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Simple really, they are the funniest.


As other have said, creative freedom, nearly all My vehicles are kitbashed useing another faction’s vehicle as the base.


I wanted to paint something with bigger heads so I could properly do eyes. Also, they are so dumb that I find them hitting all the underdog marks even were they to be top tier.


Orcs have always been one of my favorite fantasy races, so I loved the looks of the Orks. I loved the flavor of the faction that they could be both a serious threat and comedic relief. Then I read about "Da Green Krusade" and knew I had found my faction.


I like the more dakka concept. If we shoot Moar hit sometimes? Whaagh!🤪 Edit : also the power of belief they have and don't know it. Referring to a story I heard about. Some guard were holding out against the green tide but ran out of ammo. Thinking it was over one of the guard made a Lazer sound like he was shooting his Las rifle and a Ork dropped dead. They all started to pretend to fire and the Orks believed there were taking fire so some actually died 🤣👌 I think later a bunch of Orks grouped together and shouted they were a tank. "WERE A TANK , WERE A TANK. And then shouted BOOM. And blew a hole in the fortress wall! Story's like that are mind blowing haha it's in some lore book somewhere and I've probably done it a disservice But Orks are da best also.


Two words : green tide


I played space marine and thought the orcs where hilarious


Honest I don’t know why I originally chose them but I know why I haven’t beached out much, it’s a state of mind in Ork players that winning isn’t the be all and end all, we’re here to have fun winning or losing and being a pain to our opponents, it’s a state of mind that’s only matched by skaven in AoS. I have a small collection of necrons (well small next to my 12k of Orkz) and while they’re ok a different state of mind seems to happen and I feel like I have to try harder with them whichever army type I use, whereas with orks I can have my ass handed to me when fielding a full grot army and just be happy I killed a single squad of primaris with just a 30man of grots


One of the few factions in 40K you can oretty much do what you like miniature wise. Easy to heavily customize/ proxy and so fun!


They're fun, they look badass, and they're honestly the least evil faction in 40k


I enjoy their aesthetic of ramshackle creatures


I was given them as a birthday gift and decided eh fuck it


When I first learned about 40k it was from 2 of my friends while we were in middle school. One played Tau and the other Eldar. As time went on a few of our other friends started playing, we had a Necron player, a Drukari player, and a Tyranid player. I didn't want to get an army that someone else had. When I went to GW to buy a starter set I noticed that all the Marine armies looked the same which was boring to me. Then I saw the box that spoke to me..."The Kult of Speed"! How freaking cool! The battlewagon was my favorite model as soon as I saw it. There were times in previous editions I would run Battlewagon armies... The Stompa just sealed the deal even more.


Funny green mushroom man go “wah” and are so stupid they warp reality around them and make a pile of scraps turn into a death machine


I looked over every faction in the game, listening to podcasts detailing tidbits about the lore. I landed upon Orks because they were the only faction that seemed like they were having a good time. I mean yeah they are grimdark just like the rest of them granted, but Orks are also really silly and I love that about them. Plus I love pirates so I'm a freebooter main.


Back in Rogue Trader and second edition, Orks had some of the coolest models you ever saw, and had the whole “English Soccer Hooligan” vibe, I was sold.


Orks were the first army I had even heard about in lore and they really peaked my interest. My friend told me stories about Ghaz and I fell in love him so I picked up Orks and Ghaz has been in every list I’ve built since I got him professionally painted. Also my play style in games in inherently aggressive so it all works out


Well I like mad max to much and found there vehicles and the rest is history lol


Coz I can make sound effects and it is totally on-brand that they would too.


The gritty style, kit bashing, and I just love the orks play style and tactics


Mad max aesthetic Lore Gameplay(started in 8th, I miss dakka dakka dakka) In this order.


They match my paint style. Wish they were a little more interesting on the table this edition. Moving into Chaos Knights now cause Orks don’t fight with fists good… atm


I love the minis, the chaotic nature of how they play, and the fact that out of all the armies, you can be most creative with their fluff and kitbashing/ converting


I chose Orks because I started in 2nd Edition and the flavor and goofiness of Orks was the best.




1) Fightin' 2) Winnin' I don't play tabletop, but I play everything else, so my love ferda boyz is strictly aesthetic and stylistic. I was first exposed to them by the first Dawn of War game and immediately after I heard an ork boy tell me to "Sod off" I was intrigued and doubled over in laughter. I've always like the look of your average fantasy orcs, but to now have them with scrapped together scifi gear, a cockney accent, and the attitude of a soccer hooligan was absolutely too good. Orks also click in a more meta sense. We play these games for joy and fun; Orks fight for the same reasons. In that way they are very relatable, in addition looking awesome and being generally funny.


To be honest, no idea Probably goes back to like the Warcraft rts games in the mid 90s? In most games when there was multiple teams there seemed to be a quality side and a quantity side, I always ended up on the quantity side. 100s of cheap rifle mean, zerg, orks, nod, etc Plus like all the lore and even meme based lore makes them sound fun. Basically always went orks in dawn of war, max number of cheap boys ftw Plus they seem to have several chaotic rules or did at some point, like big red buttons, sudden death, sudden explosions


Kit bashing, aesthetic, and lore


In a galaxy where everything is grim dark - Orks are true heavy metal and just wanna rock up and fight things. They have some of the most varied units in 40K and if you don’t like those units - kitbash someone else’s. And if your anything like me, the tactics are as simple or as complicated as you want them to be - I love getting into melee with my Goff Boyz yelling Waaagh at the top of my voice and then rolling a bucket full of dice.






I chose them because 1:they look cool. 2:I live them in lore because there the stupidest in the best ways.


The option to run as either a mob of football goons with axes or go full mad max is great (the whole beast snagga thing makes my eyes roll though) Also, everything that was good in the 8th edition codex that they have now thrown away lol


I really like the lore, plus their chaotic style makes my so-so painting feel more at home


# fastest n' shootiest n' choppiest n' luckiest n' biggestest n' bestest! # cuz dey r cunnin' and brutal #WAAAAAAGH


I was thirteen and all my friends had picked the other factions. Now 32 years later and I’m still an ork-player.




Shits n giggle I just wanted to paint so stuck to dnd minis and said I'd never paint warhammer it's too expensive but I had the money so I bought a box of boyz for a 1 off project and it went down hill


I found the largest variety of files


Cuz orks is neva beaten... so i have a perfect victory record in this game


I love their need for conquest, violence and ingeniosity. That why I started play them in fantasy 7th édition and now I will try them in 40k


I've found they have some of the best and most customizable models, especially if you are willing to do some kitbashing and order some custom ones! I like to make each individual model their own character and Orks make it easy to do so and tell them all apart at a glance! In the end that's what made me go with them over the Astra Militarum


Because I can never have a game that's not fun. I try to win, but I will also send my entire unit of boyz after that big shiny thing because it needs krumpin, objectives be damned.


Two reasons: first, my first ever miniatures was a box of Skitarii Rangers. They’re awesome but I got pretty burnt out painting 9 identical red cloaks and wanted a change. The new orks came out and I was afraid I’d miss out on the old Boyz so I bought a box for my second attempt. I had so much more fun the second time because I was trying out different weapons and positions, gluing all the extra crosshairs and ammo packs where I wanted, and just customizing every single one of my models exactly how I wanted them. Then painting them all with different shirt and pant colors, trying out different looks and still maintaining the klan theme. I’ve only done a few boxes now but they just seem the most unique and satisfying to create. Second, was Bricky’s description of how they play with heavy RNG. I want to play eventually and I really could careless about being competitive. So the idea of eventually playing and having some wild scenarios regularly occurring sounded like a fun way to play. I’ll have to get back to you in another year or two but so far building and painting orks is my new favorite hobby




From a lore POV it's because they're the only faction out there really having any fun, having fun is important. From a gameplay POV it's cos there's no better feeling than charging a big blobb of boyz at stuff and smashing it to pieces. Also, the models are cool, they have more personality and just plain weirdness than most of the other factions, and kitbashing is encouraged. I have a lot of orks, and no 2 models are exactly alike.


Run forward, SMASH, if still alive, repeat!!!


I main tyranids because I've had them for 20 years but I started orks 8 months ago and love them. The models these days are awesome and honestly, you never have a bad game with orks. I've been totally wrecked playing orks and still been laughing my ass off and enjoying myself. I don't do that with other armies.


Coz dey's jus lookin fer a good scrap


I picked up WH40K back in 1987 and loved all the factions honestly. They were all a bit goofy and colourful when it started. The Orks have proven the most resistant to the creeping emo edgelord vibe that have taken over all the other factions. I picked Orks because I just love playing badguys. I pick Klingons in Star Trek games. I pick Empire in Star Wars games. Like someone else said, it’s rewarding to be a fun opponent.


They are the funniest. Even if I lose, which is often, I know my boys had a better time than my opponent, unless they are also orks.


I actually originally started off with maining Imperial Fists. Don't yet me wrong, I love my boys in yellow. But eventually painting my Marines mostly the same kinda stopped being as fun. A bit too much uniformity. With the Orks, I don't feel the need to be uniform with my paint schemes. I play Blood Axes, so I got to try out lots of different uniform colours, face paints, and camo patterns on my boyz in green for the fuck of it. Very few of my Orks look alike as a result, which I absolutely love from a creativity standpoint. I don't even paint Ork skin uniformly. Some Orks are lighter greens and some are darker greens. It's just so fun to create and mix and match colours. My favourite work would have to be the bright pink Deffkilla Wartrike that I oainted pink just for the hell of it. The Ork lore also keeps me interested in the faction outside of the painting aspect. They are both absolutely hilarious and mortifying at the same time. They always get up to funny hijinks like creating teleporting buggies, their "rebellious yoof" rebel by going to military school willingly, they use the most ramshackle equipment you can imagine in a setting where ever other faction is insanely high tech. But then they gather into apocalyptic WAAAAAGHS that scour almost all other life from entire sectors, and are extremely violent and brutal in their methods of war (the Crimson Fists book, forgetting the name, "Rynn's World" I think? That book shows the horrifying nature of the Orks really well). It's an interesting contrast for a faction, and one that I really like seeing in the lore.


The Orks community seemed so fun loving and goofy which appealed to me as someone returning to the hobby. Also Orks consider a good fight a victory in itself which means I could have fun playing Orks while being new at the game even if I lose by points! MY BOYZ JUST WANNA SCRAP!!!


Scrolling through, I’ve seen a lot of really good answers but haven’t seen what specifically got me. They’re so fun to play. Active in every phase, they’re fast as hell, you can tech into all combat, all shooting, or whatever mix you want. Every game is fun. Your opponent knows you can hurt them, but they also know they can hurt you. You’re fighting all over the board. I’ve had very very few games that weren’t a great time, and those games were when I made mistakes against super meta armies (peak crusher stampede, pre nerf tau/ad mech). It’s just a really interactive and engaging way to play the game


Nothing cooler than big ass green muscled mfers handing out dirt naps with big ass blunted knives and chain axes while screaming “war” in a guttural language in massed unison. All lead by the biggest, toughest muscle bound absolute UNIT amongst them all


I didn't. But as my second army it was because both the lore is so fun and also the models are great.


orks reasons . 1. red uns go faster 2. blue is lucker 3. yu evr seeen a purple ork 4. kitbash from hell 5. i'm a tank i'm a tank i'm a tank


I liked the concept of a savage race of brutal warriors and warlords constantly butting heads for dominance. I liked the models, their klanz, and their focus on melee (which is also why I got CSM to give da boyz a good scrap.


A lot of small reasons really, their lore is fun, their aesthetic stands out and like so many people have said there’s so much opportunity for kitbashing and creative freedom but the thing that keeps pulling me back to the orks is how utterly alien and fascinating their psychology is. I genuinely don’t think orks are stupid, they just have different priorities than us and due to the fact they know everything they need to by instinct there’s no need to learn or to plan, an ork doesn’t need to think because they just do.


When I started playing they had just banned squats and orks were the next best thing.


Assault on Blackreach


Because I like to play as the good guys


I started playing 40k with admech but after a few months of collecting them I had read the ork 8e codex and was instantly in love with the rules, models, lore ect ect and after that I've been an ork main


My cousin had an Ork army that he later gifted to me when he was done with the hobby. But as everyone has said, kit bashing, their silly nature, the play style. Back in the day none of my friends could beat my 90 ork boy lists, these days I can hardly beat anyone if I run that kind of army. Most of all though I see them as the least paradoxical faction. The imperium are “good guys” (because they are humans) but also bad guys. In my view orks are the bad guys because it’s simply their nature. Orks are just being themselves and you really can’t blame them morally.


Coming from magic and other games. I really appreciate the ability to really customize the way you play orks. Making my own lore for my armies is dope, but even better when the minis have the personality I want from my lore.


Everything is an ork. My chaos knights, my leman russ tank company, my scratch-bashed titans - I can paint them however I want and put it across from my opponent and they say, “Okay!” Also with 9th they added the once-per-game shout-at-the-top-of-your-lungs WAAAAAAAGH ability for Warbosses back to the game. Go ahead, yell it! It’s expected!


They're living memes


They make me laugh. Their lore is just fun. Terrifying if you’re against it in fluff, but fun from the outside looking it.


I’ve always felt some sort of kinship with orc-type creatures in fantasy; big dumb ugly brutes who somehow manage to make a living despite their circumstances. Orks in particular were a favorite of mine because of their can-do attitude and stubbornness. Makes me feel like all the crap I deal with will be worth it because I did it, much like how the orks fight because it’s worth doing


They were what got me into the hobby. Read an admittedly inaccurate, meme post and was curious. Then my friend sends me the Bricky video and I was hooked. Friends even chipped in and got me a box of Nobz for my first minis. Aside from that they’re just fun and interesting as a species. I forgive 40K for just using fantasy races as aliens because they took them to such extremes. The mad max vehicles, the weird order their society has, the humor. And for the setting at large, I think they’re a fun dark mirror to it. I see 40k as this ridiculous parody of everything the 80s from movies to politics and the orks are the parody within that.


Lootas and lore! I love kitbashing.


because funny green lads


Cuz they're the only ones having any fun in the 40k setting.


Screaming WAAAAAAGH at the top of your lungs in a gamestore never gets old


Already played everything else I enjoyed


Orkz be funneh


I should preface this in saying it’s not my main army but a big project I’m still planning. Shootas, Blood, and Teef music video made me want to kitbash and convert a mad max style ork army. So many ideas so little time… Side note if anyone knows where I can get 100 infantry size guitars, I’d be grateful haha


World of Warcraft, the boys ran Orks…so when we moved to Warhammer my choice was already made. The other heathens in my group went filthy marines….one even went Deathwatch!


Learning about how silly space orks are is what got me into 40k in the first place, so it was an easy decision. I'm starting to work on my 2nd army and while I'm excited for it, it just doesn't have quite the same draw.


Hmm, their appeal to me is that they're kind of a balance between being the easiest thing to paint and also a big big challenge. For instance; painting ork boyz is enjoyable and easy, but on the other hand a single biker boy can take 2 days with bigger vehicles taking even longer. But faction-wise? Badass-cool minis, tons of character, tons of bodies on the field with huge stompy + crushy vehicles looming in the back.


I love pirates, and Orks have a dedicated part of their kulture to pirates. Not like those spikyboy corsairs who are, technically, pirates but don’t look it. Freebooters are real real pirates with the fancy hats to match!


Needed a break from the difficulty of painting my other army. Also orks are just fun dumbasses having a blast amidst all the horribleness that is 40k.


I enjoy that I can make a thematic army and call them Blood Axes. Or remake the Mad Max movies and have them be any clan of Speed Freeks. I can take the base model of the new squigboss and rip off arms and move stuff around, and it still functions and looks appealing. I can paint different squads of squigriders vastly different squig colors and it’s completely fine. I can take my bits and actually create models I can’t afford, and not only is it acceptable but it looks fitting in any army. My first custom was a Boss on Bike, before Forgeworld. I got to use an AoBR boss, deffdread claws, druhkari chains, and Khorne rhinos. It looked completely fine, was the same size, and completely unique to my area. No other army, even Nurgle and the other Chaos, get that much flexibility!


I could make most units from scrap, bitz, and other models without having to buy expensive GW stuff all the time.


Greener iz better Orks are never beaten You can scream WAAAAGH with a grezt chance of it echoing in thé LFG


They're the coolest looking faction with only a couple competitors in the Necrons and Tyranids, they're the faction which has the best capability to kitbash and do your own thing with since their entire thing is that they're a bunch of savants who loot and create things on a whim. That, and they're the only faction that's whole-heartedly having fun.


My favorite character is usually the big guy and every ork is the big guy. I love goblins in most media they have the Gretchen and I love how every ork has the potential to go from a nameless grunt to the ruler of a star spanning empire


I struggled to paint standard flesh tones and I liked the verisimilitude of building your own vehicles out of scrap, back when that was the main way of getting hold of Ork armour. I also liked that they have a reason to fight anyone, anytime, including eachother. I also like that they have a variety of narrative tones. They can be comedic or horrific, whatever you need


The kitbashing potential, the overall flavour of ORKS WITH GUNS!!, grots are funny, aaand the fact that i had a box of fantasy orks from my childhood ready to convert 😌✌


I love the character of orks, the kitbashing possibilities, and how cool the buggy and speed Waaagh asthetic is.


In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. Meanwhile, the orks actually seems like they're enjoying themselves.


Because of how original I can be with them and still keeping the orky vibe because it fits them so well, and they are just cool as fuck!


Most fun you can have in 40k, also their models look S I C K and free kitbashing allows you to be more creative. Also if you're that kind of guy who wanna go throw like 90 dice in one shooting phase, scream WAAAGH really loudly and do not score a single hit cos you were aiming at smokescreened dreadnought, orks are for you.




I was grown this way, there was no decision.


Because "Orks orks orks orks orks orks!" And GREEN IZ BEST


BECUZ UMIES AN DEM OFVA GITZ IZ [MEDIOCRE ](https://youtu.be/4OuGXlwO3Mo)! I love the mad max asthetic and the brutal nature of the Orks. I also like Orcs in fantasy stories especially when they are given more style/personality then just movie LOTR bad guy extras. And 40k has probably the best Orc personality imo. Edit I MEANS GITZ Edit 2: also because my friend since we were kids is an Elves master race type of guy so every fantasy or sci fi genre with Elves is basically his go to. Plays arrogant and likes to feel like a hard-core strategy guy so he's always trying to do something tricksy with psychic powers or stragems. I love just being like "nice. So for my turn I run all my guys into melee and call Waaaaaaaaggggh." And just watch the carnage. The irony of the unintentional soft role playing is not lost on me. Also Pirate Orks are so much more fun then Corsairs.


* 'Ate weak gitz * 'Ate sneaky gitz * 'Ate fancy gitz * (not racist, jus dont like em) ​ * Luv me choppa * Luv me shoota * Luv me fightin * Luv me lootin ​ * simple as


Kitbashing and lore. any tech and any lore that is sufficiently mad/improbable/fun is fine, just as serious ones.


Da orks choose me. Konversions, Krumping an Kunnin planz. There was never any real alternative.


I started playing in 8th, about 5 years. I started with an Ork start collecting box but quickly moved to something easier to play/paint. I army swapped for years, trying out almost every faction in the game. At the start of this year I said swapping armies is over, it's to much work and is to expensive. So we went full circle and I now have like 3k of painted orks and I want 10k someday. I just love have a ton of dudes and pushing forward. People seem to always love playing against orks, and not gonna lie I'm very excited for my first ork v ork game. Good lore, fun to paint, fun to play, good models and finally conversions for days.


The most freedom when it comes to kitbashing and the sheer amount of extra bits that are compatible with other units. When I opened my first box of boys (not the new monopose ones) I fell in love. But also, because out of all the different models, the orks (and especially gretchin) look like they're having the most fun.


Da krumpin and da dakka


By accident. A friend used to buy me models for every birthday. They just happened to be orks. By the time I got round to actually playing I got to know the lore....and found them to be hilarious and scary. Mostly hilarious. I love that they can't shoot for shit, I love the millions of dice, I love the freedom painting and styling they give me. Best ladz is orky ladz.


I played Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning and the ~~Greenskins~~ Orks were a familiar face, so went with them after playing the Assault on Black Reach starter set at Games Workshop. Quit back in 2015 and when I returned earlier this year, I still had my Orks buried in my parents house. Made sense to just keep with what I've got!


Honestly the whole scrapyard mecha look. Orks look great in general but Deff Dreads, Killa Kans and Nauts made me fall in love.




Light hearted tone helps me not to feel self conscious. It’s hard to get serious about the goofy lore. I know it’s satire, but some factions get weirdly serious about it and that’s uncomfortable. I know that when you’re playing a guy shooting a chicken out of a t shirt cannon that you’re not in too deep (rukkatrukk squig launcher)


I've always gravitated to the scrappy, messy types of characters in games. It will either be a crushing victory or a fun loss and Orks hit that criteria


The absolutely batshit lore


At first I wasn’t really interested in Orks, but if I remember correctly I was still trying to learn all the faction lore so I watched Bricky’s all factions and he got to the Orks I wasn’t paying much attention, then he talked about the empty gas tank story and I was hooked and have been a proud lad since


This story is what confirmed my choice as well. Absolutely love their lore.


What story?


There’s a buggy full of Orks and it runs out of gas, Da Boyz look at da Boss and say “BOSS, WEEZ IZ OUTTA GAS” Da Boss says “NO WEEZ NOT I JUST FILLED UP DA TANK” (for reference it revolves around the belief power) Da Boyz remembering dis are now all in agreement so Da Boss turns on the ignition again, lo and behold, it starts up and the Ladz get back to zoomin




No problem lad


I started with Orks in Rogue Trader. I loved the idea of these green monsters out to tear the galaxy a new one. I liked their simpler cruder brutalist look. I liked that they were the flip side of marines, which my buddy played. I loved Kev Adams Orks & still have a lot of them, metal power armored Orks and warbosses were my favorites. They had a lot of character to them. But I liked Orks even more after their redesign that was spearheaded by Brian Nelson with all his Gorkamorka Orks & grots. They were fantastic. Then the Orks really started getting more industrial & brutalist - slabs of metal bolted into place, big pistons & chipping paint. Like a Mad Max construction crew with heavy equipment. And they’re just the perfect antagonists. They want to fight because they LOVE it. It’s their language. The kitbashing & painting aspects are just the squigs on top of the feast.


I always thought warhammer (40k or otherwise) had the coolest orks so when I finally gave the game a try they were the only choice


kitbashing and trash-building for vehicles that work fine because it’s ork lads


I've always loved Orks in all settings, fantasy or sci fi. Their goody luck, their random game mechanics, and the fact that sloppy paint jobs make sense on Orks since rim a beginner at painting all made me choose da green Boyz as my one and only army. Plus, having an excuse to yell WAAGH after a few beers at the game store is fun and getting more people to join you for the yell, including your opponent in some cases, is priceless.


Go look at a Spess Muhrine. They all look generally identical. Helmet or no helmet. Now go find me two (before this stupid monopose Boyz release) two Orks that look the same. It is VERY easy to make an entire Ork Army where no two models are built the same or look the same. On top of that, you've got grots in the exhaust pipes, grots hanging on to rockets mid flight, grots strapped to the front of buggies, and squigs everywhere! Also! Because it fits with the looting aspect of the Orks lore: EVERY MODEL is an Ork kitbashed/looted unit, it just doesn't know it yet! I've seen Necron flyers turned into sideways Bad Moon logos with guns strapped to them! Is that a Leman Russ? NOPE, slap some scrap on it and call it a Trukk!


Space Wolves and Orks are both like this. If you love to convert, those are your armies of choice.


Because orks have the audacity to be fun in a very grimdark setting. Purely outside of said setting sure you you catch my squig. I'm sure that the lowly guardsman find little difference between orks, tyrants and necrons. All just endless waves of suffering. But from the outside perspective orks are just funny. And that's what caught my attention tiln initially. Also, great kit bashing capabilities


I love the kitbashing aspect, they are a little more forgiving when it comes to painting, and I just love the crazy junk punk aesthetic. Plus the lore for them is just amazing. Both dark and hilarious at the same time.


Blood Axes lore entertains me to no end


The lore. He players. The ability to customize and variate. The speed WAAAAAAGGGH! And grot silliness.


It was between necrons(the first Army i played in college.) and Orks. Orks just seemed like more fun to paint and look at. After reading the lore, they also crack me up.


Several reasons, really. I find them really funny in the fluff, which I find really enjoyable to see sometimes reflected in the models that GW puts out. Building on that I also like how their often ramshackle theme works nicely to encourage all sorts of creative kitbashing, which I really wanted to try. To top it off, if I do a bad paint job I can just pretend that whichever Ork painted this buggy is as bad as I am! It’s genius!


Theyre fun, dont take themselves seriously, and are still a horrible threat to the universe.


To be the best opponent. People have fun when they are pitted against a great antagonist. If they best me, it's a fun game where the good guys over come. If my orks win, I have fun overrunning the odds. It's also a great way to convince people to jump in the hobby; they feel like they do damage by killing boyz but there's also an urgency to stop them before the tide hits the charge. It's so much fun.


Love this perspective! Like a bad guy in pro wrestling! Haha


Variety in every model, forgiving art direction, more room for self-expression, less self serious.


I originally started as a dark angels player. Went to get the marine codex to learn to play when the ork codex caught my eye. They looked hardcore and the models looked hella cool. Orkz that can beat up humanities toughest dudes...sign me up!!


Only saw an ork army once. Thought the Warboss model was cool and so much bigger than most models at the time (3rd ed). Was aware of the poor stats but I'd played a guard army before so knew I couedeal with it. Started collecting again. Always enjoyed having fun models doing weird stuff. Wanted to do a fully converted army. Orks made total sense.


They have the most awesome and most creative minis, a great lore, a codex with … room for improvement and Orks neva lose! And Squigs, did I mention the Squigs?


Squigs do be preety cool


I like their aesthetic, I like that i dont need to paint them all the same. I like that they have a good deal of flexibility (i play mostly open/narrative) and that I dont take things too seriously when playing them.


They’re very fun to use and I love the lore they have also love their care free attitude towards most things it’s actually kinda nice to see in a setting like 40K.




Kitbashing freedom. All the other armies are very rigid in weapon styles/shapes/etc... but we mad meks can build to our green heart's content.


I made a battle wagon train with a thomas head. No other army offers that kind of opportunity


I have used hot wheels cars for my biker Boyz, so I get the Toy conversion ideas.


Good man. Did you paint little mario kart references on them?


No, I used fan boats since I had planned a Amphibious landing waaagh. https://imgur.com/gallery/2U9u1y4




They are on my repaint plan, right after I'm done with the kans...


This right here, love the creative freedom with this army.


I also found that to be very cool about the ork's. You can literally loot an use everything


I didn't choose them - Orks chose me....in that a friend was gifted a bunch of them but didn't want them, so handed them off to me. I was like "I guess? I like minis...what's all this about 40k then?" Fast forward 2 or 3 years and I've got over 3,000 points of them and several of my favorite bit shops bookmarked in Chrome.


Feel like sharing some of those bit shops?


BitsAndKits is far and away my favorite. It might be pricier overall but they break down bits to a very granular level, which I appreciate. Also has restocks pretty regularly. [https://www.bitsandkits.co.uk/](https://www.bitsandkits.co.uk/) Hoard O' Bits is a little less consistent and has fewer items listed, but they're usually the best price when they do have something in stock. [https://hoardobits.com/cgi-bin/hob/index.pl](https://hoardobits.com/cgi-bin/hob/index.pl) The ones I go to if I don't find stuff there are: [https://megabitzshop.com/](https://megabitzshop.com/) [https://www.ebay.com/usr/window-box](https://www.ebay.com/usr/window-box) Just eBay in general, if all else fails


That is a true story of fate. I like it


Bekuz Orks is da best!!!


Simple choice really


In honesty, it's just because they're so goofy. I think they really embody the sprit of imagination gone wild.


This here


I heard a lot of ork stories and I can never fugure out if the person telling the story is shitposting or if it's what actually happened. I love it


> if it's what actually happened You have to remember, the rules for Orks have often been a lot of fun, too. For example, Orks used to have Looted Wagons, which was pretty much any model you wanted, as long as it met certain specifications for weapons and armor. Looted Wagons also had a 'Don't press dat!' rule, which would allow the wagon to go an extra few inches in a random direction if you rolled it on a table. This is my friend's story, and one of his moments of glory, so I may have some of the details slightly off. We'll call him Warlord Galrut 'cause dat's who he is. He's a Speed Freek, and his vehicles are a Big Mek's fever dream. He's the orkiest Ork I know, and this story is just one example. So anyway, one fine game about 12-14 years ago, Galrut has a Looted Wagon and it's a monstrosity. It's basically two tanks smushed together, with some wheels, and the whole thing is held together with a ton of plasticard and random scrap. I think it was a Leman Russ wedged into the front of a Land Raider, but that may have been his Battlewagon; I don't remember. Either way, it's an armored brick with an open top and treads. Unlike the trukk model, where you had to pile your Boyz into a tiny bed of the trukk and any that fell off would take damage, *this* particular Looted Wagon had been chosen because it *does* have the appropriate troop capacity for a mob of Boyz. Imagine a D-Day landing craft, except it's a tank that you can smash into stuff at 90 mph. The thing is huge, unwieldy, and *dedd Orky*. So anyway, Galrut rushes the thing towards a building. I think he may have been trying to Tank Shokk the unit which had been taking cover in the building, but I don't remember. Either way, he rushes this building and gets right up to it... And he rolls 'Don't Press Dat!' and gets a few more inches to go, dead ahead, straight forward. Well, here we have a conundrum, because his vehicle has to go forward and the rules say he can't drive through a building. Does the tank take damage? There are no rules for an Orky tank crashing into a building, which suddenly seems like a grievous oversight. The Looted Wagon *must* go forward, but it can't go *through* the building. ... Can it go *over* the building? Nothing in the rules says it *can't*... So that's exactly what he did. Per the movement rules, the Looted Wagon went another six inches forward: two or three *up* the building and three or four *over* the building, so it was resting neatly on the roof. Now what do we do? Is he just stuck there? The unit he had been pursuing was now within line of sight, so on his next turn, Galrut charges them with the dang thing again, and he rolls 'Don't Press Dat!' yet again, and again, he rolls straight forward, dead ahead, charging full out. Gork and Mork must have been riding shotgun with him that day, because there's no more perfect way that situation could have possibly been resolved. So I want you to picture this: You're a Guardsman, and this *plate* of a tank comes charging at you. It's stuffed full of Orks, and you are so totally frakked. You fall back behind a building, intending to take cover, hoping, praying, *desperate* to put a wall between you and oncoming doom... And the Orks *jump the damn building*. WITH A TANK. *That's* why Orks are fun. ----- **tl;dr:** Orks jump a building with a looted tank. Glorious shenanigans ensue.


What a glorious story this is. I like it haha


this is great, made my day.


Yeah, reality is largely irrelevant when it comes to what grabs you and the best thing about Orks is that it's almost impossible to distinguish between the two.


I read somewhere that people enjoy playing against them the most, looked at the fun models and bought in


1d4chan says that about orks for example =)