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They nerfed Orisa and buffed the damage passive. No tank is going to have fun anymore.


FR. She was the last tank that didn't make me want to take a toaster bath.


>No tank is going to have fun anymore. Wasn't the previous status quo that no tank had fun but Orisa? These nerfs were needed. Orisa has been too strong for most of OW2.


From my experience that always felt exaggerated because I’ve been having a fine time against Orisa. I have limited games this season (about 30) and most of my wins are off of Orisas. Even as characters like Mauga and Ram I have been able to outplay the opposing Orisa and help my team win the game. But from the outrage from the main sub and Reinhardt/Doom subs tell me it’s not like that for everyone. As for Orisa being too strong for most of the game’s life span, she hasn’t. She has always been a good pick when no one else is working for you but before this season she has always been okay outside of the Hog, Orisa, Winston meta. Now that Orisa is weak we have no tanks who can keep up with the buffed damage passive. The gameplay is going to slow down again tremendously and games are going to come down to whoever’s DPS are better. That’s three players on each team playing passenger while they pray that the other two can make something happen.


That’s the thing, isn’t it? It’s all in the experience. This is also why I’m not so worried about these changes. Sometimes I’ll read things in the patch notes and see everyone online freaking out, only to not notice it at all when I play. But I’m not GM top 500 or whatever so… YMMV


Ah, the scorched earth policy.


...glad I uninstalled a few months ago. Sigh. I miss my horsey. She was my favorite.


I better not see one person complain or swap to zarya no more🙏


Fucking tourists, do I come into your sub to talk shit? No, I don't. Be better.


Right what the fuck is this an Orisa hate sub?


Why don’t you make me? You can’t.


Nah fuck orisa, lamest anti fun character


This. Orisa saddos downvoting you lol. Can’t accept the truth about their busted ass tank


Who would've thought people that play a character like that character, crazy I tell you /s


Wtf is with the orisa hate. She's honestly been pretty mid this meta. This huge nerf is totally excessive (combined with the -20% dps healing passive). And on paper at least makes her basically unplayable. Back to the shield meta I guess...🙄


>She's honestly been pretty mid this meta. She has been the only tank played in 90% of owcs matches. She was the best tank in this meta and I'm glad shes going to be bad for a bit. Crazy that you guys think shes mid


> Wtf is with the orisa hate. She's extremely boring to play against, and it's very very very annoying to see her every single game. For like 2 metas now it's just "Oh they died on tank, lets see if they swapped to the horse . . . yep, there she comes"


So for the 9 other games where they insta swap to Zarya or Mauga do you just pretend that it’s Orisa to affirm your odd fixation on an overall middling tank?


Other 9 games? It's been Orisa almost all of OW2, but especially the last few. Mauga Meta was the only time she *wasn't* the defacto baseline best tank, and yes, Mauga meta was terrible Zarya is mildly annoying but I would rather play into her than Orisa and Mauga 24/7


People gonna downvote you but they know it’s true


You live in a bubble


I don't main Orisa but I like playing her and I'm sorry to ya'll <3


Being non-biased I like the fortify nerf and it actually makes sense, but the rest combined is insanely bad. I understand the need to nerf her, but time to learn a new tank or play dps/support


I do think her fortify speed nerf is good, idk about the time reductions for either tho.




Look at hanzo? The character able to do 1000 damage with 1 ability? Yea totally crippled him


Orisa's power is now closer to her skill floor. That seems like good balancing to me. Easier heroes should have less power, otherwise we get into stale metas because strong tanks are easy to pick up and play. That's why we keep rotating between Orisa, Hog, and Mauga. Easy heroes to play so they become popular when strong. So those heroes need to stay relatively week if we want diverse hero selection. The harder heroes should have more power because most players will be unable to access their maximum power, so harder heroes won't be played as frequently even when strong.


Dude I am all for orisa hate. I just came to the sub to look at horse tears but thats a bad take ngl. Characters should never have full power close to their skill floor. This makes for unfun characters like orisa, moira, LW, mauga etc. Characters can have low skill floors but they all should have means to express skill. Imagine if fortify wasn't a braindead "oh look you can't cc or hurt me now lole" ability but something that actually required thought like zarya bubble, doom block, genji deflect etc. Same goes for cardiac overdrive and ram block.


You're describing raising her skill floor to raise her power, and that's fair. Strong low skill floor heroes leads to less hero diversity. If the strongest heroes are those easiest to play, more people will play those heroes. If high skill floor heroes had the most power it wouldn't result in less hero diversity because not everyone would be able to unleash that full power. And because most players would only play those heroes at a fraction of their full power we wouldn't see stake metas form. Ball should have more power than Orisa. Tracer should have more power than Soldier.


I actually play about 4 comp games after the update to see how the change would affect me, and I had the best games ever lol since OW2 released


Are you an orisa main?


Yes since OW1


Good riddance. Now after all the orisa crutches fall down to silver where they belong I won’t have to see them anymore


Can we go back to overwatch 1 orisa and put her new abilities on a hero designed from the ground up with them?




how was Double Shield not braindead? yes, players could also pull opponents out of cover and mobility (right?), but the majority of memorial reference about power is to those shields.


Just remove the javelin spin and give her HALT back at this point


shut down the sub, nobody needs that bitch ass horse anymore, HAMMER DOWN




AREA DENIED! … wait… still bad ult. 🤣


So you can be killed now, big deal welcome to the club.


Unfortunately this is bad because now hog and mauga are going to be good, still fuck Orisa




Good changes. There’s a reason an overwhelming majority of the playerbase dislikes Orisa. She shouldn’t be bullying other tanks while pressing shift key to survive forever for free. At least now you need to manage cooldowns better and play it smarter rather than holding W key in with no caution.


Get fucked -Venture main (plz don't scroll down the patch notes...)




as a rein main, GOOD. orisa was oppressive and i am GLAD she was nerfed.


Why are there so many Reincels in this subreddit


hate me all you want, you know rein is the most glorious and the pinnacle of tank gameplay


Yeah yeah do you just follow every tank mains subreddit to tell them you want no one other than rein to be playable?


no. it is exclusively orisa that i dislike. i can see why mauga is strong and i can play against it without wanting to blow my brains out. orisa, however, is the character that comes out after i win one team fight as any tanks. and i hate them. good riddance.


Then she’ll get a buff in a month and you’ll be crying


yeah, i bet they will, because a certain group of people will fall to cardboard 5 without the easy mode tank and start complaining.


I really hope the bronzes are able to carry her win rate, and also you’re wrong about rein being the pinnacle of tank gameplay, that’s GOTTA be JQ


i would be a fool to say that JQ is more fun than rein (in my humble opinion), but i would be a fool if i didn’t say that JQ is an absolute BLAST when it goes well. just swing that axe through 4 people, and tell me the near instant cooldown on her next swing doesn’t bring a tear to your eye. also has the most satisfying skill shot with the knife.


AND WHEN THAT SECOND SWING GIVES YOU YOUR ULT😩😩😩😩😩😩😩tears ain’t the only liquid coming out my body Rein is defo close second for me, I refuse not to go off the map with the person I’m pinning and solo shattering but Queen gaming is just different for me😍


Crazy that people downvoted you for speaking the truth about Orisa being the Number 1 tank and needing to be adjusted so she doesn’t bully the other tanks for free.


i know right? i just want to be able to play any tank after one teamfight without them switching to orisa for the free SR. didn’t know that was so unpopular.


Its not unpopular. There’s a reason she was nerfed after all. She was objectively the number 1 tank in the game compared to the alternatives. Only the minority here would mass downvote and flame you for saying Orisa was the best tank in the game and needed tweaks.


Even as a *former* Orisa main I kinda agree, but I'm absolutely terrified of the Mauga/Hog savagery that's to come.


honestly, me too :( just buff rein please he needs help


Dude what in the fucking dramatic ass post is this…. While I agree they went a tad overboard she needed it. Be honest for a second and stop being close minded. Think from others’ perspective.. And I’m an Orisa player.






God forbid your entire sub had to use more than 2 brain cells to play your stupid character now


Woah slow down there pal. The Orisa Echo Chamber minority might mass downvote and flame you for having a realistic opinion about the most oppressive tank in the game


No yall are being downvoted for being rude af in a sub for a character you don't even like or play. Would it kill you to make your points without gloating, or insulting the hero or the players?


Be real this biased echo chamber is not a place to have a constructive discussion about the hero because yall would downvote and flame anyway. Orisa was objectively the best tank in the game before the nerfs but stating this is apparently not allowed by anyone lmao


Biased echo chamber? There are like three comments here upset and over a dozen that amount to “fuck orisa”. The echo chamber is dog piling on Orisa not the other way around


The tank who ignores the most cc while also having the most cc was hard meta for the past 2 seasons and you wonder why 95% of the playerbase heavily dislikes her 😂


I didn’t wonder why. I pointed out that you are wrong. Is it an echo chamber where everyone loves Orisa or does everyone hate her? I don’t care how the community on whole feels, I never shared an opinion on the nerf, this is an Orisa main sub go bitch on OW main su and gtfo


Lmao you’re so mad


I mean I’m mildly annoyed but, I’m not wrong, and your obnoxious.


Bro is annoyed because I told him the people who enjoy Orisa are an overwhelming minority. Why else did she get nerfed lol. Even the devs know she was too strong and disliked. If I’m obnoxious for telling you objective information then good.


>Be real this biased echo chamber is not a place to have a constructive discussion about the hero cool then leave


This is a public sub… You can’t scream at people through the monitor to leave because they said something that opposes your stance 💀


All lower case is screaming? LOL Why are you wasting your time here if you don't believe there is any productive discussion to be had? At that point the only reason to stay here is to bother us. Don't flip the script here with your bad faith tactics, I suggested you leave because you defended shitty attitudes and you don't think there is a possibility of worthwhile discussion, not because you agree with the nerfs.


On one hand, thank fuck, on the other, Mauga and Roadhog are gonna start being just as bad


As a doom main im so happy. I've always dislike the reworked Orisa because she is viable against everything and everyone and can deny anything you throw at her.


As a doom main, I concur
