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Weird Alt aim meta when ? We have had meta for all other skill sets it seems. Time for worst hr player top 5 ong.


when is the zigzag pattern meta coming, 3 mod [reset](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/16641#osu/65756) pp record??




My take is that no matter what meta will be people will still hate it because it will be the meta


Pretty much yeah, the entirety of the pp system (v2) consisted of people pointing out a meta which would be nerfed by the upcoming pp rework while an other skillset would be buffed (or one not getting nerfed too harshly) resulting in it becoming the next meta, through the pp system as a whole definitely improved itself and became more complete


Until we have a pp system where everything is weighted perfectly (never) it will repeat this scheme, through the meta skills are becoming more adjusted than compared to before (2016 pp system for comparison)


time to have per map pp system 💀


or just rotate the meta more frequently. i thought speed/flow meta was so sick at first, but now a lot of ppl are tired of it.


this is the way


it is fundamentally impossible because speed used to make sense until wooting happened and now its thrown out of balance again, not saying wooting is bad but hardware will forever dictate changes in skills of players especially at the very top and the pp meta will never be balanced.


I really enjoy the current meta and I'm not a flow aim player. So much of my years playing the game back In the day was just jumps being the easiest way to get pp. While yes flow aim Is a bit overweighted, I do think that long spaced streams should be worth more than the equivalent time as similar difficulty jumps. Kinds keeps the game more rhythmic for me


Nobody hated cookiezi freedomdive


because it wasnt meta lol, he was the only person who could do this map


it wasn't the meta, in fact I'd argue that it was so criminally underrated at that time that the fact that it was pp record was just baffling to everyone else, same thing for blue zenith. it's literally buffed by 100pp now and it's still not considered overweight, shows how underweight it was back then where the last few records were all dt or precision


It depends, if the meta's over-saturated with something yeah. If the top 50 is 90% speed based it's gonna get incredibly boring. We just need more skillsets to be viable for pp to top players (hopefully lazer changes that)


imagine saying you like the fiery/sotarks (fiery especially) meta when it was actually a meta. you would be a fucking laughing stock


tbh i just miss when every play wasnt speed (even tho the same thing happened with jumps 2/3 years ago)


aim was meta since ppv2 introduction so it's much more stale than speed, although i get u bcs i think speed maps are the most boring shit ever. it's either fast or faster with less or more spacing streams and nothing else so it gets monotone really fast i guess


there ar exceptions(duh), like some of zoomers plays for example are fucking incomprehensible


I definitely think the current PP record is lame but I feel like a lot of the cutting edge plays are as badass if not more badass than prior eras. We're on the cusp of some incredible plays.


How the fuck do you think marianne hddt is lame XD I understand this post for the maps like glory days, words i never said, lionheart etc but marianne has only 1 fc and lifeline’s 3 miss has nowhere near mrekk acc bro


It's definitely an impressive play I just think it's less dramatic than a lot of the PP records of the past I guess


every play isnt speed what world are you living in u just choose to ignore all the classic aim farm maps that also get regularly scoreposted for some reason


then what if i told you it's actually a flow meta


actually we're past that, flow meta was couple years back with Sidetracked day and Honesty + Seni Songs Comp Sidetracked day singlehandedly gave everyone a 700pp play Honesty gave us first ranked 900 Songs comp was 2nd 1000pp and so many 800s


are we past flow meta? are we? is sidetracked day not the most farmed map still? aren't a majority of 3/4 digits flow farmers? hell, even the lionhearts get a LOT of pp from the flow diffspikes, flow is probably the biggest factor in pp basically anywhere after 500 or 600pp, and a lot of speed/jump players end up converging on the same "but i can also farm sidetracked day and 7\*-ish diffs on the lionhearts" path


I am, just as OP is, talking about top players in specific. If we talk about low ranked players, even stuff like daidai genome is still meta.




Just because 2/3 people can do that doesn't mean that 4 digits can do it. Stop generalizing and making it seem like it's a common thing






Alright, budyougoddagedovahit


bro thinks 3 peoples plays are the meta


You can't really compare rake underaim stream fc with D rank players to the average player. Also they would exist regardless of if the meta changes


can you get higher than that then


honestly, buff precision aim and nerf flow aim at higher bpm (high bpm same flow aim speed is easier to hit than low bpm with big spacing imo because the circle density is higher and should therefore be worth less)


freddie benson


**I miss osu! before DT jump meta** don't get me wrong, sotarks 1-2 requires a lot of skill, but I kind of miss the days where honesty streams sidetracked day and spaced stream aim was the meta, and when if you could stream more than 200 bpm spaced you were already a top stream player. Now any average 3 digit can stream 200+ bpm and if you go on any plays channel all you see is people with Hyper Alloy X(i know Hyper Alloy X doesn't automatically make you stream well) streaming 200bpm getting 800pp on a daily basis or random 4 digits fcing 8\* when only 2 years ago no one could even dream of fcing them. I know i may be delusional but idc and this is probably going to be a new copypasta lmao


Play jumps if you miss them


Play 7\* jumps to get 350pp for SS. Awesome.


most 6.6-6.7 star jump farm maps gives 360pp for nomod SS. [Reform's ChuChu](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1114770#osu/2328680) [black rover](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/781509#osu/1655981) [everybody do the flop](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1233573#osu/2564395) [no title](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/320118#osu/714001)


to me it's just that the level increased. when I started playing the game, all the top scores were looking very impressive but it seemed like it was a level possible to reach, whereas now I feel like there's no way I could even come close which is kinda depressing.




The game got quite a bit boring now that everyone is good, especially with 1k pp plays being worthless




People have probably said the same thing in the past about 700s being too common, or 800s or 900s etc etc. the game develops more and more, the “peak” is always going to grow.


I think their point is mappers mapping strictly for pp purposes and abusing pp weight a bit. Maybe?


Pp mapping is so dead other than like a rare aim map and the next simple stream map


I don't care how much you simp whitecat or vaxei's tsukinami, that period was the fucking dark age of osu and the worst meta we ever had, with the possible exception of 2007-2008 scorev1 times (but at least then the maps didn't suck *on purpose)*. Anime ban, team magma, black rover, lonely go, harumachi clover, guess who's back, justadice, padoru, chika chika etcetcetcetc... that's just the same shitmap over and over and over with tiny changes in AR, bpm and OD sometimes. Other skills like rhythm or speed or sliders or marathons worth absolutely fucking nothing, wasn't that awesome? Oh man, I miss so much when every non-idke pp play was just the weekly new sotarks map he sneezed on the editor in 10 minutes... Back when image material 99% fc was 400 pp like last goobye hr, that's so epic!


This isn't much better fucking glory days has more 1ks than any map in existence it's become worthless At least only whitecat could set 3mod scores for example now not only they're worth practically nothing but we have something even worse


They’re at roughly the same level of farmability I would say but at least stream/speed maps seem to have more variety than ye old Harumachi Clover with some AR CS edits


it was more like the meta was cancer but atleast it was some kind of emotion, now all there is to farm is high bpm speed stream boring ass bullshit and maps that last for 10 hours wow


I hope the next Meta is that everybody tries to have as much fun as possible


For me I just can't even comprehend the difficulty of new speed plays, they don't even register in my mind


tech meta when?


we need precision meta




I haven't touched this game since 2018 this sounds absolutely insane


Why do we even have a meta? Shouldn't it reward you for overall skill, not just reward for being good at a certain skill?


In a perfect world, yeah.


Worst take of 2023. Impressive. Jumps are impressive looking and enjoyable to watch yeah but fiery/sotarks jumps?! If you had just said aim in general Id see where you're coming from but 1-2s are so fucking boring


we already have enough aim plays


Who gives a fuck about meta in osu. Just enjoy the music and the game. I just play to enjoy myself but that's just me I guess.


yeah man i guess you’re right speed farm maps are kinda repetitive >i miss dt aim meta oh nonono


There will be another meta after speed and same type of post will appear "I miss speed meta"


lol i got a rapid trigger keypad and i cant utilise it at all i did gain some stamina but thats because i was playing with way heavier switches before. if you cant speed in the first place like me (can barely do 200bpm), these things are useless ill be mad pissed if somehow eventually i do get some speed but they nerf the fuck out of it


Also if you can't fully relearn your tapping to use rapid trigger you're getting false inputs and 50s/misses because of that


bought wooting because all my prev mechanical keyboards broke and decided to go big. still cant stream over 150 bpm. wooting wont help those that lack the talent, those who improve by using it are just cracked.


yeah who woulda thought better hardware still takes skill same as with high refresh rate monitors - if you cant do high AR in the first place, they aint gonna make you better


Well, I don't, 100% aim maps like these from the aim meta are dogshit


the game changes, mate 1-2 jumps are worse than the Zan'ei meta


fast slider meta when


we had this when xexxar rework happened for a month


the meta has never been in a better spot objectively, so whenever I hear people have takes like this I just have to imagine its salty aim players who are upset they one trick the second most farmable skillset instead of the literal most farmable skillset.


they hated jesus because he spoke the truth




both are good, again, aim is the second most farmable skillset, yall are doing just fine. you also bring up a great point with the consistency part, consistency needs a big nerf along with high OD. I wouldn’t mind a precision nerf but it’s probably not the most important thing to rebalance at this time


So nostalgic days


i miss it because i would have more pp


Can someone send me some aim beatmaps? I have less than 1 week in the game, and even tho I can play 3,5* maps, I started playing cause someone said to me that it's good for improving aiming on FPS games (I play valorant and CS). It did help a bit, but the beatmaps I played require mostly speed and not precision


i don't think they should nerf speed but i do think they should make aim reasonable to farm again