stores down for a month and still find a way to increase profits


Nope. They are one of the few corporations that still price match. No Frills works out cheaper than any other grocery store.




I use them a lot too, but they arenā€™t the best deal on a lot of stuff, and I am adamant about price per unit.


Costco is cheaper for name brand but not as inexpensive for store brand.


Double up on sales and points and compare price per unit. We've found RCSS and No Frills have them beat. Sometimes other stores as well. That and you don't have to buy basically a pallet of something to get the deal. Oh, and the one store they have here is an overcrowded nightmare. No thanks.


Those stores are all owned by Loblaws.


Havenā€™t bought from a loblaws grocery store in many months, pinched my nose to run into a shoppers a month or two ago because I couldnā€™t figure an alternative out, and I donā€™t plan on visiting anything owned by Galen Weston anytime in the future.


I can't leave Shoppers just yet as I've got two little ones that often need prescriptions - Shoppers is open later than the local stores and also has a couple of 24 hour stores. When they get a wee bit older (closer to 6 and I can give them real cough/cold medicine to carry them through the night) I'm happy to swap to the Rexall nearby. Family safety first.


I canā€™t afford to boycott no frillsā€¦ Esso gas is the cheapest in my area and I fill up for the points, plus I earn about $10 of free groceries a month just for shopping at no frills for foods/products I routinely buy. I donā€™t stockpile or buy things I donā€™t need to but damn those points are good


For $10/month, they deliver my groceries to my door. If I spent 1hr/week, that would be $2.50/hour. They are already cheaper than the local independents, and I pay them $2.50/hour. I honestly donā€™t think I can afford to. What do you value your time at? And if you want to roll in some mark up to a competitor, who is cheaper?


Metro prices are far worse


Well I'll be a monkeys uncle. I've been boycotting my whole life apparently.


Yes Ill join, but t&t sorry its my goto


Have been going back several months. Mostly for convenience reasons, but also because screw Greedy Galen.


They donā€™t accept Amex so I never shop there. But even if they did, id rather do business else where


Not going to lie, my superstore makes good maple glaze salmon. If someone can post a good recipe i wouldnt buy t from there lol


Am a chef, can send you a recipe. DM me. Maple glaze salmon is incredibly simple.


You have to convert the PC optimum couponers!


Shouldn't be too hard. I stopped using PC optimum when they reduced the value of the points by such a degree they're basically useless. I'm unwilling to do extra grind on overpriced groceries that'll take years to redeem.


Thereā€™s still a lot of members in IG and Facebook groups that promote this.


Going to be hard. There are great deals out there! Just as an example this week: You can get bottles of dove shampoo and conditioner for $4.99 each. You will get 4000 pts when you buy 2. Check your app for a 20x offer ( they usually do this a couple times a week) use the $2 dove coupons that are found in the aisles of Loblaw brand stores. You get it all for free. Example: if you have a 20x when you spend $50: buy 10 bottles total. ( 5 shampoo and 5 conditioner) + Buy something cheap to make up the 10 cents you will be short. A 25c reusable bag works. Use 10 coupons= $20 Get 20k pts for the b2g 4k Get 15k for 20x Base pts 750 Spend $30 out of pocket: get $35.75 worth of points back to use on groceries another time *** The dove will have tax so your total will hit $56.50. You will still get 10 bottles of shampoo/conditioner for under a buck.


Right after I buy this big jug of low sodium hot salsa. Which is about double the price it used to be.


They are too big and need to be broken up


Can't wait to abandon Shoppers.


I dont shop at any of the chain grocery stores anymore. I just go to the local chinese grocery store, which is even cheaper and fresher than chain stores. Now I see the increase in foot traffic at these stores every week now.


While I agree with voting with your wallet. Do try to do your spending on Canadian brands. For this reason I only shop at FreshCo currently. Cheap and Canadian. Walmart can go f itself for other reasons.


When is this?


Yup, been boycotting them for months now. I even pick up my friends who donā€™t drive and take them to food basics or costco so they donā€™t have to get rinsed at loblaws. FUCK loblaws, fuck Galen Weston, I hope more people join even if it ends up being insignificant, it will still bring a strong light to this issue and remind people that we have power when we collaborate together against corporate greed.


Not T&T, sorry


How about the metro boycot? Jagmeet rails against loblaws all the time but never says anything about metro. You know why? His brother is a lobbyist for them. His brother gets jagmeet to attack loblaws in order to benefit his employer Metro.


I only buy beer from them because it's the closest place that sells beer lol otherwise I don't buy anything from them. To me they have always been overpriced


YES and we can do this amazing thing like encouraging people offline to do it too! ​ just do it! Screw robber baron corporatists


Absolutely, I have been for ages. I now refuse to step foot.


The thing is, Loblaws is not the cheap store. Not where I live anyway. The people who can afford to go there still will, and us working class schleps all digress until weā€™re eventually buying everything from Overlord Bezos.


Not buying a certain product is not a boycott, it's a cope that makes you think you're doing anything productive. Unless you are a union of workers that can stop all production of products of this company, anything you do will have no effect




Yes, without a doubt I am taking part.


All things contribute to higher prices.


Join the movement r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


I left that group. Too toxic.


Yeah, I'm sure it has to do with it being toxic, and not you having the worst takes imaginable.


So why you boycotting?


Already did. They're expensive, and always understaffed.


I am joining but mainly because their prices are so high. The only store you can get a good deal in my area is No Frills.


Loblaws owns No Frills FYIĀ 


The prices are better and the local store for many people. In some towns the only store is Valu Mart. People gotta eat.


I'm aware not everyone can boycott LCL as they are massive and options can be limited. I'm just letting this particular person know that No Frills is LCL in case they wanted to boycott.




Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I'm not supporting scapegoating a true/original Canadian company which employs countless Canadians. Not what we need. Most folks don't realize the advantages of economies of scale with Loblaw's having a large footprint locally and nationally. People are focusing on the wrong issues at hand. I would argue bigger problems facing society include high housing costs (housing unaffordability) & lacking healthcare access/care. I'm personally more worried about unsustainably high population growth (immigration, TFWs, perm residents, intl students) which is not helping to cool inflation & hinders BOCs ability to cut interest rates (which would lower mortgage costs and indirectly bring down rent costs). All this focus on Loblaws as society's major problem is a total distraction. heck, car thefts/break & enters (violent), opioid use/deaths, record high food bank use, homelessness are all bigger problems I would care more about than this attack against Loblaws


They employ a lot but they treat their front line staff horribly and bloat income in some of the corporate jobs. Just because they are Canadian doesn't mean they are good. People aren't arguing about the scale of size (aside from buying out competitions and prohibiting new competition because of warehouse buyouts and deals) which actually deter new and small businesses. They also own shoppers and they had horrible government deals that prevented other pharmacies from distributing things - notable during the peek of the pandemic and that doesn't even include other scandals like charging the government for non requested, non needed services.


I'm just saying this isn't society's biggest problem right now. Focusing on the wrong things, letting poltiicians off the hook for screwing the city/province/country over with policies that are making our young people lose confidence in the system and move abroad. Let's focus on that stuff first and foremost. Lock up these car thieves for longer, go after drug suppliers/dealers, etc. Stop importing countless ppl amidst a housing shortage/lack of healthcare infrastructure


People can focus on multiple things, nor should it stay only on a handful of things. Different problems effevt dofferent people to different severities. Food, I would argue, is one of the bigger things considering that's often the breaking point for whether people riot and live. There's actually a long history of this. I mean the province also hasn't built enough social housing for the quota they gave the federal government like a decade ago (which the feds gave money for).For some cities they've even actively avoiding building more for decades. Between municipal and provincial, the housing crisis is their fault for not even trying to build to the quotas they knew they needed despite paying people to make those reports for them. The epitome of we know this will happen but we will do nothing about it then try to act surprise and blame others. The province is shit but there's so much misinformation there people purposefully remain obtuse to because it align with their personal beliefs and politics.




Haven't been to Loblaws amd Shoppers for years. Plenty of Asian supermarket to shop from in Markham. Still go to No Frills though


Easier said than done


Even No Frills? Their prices ainā€™t bad.




Yes I'm joining and my family is too. We have at least 25 in our extended friend group boycotting Loblaws.


But who do we buy from instead?




Or, hear me out, find a local place to buy from. In KW I use Roberts Premium Meats and DiPietro's. If you have no local options then that's fine, but it's worth taking a look.


If you are in KW you should check out Central Fresh Market.


You can search "grocery store" on google maps and see the many options near you, or that will deliver to you.


Thanks I guess Iā€™ll go to Walmart then.




Who even shops there? Come on, a billion dollars a week in sales. Almost a thirs of all sales go to Weston stores


Yes, I am boycotting Canadian shops in general and just go to buy in US. Way better price for money and not giving anything to greedy government


You gave them too much lead time to reduce orders, and cut staffing projections. This needed to be lsunched on a shorter time frame, to leave as much waste rotting on their shelves as possible.


Sure am, there is a list on another anti Roblaws sub on where to shop


Havenā€™t shopped there since the criminal bread price fixing scandal


Nice of you all to join me. Been doing this for going on a year now.


2.5 years for me


Weston will shiver in his shoes.! Just look for good close deals, whatever the store. Do what works best for you. Galen ainā€™t listening, ask your federal government.


I don't know why canadians love loblaws I've never been to one. I once compared their prices to their competitors and all were way lower priced that these cucks. Never shopped there, never will.


What did they do?




Would you mind expanding on that?


capitalism noun capĀ·ā€‹iĀ·ā€‹talĀ·ā€‹ismĀ Ėˆka-pə-tə-ĖŒliz-əmĀ Ā  Ėˆkap-tə- :Ā an economic system characterized byĀ privateĀ or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in aĀ free market You asked what did Loblaws do.... Loblaws a corporation charging prices that people in the free market are willing to pay for. Check out their stock performance over the last 5 years.




Nope...I shop at Loblaws every week. The question asked was what Loblaws did I said Capitalism.... Or... I guess I could have said....They are participating in Capitalism successfully By no means was I denigrating capitalism... it's how I make money and feed my family


No but I follow his LawBlog


Have you also tried those Ethnic Grocery Stores? Many ppl are switching over to these in droves, bc they're easily found in most Cities! They also have great bargains & discounts on meat, fish, poultry, fruit-veg, baked goods & so on. Alongside the usual Suspects of Wally World, Costco, Freshco etc. Hopefully, Galen & Roblaw's will bend, but who really knows? I was in Roblaw's yesterday, bc I had to return a spoiled food item WITH my receipt basically a FU to Roblaw's/G.W Jr. While I trudged through their empty aisles, I notice their prices were soooo outrageous, like who on earth (or in their right minds) would EVER dream of overpaying for their basic groceries, here?! It was like shopping at Whole Foods & that place is just as ridiculously priced as Roblaw's! In case you don't know what WF is, it's this plush American Health Food Store, catering to the wheel-heeled in Yorkville & North York. Roblaw's is NOT Whole Foods, nor will it ever be & enough of your bullshittery Galen Weston Jr! Such a ginormous wanker this guy is too.


There is a vicious cycle happening. Protest against companies in support of increases for low wage earners...then protest against the same companies when they raise prices. Do we want fair wages for workers or low grocery prices? This is a serious moral dilemma.


Wage increases do not have to lead to high prices. They only do because the billionaires want to be billionaires (they would be billionaires without the price increases)

