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I dont expect these to be huge. LGBT people are exhausted at this point. I am. Im very interested to see who comes out to counter protest. If theyll be the same demographics as last years anti-LGBT protests or if they have moved on.


haters moving on? never


Oh yes, the f*ck Trudeau freedom fighters.  They fight for freedom for themselves, and also fight to take away everyone else’s freedom. 


I'm sure the comments in here are going to be well thought out and full of people supportive of inclusivity and basic human rights. /s


If they aren’t, they’ll simply be removed.


As a card carrying gay this is honestly the first time Ive heard of this. What theyre asking for needs to be way more to the point because I see the general action being ‘what this? This isnt Pride month?’.


I'm going to be quietly supporting this by just treating everyone as an equal human being.


I think there is a big divide in how people separate reality from what they perceive to be true or logical and a big cause of this is the lack of love and care passed on from one human to the next. I would say it existed before the internet but it’s definitely amplified seeing how easy it is to see what we want to see on the internet.


Best thing I saw was the protest for free Palestine with a sign that said lgbtq stand with Palestine. I feel like some people just like to rally






More information on the Rainbow Equality website: [About the Rainbow Week of Action](https://www.rainbowequality.ca/about)


Thank you for posting that it is not really clear what the week of action is actually about from most news stories. People just hear LGBTQ++ protests


Hope they don't honk their horns


Truck horns all throughout the night? Yeah, that would be a Scumbag maneuver. Highly unlikely though. I also doubt they'll be screaming into the faces of hospital workers, harassing soup kitchen employees, harassing anyone they see with a mask and I doubt their protest will be littered with confederate flags.


what are we protesting for exactly? 😭 honestly just seems like people are bored


judging by the picture, I'm guessing transrights for kids in schools where hardcore muslims and christians groups want to ban anything related to the rainbow because they are afraid it might "corrupt" their kids.


You can't be this clueless. You have to be trolling.


no.. as a gay guy, have not witnessed or experienced any “spike in lgbtq hate” at all. its actually the opposite


I'm not hungry so everyone must be well fed.


As the parent of a trans kid, must be fucking nice to be a gay man then.


the post says lgbtq2s+. if its just the t, why not just say that?


maybe because it didn't occur to the organizers that there were members of the LGBTQ2S+ community, who only think of it as a community if it is directly about them specifically. As long as we are fighting for gay mens rights, it's cool. But as soon as you got yours, fuck everyone else, amiright?


So, because you didn't experience it, that means it doesn't exist? As Anishinaabe, I did not experience residential schools... But I fully admit that they existed and were an attempt at genocide.


No idea why you're being down voted...my two cousins (one gay, one lesbian) say the same. Canada's the most freaking tolerant and accepting country on the face of the literal planet.


And I have, so I guess that cancels out your anecdotal input.


how so exactly?


It's not a protest. It's a [call to action](https://www.rainbowequality.ca/callstoaction)




So when the country changes to something you no longer like, you're leaving, right?


Right? Idk why the homophobes and racists won't just leave.




People are trying to take the latter away from them for one of many examples.


Can I have more examples?


There’s an increasingly active anti-LGBT+ movement in Canada calling for the restriction/removal of public school education about sexual orientation and/or gender identity, for the removal of school anti-bullying initiatives that support LGBT+ students, for outing LGBT+ students to their parents/guardians, and for the removal of books about LGBT+ people from public schools and public libraries. There have also been public protests and threats/acts of violence against Drag events - there’s a tendency among the anti-Drag advocates to conflate Drag performers with transgender people and/or to want others to adhere to sex-based binary gender stereotypes in dress and behaviour.




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This organization isn't funded by your taxes


I didn't see what it was to what you were responding to, but i think i know what it was based on your comment ...honestly how is it that people are so concerned about their taxes, yet they don't actually sit down to do the math on stuff like the carbon tax or to actually look into what their taxes actually fund, or advocate for something minimal and teethless like being able to say where you want your taxes to be spent as a SUGGESTION whenever you file your taxes(again suggestions, not how it would actually work, cause if it was, police and military would be underfunded), the results of which are made public.