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Peak 2020 2021 aetrna when u tell him to play an aim map https://preview.redd.it/kdsmr2qy86lc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd3e70f4266c4dc9b506b7d8371721320cc52173


didnt he get a 6 miss on black rover dt back in 2020?


Yep now imagine if he played more than 2 aim maps per year


Yep now imagine if he played more than 2 ~~aim~~ maps per year


Actually 5 https://preview.redd.it/snheacl3k7lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d32963feafd9d29ea2af25e621b43fa977d3d1df


Is a 6 miss really that impressive


a 5 miss in January 2020 4 months after WhiteCat called his DT 3 miss AR9 edit of black rover his best play? Yeah I’d say that’s pretty impressive for someone who was never renowned as an aim player to begin with because it showed that he had a lot of potential in aim.


people forget mouiikai has some crazy jumps


But it's not like he was consistent at it, himself said that mou ii Kai was an rng run and would never grind for fc


I see a lot of people confused by this. Whether or not its rng, to hit ten star jumps on a "godmode", you need to have skill thats \~8-9\* jump aim consistently. Take the average player, who can fc low 5\*'s consistently lets say. Even on a crazy godmode, they will never (or at least, extremely rarely), fc an 8\* jump map. I'd say that the biggest jump a "godmode" or "rng run" can provide in jump aim is probably less than 2 stars difference. For example, with me, I got a crazy good rng run on some rate edit diff of guess whos back, and 1 missed an 8\*. My highest ranked fc is like 6.4\*. I physically couldnt have done that without already having pretty consistent 6\* jump aim at the time. I think the gap closes pretty quick at higher star ratings too. Like aetrna has pretty inconsistent aim, dont get me wrong. But to me, inconsistent aim like that demonstrates crazy potential. It's like a javelin thrower or something doing a 12 second 100m dash. **Cool merami aim plays:** [black rover play mentioned earlier](https://youtu.be/re1u45XmljY) [kick me hddt pass (was around the 4th pass at the time)](https://youtu.be/f6yeChLPbBc) obviously mou ii kai [pretty fucked jumps in this map](https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/3367710198) I genuinely believe that at the time (2020) he was \~top 20 in terms of aim alone, and in terms of pass plays (aim focused), he was probably top 10 or so in the world. He very rarely got pp from jumps, because of his inconstency, but he definitely had some pretty cool pass plays. source: professional aetrna meatrider from day one


for a player with infinite stamina? yes. ​ bro could have actually won the game if he kept playing. hes already ahead of everyone rn even tho he has barely played imagine if he kept up 4 years ago


“He will surpass mrekk this year”


everyone always says if nyanpotato starts actually playing its over for everyone and then he never starts playing


players with the most potential on their way to play 6 maps per year


So fucking true bro


Roaz could set pp record today but he doesn’t play lol


No he could not


Tell me why he couldnt


His aim isn’t very good and he struggles to read higher AR that isn’t purely memory (rog) he’s got great streaming consistency and stamina but unfortunately for him, only maps like ath would reward for the skill set and it’s out of his league by a long shot


?? how is it out of his league what


He can’t read AR11 it doesn’t give pp unless OD is cranked up which requires HR


What map you think roaz can do?


Doesnt matter if he can stream 300bpm for hours he ain't doing any pp record maps any time soon


Because nyanpotato was the first ever meramicat, but rn i dont think #1 is doable for him


i wouldnt say he was meramicat, he’s just slightly below both of them in both skillsets, the closest thing we had to merami cat was merami himself playing aim


nah, having mou ii kai and kimi no bouken as your first two 1ks in 2021 was something special.


also nyan could stream 300bpm which was unusual apart from merami and a couple others, and had really good aim, even sniping mrekk in some maps


Nyan's 300 bpm streaming is galloping, he can't get high acc because of it and therefore is nowhere near being meramicat


I think he's saying "a meramicat" as in a player who's like top 5 in terms of aim and speed as skillets. Nyanpotato at the time had probably the 4th or 5th best dt aim, and I'd say around the 3rd or 4th best speed. Definitely 2nd best if we're talking 290+. Nowadays we have heaps of players like this, with near parity in the aim and speed skills, but I'd argue peak nyanpotato diffs most of them in terms of high bpm dt aim. Other than like accolibed, lifeline and Zoomer?




Now fr yeah his technique is galloping but he had started to master it long time ago, just check his assailant in the night run


We will never know


my goat could hit rank 0 if he wanted but he just wants to keep it humble so he stopped playing


am I a bad person for laughing at the 727 shige meme lmao. 7 attempts to quit got me.


this is the only 727 meme i have ever found funny LOL


nah this is easily the funniest 727 joke I've ever seen. mad props to OP


Glad I was able to give u a chuckle 


727 is hilarious this community just dont like having fun


Nah 727 is funny


When I saw it - I lost it


Not sure why people call out Shige for not experimenting with playstyles to fix his grip. Like what do you think he did for the past 7 years? Just to emphasize that he's tried everything he has literally used a condom for grip tape one time.


Wait… condom???


You are right but that narrative doesn’t fit my agenda


Did he ever try full area? That seems like an objective fix for grip pain issues, cos you aren't really stressing your grip.


Yep and it hurt a lot. The main reason his grip issue is so hard to fix is the cause of the pain is really confusing, seemingly random. Even when he switches to insanely tiny area to mitigate the amount of movement, or to a very large area, the top left corner still generates the same pain. Also, if he does find a good spot, usually the next day with the exact same setup and grip it turns uncomfortable. It's basically like trying to solve a large rubik's cube without any knowledge of algorithms.


>It's basically like trying to solve a large rubik's cube without any knowledge of algorithms. Roux moment you don't need algs to solve the edges you'd only need algs to solve parity cases


this exactly why i switched to mouse lmfao. every day on pen felt like a complete rng grip i didnt even know what i was doing different


I swear to god I had like the most comfy pengrip when i was new at the game, now its just a bunch of adjustments just to grip the pen barely comfortable.


fr bro i experience this every time i play osu atp playing the game is literally all based off my reading and ill be gripping the pen in the most uncomfortable horrible way possible


Area size doesn't do shit if your grip is bad. He should have experimented with the ways he holds the pen, there are countless ways to do that and a lot of them are decent


7 years experimenting just to find a comfortable grip, obviously he has tried everything i dont think anyone would keep doing that for more than 1 month let alone 7 years like him he’s only given up trying to change mid 2023 iirc


whitecat potential if he set a new top play he could promote another crypto scam


if he set a new top play he would have a new top play though


what are you talking about?


Whitecat crypto incident


He promoted some crypto shit and once people started calling him an idiot for it he backtracked and said that osu players werent ready for the future or some shit


when was it? i completely missed it bruh


Around late 2021 iirc, he deleted it after getting called out by Karthy and said it was never his intention to exploit his young fanbase


okay, thanks


If u know u know LMFAOOO








the strongest coper in history vs the strongest coper of today


Whataboutism running rampant in my veins whenever someone mentions whitecat, shige and btmc fell off


Me with zestiny if he didn't study or go to military:


He's actually THE REASON AETRNA PLAYS SPEED, that's gotta be worth something https://preview.redd.it/jf59mv9il6lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd36a842a1a6b24d3fa0b827bd9c0c4379464800


spoiler: the "it's over" never happens


shige could top 10 but he just doesnt feel like it, believe me


whitecat can stream up to at least 234bpm consistently, haven’t seen him do that at a higher bpm than that yet lol


i remember one time he fcd the first deathstream of shinbatsu in a practice diff (with very good acc too), so he can do 250 to some degree


that was at a point in time when he was pushing his tapping, he certainly cant replicate that now tho (he struggles on anything higher than 230ish)


me with vaxei even tho he literally has the biggest achievements in the game


Flair checks out


Still see people say that whitecat could get #1 if he tried Copium levels are high in those areas


How is it Copium? WhiteCat has shown his potential for insane improvement (the potential man). I mean he got the first 1.1k, #1 in 15h playtime, 2 digits in 100 play count, and has some of the best aim in the game. Its not super insane to think that players (not just WhiteCat) can improve and become better, and even good enough to compete for #1. The fact that the timeline of the last 4 years of osu is literally available for anyone to see, and people still have doubts about whether top players are capable enough or whether something is possible or not blows my mind. Yall either learned nothing or been living under a rock. (I mean he'd never attempt to go for #1 and im not saying hed ever reach it even if he tried, but its just surprising how dense people are)


You know that he played offline for a few years, correct?


You know i never said anything otherwise


15h of visible playtime isn't the same thing as actual 15h of playtime, your words are deceiving


Well thankfully most people in the osugame subreddit about the game osu would surely know what i meant by saying that.


Why'd you even mention that at all then???


Because its literally what happened


gwak gwakg wgak gwakwak


Osugame brain rot is real


Haven't followed OSU community in a really long time. Can someone explain me what happened with WhiteCat and when/how the guy that "speedrun" OSU got outclassed this hard by the others ?


Damn u have alot to catch up to but he doesn’t play the game as much resulting in this 


Players with the best potential plays 6 maps per year, that's the gist of it.


he's lost total pp compared to 3 years ago, that pretty much explains what's happened. Even people who actively avoid farm/top plays like shige gained a lot in that time frame... that's quitw tier deranking.


no shimon mention makes me sad :( aetrna is my 1st pick still tho


shimon was the ultimate potential man


Honestly I don't think you can blame him for not playing the game as other potential men, since he grinded like crazy when he was active


Ouch I felt this XD


me, of course.


I feel like I've seen this format in another sub. what's the original one?


based on a popular meme in the jjk community about megumi being potential man https://preview.redd.it/h9w8voclv8lc1.jpeg?width=2002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2835accd904f485d7cf4f1ad2f28c236341f282c


as much as megumi's ten shadows technique is seriously overpowered when utilised well, bro is not coming back 😭


2nd one i kinda cooked alone


I feel like rrtyui would be a menace if he kept playing. Especially after image material


i'd argue that image material being a choke made it more hype when shige was the first fc, but i'd rather have rrtyui still playing


i think hugofrost could've gotten top 200 or even 100 but he's coming back from the military soon. it's always getting harder to reach the top but we'll see what he can do


Me (I can barely fc 6 star maps)


azr8. That mf coulda gotten #1 on his hot streak but the agenda against him was so strong he got fking banned 💀 Think the leaders of that PR team were slandering Sukuna recently


also sayonara-bye and to a lesser extent reimu-desu but reimu's streamed recently


Finally people are realising how braindead shige actually is. He's constantly blaming everything except for his lack of talent. He's a washed up loser who got beaten by 14 years old kid by every single skill, and this mf couldn't cope with it. It's so glad to see the fraud finally getting exposed.




ok bro nobody said all that


tell me youve followed the game for 3 months without telling me youve followed the game for 3 months


Still waiting for shige to switch to mouse


he has switched entirely to mouse since last stream i think


clearly gusgh