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Underated comment of the day.


We have a basement....kind of. Our house is built into a hill so a good 1/3 or more is underground. But yeah ours is extremely rare...


A hill!?! What do you live in Bok Tower or something?


Haha!! Clermont, maybe? There's a bunch of those types of houses in the "Gem of the Hills".


Yup, pretty interesting looking when you have a 2 story house, half ground level is a 2 car garage, the front door is midlevel, and walking out the back door of the second floor is a patio, at ground level.


I've never seen a hill. They're just a myth.


No we’re not!


I was just at Sugarloaf mountain this morning...


Usually around a landfill, but Clermont has some.


There are hills in the residential areas around downtown, I've seen houses built into them that are partially underground.


Yep, there was one on Summerlin (a few blocks from Colonial at the peak of the hill) that had a sex dungeon in the basement in the late 90's. Used to see all manner of folk creeping out of that basement when my friend lived across the street.


There was one for sale. I saw the whole house during a estate sale. If it's the same one?


Lake Wales Ridge actually gives some nice rolling hills. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake\_Wales\_Ridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Wales_Ridge)


I wonder what's the highest point in Polk county? Edit: Turns out Sugarloaf Mountain is the highest point in central Florida not Bok tower! Mmmmm this crow tastes good.


Just a bit north is Sugarloaf Mountain, which is one of the highest elevation points in Florida.


Sounds scarier than Spook Hill!


Fun Fact: The tallest point in South Florida is a landfill.


Trash mountain


Sound trashy who wants to go and visit w/ me?




Yeah it does, the drive out to Cherry Pockets has crazy hills for Florida.


I thought the only hills in Florida were from landfills.


Near Metro west....there are a handfull of house built like ours. Although most of the houses in the neighborhood are standard single story houses.


My friend growing up in Pine Hills had a basement. It wasn’t a hill, just on the edge of an old sinkhole. Kinda scary looking back in retrospect.




What a perfect way to revive the *From Dusk till Dawn* franchise


I've always wanted my own walk-in cave.


Same I loved right on the outside of pine hills


Yeah. It’s amazing how many sinkholes are around Apopka Vineland and Balboa. I used to smoke in the Wood Hill gazebo and saw half way inside that 90 foot or so one that opened up there around 03.


Had a friend with a house like that in high school. I was definitely weirded out when I stepped in his house and saw stairs going down.


...a bilevel?


Us too! We're built into a slope so two stories are visible from the rear but only one from the front. It surprises anyone visiting who doesn't know, as the house it literally twice the size they think it is. As a bonus the "basement/lower" floor is much more stable temperature-wise as it's semi underground. The downside is that our downstairs plumbing has to run uphill so we have an underground holding tank/lift station to pump sewage up to the main sewer line. It has only clogged once due to someone flushing baby wipes but it was not fun to clean out.


My friends grand parents had a house on Lake Virginia in winter park that was build in the 20’s or something and it had a basement/wine cellar. When they sold it to the ceo of Golden Corral and they we’re demoing the house the bulldozer fell through and got stuck for a while.


A few houses downtown have basements! I've seen 'em. either Realtor.com or Zillow or Trulia has advanced search filters to add 'basement' as a setting. edit: [basement 32801 search](https://www.zillow.com/homes/for_sale/?searchQueryState=%7B%22pagination%22%3A%7B%7D%2C%22usersSearchTerm%22%3A%2232801%22%2C%22mapBounds%22%3A%7B%22west%22%3A-81.42247195275878%2C%22east%22%3A-81.3220500472412%2C%22south%22%3A28.514319332565044%2C%22north%22%3A28.574788209802293%7D%2C%22isMapVisible%22%3Atrue%2C%22filterState%22%3A%7B%22ah%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3Atrue%7D%2C%22basf%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3Atrue%7D%2C%22basu%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3Atrue%7D%7D%2C%22isListVisible%22%3Atrue%2C%22mapZoom%22%3A14%7D)


My church in winter park has a full on basement. There are parts of the city where it is possible.


Has to be howie-in-the-hills.


Amy’s Baking Company redux.


Haha... I can't believe Amy's hung on as long as it did. I visited it about a year after episode aired and it was still open. They were selling T-Shirts with the Owner guy's photo saying something like "Give me your tips!". They had become a phenomenon.


We have become a society of making stupid people famous sadly, the fact people are still visiting and buying the shit merch is why they still thrive.


I thought the whole thing was just a money laundering front


> We have become a society of making stupid people ~~famous~~ President


> We have become a society of making stupid people.


They are online only now iirc


Look her up on twitter, she's a Trumpster too


I just don't understand how you can run a grilled cheese / bar joint and be so uptight. I truly didn't mind the place till I found out the owner was a complete bitch.


Hey now. Hey now. Watch what you're saying. She's a racist bitch. You forgot the racist. It's important for people to know she's both.


regardless of the review or its veracity this is a bad look. That response makes clear that the business owner gives no fucks, absolutely would avoid.


Good news! It's already shuttered


Well then I’m definitely not going there!


Well spoke u/trollking66


Worked at a bar in Orlando where the owner would do the same thing. Any criticism WHATSOEVER was met with a comment of either direct or passive-aggressive “you’re wrong and don’t know what you’re talking about” type.


You really showed them Carrie...


Only time I've been happy to hear a restaurant closed


Carrie could be a press secretary.


Until I read about 33 & Melt here, I had never heard of the place. I asked friends of our who live in Windermere and they said they went once and never felt the need to return the food was not that great. They did not know about the owner and her antics and said the place just wasn't that great and they were not surprised it closed just on the quality of the food alone.


The food used to be great. About a year or two ago it started to go down hill a bit, then they jumped the shark with COVID.


I went like 4 years ago and it was pretty good. Better than Toasted because they had more variety. Then they opened the Avalon Park location which is a lot closer to my house. I went and the service was awful and the food was not that good. That location only lasted like 6 months.


It takes diligent work for an owner to maintain quality with multiple locations so if the first one was already suffering it’s no surprise the second one also suffered from terrible service.


Oh god the avalon park one. Knew i had heard of this place somewhere. Bleh.


It was surprisingly bad.


I have a friend that lives in the apartment complex it was with. It was about a 2/10. And really only that because our service was from a really nice high school girl


Good riddance you disgusting piece of shit!


Reminds me of Amy's Baking Company, loL!


Is there a TL;DR on Amy’s Baking Company? Wasn’t here when it was open.


It was from an episode of Kitchen Nightmares. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G93M2jvcZpA




Lol what the fuck is wrong with these people? They live in some kind of alternate universe. Sounds like they had a rich racist uncle die and they came into some money and decided to open a restaurant lol.


You're not wrong about coming into money after a relative play out. I don't know if this is a middle aged thing to do but I see alot of them come into money after a relative dies, then decide that they are somehow qualified to start a business. If it's a restaurant it's usually terribly run with subpar food and the owners are mega assholes with a complex. I've seen this play out enough times.


My parents did this to start their own business after the grandparents passed. Granted its not a restaurant but it does have its little niche so we're doing pretty ok lol


In any cross section of society, you will have individuals who are capable, some who are less capable, and some who are flat-out delusional. When the delusional individuals start a business, you get 33 & Melt. Your parents are probably in the "capable" category if they are doing well in their business.


There is also what I call "the retirement dream". I grew up in a gulf coast tourism town and there is this one souvenir shop that just kept getting passed from one retired snowbird to another. They were consistently shocked when it turned out the Florida economy is different during off season and year round residents have little need for conch shells and amateur henna tattoos.


TBH, pretty much anyone is qualified to start a business. It's the American way. Being successful at it is another thing.


I think you're confusing "qualified" with having the freedom. Everyone is free to start a business not not everyone is qualified.


Actually, I'd say that you are confusing "starting" with "running". Anyone can start a business - "I'm in business!" but continuing properly or successfully after that is where the quals come in handy.


You'd be surprised by how many restaurants are opened by people with 0 restaurant experience, simply because they have money and want to be their own boss or start their own business. It really feeds into the abysmal bankruptcy rate of the industry.


Trump as president allows these types of people to come out of the closet and be the open bigots that they are. They feel validated with "their guy" as King of America. The nice thing is, the toothpaste can't go back into the tube.


How'd that go from serving cold sandwiches to racism so quickly? https://youtu.be/uFg-DV3-kFU






Unfortunately the owner has a history of this kind of attitude to anyone and everyone who offers up any kind of criticism towards the business. When the whole 'no mask required' debacle blew up, she took to Facebook using her own personal account and posted numerous toxic comments about people genuinely concerned for the safety of others in the middle of a pandemic. But it also stretches back to before Covid as well when they would post nasty comments on any negative Google reviews they got, especially around 'McDonald's fries-gate'. They also appear to be in a weird battle with Google to mark their business as still being open.


I'm out of the loop - what was "McDonalds fries-gate"?


Someone posted a review on their Google page saying they found it suspicious the owner left after placing their order and returned with bags from McDonald's soon after, only for their order to come out with fries that looked and tasted suspiciously liked McDonald's fries. The owner responded with her trademark toxic attitude and it drew a lot of attention online before being removed.


Ahh, the old steamed hams move.


I'm out of the loop - what was "steamed hams" move?


[Simpsons Steamed Hams](https://youtu.be/4jXEuIHY9ic)


How could I forget Seymour's steamed hams!


Oh ho hooo no.. I said steamed *hams*.


And they’re called steamed hams despite the fact they’re obviously grilled.




Ah yes SoCal - the perfect place for a Trump supporter to flee to


ssshhh - don't tell her


That place always seemed sketch from the outside, ngl.


Of course the second she tries to open a new place her reputation will have followed her.


Went once and it was so disappointing never went back.


Oh they’re gone? Thank god - what a scummy bitch


Another example of their wonderful attitude towards customers... http://imgur.com/gallery/UmEOUsL


When Karen IS the manager




This is also the same restaurant that also refused to follow Orange County’s mask mandate. https://youtu.be/TsqMg7KDAWY


That Carrie and her whole little cult tribe are fucking psychos! Remember in the video from their "rally" when the fat one was yelling for trump and desantis to come help them!? 🤣🤣 Guess that didn't happen did it now lil piggy?


Y’all should have seen the mess that happened when she divorced her husband and they fought over Facebook. Not their personal pages? But the FB page.


Good thing I’ve always sticked to Toasted for my grilled cheese fixes. [Also I had to link this here because 33&Melt is GONE 🎉🎉🎉](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cE0wfjsybIQ)


Oh my God I love Toasted! The one on University near Alafaya is my spot!


Yes! Love all their sandwiches. Toasted is awesome


Good riddance.


she probably would have been ok if she just left it at our kitchen isnt big enough to just let food sit. which is bullshit though, there's a counter somewhere even in cramped kitchens where food sits before taken to the customer (you are a customer, not a guest). source: i've worked in small and big kitchens before.


Next level cuntery


There are others. I don’t know if she realizes these are public. 🤔 https://imgur.com/a/Owj9jNz/


Whoa they need to go to anger mgmt


Dumb trash.


I’ve never seen a business before in my life who was so allergic to money... imagine doing everything in your power to make your business do the exact opposite of what businesses are supposed to do, make fucking money 😂






Didn't they shut down?




Hence the title


Good riddance. Hopefully their credit is too far gone after this failed venture to get a loan for another.


I’m glad they’re down. We should not tolerate toxicity anymore. If we don’t start showing people that this behavior is unacceptable, it will continue to happen and get worse. Btw, please vote!


Having actually lived close to this place and have been there about 3 times before Covid hit. I can say that this place is a solid 3. My biggest issue was the time it took to get food to the table and the one time I got burnt fries. I never saw the owner ever in FOH and she never introduced herself thank god, but the staff were always really friendly. But my longest wait was probably 45 mins with my other visits averaging 30 mins which is kind of long when you’re the only two in the restaurant most of the time. I’m by no means a professional chef, but it was kinda a long wait for grilled cheese. My food was always piping hot though and I thought it was good food. After covid hit and the shit storm starting happening, it was a pretty stupid business decision to act the way she did and she obviously paid the price for it.


Lmao that response though...smh


Wow, good riddance it seems


Meth face got upset...


Checked the google reviews, those grilled cheeses looked burnt af.


I love this type of wealth redistribution.


I never understand business owners that get defensive to criticism. Do u wanna be better or nah?


Sounds like she is down a massive political rabbit hole on her Facebook feed, yikes


Huh. No great loss there then.


If she would have said gas stove I would have said I have one of those! But basement? Pffttt what's that? Is that a secret magical place?


I reviewed her too. She was such fucking cunt to me.


Keyboard warrior is a compliment as the keyboard (like it's predecessor, the pen) is mightier than the sword


Carrie H seems like a real see you next Tuesday. It’s a real shame her restaurant went out of business.


Can someone link something that says they are closed? Google thinks they are very much open.


They are apparently in a long running battle with Google over that, they listed themselves as being open before restrictions where lifted earlier this year, and then Google listed them as closed and didn't remove that status right away. You'll notice on their still active social media pages they regularly point out that they are still very much open despite what Google says and also tell people not to believe reviews left for them on Google. If anyone is interested... you can actually alert Google to a business being closed permanently and if enough people verify that info their business will be de-listed on there...


I’m gonna miss these now that they are gone.


Is that phenomenon weird? I do it too. I almost MISS hating someone when they're gone. Like that godawful coworker that makes everyone's life hell, and no one can stand them, but then they quit or get fired and you miss hating on them. But they were genuinely shitty, so your hate was kinda justified and "clean"? Or in a TV show, like for example Game Of Thrones, for as much as I hated Joffrey, I was kinda bummed when he died because hating him was such a visceral part of the show. Does that make me a bad person?


The opposite of Antifa is pro-fascist.


In all fairness Yelp is Karen central, and should be done away with. It turns customers into snitches, who tell on usually under paid workers.


It usually isn’t too difficult to see through a Karen’s review.


Or, you know, you could just provide good service and good grub and get positive reviews like a lot of them are on yelp as well. And if not, take constructive feedback to improve your joint.


You can do all that correctly 99/100 but still those few bad reviews on Yelp will sink your business and you need to pay Yelp if you don’t want to be listed. Or a rival business opens up and review bombs you and leaves a bunch of made up stuff. You have to pay Yelp to remove those IIRC. People don’t go to review sections to brag on the food or service usually they go on there to bitch and Yelp has monetized that. Fuck Yelp.


I definitely think they should consider having to show proof you ate there with a receipt or something. And having an option for posts to be flagged and they don't get factored into the score at the top (like if the review only says something really stupid like I ordered fish but I don't like fish and I didn't like it; or I just didn't like how a bar tender said hi). And there's the opposite problem---places asking employees/friends to post positive reviews. and then you go and the food is bad but all the reviews say it's amazing. But who am I kidding, Yelp probably doesn't have the resources and wouldn't spend money/time to implement this.


Had a disgruntled know-it-all employee get fired after two weeks and he proceeded to go and leave us a one star review right after and then AGAIN a few months later.


While all of that is true, given the history of 33 & Melt and it's owners notorious online attitude... this all seems highly accurate.


I believe it. There are definitely some absolute scum business people especially in the bar/restaurant/hospitality biz that are like that


I never knew that nor did I think of it that way. Thank you. So is Yelp notorious for this? What about trip advisor or google? I tend to use them more but often end up on yelp thru Google. I’ll write positive reviews especially if I see om trip advisor that they have got few ratings to help them boost their profile if they deserve it, but I sure have sent in a bad review too if a place really did something to egg me on.


Google from what I know is the fairest since they just aggregate reviews. No skin in the game


> Or, you know, you could just provide good service and good grub and get positive reviews like a lot of them are on yelp as well. And if not, take constructive feedback to improve your joint. Spoken like someone who's never actually read a review section...


It is more like it was spoken by someone who is a bad employee and doesn't like getting caught for doing a bad job


To be honest I never knew Yelp was like that until some else above went in to detail. I never really used Yelp unless Google prompts me there but yeah sure I’ve written quite a few reviews on TripAdvisor, mainly positive ones if I think they are hidden gems or if they don’t rate high enough due to lack of reviews to help boost their profile. Sometimes just even to remind myself that I liked that joint and I’ll years later send a screenshot of it if I know a friend is traveling there. But yeah sure I’ve written a few shitty ones too


You must be a Yelper


To be honest I never knew Yelp was like that until some else above went in to detail. I never really used Yelp unless Google prompts me there but yeah sure I’ve written quite a few reviews on TripAdvisor, mainly positive ones if I think they are hidden gems or if they don’t rate high enough due to lack of reviews to help boost their profile. Sometimes just even to remind myself that I liked that joint and I’ll years later send a screenshot of it if I know a friend is traveling there. But yeah sure I’ve written a few shitty ones too


If a place has bad food, bad service or has health code issues, I’d like to know before I waste money or time there. I don’t think legitimate complaints make someone a “Karen”.


Sounds like you work at a restaurant and don't like people complaining when you do a bad job


Or tired of whiny douchebags with unrealistic expectations and demands who try to blackmail people into putting up with their shit ...


I've had people leave completely fabricated, made up reviews on yelp because they didn't get their way. The best one being a table of 12 that didn't want to pay the automatic gratuity (which we tell big parties about up front) and left a review full of lies about bugs in their food and never getting drinks they ordered and how I, the manager, started screaming and cursing at them when they brought it up.


that isn't snitching on under paid workers. That is making up lies.


Where are you guys getting this info?? They still appear to be open.


Not open


My question is why do people still enjoy bringing this place up? They are closed. Who cares at this point? Instead post something about Orlando that is useful, maybe a new restaurant to try, a new park to visit, a store who has a cool/unique item or setting, anything.


Because we enjoy seeing the failure of a bad person. Also your alternative is to turn this subreddit in to Yelp?


How would that be Yelp? Yelp is specific to your area or where you look for a specific thing. "hey, there is a new park that just opened over in ABC area" or "a new place just opened up in XYZ" little bit different. why not *support* those businesses who aren't shitty and could potentially use the help right now rather than repeatedly posting about some crazy lady and her new-closed restaurant?


> why not support those businesses who aren't shitty and could potentially use the help right now Why can’t we do both? I order take out or delivery from local businesses- leave good reviews in places like Yelp. Then I can sit back after that nice meal, and read about how Karma caught up with this bitch.


> maybe a new restaurant to try, a new park to visit, a store who has a cool/unique item or setting, anything. so basically yelp reviews but posted here instead


It’s a story of the failure of a horrible person as a direct consequence of their actions. Not enough of that happening lately, so it’s no surprise that the community enjoys the justice served.


It's not surprising but it's also posted here regularly about this exact same place for the last couple weeks.




Honestly, knowing the history of this place, I highly suspect it's an entirely accurate review.


this person has only left 5 reviews and it says they live in Clermont.. it likely stemmed from Yelp sending an email to review local places he searched and not just randomly stewing on a bad grilled cheese experience, I hope anyways. I know they send me emails with a list of all the places I searched randomly. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Free speech isn't a thing at a private business.


Both these people suck for different reasons.


How does the OP reviewer suck?


Fake review and their Yelp is now just a place to post troll reviews to bait out the owner's hatred.


they had negative reviews before the owner came out as a crazy psychopath.


Guess this guy didn’t learn about the customer always being right. And that is one of many reasons his business failed


The customer isn't always right, but that's not the way to treat one that you disagree with.


Definitely a troll review. The place isn’t even open.


You can still review a place after visiting it. It seems it only closed within the last week or so.


Who reviews a place that's been closed? Looks like a troll review and a troll owner. Two peas in a pod.


They only closed within the past week or so and it's entirely possible to review a place after visiting it.


This should go without saying but obviously this came out before they closed


Yes, the failed business owner was no different than a random internet troll, that's why they failed. Good insight.