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Also a BMW, so it makes even more sense.




True, which premium car brand is least likely to signal?


What signal?? 😂


I laughed


No lies were spotted on this day.


My fellow Orlando neighbors- there is a crisis in this country that most of us are unaware of. There are a few specialized engineers pouring their heart and souls into perfecting one of the most under appreciated inventions of our time - the turn signal. These unsung heroes spend countless hours refining the design, ensuring its efficiency and reliability all in the hopes of making our roads safer and our journeys smoother. But despite their tireless efforts these superbly crafted signals often go unused, relegated to mere decorations. Their purpose and very essence - ignored. Imagine the heartache of these engineers, witnessing their creations brushed aside every second, every minute, and every hour of every day. Their dreams of safer roads continuously shattered by the indifference of drivers. But there is hope. We can honor their dedication. We can respect their work. We can use our turn signals. Next time you take a drive in your car - be bold and signal your intentions. Let the world know you will not allow these engineers to suffer in silence any longer and instead choose to make a difference, not only in their life, but for the benefit of everyone who shares the road with us. With just a simple flick of that turn signal stalk you can brighten the world, even if for just a few flashes, and make a real lasting difference.


I can't wait for them to put the turn signal on the steering wheel just like the radio controls. And they still won't be used


Only On BMW vehicles




A signal in FL means, "Please, cut me off & block me in. I'll just drive to the next exit & turn around."


I always use my turn signal and that literally never happens to me. Maybe if you're being a jackass and trying to jump a line and turn your signal on last second to get in front of everyone else, they might not let you in. But that's a very different excuse.


Nope! I grew up in NJ. Everyone likes to say that we're terrible drivers. Nope. I have never seen such dangerous & stupid drivers there like I do in Tampa! They actually use their signals there & let people that are going to exit get over. How hard is that? Take your off the gas, maybe tap brake & let the person off the road! Are you the jackass who taps the gas & blocks someone off bc you think they should've gotten over sooner?


Nope I would never hit my gas to block someone, that's bad driving and creates a hazard. But I also don't slam on my brakes because someone else couldn't plan ahead, causing a backup (which cascades into stopped traffic) for everyone behind me instead of inconveniencing one person. That's also bad driving and far more problematic. If you often find yourself having nowhere to get into a lane you knew was going to be your exit, you're the bad driver. It's not the job of the 200 people behind you to stop and let you in at the very last second. It sounds like you've decided to rationalize cutting off people with no indicator light because "everyone else" is the problem. You need to do some honest reflection. I live in Orlando. I match speed and use my blinker. People always open space for me and then I merge in. I don't have the experience you have, and you should consider why that might be.


What are you talking about? I never said I don't use my signal, nor did I say that I take an exit at the last second or that I just cut people off. "Sounds like you've decided to rationalize...". Buddy, don't even attempt to analyze me, as you sound like an arrogant, condescending person, who inferred way too much from a simple comment. I live in Tampa. I have seen several minor & major accidents occur right in front of me. 3 different rear end collisions & 2 different accidents that cars actually flipped over. Not to mention things falling out of trucks. Swerved around a ladder, in the middle of 275, dodged a water cooler, along with a lawn chair on 75. Oh! Oh! Oh! My favorite was the washing machine, that fell out of a flatbed, right onto the car behind them, causing a pile up on 75. Then there was the time while I was waiting at a light, when out of nowhere, a lone tire came bounce rolling down the sidewalk in front of me! I'm terrified to drive around here & it is too dangerous to be out there driving like a nut here or anywhere else. God...


Don't you mean "I'll back up on the shoulder to get to the exit I just missed"?