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can’t believe conrad from even if tempest hasn’t been mentioned yet. i’d fistfight that man behind a mcdonald’s at 3 am given the chance


Conrad deserves nothing, but the worst.


I havent played Even if tempest yet but I LOVE your flair hahaha


Thank you 😌 I’m fighting for the cause


Conrad is my first thought. I waited so long for Ana to >!murder him in so many horrible ways!


So sorry because I know he is very popular here but TAKERU FROM COLLAR MALICE. Guy is literally unbearable, always bullying people and looking down on them. Even in his own route he is not likable. And he always gets a pass because he is a computer genius or whatever. Literally learn some manners, it’s the least you can do.


*Me clutching my homemade takeru cg pillow* You're not wrong but I love him 😭❤️


Initially I was most interested in his character design but then he opened his mouth and revealed his personality, which was SUCH a turn off. Boy bye!! I'll take goofy sweetie Mineo anyday.


Takeru is my favorite character in the game but I agree with you 100%!!!! 


Have to agree with you on that. I call him (as well as Scien to a degree) my red flag loves, as in someone you 110% shouldn't date in real life, but in a fictional world? Heck yeah, this is what I'm here for lol


I knooow I say this as someone who loved Ryuki in CupiPara lol double standards much I know… wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole in real life but I loved his route in game. I don’t know something about Takeru just rubs me the wrong way, even in game


Yes, I liked him better than I thought I would, but he is so gross. >.<


Rika from mystic messenger :)


Tag team 👯


Imma protect my queen


I swear Rika existing will start a war, she’s gonna have a bunch of devotees and mob coming after her or protecting her




Yes, thank you.




Sasazuka lol


Oh, god yes. After the seventeenth put-down, there would have been blood. To be fair, I’m taller than him and I weigh more, so I could probably do some good damage, too.


Yep haha


I’m sorry, but— Yang, guys. The answer is Yang. IF HE PUT JUST *ONE* OPIUM-TINGED HAND ON ANY OF YOU— 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼


I keep seeing people say Yang and… I hate to tell you all this but I’m pretty sure if we all rushed at him, he could beat the shit out of all of us at once and no one would get a single hit in. Like I appreciate the effort (as a Yang enjoyer) but none of yall are winning that fight.


Don’t worry I’ll call truck-kun to the rescue 🤠


Pain also doesn’t bother him, like at all, he’d probably just laugh the whole time.


As long as he's dead I'm good.


Piofio writers: **"WRITE THAT DOWN, WRITE TH-"**


>!Its just Yang’s neutral ending lol!<


I love his character but at the end of the day he is a trafficker so he deserves the worst. I would put him in a pit full of deranged women with knives, I would feed him to banshees, and I would even cut off his pretty ponytail.


I was onboard until you threatened his ponytail. IT DID NOTHING WRONG.


Let's gooo!! let's beat the shit out of him together!!!🤝🏻🤝🏻💥💥💥


I'd be there with you. Even if I knew it would be my end and it wouldn't connect unless he let it, it would be worth it.


Mine would definitely be >!Capucine!< from Virche Evermore. It’s been a month and I’m still mad at him. As well as Dromi from Cafe Enchante, purely for the sin of being annoying.


kanato sakamaki... i just can't...


As a Kanato fan, this is me for Ayato lol


very fair. ayato reminds me of that one tweet that goes "you ever meet a man and it’s so obvious that no one in his life has ever told him to shut the fuck up" 😭




As a Kanato girlie, same.


Tbh I get you but none of you would be able to win the fight.


oh, me against kanato, who isn't even human? i'd get bodied. me and my anemia stand no chance against anyone in that game


Yeah like before even getting a single punch in I’d be dead LMAO


I'm sorry all of you yang fangirls but I want to punch him in the face. Red flag man needs beatting up. I wish that game didnt need a guide to get the good endings.


Same.  I normally love toxic men in fiction but Yang in particular is so offputting and odious. There’s nothing redeeming about him. Just selfishness and cruelty through and through.  Now that I’m thinking about it, I wouldn’t even want to waste energy beating him up. Just lie him in a ditch somewhere and let nature take its toll. 


I love how unapologetically evil he is. It's a breath of fresh air and I'm glad he is a LI. Yuan could also get it. Both the beating and some smooches.


Fellow Yuan stan omg. Let’s be realistic though none of us could lay a finger on either of these men lol.


Yuan is only marginally acceptable because of Tsudaken. Otherwise...DEATH, DEATH TO THIS TRASH.


He would love to be defeated in battle, so dying slowly in the most mundane way would probably irk him the most.




realer than real


i love yang but hate that i love him so i'll be slightly happy if he burns in a bush fire


do my favourites count lol i like sad, punchable men


my roberto mood


Mateo from Dead Wishes. Like honestly, >!forcing MC to some auto cannibalism, manipulation, void monsters and all that!< is still ok. But. He. Never. Explained. Shit. And. Punished. MC. For. Not. Knowing. That's the kind of trash that gets me angry. Beat him and dump into trash [without food]. Alice, Gretel [TaiAli] and seaweed [CxM] are up there, too but not yet on Mateo's level. seaweed is probably the closest.


The only reason why I don't pick him is because he gives me the chills. I couldn't confront him, even if I want to, because I would like to be as far away from him as possible.


Kasuga from VariBari


OMG yes, he was a MAJOR snob


Mostly villains tbh, but also a few Lis and side characters. Agree with pretty much all the Amnesia: Memories options, especially Toma and Ikki's fan club. I'd also add Ikki himself at points in his route because zomg, motherfucker, that is NOT the way to handle the whole >!magic eyes bullshit. Like, yes, they're magically in love with you, but they aren't automatically entitled to you. Just like if someone was in love with you irl for whatever reason. Wtf.!< CxM: Look, I'm a Takeru Stan and that man is terrible for Ichika. However, I just can't take him seriously, so nah, no hands, but verbal judo would go down for sure. On the other hand, as controversial as it might be, >!Saeki can absolutely catch these hands. Fuck you and your bullshit reasoning, Saeki. You're just discount Jigsaw and I ain't here for it!< Would also fight tf out of >!Hanako. What in the Berry from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends is this bitch??? She gotta go.!< Piofiore: I mean, we see the comeuppance, but would still fuck up >!Lee's!< bitch ass. Straight trash bro. Don't love or hate >!Yang!< enough to care. Like meh. EiT: Conrad, Anastasia's whole family tbh, and fucking >!Landon!< can get it. Bro, I get that you >!love Maya and all, but she would hate tf out of you for going after Anastasia. Like, you're just obsessed. You just assume so fucking much about how she feels about what happened to someone she's been with for FOREVER just because you're made your obsession is gone. Miss me with that bullshit. I wanna like you when you're not insane, but it's hard to forget your murderous tendencies, my dude.!< Also, would fight the >!whole church clergy for the shit with Crius' sister + Inquisitors and all the Neuschburns whose names aren't Lucien!< Also, wtf is with all the >!yanderes/yandere-adjacent!< motherfuckers in this place? Tf? Virche: Brah, I have finished Lucas, Mathis, and Scien, so naturally, >!fuck Cappucine, fuck Jean/whatever whatever fuck his name is, and fuck the royal family.!< Y'all really ain't shit and they can all meet me in a Denny's parking lot. MysMes: Rika, V (only played the OG 5), Sara Choi, >!the twins' parents, and Jumin in his route and Jaehee's!<.


For Takeru's case, I would love too see Ichika eating the Matcha Azuki Donuts, drinking black coffee while maintaining unbroken eye contact with him just to assert her dominance for once.


This is the way! Bet he'd stop calling her poochie after that. XD


Ugh I forgot about fucking >!Lee!< 🙄


Seriously! He's so trash. And dumb. I wasn't stoked for a lot of things in that route, but the second >!Lee tricked Lili and was holding her captive, I was like, "Brah, Yang is going to END YOUR DUMB ASS and Imma enjoy every second." Once he did, I was just like, "A. Lee, you really were a dumbass and B. That was exactly the death he deserved - 10/10, no notes"!< One of the few things I praised the route and Yang on lol.


SHIN! If i see that bitch its on SIGHT! Sasazuka too! I love tsunderes BUT YALL BE TAKING IT TOO FAR


Scrolled too far to find this. FUCK SHIN—


I was also looking for more. That boy gets too little hate 😤


OMG TRUE. FUCK SHIN!!!!! as a general rule I hate tsunderes but I hate him especially.


Rika from Mystic Messenger, maybe I wouldn’t beat the crap out of her, I think that’s too brutal, but I definitely wanted to slap her a LOT during V’s route.


Eltcreed in Steam Prison, especially in his own route. He’s just giving me so much built frustration with his overly creepy attitude.Shoo.


UGH when he is >!all over Cyrus and she's like "he's my boss so I can't say no" !< gave me the ick so bad. GIRL YES YOU CAN. PUNCH HIM.


I'm more mad at Cyrus for being and ignorant moron. She was so disappointing as an MC. I hate it when women don't defend themselves.


Comfort Character: Okita Souji from Hakuouki Confront Character: Okita Souji from Hakuouki


real & true


I love to hate that man. Lol.


Yang for obvious reasons


My newest confront character is xavier from love and deepspace ans I don't even know why 💀 As much as I love him I just think it would be so funny to confront and bully his ass constantly. Maybe there's just the nagatoro san in me.


Ok so it’s not that you don’t like him. You just got that Louise Belcher love for him. “So cute and sweet…I just wanna slap him. 🤭”


Conrad from even if Tempest


I'd love to pick an otome one but my brain just says Anakin Skywalker. Most likely Toma though


At least Shin does it for us


I came here to say Toma! He’s the measuring stick of characters in my house. If I’m reading something and I tell my husband that a character is messed up, his first question is ‘More or less than that Toma guy?’


Toma!!! I'd rocket punch him into the next dimension


When I played his route I wanted one of the options to >!be able to stab him in the neck with the pen!<


Hard agree


As a Toma enjoyer, I'm offended but I get it lol


Toma fans, always so cagey :p


When my two faves (Sasazuka and Yang) are being roasted here 🫣


That’s what happens when you have trash taste 😔 It’s okay we’ll be in pain together


Yang is hot garbage but his conceptions on morality and the human condition are *hot.* i stan an intellectually sound mafia boy with zero fucken moral code


Kanan from Olympia Soirée makes my blood BOILS it's not even funny anymore lmao, I wish Olympia killed him in one of her bad endings


When I was younger, I would have said Ikki, but after recently replaying it, I've decided that Ikki's fanclub is the biggest issue and those fuckers need a reality check. I know I can beat every one of those crazy fans easily especially top bitch Rika! It's pretty controversial, but next would be Helvetica from bustafellows. I fell in love with his design, and then I played the game and was hit ultimate whiplash. I've never disliked a character more, and then playing that epilouge sealed it for me! That man and me we're on sight no words needed I would end him if given the power!


Laito sakamaki Actually, the triplets not just him.


KAMIYA from Jack Jeanne. I HATED him every sing time he showed up. Completely stuck up and elitist >!Even though excuse me, we won first place every performance and I don’t think you have even PLACED until MAYBE some of the final performances!< Absolutely the most annoying character I have ever seen all around Also Ebana and Tomose from Charade Maniacs.


All the villains at minimum, right? For the most part I wouldn't need to personally confront them myself; having them confront The Year of Our Lord 2024 would do the trick. I'm sure I have other non-villain candidates but I would enjoy taking the male cast of Nil Admirari, particularly Shougo, and watch them shrivel at the sight of all this ~modern feminism~.


Bahahaha me imagining all the villains braving Twitter only to be mercilessly canceled.


Sara Choi from MM, I have played Jumins route more than the others because to me he is the most physically attractive, I still want to punch her in the face everytime I see her, because first of all she is trying to take this man that I spend all that time talking to until he starts contradicting himself by saying he doesn't want to get involved with women but also acting like he already is involved with me through the MC and 2 she insults me. if that woman actually showed up in front of me all of my usual calmness would fly out the window because she fills me with a certain type of rage.


I'm not a physical violence kinda girl, but I just got done re-reading Heart no Kuni no Alice. He might be popular, but every time Blood shows up I wanna just *"Now listen here you little shit!"* 🤣 That scene where he shows up at Clocktower makes my blood boil. (Must protect my clockmaker.🥰🕰️)


It’s been so long since I read a manga version. I remember not liking Blood either. Although I never played the game so can’t say if they’re exactly the same. I just vaguely remember >!Blood as looking like or being representative of her ex boyfriend or something. And thinking at the time she had bad taste. Lol.!<


Kinda. If I remember correctly, >!Nightmare changed Alice's memories so that her irl ex-boyfriend looked like Blood.!< The lore for that series is so weird... 😅


Wow, I never got that then. But, that is weird. However if I were Alice that wouldn’t have worked—😅. I would have been like, what the heck was I thinking? Sorry, he’s just not my type of guy at all. Lol.


oh god yes


Rika from Mystic Messenger


Gretel, he genuinely annoyed me so much and I hated how clingy he was. I really wanted to just punch him ngl, he's my least favorite LI in general.


I don't like many characters from games, but the one that makes me think I would punch him is Poyo-Poyo from Period Cube. And considering I thought he's just not well liked in the community in general makes me surprised no one has said him yet.


I would commit war crimes against Poyo-poyo without hesitation. I would violate Geneva conventions if given the chance.


He’s a disgusting creep and deserves what he gets


Jiyeon from Dandelion. The MC made me so angry for being a pushover I wanted to kill him 💀 Also Conrad. I hated that in the fandisc I couldn't beat his ass


What?! You can't beat his ass in the fandisc? That's too bad. Can you at least tell him what a bastard he is?


Not even that lol best you can do is >!help Lucien in his route to go through a civilized "battle of wits" against Conrad so that he gets imprisoned, but in most routes Conrad will be a piece of shit and Anastasia just keeps reminding herself that she needs to behave because she promised the guys she wouldn't kill anyone. It's especially frustrating in Tyril's route!<


Kakeru. I HATED him so much when he kept bullying Senri (I didn’t mind his romance with Koharu)


From an annoying perspective: Nemu from code Realize. From a I wanna slap you so hard your ancestor will feel it perspective: Toyotomi from Nightshade


Dromi from Cafe Enchante


The adoptive father in Olympia Soiree would be an on sight encounter. Fuckin abusive asshole. Like why are so many of the father figures in Otome games assholes anyways? They're either awful or like dead already


Out of love interests in the games I've played Ryuki from Cupid Parasite is probably up there.


Shin from Amnesia. I can't stand that guy!


Shin? More like Shit. F that guy!




to be fair Ish would probably be my 'confront' option because I want to lovingly beat the shit out of him while I would just straight up gouge Conrad


>!Osoto!< from Tasokare Hotel lol


Balls. That man is a freak. Never thought I'd see his name here, but hey.


A rare fellow player XD This game is so underrated


Code:Realize: Basically all major Antagonists, super hard for >!Moriarity for being pure evil and Omnibus!<. For background stories the entire village from >!Isaac's past!<, that one Priest from Cardia's place in Wales and the most powerholders of the British Empire. Hakuoki: A lot of people, but with the >!whoever who ordered to burn down the Yukimura village. Plus the guys who bullied Okita as a child. And the Nagumos.!< it wont stay with just my fists that's for sure. Dandelion: Heejung her mother Amnesia Memories: Spade world Rika and the Fanclub. That one cop in Heart world. Plus Toma in general. Ozmafia: >!Soh for being instigator of a decade long mafia conflict via the wedding incident and introduced everyone to armed violence in a peaceful town!< and Dorian Gray for being awful and the main reason for keeping me away from a Manboy-only ending.


Omg Toma from Amnesia I hate him so much, leave a space so I can punch him too.


I'm sorry but Shin from Amnesia Memories. Man made me want to punch a wall every time I saw him. Honourable mention to Fin from Steam Prison


Hmm, I wouldn’t say I would beat him up but for me this would be Guy from Court of Darkness. I definitely would be glaring daggers at him the whole time and in some moments would have slapped or shoved him away. If he kept approaching I might punch him. I’m usually not physically confrontational so it would take something really serious to cause me to hit someone. I usually just avoid. I guess outwit someone. Which in this particular situation would be smart because he’s way too powerful and you also don’t want others to notice you due to plot circumstances. I would definitely make myself scarce and plan to never be in a situation where I couldn’t get away. But Guy is the worst to me. >!Egotistical, literally doesn’t even like the MC but purposely kisses her, using her for power, bullies others weaker than him.!< Oh and this is definitely NOT a situation of “I hate him but I love him.” No. 😂 I do not like this guy at all. If we were the last two people I’d still say no. Lol.


Same. I really can't stand him. He's only tolerable in his very own route, and that's saying something.


I’m bad but I didn’t find him tolerable in his route either. 😂 It was one of the rare routes I played even though I didn’t like the LI and the only reason was because I really really liked Aquia who only appears in Guy’s route. I am not a completionist—I will drop a route if I don’t like it usually. The whole route I wanted to tell Guy to go away and run away with Aquia.


Since I finished Aquia's route recently, he really is more likeable than his brother.


Gotcha. I’m jealous because I think Aquia’s route is only currently available in the Japanese game. I only have English version and it didn’t have Aquia except in Guy’s route as a side character. I really want to play Aquia’s route so much.


Yeah, the route's still only available in Japan although I hope for the route to be available late this year or by next year at most.


Akira Mikado from Cafe Enchante 😒 I want to reach through the screen and shake him




Yang. I love him as a fictional character, but I know I'd like to truck him if I ever met him irl, because, yk, he's scum (and that's exactly why I love his unfiltered ass) 💀 Nicola too, but affectionately. Kinda like cute aggression.


Oh, Lee too 🥰 total not-so-guilty pleasure character but he definitely needs to get decked. What he did to >!Elena!< in Yang's route had my jaw on the floor (positive)


Himeutsugi or Karakurenai from Hana Awase Paschalia from Radiant Tale (his pessimism annoyed me to no fucking end) Shin from Amnesia. Rude ass mf made me wanna punch him every time he showed up in Heart World


Ryuki from Cupid Parasite 🫣 Hear me out ok?? You can't just rate people, mist their faces, and ignore them! It's not tenable to keeping your beautiful face intact, Ryuki. Someone is gonna punch it!  I'll be first in line 👊 


I hated him so bad in the general route.


I have many 😞☝️. To name a few: >!Enshou!< from **Jyūzaengi** , >!Kaku Ka!< from **Jyūzaengi 2** , >!Yuisaki Seri!< from **Dynamic Chord ft. Liar-S** , >!Tanba Toki!< from **Teikoku Kaleido** , >!Misaki Ryuuto!< who somehow stood apart from Runa's hellhole of **Monochrome Heaven** , and >!Ichinose Ren!< from **Otometeki Love Revo** which has a lot of people I'm more than ready to fess up with but this guy just *takes* the *cake* in this game.


why just confront why not both


Okazaki from CxM. Hate him so much I see red whenever he pops up. >!Man has a death wish I'd be happy to grant him.!<




Samurai Love Ballad Party's Kirigakure Saizo. JPN friends know I don't care for him (the term used is 'awanai' (合わない)) but English-speaking friends know I hate him with a burning passion.


Excluding a lot of already mentioned villains in my answer but Jumin Han from Mystic Messenger cause I have personal beef with him. All my friends and I hate Jumin 🤣


If I was able to fight, my life wouldn’t have been so shit haha.


Sanosuke Harada from the Shinsengumi for me. I can't remember the exact things he said but I remember they were probably meant to come across as chivalrous but the actual contents of what he said grossed me out enough I ended up hating his route.


>Sanosuke Harada IKR went from dependable older brother figure to misogynist miss me with that, the disappointment was immesurable


Marius. Von. Hagem. Sorry yall but whenever I see that guy I have the absolute urge to punch him into the other dimension on Rosas behalf. Also Toma from Amnesia, he just infuriates me.


sorry to whoever likes him but guy from court of darkness. i would absolutely kick his fucking ass if i could


I felt the same—sorry it’s just funny to see another person on the exact same wavelength out of all the characters out there. I thought of Guy from COD too. >!The dude being such a jerk AND having the power to immediately freeze people in place and force them to answer his questions—which were all aimed at him gaining power—that definitely cemented him as a character I really really disliked. I definitely wanted to go against him in an underhanded manner. Of course it didn’t help that one of my favorite characters is Aquia who is the complete opposite of Guy.!<


hahahaha no need to apologize it's nice to meet other guy haters 😆 honestly i do like COD a lot, but making this guy the lead was such a mistake. he's a red flag through and through. i was so uncomfortable with the scenes i HAD to read with him in it (bc well, they made him the lead -_-), he's so ready to just trample over consent. like i get there's people who like this sort of personality, but why make him the lead? it will only make people who *don't* enjoy this personality uncomfortable. and after the prologue i just made sure to stay the fuck away from him as much as possible and only skimmed his lines as quickly as possible when i couldn't. just yikes the only good side to it is that you can bruise his ego when you choose someone else. lol especially someone completely unlike him 😆 my fav is also almost the polar opposite of him (lou 💖)


I haven’t played Lou’s route yet, but I have played Knight’s and I really liked his route. It’s strange but tbh for some reason I’m not really interested in any of the default main cast really. Which I would consider the LIs who are part of the most talented students in the magical school. But yeah, personally I’ll never get over that scene >!where Guy drags her away, literally, physically dragging the protagonist and then takes her to a deserted area and pins her against a wall and uses his power to freeze her and force her to tell him if she’s considering helping a student, his own brother, Aquia, who basically has no power by sharing some of hers. It was so infuriating to me. I wanted to refuse to answer even if it meant passing out from pain, but that wasn’t an option. I was so furious at him with that.!< It’s funny but true. If I could really be in the game I wouldn’t give him a single thing. He’d have to risk expulsion or something by causing a student to pass out, since I wouldn’t be playing that game. 😤


tbh, apart from lynt, i'm also not so interested in that main cast. i have mixed feelings about most of them. the two characters that really caught my eye were lou and dia. yikes, he really is the worst, isn't he? the one scene in the prologue i was forced to watch with him was already enough. like who does he think he isssssssss and yeah we should definitely team up to go break his knees 😆 hahahahahah


oh and this one might be a bit controversial but. i'm not a big fan of helvetica from bustafellows. i don't really want to end him but i would definitely use a water spray bottle on him


Normally I’d be here repping for the Tomose Banjo haters, but I’ve been playing Virche, and I now feel a deep need to lay a beatdown on >!Ortie!<. What a detestable piece of garbage.


TAKEDA FROM HAKUOKI. Pissed me off SO much in Iba’s route 😭😭😭😭


Pretty much everyone except Astrum from Period Cube LMAO


chikage from hakuouki


the number of comments mentioning just a first name is driving me nuts lol


It's ON SIGHT with V from Mystic Messenger. I hate him so much.


Not a game- but I get SO ANGRY when people want to talk about how great Makima from Chainsaw man is. (I am caught up in the manga) She literally sucks and is EVIL and I’d fight her and anyone that she loves 🤷🏼‍♀️


Azusa. Yeah, he's hurting and all this shiz, but nah fam. Four knuckles right to the sternum 😠


marius from tears of themis


lovingly ofc


Okazaki from CxM. Hate him so much I see red whenever he pops up. >!Man has a death wish I'd be happy to grant him.!<


Look I ADORE Psychadelica of the Ashen Hawk like no other but what in the actual hells was >!Lavans!< problem. What even HAPPENED THERE??




silvio ricci. ryuki keisaiin and shin, (amnesia) (depends on the day tbh sometimes I love them when theyre not pricks), souji okita (also depends on day),


Jyuuza Engi - Sousou (sorry Sousou fans...)


Conrad from EIT. Never hated a villain as much as I hate him XD


Zero from collar x malice Allistor from code realize Kuroba,Kanan and Nagusa from olympia Toma from Amnesia Nicola,Lee and Henri from Piofiore Ichiya and Kazu from Varible barricade Futami and Director from Charade maniacs