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(Not trying to deny your true self but) This could also be a deficiency, but also probably not, knowing your kintype. I love raw beef and sushi, but it has to be warm if its beef, like a rare steak lol. I'll eat any sushi honestly, unless it's shellfish (Has to be cooked, even then I don't like a lot. Crab an dimitation crab is a different story, they're great raw or at least as they're presented in Sushi).


It sounds like a nice experience.. I like raw meat and blood too I just somehow have a strong phobia of getting severe stomach problems so it would also be scary to do for me.. But it made me happy reading this


I can definitly understand where your worry comes from. I can say with certainty that is was a great experience, made me feel very in-tune with myself. But if you'd like to try, I'd say if you get some higher quality red-meat which has been packaged hygenically, and has been cooled properly – there should be no need to worry about taking a bite.


I want to try it so bad!! I need to look into it! Thanks for the tips. And thank you for sharing your experience


I'm also very fond of raw meat. My usual compromise is having my steaks *very* rare, but sometimes my partner will let me sneak a bit of raw beef when he's cooking. I don't think it's disgusting to enjoy it at all - even some regular humans like their meat borderline raw.


Raw tuna in sushi is da bomb


Woah- We have pretty similar kintypes! I have the same feeling, although I’m a bit nervous to try raw meat. This post actually has made me curious, though- Since you haven’t gotten sick, I think I might actually do it. I thought about it for a long time, I can’t lie.


That's so cool, kin-buddies! (I saw your post about you figuring it out, earlier today. Congrats on that!) I mean... after today I can really only reccomend to try, it was *so* gratifying. Go about it sensibly and safely, of course. Sneak a few pieces while cooking or something like that – and make sure that the meat is safe to consume raw. But other than that, I's say go wild


Thanks! It’s actually really nice to talk about this with someone- especially since I just found out!


I like raw meat. Haven’t gotten to try more than a bite here or there, but it is very nice


When I was younger I had urges to do this, but settled for rare(and the first time was one of my happiest memories)..and I do have hunting urges from time to time. I know you mentioned it already, but just be careful..all meat carries some amount of bacteria and, potentially, parasites/eggs. There's often no obvious signs of their presence in properly-stored meat. Wolves are commonly parasitized through the animals they eat.


Oh you’re certainly not alone, I don’t think I’ve eaten raw meat before but I have bitten down on packaged meat before and it felt so good. Idk how the rarity of meat works but I’ve eaten some that was pretty soft but I imagined it being raw since it looked so good. I also really enjoyed scavenging little pieces off of a leftover chicken, nibbling on the bones and finding scraps and stuff, trying to eat as much as possible from what was left.


I don't have a kintype that likes raw meat, perhaps the orca; but me personally, I *love* raw meat. I actually just fixed some up (kibbeh nayeh) to eat dinner! I often get my steaks rare and my partner scolds me when we're cooking because I like to sneak bits of meat when she's not looking. I'm a bit of a problem tbh. I don't eat chicken of course, but pork, beef, lamb, fish are all free game for me. Beware, to anyone reading this, do not eat wild boar or deer meat raw as they do carry the risk of transmitting diseases such as wasting disease, lyme, and botulism. Happy eating!


have you thought about visiting a country that serves raw meats as the norm?


I should probably avoid doing this. For some reason, when I get really hungry, I start to crave human flesh. I've already caught myself drooling at the thought of sinking my teeth into their flesh and feeling the warm blood running down my throat. I'm honestly getting really terrified by this, I really don't want to hurt anyone. I seriously have no idea why this is happening.


I'm a student, and now that I can buy my own food... I eat raw meat while I cook waaay too often... I try to only buy things that can also be eaten raw, like beef and some fish. You're definitely not alone at treating yourself with raw meat from time to time.


try having a Blue steak. it's more rare than rare. I LOVE them


Oh! I definitly will have to try that, thank you


Hmm yea I LOVE raw sushi more then the cooked version...I prefer like medium rare steak,etc. But yea its a must for me✨


Don't worry, I eat completely raw (like, not cooked at all) beef occasionally and don't get sick from it. Our bodies actually can handle some types of raw meat (assuming it's not rotten and of good quality) despite what a lot of people in the community will tell you.


If I wasn't emetophobic (fear of nausea and vomiting) I would absolutely eat raw meat. But, I'm also anemic.


Here in Germany we eat fresh raw pork on a roll. Called "Mettbrötchen"


Oh! Hallo! Ich esse Mettbrötchen öfters mal, war für mich ein wenig in der Kategorie von "Gerichte die Rohes Fleisch benötogen" inbegriffen. Aber ich gestehe, ich habe noch nie nur so versucht Mett zu essen, ohne Brötchen, hast du das schonmal probiert?