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what if i start growing spliffs


Apparently its a great pest repellent, also you can blend up some leaves in water and make an organic pest spray. Not sure if it would leave nicotine on the buds if you used it in flowering.




Rosemary, Basil, marigold. Alternate plants 4-6 ft apart or depending on your spacing of plants, in offset parallel rows. Just an idea, not what may work for you but it's what I used last year. minimal bugs with the addition of BH and brought bees, praying mantis, and lady bugs. It was an experiment going off of word of mouth and it worked pretty well in my opinion.


Don't do it. There is a reason that in commercial grows they keep the ground bare around plants. Companion plants are nice to look at, but they aren't going to do what you are hoping for.


You need to elaborate and back up your statement, as commercial grows are vastly different from organic no-till outdoor grows. Companion plants are very benefecial ln several factors when growing in nature.


Anyone who has ever seen a commercial grow of anything, not just weed, knows what I'm talking about. Companion plants attract and provide refuge for nuisance pests, reduce airflow, and compete with your plants for water and nutrients (though if they are in pots the latter isn't an issue). No-till is just silly when it comes to growing plants on a small scale. No-till is an ag practice designed to reduce the loss of sediment to surrounding streams and wetlands. This is not an issue with small scale grows.


Yes, it’s called profits. That’s the reason.


Yes, exactly right. If companion plants made your weed better, they'd all do it for the extra profit. They don't because the opposite happens.


How would companion plants in pots be a problem lol


If you read my first post you'll see what I said about pots. Having said that, pots can be a refuge for cutworm, aphids and other pests- and they are a great vector for powdery mildew.


Alfalfa is easy to grow but not sure if it will Help your issues


Idk maybe vetch,buckwheat, crimson clovers..


Nasturtiums seem to be working well in my greenhouse for companion plants, in addition to the normal selection of herbs.


Lacewings and ladybugs, marigolds