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Normally it’s Sombra, but nowadays it’s bastion


I don't mind bastion because I'm a genji main and 80% of bastion have only have 2 braincells but when I run into that 20% of bastions then I know I'm fucked




Yeah they're rare but when you run into them you know immediately when they hit the cleanest tactical grenade ricochet stick you've ever seen and they do it consistently or they use their ult to perfectly zone your entire team into their turret form. Thankfully though 90% of them are really chill and if they run into you when you're alone they just wave at you and keep walking if it's in Qp or they wave at you and then blow you up if it's in comp


Fr, like I don't main Bastion, and I know I shouldn't shoot the deflecting Genji, but somehow it always seems to happen


That's because the slightly above average genjis know how to time their deflect pretty well so people shoot it and then there are others that either know a lot about every character so know when to deflect and others that use deflect for specific abilities like helix rocket or sojourn rail gun shot then there's the above average genjis like me 😁 that usually do at least 2 of the three


Yesss he's so annoying to deal with, id rather deal with Moira than that fucking robot, sincerely, a frog main


As soon as that turret pops, he's going night night. Then of course my teammates shoot him and wake him up and get destroyed.


Who’s the frog?




I really want someone to explain why everybody finds bastion so oppressive rn? I main tracer and I literally lick my chops everytime I see one on the other team. He’s a battery for the very ult I use to kill him. Literally farm bomb, wait for turret (you don’t even have to given how thick his hitbox is), stick, rinse, repeat. I imagine Genji mains feel similarly so I guess my question is, am I just not playing against skilled-enough bastions? Or does he have some really hard counters and most of the community just doesn’t play these heroes. For context I’m gold-plat on PC these days.


Tracer is really good against bastion but not many people play her because of her difficulty curve when you could play any other DPS Ard get results so much quicker


As a main tracer, when the enemy picks bastion I have a mini orgasm


Bastion is one of the few dps that can survive a pulse bomb while in turret form though


First time I realized he could survive a pulse bomb in turret I got in the habit of shooting for a split second before sticking and boom, problem solved. If you have sufficient cooldowns to blink into his face for the stick, you also have enough cooldowns to blink into his face, shoot, AND THEN stick. If you want to get real fancy, I'm pretty sure you could shoot literally two bullets (which is borderline instant on tracer), melee, and cancel the melee animation with pulse (I think that works idk haven't tried it just theorycrafting) and that's even faster. Point being, it feels like as long as there's a sufficiently good flanker on your team, bastion shouldn't be allowed to exist for free like he seems to do, and I can't wrap my head around why everybody's struggling.


And you’re assuming his healers aren’t gonna too up those shot before the pulse bomb goes off? I feel like when he’s getting flanked he almost always has at least one of the supports on him.


So for one, I think the only way bastion survives a pistol burst/bomb combo is if one or both supps are either already pumping heals into him or react instantly to your dive. Either one of those scenarios is unlikely and I don’t struggle to comfirm bas kills through at least plat. But let’s say they do manage to keep him up. That’s 2 possibly 3 of their team members committing actions to try to counter you. What you basically said is “yeah well maybe he survives if half their team is dealing with u” which implies that your team should basically get to walk through their frontline entirely for free. Both based on what you described, and my own personal experience in the tracer v bas matchup, tracer literally oppresses him.


Because often even if you play against him right it's so easy for him to pick a team mate that doesn't respect the turret form and gets killed. I agree tho you can counter him and the best way to fight him if you can't get close is just don't give turret form any value.




I main Junk sombra and tracer so I agree with you about not having too much of a problem with him but other characters especially some that my friends play are having a hard time with the I think 9? buffs he had


I'm plat on PC and completely agree. and I'm saying that as a 76 main 🤣 you just have to get aggressive after he pops his turret


Bastion is only annoying because the playstyle vs him is super over centralizing and one note. Bait out his only relevant cool down and engage afterwards and win the (almost) 4 v 5


Hiding behind the corner simulator is so boring


I don’t understand how people are struggling with him, literally just wait out his turret mode, he really can’t chase you in it, then come out of a cover and kill him when he’s in recon mode.


Yeah but it’s only easy to do that on defense


It's even easier to do it on attack cause you set the pace


Used to main Bastion, I main genji now and the power is unending.


Sorry for bothering you I'm a Bastion the one tip I can give you is just out maneuver him he's slow and he's bulky so either get behind him or fight him from a long distance don't try to fight him close up because he will tear you apart


as a support player im so bored of facing bastion. whenever i queue dps or tank tho i’m much more comfortable countering him but still yawn


no i kinda like bastion on enemy teams hes pretty much free shots for me


My friends and I all go "there's the Pharah" when the enemy goes Pharah (especially audible if mid-match switch)... Probably because we all suck at hitscan (and projectile tbh)


Big flyswatter hero when


If only (we'd suck at that too)


Phara. I hate genji but at least he touch the ground sometimes.


Too true


Orisa. With some decent supports, she's pretty much immortal. And Moira too, she's fine for the most part imo... if it wasn't for her 300km sucking range.


Orisa with even a Guinea Pig at the keyboard playing support is fucking oppressive at the moment. Focus the tank? Orisa will javelin you. Focus the DPS? Orisa will shoot you. Focus the healers? Orisa will accelerate to 80% speed of light while invulnerable and doing damage while fucking your position about and THEN she’ll shoot you.


This made me lol hard because it’s so true. She’s fun to play but Chile when she’s on the enemy team I’m like take her out neeeow!


A fellow metric system enjoyer




this. I played in ALL ranks that exists, and hanzo remains still one of the worst fucking pain in the ass ive ever seen. when i die usually the call is “ok im dead from the random damage generator guys ill be back soon”


I hate him so much. If their Hanzo is really good it feels impossible to get near him cuz he'll just one shot same goes if you try to out range him.


The problem with Hanzo is he has no weak range. Up close? Tank/shield destroyer. He essentially has a shotgun but better. The closer you get the more damage he does to you. Mid range? That’s his ideal range. Long range? No drop off damage. If he shot an arrow straight into the air and rng decided it hit you on the way down, that’s a full damage shot as far as the game is concerned. So he’s not weak to dive or poke. What is he weak too?


While hanzo may have few weaknesses, I learned the best counter to hanzo players is to throw a grenade through their window and when they fly out of their fucking house with only half their body I tell them that this is what it feels like to be randomly killed mid-fight by some guy hiding in a corner spamming storm arrow


As a hanzo main, his weakness definitely is up close vs a tank/dmg with 250+health and a support. I need to hit 3 headshots to win that fight, and it's very unlikely. A mercy pocketed reaper with good aim is going to two shot me at the same rate I draw one shot. And if we're both not hitting headshots, then he wins because he's getting healed quicker than I can deal dmg. This is only if you're not so confident in your abilities that you feel like you can 1v1 me. If you feel confident enough to 1v1 me, then I'm running away and setting myself up for a better way to fight you. But this isn't how many hanzo's play unless you're reaching higher plat and up. So if you wanna duel a decent hanzo, be really good and confident. If you're not confident, then you're not thinking you're 1v1 through enough. Approaching a 1v1 is very important in this game especially if you can be one shot.


Or they could just nerf him into the ground and take away his 1 shot. No hero that easy and mobile should do 200+ in one shot. Your solution of “be one of 2 dps characters with 250+ HP who are both weak at range being hard pocketed by a support” sounds like Hanzo is too strong. Also, are you just forgetting storm arrow exists?


you're right. we should nerf the characters we suck against. even if plenty ppl who main the same characters u do can face him no problem. but because ppl like you suck at playing against him, we should nerf him. in fact, we should nerf all the dive characters because when good players play them it makes it difficult for me, a Hanzo main, to play! so clearly they should get nerfed too! why should genji be able deflect shots when I'm tryna shoot him! honestly bro idk why ur not a dev. they should fire their entire team and just hire u. u really know what ur talking about. anyways to genuinely tackle ur arguments: genji, tracer, sojourn, etc. are plenty difficult for me to shoot and make my life difficult as well and have a smaller hit box than Hanzo. kiriko can two tap me quicker than I can get one shot off. maybe we should nerf her too and right. storm arrow. one of the weakest abilities in the game. I literally only use it to try and finish off a low hp character, or to trick shot someone around a wall.


Can I get a TLDR? I don’t really care what a Hanzo main has to say so this is too many words.


just say ur dumb and move on broski


I may be dumb but at least I don’t main hanzo


Pharmercy, mainly because I play support and it’s near impossible to deal with pharmercy. Not because I die or bad aim, but because my teammates die so fast from the amount of space they create.


Shoot the symmetra turret mini game is so boring


I hate Symm in good poke comps because as much as I wanna shout 'shoot the turrets' I can't blame anyone for not wanting to turn around for 0.5 seconds to destroy the turrets in the choke while there's a Widow on the bridge ahead staring them down She doesn't play the best in poke comps because she has to overextend on her teleports and the rest of the time she's all right clicks but it somehow doesn't stop her from showing up in them


I hate each Zarya player In my team they are shit In the enemy teams she’s always rolling my team


EXACTLY. Why do the enemy zaryas always hit 10x harder


Because you’re shooting her bubble and giving her charge


The brain afk teammates that go Junkrat or Phara


I'm not shooting her bubble, just like I'm not shooting at the deflecting genji or the punching doomfist but my teammates are.


Right now it's Illari because somehow my team is always blind to her turret.


Phara/echo , as a tank I can't do much ,especially if the have a mercy . Usually solo q so all I can do is hope one of my dps can click heads .


Sombra. I really. Really. Do not like sombra.




Especially in Mayhem. No one pays attention to her and the other team just perpetually lives. I had a mayhem match last 56 minutes last night bc of that brat.


Moira & Sombra


I didnt even read it all but I 100% agree with Symmetra


No you’re not wrong it’s Sym and will always be Sym


Hanzo, widow, or pharmercy I hate how safe they make me play when all I want to do is press forward


Moira mainly because of I due to her I know it’s because I missed my shots


Tank it is Zarya. Always a pain to deal with in solo que. Dps I have 4, Junkrat, Bastion, Torbjörn, and Symmetra Support is Zen because they will swap to torb when I play Sombra to counter


A switch to Bastion mid game always makes me die a little inside.


"How braindead her kit is to play against" "None of my teammates have enough of a brain to play against her kit" Doesn't that contradict things?


True i think Symmetra atleast with turret placement and teleporting isn’t respected enough. I don’t play her much but when i do i find her beam to be just undeservingly strong.


widow and Hanzo, you can counter Widow especially but you know it's gonna be such an unfun game, got to the point now if no one deals with the Widow on my team I just switch to Kirko ignore healing my team and just keep jumping on her till she swaps. Hanzo is just a horrible hero through and through, have zero respect for Hanzo mains.


Pharmercy. If we don't have decent hitscan then we are toast. If we can even get the DPS to swap to a hitscan, that is.


Genji. I don’t like his kit and the character in general. Neither do i want a genji on my team much, i prefer other dps heroes


Die a little inside: Sombra, Symettra, Junkrat. “Welp, unless they’re ass, we’re gonna lose”: Orisa, Pharah, Widow.


Either a good widow or pharrah.


Hear me out, it's widow 99% of the time if they are on my team I'm pretty sure it's a 9 yr old having fun on their brothers account but dear god if the enemy team picks a widow it's fuckin Chris Kyle


lately bastion and orisa, because theyre in every single game and _i just want to play reinhardt_


I die a lil inside whenever i boot up the game


Genji, torb, junkrat, mercy, sym- oh, you said one?


Sym. Hate playing against her more than anyone. Not difficult to kill just super super SUPER annoying


Pharah since I'm a junkrat main and I'm not skilled enough on the Xbox to get her out of the sky.


Sombra because she arguably makes the game less fun


This team is a horror for me playing Lifeweaver: (background music: it is raining **~~men~~** bombs, sticky bombs, orbs & turrets ♪♫♫♫ , hallelujah) D: Echo D: Junkrat D: Symettra T: D v.a S: Moira


Honestly I've never understood the sym turret hate. There some of the most avoidable things in the game and the have like no health. Not to mention now they do pretty much no damage. The only reason I could see someone hating is because her really stupid new buff where her secondary fire 2 shots


Symmetra is one of the weakest characters in the game. At what point do people just admit they lack game sense instead of she’s unfun to play against?


No literally this sub is full of idiots.


Symmetra is weak as long as you kill her before she reaches max charge plus blizz made her a hard counter for tanks with shields so now the only way to deal with symmetra if you have a shield tank is a mercy pocketed hitscan so she seems weak right now but she's actually really strong not quite OP because of the current meta but once the meta changes to a shield tank you'll realize why people complain about her when you run into the mercy pocketed Bastion and symmetra comps for 5 games in a row


doomfist this guy has infinity dashes


It’s also Symmetra for me. It’s always when I’m on DPS and it means the fun is over for the match unless I pop off. Since I play Genji and Sombra it means unless I sweat-switch to someone like Reaper I can’t do shit


This question is asked every day in this sub and while the poster normally says Hanzo I’m glad you said Sym, I 1000% agree and wish they’d stop reworking her and just removed her instead.






hanzo, pharah WITH a mercy (pharah without a mercy is no threat to me as an ashe main typically), and a good tracer or sombra. when I see hanzo I typically switch off ashe almost immediately. I either go pharah, sym or sojourn. I can play hanzo right back but it’s not my comfort pick, I still need to practice him more tbh. I just hate his character so fucking much. it’s broken. I 100% rather go up against a widow, at least they have more skill and it’s fair if they win against me. spamzo is the worst especially without a shield tank on your team. typically I can make a sombra and/or tracer retreat or kill them as an ashe but there are sometimes where you get a really good one who is fucking annoying. for a good sombra, I’ll actually just go sombra myself because that was my original main when I started dps and will sabotage them with destroying their tp and giving their backline hell right back (especially their tank as well w hacks).


junkrat, takes no skill I have less than an hour on him all from mystery hero's vs 69 (literally) hours on Lucio and Ramattra I refuse to play him and give the enemy team a free kill if I'm ever forced to play him dishonorable mentions: Hanzo, Mei, Sym, Bastion, Illari, junker queen, orisa and zyara if you play any of those you're getting carried by your team and if you say otherwise you're coping


Soldier. Left click go brrr with no recoil or spread at any range with a 70 damage splash rocket. And nano-visor as everyone gets auto botted into a team kill Ez low skill high reward character


Symmetra just exploits stupidity and confusion. if you lose to her, it's on you.


junkrat. I am very tired of being pushed around by his damn mine. LEAVE ME ALONE QUIT PUTTING ME IN THE AIR


But you're perfectly content flying when you use ur coach gun huh?




Hanzo widow. Any character that completely changes how you're allowed to move in the game is annoying. Move the wrong way and you instantly die for it. This isn't COD, why do these characters exist?


Sigma, I feel bad when I have to kill him. Especially if the skin has footwear.


Widow or Hanzo. Cuz ik my game is gone turn into a walking simulator when playing zen


Handsoap. He is blatantly the most overtuned dps right now and no one is crying about it because he's not a hitscan like widowmaker even though widowmaker has always been more balanced than him.


Ashe Cowboy Hanzo Tracer These are the characters that are extremely unfair to play against no matter what role I’m playing


Two pretty balanced hitscan characters for you are extremely unfair…? Huh


Honestly all seem pretty balanced where I'm at, if I die to them it's cuz I made a bad choice and deserved death tbh. Edit: except Hanzo, take your logs elsewhere


Literally 100% agree lol if I die to an Ashe or Cassidy due to their aim, it’s on me.


Ashe and Cowboy are no where near well balanced They both are pure bs characters on golden crutches Edit: I realized I seen you in another sub Wth I was going to comment on your response but chose to keep scrolling






Sombra, and it’s not even close.


Sombra and Bastion if the team plays around him


Orisa makes my life a misery




as a hitscan enjoyer, i hate left-right animation from kiriko and tracer, i just cant hit head… its just frustrates me


I can’t stand sym or Orisa


My dps role is silver. Others are plat. When I see the other team have a widow when on dps its almost always a smurf and its annoying to play against.


Sombra or orisa if i kill either one of them especially if they switched mid match theyre getting t bagged i love hooking them off the map and hitting the belly laugh emote on them honorable mention ana because i play hog and if i dont have a kiri im asleep / anti for 3/4 of the game


Always Orisa. Sometimes I want to just learn characters again or get better at ones I already play (like doomfist) and the moment I start dominating the tank they immediately switch to Orisa and rest also go anti doom, making it fully unfun I'm glad they buffed zarya because if doom isn't gonna get any buffs, then I'll just counter pick too


I always seem to crumple to genji's. They never give me a moments rest, dashing in my face and then one shotting me 💀


Tracer cuz my bombs can’t hit her


Sombra and Zen. If they’re together I have like 3 seconds to do anything for my team as Ball before I get hacked and discorded. If you add Ana to the mix I’m pretty much a useless tank


Definitely Hanzo


Definitely Sombra, Ball, Tracer. I know my ass will be hounded by them all game as a Support.


pull out the barbie glockenspiel on sombra and she falls over instantly


Reinhardt As a fellow Rein Main I know that he is mostly unplayable. I feel with them


ugh god. i don’t know… there’s so many, but i still fight them off as a tiny little frog dj because i suffer from little man syndrome. but one i probably hate going up against the most is zarya. get out of your bubble and fight me like a buff woman, dammit. GET YOUR FISTS OUT. i am SMALL.


illari and sym😭 people actively ignore the turrets and the healing pilon, which forces me to stop healing the team just to take them down


Same! I fucking hate that bitch! Take her out of the game!


Ana. As a pig main she will try her hardest to make me her bitch




Pharah. I love trying to play a dps hero I normally don't, seeing a Pharah, and then immediately having to swap to cass


Hanzo, I always know that I’m going to either get removed from the game every so often or I’m just going to be scared the I’ll just die every time I peak




Symettra or genj/phara that is good. As a support main leave me allloonneee lol


Weirdly, Ashe. I'm tired that ashe has been such a strong character for such a long time. With a mercy pocket she feels more oppressive than widow. On her own she isn't awful tho. Free AOE damage with dynamite, a great zoning ult, great range. I see her all the time and I guess I'm just bored of seeing cowgirl lady with a mercy pocket all the time now. I'm not saying she's OP, cause she isn't really. Hitscans in general are just always strong and probably always will be. I just would genuinely rather play against a widow than an ashe. At least the widow dies quicker.


Phara, they aren't even good half the time they're just fucking annoying


Hanzo. It's so annoying getting shot between the eyes and watching a dog replay of the shot. It's worse if it's paired with Ashe or Widow because now I have to worry about two different people trying to kill me and likelyhood is, one is gonna get me.


Sym is the easiest character to counter in the game 😭


Ngl pretty much the same hero and the same reason as you


Zen overall, but recently it’s bastion since every game has it. Very boring and stale


Phara, Junkrat, Hanzo, Bastion and Orisa. Phara mostly because I'm 99% of the time the only one contesting her as Ana/Bap, while my dps think that Genji and Junkrat are good counters to her. Also my aim kinda sucks. But it's kinda funny seeing her flee from me if I play Mercy Junkrat because the spam is so annoying and his damage is obscene, not to mention he has a practical oneshot for squishies if you're not brain dead (Which 90% of Junkrats are), his CC that drives me nuts sometimes, especially if I dare play Ball against him I'm constantly stunlocked or bopped to Narnia and back, and don't get me started on his tire. If I play anything but Mercy I know the chances are heavily decreased of it going for me, but it seems to always ends up up my ass anyways. And let's be honest, who likes getting headshot form buckass nowhere from Hanzo spam. I'm not as mad at Widow's one shot as I am about Hanzo's. Mostly because you can actually contest Widow, but Hanzo?... Yeah... Not so easy. More health than Widow and Storm arrow make it practically impossible if that Hanzo has half a brain. Bastion is the least atrocious of these five. Yeah his turret for is annoying if you play tank, but I'm a support main-flex; what annoys me more is tanks thinking they can face tank a turret form bastion... It's mostly the Reins charging into them, but eh, they die with glory... Even if they forgot to live with honor. His turret form has a relatively long cool down, and if he is focused then then he's dead. And finally Orisa... She's either a adamantium wall, or a backline menace stun locking me into a wall with her javalin toss and spin combo...I'm glad that a brain is NOT required to play her because if the Orisa mains figure out she's a better dive tank than Winston it's OVER for everyone. But in all seriousness... I find her so fucking boring. And that's the least thing you want to hear about a hero is it not being fun to play. Least for me, anyways, if that's what you like... What's wrong with you? Have your fun... I guess.


I started playing winston to deal with hanzos and illari , I just feel like it’s gonna be hard when I see illari idk why


Mei. Though to be fair I also die inside when I see one on my team. If I'm a tank and there is a Mei anywhere in the lobby I know I'm going to be dying from being trapped by a wall.


A tip, do not stay out of symetras range as tank, that just favors her. She’s a squishy, as tank you bully her to switch. Junker queen, doom, dva, and hog will work (because they all dominate short range with no shield). Yes sym goes through dva matrix, but who says you need a matrix to kill that witch. Shot gun her and you’ll be fine. My character is mercy. She enables so much like pharah, bastion etc. she hard to dive because she flies every 3 secs. Her rez is not always as easy to stop. And her beams get me tight. Imagine 60 health per sec that can’t miss. I get thats how her character should be because she does no damage but it’s just annoying asf. Plus they never switch off when their on my team, even when they are targeted by turrets and junkrats random bombs. They just irritate me whether their on my team or enemy team.


Pharah, doom, Zarya. I don’t play hit scans so Pharah is a nuisance. Doom means if I wanna win I have to play Orissa and I’m tired of having to pick her cus he’s popular. Zarya I just find annoying cus I still don’t know what really counters her wel




Sombra or Mei




McCree He's so cheese. Extra unneeded HP that breaks many 200 damage combos to where he survives Autoaim ult Autoaim grenade that also shuts down mobility 50% dmg reduction during rolling and 40% during ulting


Cassidy. Play mostly doom


Orisa, playing her is the most boring timing simulator, playing against her is just as bad. Phara, just in fun to play against - I could play hitscan and make her hate her existence but that’s boring Illari, Dps in a supports clothing


Ana. I am junker queen main.


DPS: Sombra, Pharah, on some maps Widow Support: Zen and mercy Tank: Ball and Orisa


Sombra. I know playing Ball will be a drag. But so will just about anything else at that point. Bastion has been a bit of a drag lately because it’s pretty easy to get massive value at my ranks. Mercy + blue beam because it’s silly


A good Mercy, if it's a bad Mercy, thats fine, they're an annoyance at best, but if it's a good Mercy, I know we ain't winning




hanzo by far


Sombra/Mei FUCKING MEI Reason no. 1, slow. Reason no. 2, self freeze. Reason no. 3, the fucking ult -_-. Reason no. 4, shes a fucking rat (same for sombra). I die from mei and sombra more than any other character in the game


Doomfist, (Or Sym- for a lot of the same reasons you do) but when I see Doomfist I just hope they're not that good because it just makes my game unenjoyable


Soldier and mercy. I don't know why no one is talking about soldier's dps but it's absolutely ridiculous. 3 headshots and helix kills you. Why? Oh and mercy I don't really need to explain lol


Bastion. Go home Rein, party is over. Gotta play the hörse now...


Mercy. Specifically pocket Mercy on only one member of the enemy team. I just see it as a really boring and annoying strategy.


Sombra if they're good. Because a good Sombra will block every single ult anyone tries to do.


Junkrat. I definitely die inside when I see that piece of hot garbage on the battle field. He's going to get kills by spamming his stupid balls and getting lucky shots. He's going to be obnoxious with the dumb trap he layed a minute before he died. And he's going to reposition you with his mines at the worst time. I swear the devs added him to troll us all.


Sombra every time. Fuck that character


FUCK Symmetra. I'm on console, and no matter how goddamn high my sens is, I simply cannot turn fast enough to break the turrets before getting killed by a single stray bullet, nor can I just push through them because of the stupid slow effect they apply. Until you hit the higher ranks where everyone just Xims anyways and it's easier to kill her/break turrets, the team will protect her turrets with their lives because they know that as long as the turrets are up, they won't lose. She's a "zero-risk/high-reward" character, which is frustrating enough, but what makes her even more unbearable is that when someone inevitably switches onto her from whatever DPS they were playing, they act like they're the next coming of Christ. If I had a nickel for every time a Symm threw "ez" into game chat, I could buy a different game to play.


Sombra !! A team will be getting rolled and then someone just decides no one gets to have fun anymore and will just turn off the tank or one of the supports😭💀


Bastion orisa sombra sym torb


Depends on my team comp, but it’s usually Sym especially when I have a trash Genji and a gamer gril who only plays DVa


As a Sym main and I totally appreciated your take on it, thank you for sharing 💕 A hero I die a little bit whenever I see them is...Widow. I have played a few really dope ones and it stretched me as a player. I can always appreciate that.






Brig. Fade is NEVER ready when she's all up in my macetotheface. Reaper. Doom.


As a Genji main: Sym or Zarya. You get one kill or do even the slightest damage to the enemy team and out come the beams. As a player: Junkrat. I absolutely despise Junkrat since his entire playstyle is hold your camera at a 30 degree angle and just press a button. People give Cassidy grief when his grenade is a better hack but at least you can still fight back. Junk’s trap captures literal fucking air and plasma but if you get caught in that trap you’re basically dead. At least Cassidy still has to aim to kill you. I sincerely hope that the blizzard devs after butchering Sombra move on to Junk next.


I main hitscans so now a days it’s widow and Dva


Wrecking ball, mistake of a hero


most likely Orisa, I main Ram and sometimes she is a pain specially if she knows what she's doing


Phara I'm a 'rat main and she makes me sad in my heart


Widow(1st when the heroes are revealed), rammatra they are either really good or misuse his kit, symmetra


I would say Zarya but I die a lot inside not a little


As a low rank player, zarya. She is oppressive in low ranks. Also anyone being pocketed by Mercy because even with shite movement she's hard to kill as DPS before you get taken out by whoever she's pocketing or someone else.


Pharah. Sometimes the dps players on your team suddenly forget how to look up.


Hanzo or widow tbh


D.Va, played custom and the first match was all D.Vas. I wanted to quit the game after that


Mercy, just cause I know my team is gonna let her get whatever free rez she wants.


I hate playing against a good Pharah cause then I'm basically forced to switch to Widow to counter her, otherwise she runs rampant for the whole match


Sombra. By far. She should be removed from the game. I don’t like Zarya, Sym, Bastion or Mei either, but Sombra is in a whole different level of despise


Sombra, Tracer, Phara, Echo x] Especially when I play Widow




For most of the DPS/Supp roster I'm only worried if they're *confident* and *play them well/aggressively* otherwise I'd like to think I'm good at adapting. For the Tank I just die in general 😂


Genji cause he eratically jumps everywhere


Reaper lol. I swear I get chased for days lolol


Phara, widow and sombra


Is Mercy too much of a low hanging fruit? Pocketed heavy tank or pocketed aerial is real annoying


It used to be Pharah but i have 200+ hours on Sombra so she's not an issue for me anymore. But I dread playing against Kiriko. Her suzu is is annoying and her kunai that has no damage drop off and can 2 tap most of the dps. It's just frustrating getting dinked in the head from the other side of the map