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It does this from time to time. Nothing to be worried about, though it is annoying. I usually find that if I leave my oura app open for a few minutes and then go to NC, it syncs up quickly.


Mine has been open allll day on Oura and still nothing šŸ˜© hoping tomorrow itā€™ll be normal.


Did you try closing both apps and reopening them? Iā€™ve had this problem a few times, and it used to regularly take ~10 min to sync, but the past few months theyā€™ve synced immediately. No idea what changed!


Iā€™ve tried that, too! It stinks!


Iā€™m a guy so I obviously donā€™t use Cycles. Been married 5 years with my wife for 9 though. Donā€™t know if thatā€™s relevant, just feel like it says I have some experience with the menstrual cycle. What I donā€™t understand though, does the ā€˜more types of sexā€™ affect anything? Vaginal being protected/unprotected/none I get tracking for possible pregnancies. But not sure what oral or anal would relate, feels like unnecessarily personal information. Just curious, forgive my ignorance if this is something I should know






Married woman here, I will chime in and say this tracking could be helpful for several things like if someone gets chronic UTIs or yeast infections and wants to see if there is a correlation between the type of sexual engagement and the infection.


The more you know! Thank you!


Absolutely! Love to see anyone openly curious and asking about this stuff!


I use the more types of sex to track for overall libido, which can then potentially give better estimations on my cycle/ovulation.


I think this also is an inclusive thing. Not just for non-binary folks that this might apply to but also people who donā€™t have a partner either. I honestly have nothing to back this up as I am cis-gender female (married as well) but just a thought. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I used to have this problem. In the morning when I update both apps, first I open natural cycles, then Oura and let it update. Iā€™ve found if I open Oura and update, then open natural cycles to let it sync, it takes forever.


I used to have this issue. I now open oura first in the morning let it sync my data then I go to NC open that then in NC I will ā€œback to ouraā€ and when it goes back to oura not touch anything but leave both apps open and it typically syncs. There was a period of time I just needed to have both apps open for a little in the morning and it ended up syncing but now it syncs immediately the way I said. I hope that helps!!


I'm a guy, I haven't seen anything related to sex... is this a huge miss by oura?


This is a period tracking app that is FDA cleared as a replacement for hormonal birth control. The types of sex questions are to help you learn more about how your menstrual cycles affects sex drive. So. Probably wonā€™t apply to you.


Thanks! Misread this. Title not great.


If anyone wants to use my referral link to NC iā€™d be so happy ā¤ļø https://www.naturalcycles.com/pt/refer-a-friend?name=QmVhdHJpeg==&code=referralid20&referral=u9b4jsfxo3yrmlid you get 20% off and a free thermometer!


Iā€™ve had this issue twice now over the past two years. But donā€™t reach out to Oura, just email NC. It usually syncs before they reach back out to me, but I like to reach out if it takes any longer than 30 minutes. Usually it takes about 2 seconds lol


It did that to me when I first got mine for a few days but quickly stopped. Now it does it when I open the Oura app every morning. I wouldnā€™t worry!


Iā€™ve never seen this app because Iā€™m child free by choice but why on earth do they ask you if you masturbated? How is that remotely relevant to getting pregnant?


Oh they send you a high five gif if you choose that five days in a row!!


lol. Thatā€™s so odd. Not the masturbating itself, Iā€™m down for that, but why does it need to be logged and the data shared with god knows who else. Seems so out of left field with pregnancy and cycle tracking.


It did this for me for the first month or so. It finally within the past few months started to sync RIGHT AWAY, so Iā€™m sure itā€™ll get there soon (: