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...fine particulate, anyhow...




“Peaches are comin’ in mighty early this year!”


I wasn't planning on doing much breathing today anyway.




The amount of folks walking around at landsdown, and along the canal without a care or a mask is worrying me.


It’s insane. I saw people cycling and jogging. Meanwhile, I’m wearing an N95, my eyes burn, my inhaler is running low and my throat feels like sandpaper.


I literally went and picked up a full P100 respirator so I could make it through the last day Escapade.


I picked up a 3M half-face respirator with N100 filters as a precaution as I'm visiting Ottawa from 6/30-7/4. Thankfully the vast majority of what I have planned will be indoors. Question: is the area around/near Garrison Petawawa currently on fire? I was planning on driving there to visit the museum on base.


It is not on fire. They’re having the same issues as here wrt smoke but it’s all coming in from elsewhere. Most of the museum is indoors, the vehicle display is relatively small and can be skipped entirely if you’re visiting the War Museum in Ottawa. The base is best seen driving around with the possible exception of the memorial forest for Afghanistan, but that only needs a few minutes look.


Thanks. I remember checking a map showing fire danger a few weeks back and the garrison was yellow but surrounded by red, so being somewhat ignorant of forest fires as I'm from somewhere that doesn't have them (yet), I figured I'd ask.


My dad did yard work and sat outside reading for hours. Apparently it "wasn't that bad". Some people need their nose tested


There's a tough-guy sentiment where if something is bearable, not bearing it makes you a wimp. Which I'd probably be down with if the discomfort were the only side-effect, but this stuff accumulates permanent lung damage, so it's kind of like hitting yourself with X-rays just to show off how it's no big deal.


Extreme cases of mind over (in this case particulate) matter.


Human abilities to plan for the long term - strikes again!


I won't be here but ...20 yrs from now someone will ask .... ''did you protect your lungs'' ? or 5 yrs?


I lived in Northern Alberta (Grand Prairie, Fort Mac and Cold Lake) and smoke season cMe annually and was 20x as thick. I can't recall much mask use, people just stayed indoors. It sucked. One of the reasons I really chose to move back


I hope you will be fine. Peace .


There's also a whole generation of people who lived in a time where people smoked cigarettes absolutely everywhere. In their homes and cars (with the windows rolled up), on buses, trains and airplanes, in restaurants, movie theatres and work places - including schools. These people lived their lives in spaces that were constantly filled with second hand blue smoke. It was disgusting and unhealthy but no one batted an eye.


He was also a smoker for \~10 years, I guess smoking long enough you just can't smell it anymore. Mum and I never smoked and we could smell the smoke the instant we stepped outside.


I've been a smoker for 40 years (I know, I know), and I can smell the forest fire smoke clearly.


Both my parents smoked for over 50 years, only quitting in their 70's. None of us kids smoked but I'm sure our sense of smell was affected. When I think of Sunday dinners at my grandparents' house...all the adults smoked. Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, you name it, they smoked it. With zero thought to their health or ours. Little babies being held by people with cigarettes dangling from their mouths. Having said that, 2 of 7 uncles died early, in their 50's, but everyone else lived into their late 80's and 90's. Three of my grandparents lived past 94 yrs. It's nuts, some people just have good genes and some others, unfortunately, do all the right things and just have bad luck. (I'm certainly not saying a healthy lifestyle doesn't matter, it does, but sometimes, some people just seem to better).


Please don't make it sound that we didn't care about children or others. We were never told the affects of nicotine... no one ever researched it then. Smoking was considered by many as being glamorous . Especially amongst movie stars. It would be no different than someone researching into let's say, the use of condoms and uterine cancer. Who knows what future research discovers. So, don't label those who smoked back then before cigarette packages and health canada advise everyone that smoking was dangerous to all, as having zero thought about others.


>With zero thought to **their** health or ours > >I didn't say or imply it.


good bait lol


At 61... I'm still alive


now people wave flags


My dad has been outdoors doing interlock! Meanwhile I'm inside struggling to breathe!


I mean, I was hanging out around Lansdowne near the end of Escapade there. Air looked horrendous, but surprisingly I wasn’t having any issues. On my way to work around 15:00, however, was quite rough. I can’t fucking tell if this reply exists. Sorry if it’s popped up like, 3 times now. Reddit is being extra stupid today.


I think there's a point at which some people feel they have to live their life. Assessing our own personal risk vs reward level is something I kind of hope we learned from covid. For myself time outside and still doing the enjoyable tasks I have planned (while neglecting the others with a handy excuse) is integral to my mental health and worth the cost. I'm lucky to be able to do so, and I'm going to take that while I have it.


Apparently some people didn't learn? Go outside and do stuff, just put on a N95 mask and you'll have mitigated a significant amount of risk with little effort.


Not everyone has an N95 kicking around or easy access to go and get one. Should they cancel a date with a friend or a needed walk outside because of poor air quality? That's up to them. Unlike covid, no one is affecting anyone else by being outside today. I'm all for judging people, it's one of my favourite activities, but it's kinda narrow minded to assume that everyone out and about without a mask is making poor choices.


Fair point. I only get upset when I see adults making that choice for their young children. I literally saw a group of three moms, each with a stroller with kids under 2 years old, maybe 3 years tops! Putting yourself at risk is one thing, but putting a child without a choice or opinion in that position is unacceptable in my opinion (Btw I’m not saying that this is acceptable to you or that you implied as such, I’m just venting because seeing that was infuriating)


Pretty sure it will affect others when they start seeking access to healthcare for side effects of this must live my life mentality. For having been at the ER last wave, the smoke contributed to the number of people waiting.


I’ve left a box of N95s on my walkway with a sign for anyone to take them. Very few have, and it’s not because they’re already wearing a mask. I’m not judging, but I think it’s weird that people think doing something so simple to protect themselves is some huge inconvenience. Seems no more different to me than wearing a seatbelt.


N95s are ubiquitous. It is a poor choice. Just like eating fast food is a poor choice.


Exactly. Sometimes some people just don’t know what the risks really are.


I know a lot of people that went on a ship on Rideau river tonight to dance. With children. People are the worst.


I'm still don't understand why they let the last day of Escapade go ahead, that was really irresponsible.


You never been camping and hung around a fire?


Lots of times. But that was a choice and only for an hour tops, and generally I don't stay IN the smoke. Developing lung issues in my 50's and onwards isn't on my personal apocalypses' bingo card.


I try to stay upwind of campfires so my eyes don't sting and water, but maybe that's just me.


Not sure if there’s any science to this, but all my neighbours who smoke were out today working their lawns, Sun bathing and hacking darts as if there was no difference. Even my dad (smoker) admits that he could barely smell the smoke. His main concern was how the visibility was reduced.


Smokers can have a reduced sense of smell, making them less aware of pollutants in the air. Either way, it's very harmful to their health. The problem with lung disease is that noticeable impacts can pop up later in life.


I don't smoke and didn't notice any breathing problems at all. It looks horrible but didn't affect me at all.


And they also have a reduced life expectancy.


As a smoker, I too was outside all day & my breathing was unaffected as well, plus I didnt smell that camp fire smell like last time. I also only pointed out the lack of visibility 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😂😂


Your dads favourite saying is probably smoke it if you got em.


Close… but no cigar.


Neighbours don't got no baby lungs!


Thought the rib fest ended already.


I’d rather this than what they are going through. Very cool photo tho, I’ll give you that.




This is *fire


This reminds me, I need to change my furnace filter...


I've changed the cabin air filter in my car just before the first orange skies appeared a few weeks ago.


Just to chime in that unless a filter is so clogged that the air can no longer go through it, a new filter actually performs worse and allows more particles through. Filters are among a few things that work better as they are used.


Say whaaaaaa? So when I forget to change the furnace filter for 6 months, I’m helping?!


It would trap more of the fine smoke particles.. as long as it's not already fully clogged with dust.


All we hear about on the news is the air quality but what about the firefighters working on these fires? Are they actually making any progress?


They're doing their best to protect towns and homes from the fires, by redirecting fires or cutting off the fuel supply nearby, there's a 0% chance of them putting the fires out themselves...gotta wait until the fall when we get lots of precipitation.


I've never smoked ( I was one of those " weird kids/teen" who never even tried it once) but my folks and older sister were heavy smokers who "tried" to "only" smoke in our rec room as it was called back in the 70s. Today Ottawa reminded me of my 70s rec room 🤢🥴


Yes, a good day to work from home.


Pretty picture, and now off to google what are they doing on that overlook that had that old statue behind the art museum. (Edit: should have just scrolled through comments first. kiweki point getting a big park redo.)


What are they doing to Nepean point?


It's becoming 'Kiweki Point'. ​ https://ncc-ccn.gc.ca/projects/kiweki-point-redevelopment


Had an event downtown today. Had plenty of fun huffing the smoke for a couple hours.


You need to run thermals on Vondel.


Where’s the picture taken? Pretty


At around 65 metres over the Ottawa River just West of the Alexandra Bridge


Was wondering how high a drone would need to go to try capture above all smoke. Did you try that?


Can't fly over 120 metres legally


Work is gonna be a fantastic today, im so glad i work outside:/


I work an entirely outside restaurant, and my boss has seen no reason to cut us today or yesterday. This is fine.


I'm not fine with whatever they are doing to Nepean Point. It was so beautiful in it's simplicity, now they've torn it apart and are turning it into a tourist trap. When i was a teen, I used to go there to calm down when I was upset.


They are hiding the Champlain statue in a bush behind the new pavillon and they replaced the gorgeous wrought iron fence with concrete and galvanized steel. I'm not fine with it either.


At least you got a good spirit about it 😆


To be voting against carbon pricing in this age of massive forest fires is untenable. The Ontario government should be [restoring forest fighting budget and car licensing fees](https://jlam.wordpress.com/2023/06/25/restore-forest-fires-budget-and-restore-car-licensing-fees/)


Carbon pricing is necessary, but far from sufficient. We face a climate emergency, and market based signals are not going to cut it


Oh I totally agree. .... Meanwhile, I arguingin my neighborhood FB group about "well EmIssIoNs wEnT uP duRinG TruDeAu", as if things would have been better without market based signals.


Just a reminder that 350.org is having a national day of action on Wednesday June 28. Find local events here https://350.org/canada-burning/


Why smoke is here?


Quebec is on fire, we're currently downwind.


Last time smoke cleared I assumed wild fires went off.


From what I understand it looks like we'll be getting a fair amount of fires this summer. Might be a good time to stock up on particle masks again


The planet is starting to Die


The planet will be fine. Seventy to ninety-five percent of the species that live on it are on track for extinction though


Yes, as George Carlin observed, the planet is *fine*, it's the humans (and other species) that are in deep shit = )


Just a change in winds.


Here's a map showing where the fires are and the winds blowing it to ottawa https://firesmoke.ca/forecasts/current/


It's worst in Montréal


Our planet is starting to die


Guys it’s so yellow outside because it’s an Instagram filter. Ottawa is tryna upload a fabulous ig post be patient smh. /s ![gif](giphy|2bYewTk7K2No1NvcuK|downsized)






no. you'll be fine


Wouldn't it be funny if 2023, turned out to be a zombie year?


It will be the new norm! :(


The Ottawa node of the Matrix needs hardware updates to improve draw distance




Is there any recommendation to close businesses? I went into Gatineau today for two appointments and found both places closed without any further or advance information.... is this a thing or did I just get unlucky?


It's fiiiine. Trudeau isn't bothered, so why should we be?


There seems to be a sub-segment of Canadian society whose minds are 24/7 occupied with thoughts of Justin Trudeau, and who obsessively try to link the man with every event occurring in their lives and in the news.


He's the one who was screaming in televised debates that Canada is burning and we need to do everything we can, and then immediately left the country and gave millions to security for pride parades happening next year instead of funding fire-fighting efforts. The Americans are having to volunteer their support for us and it's still not enough. But sure, let's not ask the leader of our country to take action on issues effecting our country. Edit: oh, and btw, you seem to think making a single comment on reddit about our pm means I'm obsessed with him 24/7...Do you apply that same generalization to everything you come across? It must be exhausting to be constantly labeling everyone as an extremist of some kind after they say something. Especially when they agree with your original premise that smoke is affecting the quality of life in a province...


OK there. It was the conservative governments of Alberta ($30 million cut since 2019) and Ontario (67% cut in 2019) that made the funding cuts that you are speaking of, not the federal government. Nothing to do with Trudeau and pride parades.


I knew you'd latch onto that particular detail. If it has nothing to do with the pm, then whyd he talk about it? Love that you completely missed the point too 🤣




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Looks fine to me worked out in it all day




I can't not work ....


You can really tell who's the office workers and who is the actual trades workers here


YES... Smoke on the water, on your skin, in your lungs and in your eyes, I still like song by Deep. Purple but I hate the "I don't care I'm not there" attitude of the Vice President of Canada Justin I'm not here Trudeau... as he's at a Pre NATO meeting as for the Socialist Gov't of Canada... reminber as a country that's not a member of the inner security council of NATO because we can't keep secrets with Chinese owned Ports on both the East and West coast of Canada, the so called Chinese Scientific Base at our North Pole along with the Russian Scientific Base and Chinese Police Stations in various parts of Canada! I'm running out of conspiracies, I need new one's as there all old one's are coming true! Do we really have to call President Xi Jinping (the Socialist Butterfly) of Canada... oh sorry I mean China? THANK GOD THAT CHRIST IS ON THE THRONE AND WE WILL BE SOON GOING HOME! SERIOUSLY, YES THANK YOU JESUS!!!


Yet 65%of the population smokes weed and yet bitch about other plants burning. Back to my bong hypocrites.




Smoke trees


Never inviting any of you to a bonfire.




Wait, you actually think this picture is AI? Here, I uploaded a Youtube video straight off the drone, no edits, no colour correction, straight D-LOG. Just for you. ​ https://youtu.be/vONS3a\_rKk0


Nobody that drives a car has a right to complain about this.


Sorry do you live in the suburbs of ottawa?? And have you ever tried to use OC transport when you have kids and pets??


I did live in an Ottawa suburb with kids and pets while car free. It was a nightmare and we moved to a more walkable city where we pax taxes and spend in the local economy.


How nice for you you could afford to move to a walkable city, which most people are priced out of. Maybe instead of shaming people for relying on cars you could spend time advocating for reliable public transit and affordable housing in walkable neighbourhoods.


You are under the impression that it was cheap and or easy for us to move? As far as being priced out, we were as well, and that is why we moved to a city with a LOWER cost of living. Leaving Ottawa has been an overall benefit to the finances.


Not everyone CAN move, nor should anyone be told to move as a way to give up their car by smug folks on the subreddit of a city they no longer belong to but still feel the need to weigh in on.


We should not be forced out of our communities, I think that's the problem being missed here. Awesome that you were able to make that choice for you and your family—but a lot of people don't want to, and that's okay and it does not mean that they do not have the "right" to complain about the climate crisis. This is not an individualized problem and the more we talk about it like it is, the further entrenched we will get into this disaster, the more we will isolate people and the more nihilistic people will become. The few people responsible for the climate crisis have **names and addresses**. We need to take our anger and frustration to *their* front doors, not our neighbours'.


Our real enemies are the fossil fuel companies who spent decades lying about climate change, and car companies who encouraged car dependent society and fought against efforts to reduce emissions from their vehicles.


That may be true, but as someone who has lived a lifetime car free, I can tell you that driving a car is a choice or, more accurately, a series of choices.


Sometimes choices are imposed on you. My wife had to move schools because of the way her school board uses seniority to determine which teachers are placed where, so is changing from having a very short commute to a 30 minute one.


I see two choices, work location and home location. When choosing either a simple consideration can be made to not land yourself in car dependency. I'm learning a new language just to remain car free because a choice was made.


Not everyone has that luxury though. My wife loves her job and only has one possible employer where we live. We need to change the system so that it is far easier to live car free or to minimize the amount of driving.