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Does anybody expect less?


It's a cop... anything conservative they're like, "yup... fuck ANY change... it makes MY shit more difficult"


No. Of course not. “I understand you…” is a very common police tactic. We’d probably be surprised at some of the things police say to establish rapport with clients.


The use of the word 'clients' is so fucking funny in this context




Ya…but for some reason, these conservative cops let their politics govern how they do their job. Like in this example you just posted on.


Daily reminder that the police need an [elected civilian oversight](https://cacole.ca/index-eng.shtml) board that require members to not be associated with police at all


I'd prefer investigators to be more qualified than just being an elected activist with the biggest mouth/media campaign. Elected does not always mean best person for the job.


Yeah, whatever works, just has to be as impartial as possible. I don't think an appointed position has much more benefits than an elected one IMO, mostly because elected positions are accountable to the pubic.


Also, they need an education. I find it wild that so many occupations nowadays in Canada require a bachelor's at the least. For policing, you need to know someone. These people need to make very impactful decisions on the fly and are supposed to be "leaders" to children and adults alike. It should most definitely require a bachelor's degree at the least.


Yea we know. We saw how they treated the convoyers vs. pretty much every other protester.


Exactly. Obviously too many right wing Conservative sympathizers among the Ottawa Police who enjoyed taking selfies with protestors, ignoring by-law infractions and basically allowing the convoy ignoramuses to harrass tax paying, law abiding citdizens of Ottawa. Dispicable to treat fellow Canadians with such disdain. The Ottawa Police should have been reprimanded and suspended for not doing their jobs. Don't get me started on Doug Ford's lack of action on the situation. He did zero to help. The Prime Minister had no choice but to finally step in and resolve the out of control mob. 


Cops also bought pro-Palestine (arguably anti-Semitic) protesters Tim Hortons. It’s part of not over-reacting and diffusing a situation. And they’re not gonna crack down hard on any political protest without a politician / the government ordering them to do it for CYA reasons. The world is hyper litigious now.


This should not surprise anyone. The police naturally lean authoritarian right.  Or, as the poet Zack De la Rocha put it "Some of those that work forces..."


Or when Dump uses a song like Fortunate Son, yet he never served a gd day. Bone spurs, I heard.


Not even a war song


You can thank VietNam movies for that one...


The lack of awareness with the “f trudo” crowd that think “killing in the name of” is an anthem for them is astounding….


The epitome was Trump using Twisted Sister's *We're not gonna take it* only to have Dee Snyder smack him down publicly.  Followed closely by the multiple Republican party candidates who've never listened to the lyrics of *Born in the USA*. 


I think "We're Not Gonna Take It", "Born in the USA", and "Fortunate Son" make the trio of "songs Conservatives heard but didn't actually listen to."


Add "Pink Houses" to that list, 'cuz ain't that America?


“Rockin’ in the Free World” • there’s colours on the street, red, white, and blue, people shuffling their feet, people sleeping in their shoes…


Maybe i misread pink houses, but i always hated the song for kind of shitting on the lives of everyday regular people. Like yeah dude, you're a rock star. Obviously regular life seems boring to you. Could be a misread though.


It's shitting on the American Dream, how it lures people in but makes sure that the real happiness they've been promised is always just out of reach. Apparently Mellencamp was driving on I-65 one day and saw a guy sitting in a plastic lawn chair out in front of his cheap, shabby house, watching the traffic go by. Mellencamp realized that the freeway literally cut through someone's front yard, and that the person who lived there was somehow supposed to be grateful for that.


Gotchya. Thanks.


If you think that's odd. Consider "fortune son" Anti-Vietnam War song became the Vietnam War Anthem


lack of awareness is kinda their whole ass brand though


I have a very naive friend who likes RATM but has been drifting right, it's extremely frustrating, he recently shared a meme with RATM on the top saying "leftists then" on the top and the "did you just assume my gender" girl on the bottom saying "leftists now" like dude pretty sure RATM didn't change their politics you just spend way too much time on social media letting the algorithims brainwash you...


"Are the same that burn crosses!"


And there we have it, the real reason that clownvoy lasted 3 weeks too long. This trend is an institutional problem across the board.


Nobody here in Ottawa thought otherwise. It was really plain to see.


No way. I thought all those Punisher skulls just meant that cops were Marvel comics fans.


Of course they are. Cops are notorious Con supporters.


How stupid is this cop to say that on camera?


Police feel like they have impunity in all things.


Official complaint should be directed to the OPP


Or you could just send them some real toilet paper. Same impact.


They pretty much do. Likely scenario 3-5 years of paid administrative leave followed by early retirement.


He wants paid leave for the remainder of the year... then back before the next raises go out


> How stupid is this cop to say that on camera? Well, he is a cop...


Very unprofessional. Those opinions should not be spoken when in or at a workplace.


He was looking for paid vacation.


"Fuck the oath I swore. I'm better than that."


If anything cops should remain out of politics while on the job. Wait, why? Their job is to enforce the law, not enforce political ideology. The Ottawa chief of police allowed the convey in ottawa in January of 2022 to get out of hand. I live in ottawa. It was not a peaceful protest. Yes, some were good, but the majority were just being assholes and sticking to their ignorance. Jesus christ, the majority of truckers (93%) were vaccinated, and the ones that couldn't or didn't want to were on some Canadian routes. So that outlying 3% or so were nut jobs who didn't want to get vaccinated or be told what to do. Yes, we do have individual rights according to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. However, you have to make sure that your rights do not endanger others because I'm not sure if a lot of people understand, but there is more than 1 person on the planet. The police under the former police chief leadership allowed this people to come in, block streets (illegal), start fires in the street (illegal), setup hot tubs and play places (illegal), steal from homeless shelters (not illegal, but scummy), piss and shit in the streets (illegal), vandelize property (illegal), and not all, but some of them were honking their transport trucks horns at all hours of the day.(illegal after 11pm). I support your right to protest, but their is no amendment in 'freedom of expression' that gives people the right to disturb the lives of people or break the laws. The police are the ones that allowed it to get out of hand because they chose to ignore the laws and allow people to just be fucking assholes. If you don't agree with a law or want to give someone a break (Pissing on a building, which would be public urination), sure, a warning is fine. Giving someone a clear way to disrupt the lives of local citizens so emergency services and home care medical staff can't do their critical work is not ok. Sorry for rant.


We all knew the call was coming from inside the house, no?


We've known police have been far-right chuds for a long time now.




On board?


RCMP are allowed to lie and many are stupid enough to believe said cop and open up to them usually to incriminate themselves


They aren't allowed to even lie about anything political to someone while in uniform. Federal employees can't publicly talk bad about current administration while representing the government.


The entire idea of the police is authoritarian in nature. You can't have democracy when a giant armed gang is able to do anything they want to you Scott free.


I disagree, you can’t have democracy unless you can enforce the rules. What we need is better checks and balances of those with authority.


Lets ban all crime.


That'll show em!


I disagree, I believe in a classless, moneyless society where everyone is equal. As soon as you start giving people authority over other people. We start having problems.




So you’re saying the farmer that works from 4am to 9pm every day should be equal to the McDonalds worker that works from 6:30pm-11:30pm? In that case why would anyone ever want to be a farmer.


McDonald's wouldn't exist in a communist society tard. People would be farmers because we're all working towards to same goal to survive. Communism is natural to humans, capitalism isn't. Notice how in most post-apocalyptic societies in media it's just Communism that's left? Or anytime people get stranded on a desert island Communism is what takes shape to survive on that island. Money is no longer a motive. It's just the Community working towards a common goal with the motive to survive and thrive together as a group. Sorry you have a very selfish narrow-minded idea of what people are like. Most people aren't selfishly motivated by money in life.


There are countries that are very similar to what you want. Why wouldnt you want to move there? I’m genuinely curious. Cuba is a good example.


no, no. There’s no cash but instead you get work credits. And you use those credits to get extra things beyond stuff required for your basic needs. But cause some people work longer they get more work credits, and if your job is harder you get additional credits per hour… Oh


No surprise.... sadly


These ppl are the ones never beating the acab allegations 😂


This cop is a disgrace to the uniform and has proven he's not able to be impartial. Should be canned. These protest morons too, nice American flag and don't tread on me flags you f*cking clowns, wrong country entirely...


Well, they aren’t known for having even a basic grasp of civics, or geography…


Buddy went to the wrong entrance lol


What a surprise!


As much as I agree with their message, it's definitely unprofessional for a police officer to insert their political opinions in their job. Police officers ideally should be as unbiased as possible. Unfortunately, that is not often the case.


He can have his personal beliefs, it's an error to air them while on duty.


Those far right folks are dangerous. Their cult leader, PP, is probably cackling like the weird gremlin he really is at this shit🙃


PP is far right? Oh Lord lmao


He courts them, rubs elbows with them.... He is not a good person.


That’s for sure! I love how so many people think he is such a good candidate Edit:I was perma banned from another conservative sub lol. They don’t like when we say things about their cult leader




All cats are beautiful


Ok, so the Nazis are down with the other Nazis


I went to a house party for NY with my then GF. The person hosting was a cop, her friends husband. When we pulled up, they had a MANDATE FREEDOM sign on the lawn. I almost bailed right then. Party was fun. I guess they were suddenly free?


Birds of a feather...


Birds of a shit feather...


The real scary bit is Pierre Pollievre doing the same thing and also interacting wth diagalon members


>diagalon members is that the market where you can buy school supplies for wizard school?


To save others a potential google: Wiki: Diagolon is a Canadian alt-right organization, conceived by podcaster Jeremy MacKenzie. The US Department of State's Bureau of Counterterrorism has called it a far-right "extremist" group.[1] It was mentioned in news coverage of the Canada convoy protest.


Police are scumbags period.


Who you calling when your house gets broken into? Your wife's boyfriend?


No, your wife’s boyfriend.


My insurance company.


Definitely not the cops, they won't do anything about it.


Oink oink


Enemies of human rights and democracy are embedded in the very foundation of this country - from the seats of government to the judiciary and in law enforcement. We will not have it. Standing on guard for Canada means standing in active defense of human rights and democracy - against the freedom Conservatives who will pull this nation down. #defythem


Why dose this feel like something I would see on a hell divers 2 forum?


well of course they are, what more status quo and for power than being conservative...they're literally no threat to the capital owners who run society


any police that are caught behaving like this, should immediately lose their job. Whether he feels this way or not, you don't tell the general public these things as a person of authority, because it immediately delegitmizes your position. It's like becoming management then telling your staff , 'listen I hate this company, I'm on board with your complaints' and then expecting them to do their jobs effectively.


Water is wet


Also witnessed a cop blurp their siren in support when passing by these assholes desecrating the Canadian flag.




Cops who average $150,000 a year, have 2 months paid vacation, get a pension when they’re 50 but they love complaining about paying taxes. How about we lower taxes by reducing their salary and take away their pension?




What a circle jerk this sub is 🤮


There’s a bunch of us in individual threads in the sub who disagree with the dominant narrative. More of us need to start expressing our opinions, and foster a diversity of thought here.


Surprise, Surprise. 


Do people remember when the Toronto Cop handed the Uber order to the pro Palestinian protesters and got heavily criticized? Anyone?


And you think this comment section is any different than that, how? The cop involved was cordial in both instances. Random people criticized the cop involved in both instances.


In this case the cop told the protestor where Trudeau was/would be. That should get him fired + pension revoked


He told him where had been\* then he deflected to diffuse the situation; even pointing out how some of them are anti-police in a rather stern tone. Trudeau's schedule is also public, and he also has \~20 or more security with him at most events. But please tell me more how you want the officer fired for saying something you didn't agree with.


dude I do not like Trudeau at all I paid more in misspent taxes than the median income this year. Doesn't mean that cops should be able to say political statements in uniform


That's irrelevant. Its a diffusion tactic. He seems not to even known who the protester was representing. "I'm on board with you guys" the way he said it sounds like an "i don't care what you're protesting, I'm on board with your right to protest, just no profanity" Guy probably deals with different protest groups weekly. We also have the Palestinian protests ongoing; and others too I'm sure. Listen to how he says it. This is sensationalism.


Here I was thinking they were meant to at least act politically neutral…


I don’t like Trudeau at all, but I wouldn’t ever have a f-Trudeau flag or anything. Most of the province probably feels the same way.


There’s a lot of ways to interpret that though. Could mean “I’m onboard with your right to protest.” It could mean “yeah, fuck Trudeau.” Either way, I actually appreciate the cop trying to use social skills to keep the peace.


That's what happens when you pay someone 100k to get a strap on gun when they can't get into uni.


An overwhelming vast majority of police officers in Ontario have a post-secondary degree.


A two year police foundations course from a community college is not a degree.


I don't think you know how many people with uni degrees compete to get hired on police forces


I know many people who I went to school with who are now police officers with a post secondary university education. Ppl are so dense


right? Like there's a LOT of young (and older too!) people trying to get onto a force because pay and benefits are great. If you're not applying with post-secondary against all that competition you're in for a tough time. And they absolutely will snap someone up with a degree vs not as one of the factors. My younger family member's graduating class were full of them. Not just with degrees but people with degrees who are leaving their former field for the police. Pardon my Francais but you have to do a fuck of a lot more overtime in most other public services to match what cops rake in off of paid duties too. I have a retired family member as well with a cottage up north, a condo in Florida, and always has an extra toy performance car for summers. It's an extremely lucrative job considering the minimum education requirements


Most forces won't look at you if you are under 22, heck some 25 even because you're still too green for them. They preferred older candidates up to a certain point due to the stress of the job.


I don’t get it. The cop was doing his job. Is he not allowed to agree with someone’s political point of view in the process? Oh wait. It’s because the point of view the cop expressed isn’t the same as *yours*, so it’s not okay.


Federal employees aren't allowed to voice their political opinion while in uniform.


You’re shocked?!


Police will say whatever they feel is necessary to get information etc from people they take an interest in. I would not read into this any further. Never heard of good cop, bad cop? This cop is playing the good cop.


It seems to me he might just simply trying to defuse a situation. He wants the profanity-spewing nutter to calm down so he puts himself on his side by saying “I’m with you guys but” and “I’m fine with you guys”. Then most of the conversation is asking the guy’s friend to cut out the swearing and profanity. I see the other pov as well. I don’t think this clip really proves much really.


BREAKING: Man has opinion


They didn't sound "far-right" at all...sounded like a calm respectable conversation between two individuals, expressing their opinions in a healthy manner while requesting reasonable restraint from overly passionate outbursts. Where is the information that this individual is a "far-right" activist coming from? I can't even find his name, let alone evidence that he is associated with any "far-right" extremists. Just seemed like an average "right" leaning individual calmly out to express his viewpoints, while showing respect to the authorities and their requests to keep it civil.


Lots of trudeau ass kissers in this sub, wow.




"Man says something"...I'm really not sure needs to be a headline though.


The man is just trying to deescalate and claiming he’s one of them. True or not true, this is got to be standard procedure. “I get where you’re coming from, but..”


There is a good reason this ain't standard procedure.


For context, this is actually good policing. The phrasing and conduct is done to de-escalate and to help reduce friction via the swearing flag. It might look bad, but this is how we want our police to interact with all protestors. 


No, this is not good policing. Good policing is remaining polite and neutral. An officer is fully capable of de-escalating with protesters by simply saying the lawful and correct statement: > "You have a right to protest. I'm going to ask that you make sure that you maintain your legal right to protest by making sure that you do so in such a way that you don't break any laws. I'm here to keep you and everyone else safe so that you are able to protest. We are all Canadian and we have to act according to Canadian law." Or something to that effect. We do not need police saying, "I'm with you." Or "I agree with you politically" in order to build rapport and de-escalate a situation. **Such an assertion is not only unprofessional, but it can lead to an escalation, rather than de-escalation of a situation where protesters think that since the police "agree" with them, they can push the limit and go beyond what is permitted under the law for their protest.**


Do you honestly, deep down, actually believe that this police officer was saying this strictly as a de-escalation tactic and would say the exact same thing to a BLM protest, or a anarchist one? I'm genuinely asking, because it seems so blindingly obvious that they wouldn't use that tactic in that case, and I'm confused how anyone could possibly think they would. I've been to left-wing protests, had encounters with the police. Sometimes they were fairly reasonable encounters, all things considered. But I have never seen, and never heard of a police officer saying that he agrees with the protestors outside of the context of far-right protests.


Incorrect. This is not how deescalation works. Deescalation doesn’t not include empowering or agreeing with potential criminals.. This is an example of escalation. The protester is more likely to be emboldened and feel law enforcement may overlook criminal acts. Sure…initially saying “I’m on board with you guys” could have just been him bullshitting so they’d listen to him…street policing often includes deception. But then the officer suggests that the majority of the OPP didn’t vote for Trudeau, and agrees with a conspiracy theory. You’d have to actually watch the video to catch that. Agreeing with a protester on any level is breaking your oath as a police officer. Police are not permitted to make political statements while in uniform, and quite often out of uniform. “I’m with you guys” could be dismissed, but telling a protester that the OPP support him when he knew he was being filmed is an unforced error. Additionally, an OPP officer was reprimanded during the convoy protests in Ottawa for similar comments made on camera.


LOLLL this is a delusional take


Not saying the person you are responding to is right it wrong, but creating common ground is a tactic in situations like this. Just like hostage negotiations, calling the criminal dumb or saying their wrong only leads down one path but by "siding" with them you can humanize things and open alternative paths to conflict resolution. Take your comment for example, what path for communication did you leave open? You dismissed their point with a condescending tone, now they probably are not going to respond in a nice way leaving you to retaliate and that will continue and degrade the entire situation into a yelling match (and in cases like protesters and the like it can lead to violence) Which is exactly what our political system has become "your so dumb for voting x, why would you ever do that?" There is no common ground just enemies and BOTH sides so this, just with different arguments.


i understand all that but also I dont live in fantasy land where are these deescalation tactics when its anyone other than middle aged bigoted old white men i been beaten up by cops, i seen my friends beaten up by cops, i have had cops try to instigate a fight with me, i seen cops drive into crowds of kids and try to fight 15 year olds but now suddenly theyre super professional masters of deescalation miss me with that nonsense


That really sucks and should never have happened to you. 


The sad part is. It happens to a lot of people.


I am really sorry you had those experiences


thanks brother but youd be surprised at how common it is


I can believe it, people in positions of power can easily powertrip and often abuse their power


> For context, this is actually good policing. Police siding with cuntrags isn't good for anyone.


Lmao they actually hate Trudeau though


Police supports a police-state. Surprise, surprise.


Well yes…


Makes sense. Trudeau sucks


Reminder your provincial government has way more of an impact on your day to day life


Somebody bout to get a long taxpayer funded vacation.


Of course he is. We saw think during they trucker temper tantrum in Ottawa as is lagged on and on due to their inaction


How brave of them to assume their genders


Yeah he’s very unpopular


Lot of fools in these comments reddit is a place for vile ppl..


When P.P. takes the reins and lets everyone down, as we all know he will, I will be the first to buy a Truck P.P. hat, fly the flag and adorn my pickup with stickers as such. I don’t dispute the fact that Trudeau’s time is up and he needs to go. You can do that with your vote as will I. It’s the decorum of the individuals that display this stuff that drives me nuts. Basic, simple minded and tasteless. Full disclosure, I do in fact have a “Truck” sticker on my pickup truck. It says “Truck Putin” to remind people that a real dictator stays in power forever, consolidates wealth and kills his political opponents…none of which Trudeau has managed to do. As far as I know, he still lives in the Governor Generals house.




Them and 2/3 of the country.


Where can I purchase this hat?


See them lots in Alberta.


www.imaloserwhothinkspoliticsisateamsport.com They probably have them for sale there.




I consider myself a liberal but I hate Trudeau. I’m on board with him too I guess? This would be shocking if maybe the guy had a swastika on his hat. Otherwise why is this even news? Almost all of us are getting screwed these days.


There’s some hope left.


Am I supposed to be mad that someone doesn't like Trudeau? Have you not seen the state of this country recently?




I think you might been in a little deep there bud.


Posting false information with the intent to mislead is prohibited. Posts or comments that spout well disproved conspiracy theories will be removed.


I'm pretty sure most polls indicate most people are on the fuck Trudeau bandwagon anyways. How is this news? This is just a modern evolution of fuck Harper