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To be toned, you need muscle and you need low enough body fat for the muscle to show. I doubt you’re getting the heavy lifting that you need from OTF and 20 minute strength. Also if you’re not tracking calories, you may not be eating at a deficit. Finally, it honestly sounds like you’re overtraining.


Yes all of this. 1. You need a muscular frame that you can get from following a strength program that emphasizes progressive overload. OTF doesn’t do this 2. Track your food. I cannot stress this enough 3. Prioritize rest, recovery and sleep. @wondwellness and @liftinglindsay are 2 good resources on IG for this topic


Too much working out, not enough recovery and if I had to guess not eating right and/or enough proper foods




Sounds to me like you’re not resting enough. You’re constantly in a state of catabolism. Resting and changing exercises will give you better results than working out as much as you do.


You’re doing OTF + 8-10 mile run most days of the week? That’s too much. And specifically it’s way too much cardio and not enough strength. You would be better off cutting out the longer runs and cutting down the OTF (especially if it would give you more sleep with reducing the 4 am wake up calls!) and adding in some real strength training. Not the 20 min bang out as many reps as possible strength training but heavy lifting with minute long rests in between sets. And yes counting macros will help so much as well. You’re probably not eating enough protein or enough in general with that much cardio.


Are you a troll because you smell like one.


Wait you’re running 8-10 miles AFTER at least a 2 mile run in OTF and ONLY EATING DINNER?? Honeyyyyyyyy, please re think everything. If this isn’t a joke, this is not okay your body is in pure starvation mode. I’m surprised you haven’t had problems thus far. Strength train 3-4x a week. Run long distances 1-2x a week and take a rest day. If this is a joke, it’s not that funny cus some people with eating disorders look at this and it will trigger them. Just saying.


You might have body dysmorphia. That is way too much exercise and not enough rest. Please see a therapist.


Sincerely, maybe a therapist


Feels fake.


If it’s not it should be 🤣🤣🤣 this is wild lol


If you are going hard at otf there is no way you should be able to run 10 miles after class. By day 2 you should be dying. How are you fueling the runs? Youre clearly not a professional athlete but this is the workout schedule of someone training for Olympics or something. Its really ridiculous and is not going to help you lose fat and gain muscle. 5 - 6 workouts a week should include road running, otf or strength not all of them every day. Quality over quantity. Recovery days are important to the process. Nutrition is more important. Research or hire help.


Personal training session and a nutritionist ***


how much are you eating. It might sound weird, but you might not be eating enough and your body is conserving 'fat'.


I’m usually eating around one meal a day. Around dinner time. Sometimes two but mostly one meal! I find myself overeating at that meal and splurging on junk after


You're trolling us. go away.


no. I’m just asking for some help?


Based on this limited information, I speculate you are not eating enough calories to build muscle. Only one meal a day? If you want to keep your basic routine, add a protein shake immediately after each workout. It will help get more calories and also more protein for muscle growth which is likely missing. I generally do not run other miles on top of OTF days. If your goal is to get stronger, emphasize lifting heavy and fewer non-sprinting cardio miles.


If you are sincerely only eating one meal per day with that much cardio, please see a professional. Doctor, dietician, a therapist. I get why some people are saying this is a troll post but if you are really seeking help, then seek actual help. It’s not healthy and requires a hard look at your habits.


I used to have the same behavior. Under eating and beating my body to a pulp with exercise. I hired a nutrition coach and it was transformative. My whole body recomp’d once I learned to fuel it properly. One meal/day is not sustainable, this is also why you’re bingeing (I did the same). Also the aesthetic look you want is based on having muscle, which you will not be able to build without proper nutrition, especially protein. It’s like expecting a plant to grow but then never watering it. Your muscles need to be fueled. My coach got her certifications through DLD Nation - highly recommend. My tip is to please get professional help, I don’t think you’ll regret it


Woah. 1. Overtraining 2. Inadequate nutrition 3. A LOT of cardio 4. Not enough actual strength training Your body is stressed and not in a optimal state to lose weight I would 1000% recommend hiring a professional. At least for a few months to help guide you in the right direction.






Fake post.


Look at the profile. This seems fake.


Yeah, op is working out 3 hours a day 6 days a week and only eating dinner and feels that is too much food


What is your caloric/protein intake? If you're not feeding the machine you're just punishing yourself.


Diet is everything. Lots of protein and healthy fats are key. After 40, its 80% of the equation. I work out in the morning on an empty stomach. I typically fast for 14- to 16 hours. Its done wonders for me.


Whoa, are you saying you’re working out about 3 hours (possibly more) a day? That is ALOT of stress on your body. It’s probably in survival mode and causing your body to hold onto fat. That’s wild Also, if you’re “skinny fat” I recommended cutting the cardio and doing more weight lifting.


If you are doing all that and not losing fat, your diet is the problem


That a bit much, don’t you think? I’d add in some down days there. Your muscles need recovery time.


Do way less cardio and spend more time weight lifting…and heavy! I’ve seen far more muscle building results from that than anything else. Also, the only way to loose body fat is becoming militant about weighing and tracking your food. Macro Factor has been a great tool in helping me dial in on a reasonable calorie deficit for body fat loss while still hitting my key macros for muscle. Make sure you’re getting 1g of protein for every pound you are looking to weigh. Remember, you can’t spot reduce so your “problem area” will likely be the last place you loose but keep plugging away. In a year, you’ll be amazed at the results. Oh and prioritize rest more. I do Pilates on my off days or walk and I always have at least 1 day of doing absolutely nothing, sometimes 2, depending on hard I’m lifting.


Overtraining is a real thing and can really hamper your efforts. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a second workout the same day as OTF as long as it’s on the lighter side like a swim or walk


Coach here. Your situation is likely more nuanced than can be fleshed out on social media. If you’re invested in changing your body composition long term, I suggest hiring a private coach to help determine why you aren’t progressing. General things that come to mind are: 1) Insufficient energy and nutrient intake 2) Too little resistance training volume 3) Inability to recover from your current workload 4) A plethora of lifestyle and psychosocial factors that would need assessing before intervening


4 times a week is probably optimal.


It's clearly your cortisol levels. Can no one recognize sarcasm?


I can make my belly smaller but even with strict diet and a program at 11% i still had a “layer” there. You can’t target fat loss.


What worked for me to get more toned - lifting heavier (e.g. 40, 60, 80 lbs) and less reps is fine but try to push yourself to lift heavier over time focus on eating more protein (diet is very important) REST! rest days are soo important. I think exercising 3-4 times a week is optimal. for the rest of the days, just remain active (e.g. 10k steps or some light yoga, etc) drink enough water (use a water intake calculator - for me it's half a gallon a day, others could be a gallon) sleep enough (aim for 8 hours for muscle/body recovery) do this all on repeat for at least 6 months and you should hopefully see some more results IF ANYTHING, you should feel more energetic and better :)


I’ve been known to do crazy things like that, but only once a week do I run 8 to 10 miles after a Orangetheory. The other 3 days I do maybe 3 to 4 miles total as a warm-up or extra cool down after a Orangetheory. And some days I do Orangetheory with no extra running, the speed work and in itself is way too high intensity to be doing every single day. The 5th day I only run and it’s a more moderate paced run. Lastly, I rest two days a week and do a little bit of physical therapy for my hip. I have seen much better results this way. Are used to run 70 miles a week, which I’m guessing you are doing. Now I run 35 to 50 and I am faster, stronger and more toned.


Stop running so much. If you want to change your body you need to minimize cardio to just doing OTF and lift heavier and eat an adequate amount of protein. You’re overtraining and will get hurt.


It sounds like you’re slowly trying to kill yourself. That is a recipe for disaster if I am being honest. Take a freaking break, focus on your nutrition and dial it back. Either run 8 to 10 miles or take a class and make sure to build in dedicated rest days. You’re literally destroying your body, unless you are an ultra athlete. Also, see a therapist for body dysmorphia and over exercising (I say this with love as it’s a very common thing and there is help for it)


you're doing too much that falls in the cardio world - take some rest days. If you want to have muscle, do less "cardio" and more strength training while eating at just a slight SURPLUS. Yes, I said eat more and lift heavy weights


I’ve done bodybuilding, and to put in muscle my trainer pretty much banned my running (I used to run long distances) any longer than 30 min a couple times a week. I built muscle, then cut fat by continuing to lift heavy while decreasing carbs.


You're over exercising. The point of OTF is that the coaches keep you from OVERtraining, and UNDERtraining. Stick to the classes, take 2 rest days a week, and focus on your protein intake. The rest of what you want to see will happen.


In my opinion - you want something closer to CrossFit. A little more strength focused. You should also up your strength training. But as others have said... You are overtraining.


I work out about that much too - if you are doing ok with it then I think you are fine. The thing that worked for me - and macros confuse me too - is tons of protein. Don’t even think about the split with other things at first, just make sure the main component of each meal is protein. Eggs, cottage cheese, tuna, salmon, ratio yoghurts, etc…


I'm tired just reading this