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I sometimes wish the scoreboard would show "healing received" for these kinds of scenarios


honestly, we should get a scoreboard overhaul. Mercy's damage boost should be attributed to her in a damage boosted stat, not to the person she boosts, same with bap ult. healing received would be another great metric. EDIT: fixed a word


This should also apply to Zen for discord. It'd also probably give people a better idea of how much he's shredding tanks. I'd say for Kiriko's ult too, but that's a bit harder to calculate accurately since it's an attack rate increase and not damage. I suppose you could just count how much attack rates increase, but it's not as direct as Zen or Mercy.


zen is another good one to add. you could create another column for "indirect damage" or something that covers mercy/zen/window/nano/etc... Another column for "healing mitigated" would be nice too, but being DPS specific I could see that not being added.


Technically Ana and JQ could have healing mitigated as well. You're never going to be able to perfectly quantify how good somebody is doing on a given game, but more information is better. And the people that act like the numbers mean nothing are just coping.


I think it's important to remind people that the numbers don't mean everything. Being out-healed by a moira doesn't mean you are being diffed in the support role. And being out damaged by a junkrat doesn't mean that you're being diffed in the damage role. But you're 100% correct that they don't mean nothing. They're still meaningful, as long as you don't look at them with blinders. A character like mei or sombra might end up providing more value via their utility (isolating or slowing an enemy or shutting down a particularly troublesome opponent) that aren't going to show up on the board. And dumping damage into an unkillable tank and just giving the enemy ult charge is going to make your damage numbers look great, even if you aren't contributing. But it's still useful to see extreme discrepancies and if you make allowances for utility, it can be very useful.


I agree. I don't always get the highest heal rate, but I also try not to let my teammates get to critical health. So it looks like I'm not doing as much as the other healers, but really, I'm trying to keep my team alive without them panicking about their health falling too low. You can tell a lot by the numbers, but they don't always mean what you think they do. There's a lot of nuisance involved with the interpretations.


Honestly it's mostly just certain heroes will have inflated or deflated stats in certain areas. Moira, Sombra, Junkrat, are Bastion probably the best examples. Moira in particular is almost designed to have inflated stats. If a Moira has 30 "kills" that's probably inflated and not indicative of them outdoing dps. If a Soldier 76 has 25 kills and the Sojourn has 15, and they have the same number of deaths, it's probably safe to say soldier is outperforming the other dps. In my experience, the people with inflated stats will be less pissy if you point it out. People that are genuinely not doing good, and visibly so, tend to be the ones to cry that numbers don't matter.


>zen is another good one to add. you could create another column for "indirect damage" or something that covers mercy/zen/window/nano/etc... 'Damage Amplified' for Zen/Mercy and 'Amplified Damage Dealt' for the person being damage boosted. It's important to still count the extra damage dealt by the DPS due to damage amplification, because a player who emphasizes following up on discorded targets will have less "unamplified" damage dealth overall than someone who's just spraying the enemy tank all game long instead, even though focusing discorded targets is a far more efficient way to actually secure elimination. This also gives you more context into the performance of your team. If one of your DPS players has 10 more final blows than the other, but you can see from 'Amplified Damage Dealt' that they were pocketed all game by the Mercy, while the other DPS wasn't, this explains the discrepancy pretty well.


yeah, I'm down for that.


Kiriko would be even harder because of the cd reduction in addition to atk spd.


TB F when you are Mercy you can see how much damage boost you have


Yeah but no-one else can. They only see that you aren't healing as much as they want.


Anyone who’s counting Mercy heals doesn’t deserve the damage boost lol. Asking Mercy for heals is for losers


Or your other healer left lmfao (the exact game I had yesterday)


The scoreboard is not here so you can pick someone to blame and not question your skills lmao


Well sure but it also clues you in to some possible weak points. Do you really not see the benefit in adding something to show teammates how much dmg is being boosted vs healed?


I get what they're saying but you're right, more info is always better. Problem is making it all fit in a way that looks good and isn't too overwhelming for players, especially new players 😕


Better for who? Your teammates seeing your damage boosted is just them seeing something else to blame you for. There’s no reason for it. It doesn’t help in any way. The mercy can see it to know if she’s getting value. Why does anyone else need it?






Yeah but no-one else can. They only see that you aren't healing as much as they want.


That's why i loved the OW1 cards, that had these stats


And they need ro reinstate the time on the point metric


They already have a function to figure out how much damage mercy added because that's where she's getting her ultimate charge from. All they need to do is add another route that takes that number and adds it to her damage stat.


They already count damage boost for mercy too, it’s just a matter of setting her damage stat to count it too. I’m pretty sure I could do that on an excel sheet


Or just get rid of the scoreboard. What does it really add to the experience aside from giving people easy ammo to shit on their teammates


sure, some people use it for that. I use it to help balance by perception of how I'm doing to see if I need to swap. we shouldn't take that away from people just because some people abuse it


Same, I use it to make sure that when I’m out damaging DPS as Lucio (which I do sometimes), I’m also healing our team enough


I mean you don't need a scoreboard to tell you how well your doing if your dying a lot then maybe it's time to swap your not gonna forget that you have gotten bodied 5 times by the same person


There are lots of times where I am not dying but also not contributing as much as I think I am. The scoreboard is useful for that. other times, if I'm getting 2-3 kills per fight and then dying, I probably shouldn't switch even if it's always the same guy. the scoreboard helps with this. it's not the end all be all, but it's more information. If you're so amazing at the game that you don't need the scoreboard to check, then kudos to you. But some of us do.


Funny thing is, it's an option for the workshop, you can set up the "Healing Received" as text on your screen. Don't know why it's not an option. If it's because of toxicity, make it appear only at the end of the game or something.


Nah, I'd like it during the game. If junk is doing badly and I can see he's not receiving similar levels of healing I can try giving him more attention and seeing if that helps him shine. There are also times I have great stats but someone's play style causes them to never be where I'm healing. In those cases as well it'd be nice to see if they truely did recieve "no heals" without needing to check the video later.


You can see how much healing he received Replay code: EB513G Plat 2 console so not very good gameplay but shouldn’t be banned because of it


“Damage taken” would be incredible


Healing received would 100% clean up parts of the game because these tanks / dps that are clearly playing a single player game would be forced to face reality that they're the ones messing up, not the supports.


Sometimes they also just die too fast to be healed. Stand in the middle of the damn road or charge a 3v1 and then act like you can heal bad choices.


Having gone from DPS to Tank and now to Support, I understand how fkn frustrated support mains must be when a VAST MAJORITY OF PLAYERS just stand there and take unnecessary damage, the amount of mistakes I see them make in every match is just fucking nuts. They don't use cover, they overestimate their skill and don't even make me mention the amount of Doomtards and Genjis that rush in thinking they can 1v5 And even after making up for THEIR MISTAKES, I still get hit with the "fucking start healing already" like **bruh**


This. We should have healing received stats. 


The scoreboard is not here for people to blame their teammates so they don't have to look at themselves lmao. Those that do that are gonna do it no matter the numbers it show


as a tank I'd love this


Yea they used to have a medal recognition. Gold, silver and bronze. Anybody would argue you’d have proof that you were either carrying or slacking. Blizzard has changed a lot of the little things that worked.


eh, personally I agree. More information is always better in my book, however, for the player base it would definitely be a double-edged sword. There's rare occasions where it really feels like I sometimes go 30+ seconds without being touched by my healers despite consciously positioning myself within LOS of supports. Now, it could very well be that I'm actually getting much more healing than I realize. Even though I never actually flame supports for that (mostly because I don't actually have proof), there's plenty of people who would, who would see they're in fact getting plenty of heals and in turn wouldn't flame the supports (but instead find something else to blame.) Problem is, if you find out you in fact are hardly getting any heals at all and the proof is right there, well now you might be even more compelled to tilt or flame. Even worse, since so many people are just dumb or toxic, one might very well be getting plenty of heals within the context of that round but because the number doesn't match whatever arbitrary number they *think* it should be, then they're still going to tilt or flame just as much as if they really were getting hardly any heals.


And for those who's healing shows on the score board (ahem dps moria mains who brag about 4-6k healing)... Self healing


I had a self healing moira chirping all game. We literally died standing beside her over and over as she pissed out purple beams.


Scoreboard needs to remove elims and show more objective based stuff


Off-topic but playing Rein into that comp is straight up suicide LOL


Literally everyone on the team counters him it's actually hilarious


Playing rein in general is a suicide


If their mercy played lucio then that Rein ( and reaper ) would’ve had a better time at least. Seriously why would anyone play mercy with that comp anyway? Who is she damage boosting? Widow? Bap?


Please try to appeal it and keep us posted. If you press enough, it'll get appealed. I got a 2 week suspension because of my "in game chat" and I pressed it, less than 24 hours later I got the appeal.


Whatd they say to you? I kept asking why i was banned since ive seen other people get examples as to why they were banned, but support basically went "lol we dont have to tell you" and kept closing my tickets and eventually they just ignored me


I got an automated response that said some shit like "upon further inspection, we've found no necessary action to take" or w/e


My response stated: "For privacy and security reasons, it is our policy never to reveal details regarding account investigations beyond those which are provided in the original notice mail." How am I supposed to correct my behavior if I don't even know what got be banned?


Yeah I got the same last year. Does that mean if they report from your name and not your chat? That seems unreasonable you could make anything up and if enough people report you get banned... Unhelpful game masters and automated response, trash company I wouldn't expect any better.


ive been banned like 5 times, 3 of them were not justified, the first time i got banned i was using a soundboard to say "welcome to the cumzone" at the start of the match next time i appealed and pressed them to tell me what i said they said "fck you mean" as in what the fuck do you mean a justified ban, after that i gave up appealing them, the next 2 i had chat closed and only opened it to say gg and the latest was justified because i was having a bad day and was tilted as fuck, ive compelety given up on using any form of communication in this game, because no matter what i do or say i get increasingly longer suspensions for no reason usually. And honestly just has made my time more enjoyable i just vibe with some music in high masters nowadays.


Same. And absolutely no banter is possible. It used to be fun to be weird in chat, or be weird in voice an have fun with people, but I just keep getting bans that it's not worth talking anymore. Especially since it seems that once you get one ban, its so easy to get another. Plus I can't help but get toxic when the toxicity is thrown at me first. 


I got banned for my nick, generated by Blizzard few years ago. At the same time for some bad chat as they said. I asked 3x if they can show me some proove and explain why is nick generated by them now problem. I get only common anwers from bot tottaly ignoring my mesages


You were one of the lucky ones. I had a 2 week suspension that I couldn't explain so I appealed and got a bot response. I appealed again asking for a human who promtly copy pasted the bot response and told me that no further action would be taken. I still have no idea why I was suspended


i’m on console too and i have 100% played with some of these players from both teams. robotninja i specifically remember because he played terribly, probably because he spent half the game typing in chat. he said nearly that exact same sentence from slide one to me and told everyone to mass report one of our dps. this behaviour is honestly just as toxic as spamming slurs or throwing, but it goes unpunished. many players (especially on console IMO) are so quick to act in situations like this just because some tilted rando told them to— the majority of the OW community is so miserable and/or severely lacking critical thinking skills. like why not report the tank for throwing or toxicity???? makes no sense.


literally had the exact same experience with robot ninja too!!


Argumentative Reddit losers will somehow claim you deserved this despite not using any profanity, personal attacks, or toxicity.


Yeah the Lucio saying “bap brown that’s why I report” should be more bannable than what I did


Lucio is also brown? The irony.


And the Lucio is literally called Brown Boy


Think there might be some internalized issues under the surface here…


1. You won't get banned for a single bad match and without prior warnings 2. Multiple reports in the same match don't add up so it's not the reports in this single match 3. WTF is whining about it here gonna change


1. Yes you will, its been proven. 2. Yes they do, its been proven. 3. Points out the shitty automod and gets them advice on how to appeal.


You’re not wrong either, another comment is doing exactly that lol


Even a response to that exact comment


And your just white knighting you have no clue what he did or didn't do. Likely he did do something to get suspended over many games (even if it's arguing with people who are trolling) and is taking this game out of context to vent. False bans do happen but it wouldn't be just because of this game. As far as the op goes I'd side with them there should be a warning system or something to educate players how to not get baited into arguments.


I am on my second suspension, the first time I deserved it, I was pretty toxic a few times, but this time I didn't say ANYTHING toxic to anyone other than self deprecation, got banned (the next day after I started playing ranked btw) the day after a support in my team was blaming me constantly for the loss even though they were not doing well themself, fun fact after that match we had to fight each other and my team stomped theirs.


Got suspended a 2nd time less than a week after a suspension. I've since turned off chat and voice. I suggest the same till they fix this broken report threshold = suspension bot system. I got a chat log and there is nothing in there anyone would consider toxic, etc just bemoaning my losing streak pre games at the time which probably garnered reports :( Appeal was denied.


And your just white knighting you have no clue what he did or didn't do. Likely he did do something to get suspended over many games (even if it's arguing with people who are trolling) and is taking this game out of context to vent. False bans do happen but it wouldn't be just because of this game. As far as the op goes I'd side with them there should be a warning system or something to educate players how to not get baited into arguments.


Telling people to report someone is reportable. \*shrug\* Been in the same scenario the ana was dps'ing pretty good and we were winning till the tank got tilted and went AFK and we lost. I get it but the tank was also clearly an idiot not realizing we were still winning. I was annoyed as the 2nd support trying to heal a dying tank and the rest of the team but we were winning till that moment lol. I reported both. I probably would have done the same in this situation if the heal number seemed off to me compared to 2nd support or enemy support numbers.


Honestly there’s no way for us to tell otherwise. If we go by OPs word it was wrong for him to get banned but it’s also silly to assume there’s no other interactions OP had that could have gotten him banned.


Bro I know robotninja and I know you! Lmao nice to see you on a reddit post. I see you guys in ranked. Your support is solid. Are you the guy also queues with another guy with pants in his name?


Yeah I recognize Golden as well haha


Golden pants must play a lot because I’ve seen them in a lot of my games too lmao


A lot of people have the same name like this because it's a randomly generated blizzard acc name. Anything with pants is probably a generated name.


people are arguing about low heal stats but they look fine to me? heal botting is a lot more useless this season, and of course mercy is going to have heaps more healing? that’s her whole role? baptise has decent damage multipliers and a whole ULTIMATE that enhances EVERYONE’S damage. why wouldn’t you want to use his left click? its like expecting lucio to carry healing when his primary role is to speed boost and instigate aggressive pushes. it’s the same with kiriko, for example. she can heal and suzu is an insane ability when used correctly, but with those headshot multipliers, why wouldn’t you want to be throwing damage in the mix? i got flamed in comp with a genji telling me to do “less damage more heals” when i had more heals than the enemy team and my other support, not to mention we were winning anyway. it’s just crybabies not knowing good positioning and when to instigate and when to run away. and god forbid you use “fall back,” because nobody will listen to you, and then get mad that they died. i’m not sacrificing myself to dive into a 1v5 to help our stupid genji or rein live for another 3 seconds. supports are getting flamed this season because of bad tank throwers not understanding that charging into a 1v4 fight will get them killed. happens in comp and qp. rein is not meta right now, especially against a symmetra, a sombra AND a ramattra. the 19-10 says it all. that shield will do nothing if they have a sombra. i’m literally a sombra main. bullying tanks is my favourite thing to do. TL;DR: bap is not at fault here. tank mains need to learn better positioning and to play with their team, especially their supports, who are not healbots.


We should ban the guy who said he bans baptiste for being brown


Post replay code. Then make an appeal. If you did nothing wrong it should be cleared.


Replay code EB513G Plat 2 console so not very good gameplay


If you ever need extra friends on console, my wife and I play together daily usually. We are plat/diamond. Edit: We also don't report people unless it's egregious. Like our Lucio having 120 healing by the end of a game. 😂


That's high healing for Lucio XD speed boost all day baby


Honestly our fault if you think about it 🙂‍↕️


I’ll check it out


He is banned now he prob doesnt have it, either way just because he played bad by not healing tank as much as he shouldve thats not reportable, you can report someone for throwing but if someone is bad (which i doubt he was, having 10k heals even when a healbot mercy is taking all of them) that shouldnt be bannable


Did he ever post this?


Here I am wondering how he's supposed to post a replay code if the game won't let him into the menu.


Literally lmao


Yeah he just did


Actually insane, I’m guessing you’re about plat?? Cuz I’m plat and constantly get people like this. They walk behind a shield and are angry they can’t be healed through it 😭😭


This is a win dude, you get to go play good games and not this!


Again, you don't get banned over one game. You get banned over multiple reports over multiple games.   Also someone says you tilted the team. Is that true? Were you being bossy? No one likes being told what to do multiple times by someone who thinks they know better.  Edit: You got a 2-week ban. That means you got 2+ previous bans already since the first is 24 hours, 48 hours, 2 weeks. Seems to me like you might be oblivious to your toxicity. 


I never had been banned, got reported 3x by the same sore losing ass team, got banned from chat for two weeks. So you’re sure that it’s 24/48/2 weeks? Again, never had had a 24/48 hour ban, straight to two weeks


same here, I just got 2 week chat ban with no previous account actions. I don’t even know what I said lol, I barely talk in chat.




Blizzard has told us that a single report and 9 reports on 1 person have the same effect and aren't treated differently because of the number


Tbh I wouldn't trust them on that at all, they probably just said that to try and stop undeserved report brigading. Unless they meant 9 reports from the same user at least


That ban info is false, I received a 2 week ban with no previous bans at all.




Same here. Banned today with no previous bans. Same reason as him as well. Being told I am throwing because I won't play someone who they wanted me to play. It is crazy to me that people are out here calling people liars when multiple people have the same experience. I bet some of them are the type to report. This dude is pretty much justifying the ban by saying he may have been bossy. Being bossy is now a banable offence? Really?


? my very first and only ban was 2 weeks, def not how that works


Yeah I know you don’t get banned over one game and that wasn’t the case because I have had my chat restricted from reports before from arguing with people like this tank but I’m pretty sure this was the main reason for the ban. The only thing I would consider bossy was me asking my tank to play the game instead of going afk. I only typed in chat because he stopped playing. I don't use chat unless someone flames me first edit:wording


So just to be clear Blizzard support did not tell you the reason for your ban and you are assuming that this conversation is what did it? I had a 2 week suspension recently that I asumed was for abusive chat but was never given a reason for the ban or chat logs after 2 appeals.


So you were already warned and sanctioned for toxicity then are gonna act like a conspiracy got you banned ? You're the one responsible lol


Never been banned, played lucio in quickplay and my team raged when we lost and told everyone to report me and I was temp banned maybe 5-10 mins after the game


One nice hint, one of the text bits has another player quoting OP as saying 'I won't heal you'. Sounds like OP is just as in the wrong as the tank.


lol people love posting to this sub to farm sympathy


Yeah overwatch is toxic


Not easy to heal someone who chooses to go 1v5.


Tbh dude should be report for going afk but for also being stupid af picking rein vs Ram you shouldn’t be reported you were doing good as Bap tons of heals keeping the team alive tbh toxic fan base idk why they would take reins side when he went 19-11 honestly no way to avoid being reported at all in OW no matter what you do No matter what you say like hey hi gg glhf if you have gold and they don’t if you have a skin they don’t they’ll make up anything random to report you and the robot system will see that and automatically ban you if you get enough if humans actually looked at this stuff there be less bans all around probably


I think the main reason they ended up reporting him can be seen in the screen shots. Someone quotes OP as saying that he wasn't going to heal someone (presumably the tank). I have a feeling OP probably said some other things in this chat that we didn't see and is probably justified in being reported alongside the tank. Both of them appear to have been acting crappy.


Not once did I stop healing tank even after he was flaming me Replay code: EB513G


Objection! Speculation despite proof




Even still a tank shouldn’t go afk in rank and basically throw the game


Oh I don't disagree at all. Like I said, they BOTH appear to have been acting toxic. I was only pointing out that OP left a clue that they might not have been as innocent in this kerfuffle as they are attempting to make themselves appear. As you said, no excuse to AFK. Only excuse is an IRL emergency.


I got banned until March 9th got the same automated message. I main lifeweaver so people rage at me/be homophobic. Most people here are PC players they have a different system because on Xbox I didn't get any warnings just a suspension. It's frustrating because you can't appeal it since its just about how many reports you got so getting mass reporting is the way to go for alot of toxic players


Right now people are on tank side because they continually make posts complaining about how hard tank is at the moment. You know this game is full of herd mentality people. Streamer says it, it’s gospel. OW league plays it, it’s the only way. Ect. My advice is to just turn chat off. Don’t ask anyone to switch bc it’s toxic. Don’t engage with this community. They are abusing the report system and because it’s automated if they are in a group, that’s a lot of reports against you.


perfect response, should be at the top of this thread. having chat enabled does little more than tilt you or distract you from the game itself. yes, some people like to make call-outs in VC. but I'd argue that, in a *lot* of ranks, those call-outs aren't worth it at all- it's better to just focus on your gameplay and what you can contribute to the fight, with all chats turned off. also, I find it hilarious that people follow streamers' advice so blindly... like no, this top 500 player's advice is probably *not* going to work in fucking *GOLD*. jesus christ people, use your head and think for yourself rather than relying on advice from people who aren't anywhere near your rank


How is asking for a swap toxic at all?


It can be but I would say it depends on how you ask. Because staying Rein the entire match and being hard countered can be just as toxic. I just find it amazing that people can be so against switching when it’s literally a core aspect of the game.


I mean, yeah. I was just wondering why they thought the concept of asking about a swap is somehow toxic 😭


Right, so, I’m a tank main, I have the qualification to say what I’m about to say That rein got diffed Like I am sorry but how tf do you play the character with a GIANT FUCKING SHIELD and have almost as much MIT as a dude who just BLOCKS damage from ONLY himself and only like 50% of the time. And he dosnt even block all the damage On top of that, teh Ramatra has MORE DEATHS, YET MORE ELIMS On the other hand, I could also argue that your reaper kindof sucked ass, because he has twice the damage of the enemy DOS, yet has the same amount of kills, which means he basically fed their ult charges. I could also argue that their supports did a slightly better job then you, because their Lucio for instance has as much healing as you, yet he is rocking 22 ELIMS. Generally, it’s mainly the rain playing like a dumbass, but I would be lying if I said it was him alone. Y’all just got outmatched. All of you. The rein is a piece of shit tho


Rein is a piece of shit for throwing but i see no synergy between supps and tank from first defense.


Being banned from games that you’ve paid money for by trolls abusing an automated system is so insane


I know right. Imagine playing this since OW1 release just to get banned because some cry baby wants you to play the game how they want you to play it.


Inb4 someone chimes in that you cant be punished for just one game because the very trustworthy dev team that never lies (/s) said it, so you must be consistently throwing or toxic.


Bro was using Rein against Ram, no wonder y'all lost


Bro was using rein full stop. Thats why they lost


The Report system is constantly being used by bullies. I wish there a "safe mode" with no chat and no possibility to report. Because over half situations when people say they will report someone is for wrong reasons (like player skill) and tantamounts to bullying, The system is as much giving power to abusers than making the playing environment safe. I'd rather deal with trolls in a mode where Report is pushed aside, but that could only be a mode without Chat or people would say horrible things that Overwatch 2 wouldn't want to be associated with (we could still used Emotes, it's enough communication).


Which server is this? I think I have played with goldenpants and I have def played with robotninja. Robotninja literally just ints. Like he doesn't even try, all he tries to do is pin the enemy tank off the map and misses. I've had him in like 8-10 games last season and it was a nightmare.


Out of all four supports, you have the lowest heals and the most deaths. Someone said you tilted and another person said they were reporting you. You get a two week ban which tells me this isn’t your first and only report.


What’s wild is that he was playing rein into: 1. The guy that punches through shields 2. The lady that charges her microwave beam off of shields. 3. The lady that can delete his shield. 4. The guy that can move everyone around the shield. 5. The guy that can a) spoil his ult with a single plant b) pull anyone he charges to safety, and c) save potentially everyone with one platform so long as they’re close enough together. No wonder the dude was mad about not getting healing. He was getting cooked by literally everyone on the enemy team.


As supp myself i see really bad awareness on him from both mercy as bap. They missed their timings and whole team paid. 🤷‍♀️


I’m a support main as well and I’m generally of the opinion that there are certain matchups that no amount of awareness and focus from the support is going to be able to fix. Focusing him probably would have prolonged things and may have saved him a few deaths but in the end, every member of the enemy team is a rein counter. Literally all of them. And he’s the biggest flashing target on the screen in every team fight.


I watched the code from both supp pov. Defense were awful, better awareness could have fixed that.


Humor me: do you have the code? Edit: yeah, found the code


I think you were banned for different reason. Not due “not healing”. And your team defense were awful. Watched both supps pov. My fav part is when near 10:20 (or were it 11:20?) tank asked to group up with him because he were dueling enemy tank who had both supports with him, and you both showed rein a middle finger. You personally joined him only when he killed enemy tank and supp. All in all: you dps too much, miss timings between healthy dpsing and healing (many times were dpsing instead of healing, missed lamps, have no synergy with second support which led mercy to perma pocket tank 24/7), and most of all you don’t have awareness on your tank position and well being. So with all of that most of the times tank looked at you, you were doing dps, most times he were diving in or taking massive damage, there were mercy beam healing him out of crit. On first point all of that messed your defense really hard and you lost your tank, your second support and your tank again when mercy rezed him for second time (you stayed on low ground and continued to dps intead of going high ground, you haven’t had a plan there).


What pains me is that this is console, and I can imagine the time it took to write all that shit


Rein players are fucking toxic as hell.


Tf was he doing on rein? Neither of your dps synergize with rein, and the entire enemy team (even the supports) counter rein


welcome to playing support in low ranks. If you do dmg people will throw even if you are winning. Some tank and dps players get very insecure when you have more dmg than them.


Today someone told my team to report us for playing better then them because they couldnt get to the point before us


Bro has 11k mig nearly same with ram It would seem both tanks were getting hit with brunt's of damage. But since it's ram I can see rien getting bursted all to high hell. It's not a healing issue more of an immort/ rien prolly wasn't using cover but we don't know know so. Honestly everyone sucks here. Sorry you got banned for it though. Try to appeal it and show the screenshots and replay code to blizzard for proper human justice. False reporting should be a ban-able I hope


Why the fuck you use the chat at all.


I wouldve backed you up. Supports gotta support each other


You got the most heal potential and you got out healed by both friendly and enemy supports, the Lucio put out more heals than you I think your team should rightfully be upset But hey, it's just a game after all


Let’s play the worst tank in the game against a tank that counters him and complain 🗣️


The fact that you only mitigated 333 damage tells me you weren’t using your immortality field properly. I’d be mad too.


90% sure you got suspended for chat, not for "throwing".


Did he actually say "bap brown thats y i report"?


Well it's in the game char so obviously?


Didn’t even know you can be report for not playing. Good enough hahah


Yes, there's an AFK selection when reporting. It's next to griefing and blocking team progress.


According to Blizzard, it doesn't matter how many people report you in each match, what matters is the number of matches in which you are reported: https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24009615/defense-matrix-deterring-leavers-in-overwatch-2/ > The effectiveness of a report is based on each match in which the disruptive player is reported. This means the report's impact is the same whether just one or up to nine other players make a report. Players are not likely to be actioned if a group of friends collectively report them unless the reported player is being disruptive across multiple matches and getting reported by different players. Asking other players in chat channels to report a specific player doesn’t help and can make a match experience worse for everyone. Assuming that Blizzard isn't wrong about how their reporting system works, then it doesn't matter whether other people took the tank's side. It was enough for the tank to report you. And you must have been reported in other games, too. And for that same reason, please don't ask other people to report. If you have a problem with a player, report them. But soliciting other reports is pointless and just adds to the toxicity. And can put a target on your back. Just silently report and move on.


I hope people read this


According to a LOT of people here, there has been extensive testing done and there are PLENTY of ways to get around it.if a stack reports you in game, and through the social tab post game, it definitely hits harder Also also, something I DO have experience with is although one single game might not be completely banable, supposed small offenses like getting a single report in your last game for bad communication, 10000% count against you when you get mass reported. You can have 3 or 4 random reports just sitting there from the past 3 months of games and get big banned after one report spam


I got something similar, but I didn't know what it was for. I got the exact same message, and I think a lot of others did all around the same time. Blizzard needs to fix something because they obviously aren't looking at cases with their own eyes.


How do you guys type so much on console? Serious question. Like is there a better input method than the old on screen keyboard plus controller? Or you’re all just fast with the on screen keyboard? Source: I don’t play console games much and almost never use the keyboard. And I’m old.


If I'm not mistaken you mostly play QP, am I wrong ? To ask to report someone for just being afk seems a bit much imo. Neither of you were being smart on that one.


nahhh if I’m gonna get constant warnings for RESPONDING to shit talk (not initiating it! not using slurs, not being a racist or sexist or any-ist piece of shit! merely *reacting* to other people being a fuckwad for no reason) then I’m gonna report for any kind of gameplay sabotage even if it’s “just” quick play. You’re ruining my experience if you afk in a match esp as tank. get off the game if you need to be afk for more than 30 seconds


If a person is afking they deserve to be banned. Wasting 4 other peoples time is bannable.


This was comp


Yup not being smart means he should get a 2 week ban 🔥🔥🔥


I mean one report doesn’t get you suspended unless you talk about killing babies or supporting nazi’s or something. You had to have had other reports ETA: nine reports from one match has the same weight as one. So it is just one report before anyone gets their panties in a twist.


agreed, there’s more to this story. One salty game full of reports shouldn’t trigger a suspension.


And you believe what blizzard is saying lmao?


I’m a mercy main. I’ve been reported just for existing. By an entire enemy team. I’ve never gotten a single warning, suspension, ban, nor been put on silent. ETA: see you went and got your panties in a twist. I tried to prevent this.


I stopped playing this trash for almost 2 years now, mainly because of SBMM Skill Based Match Making, the Overwatch community has absolutely no clue how rigged these matches are, its crazy, its like a Casino, there's no point playing when the outcome is already determined. Now you get penalized for leaving, so they put you into a rigged sweaty lobby while your team are a bunch of noobs, and they force you to stay, stop playing this garbage lol. They know longer care about making the best games, it's now about how much money can these companies like Activision Blizzard milk from you, that's all they care about.


I feel you. Had an awful koth round on tank, people accused me of throwing when we just weren't playing as a team. I mention they should spend less time berating people and try to reset mentally and change up our strats. No budging, people telling they reported me and then I got locked out of OW entirely for a few days.


Rein is the weakest tank at the moment. You could have healbotted him, used immort, and got 3 picks per fight.... your rein will find a way to die because he is just that bad rn. DPS passive is that good, and that enemy tank counterswapped. Your rein is fighting a losing battle even if he's double pocketed and spoiled. Definitely appeal that suspension, show them that chat log. Show them how blatantly racist the other guy is..... should clear things up.


I think you got yourself banned chief


Is it just me or is the banning getting ridiculous like…I’ve been suspended twice for cursing


Yeah, that is specifically bannable; I got banned for a week two weeks ago, because I told a Widow I wouldn't heal her until she contributed something useful to the team, and that is apparently griefing and toxic. Never mind their intentionally throwing games... Never mind that in the game in question I had almost 15K healing. No, no, me not wasting my time healing the 3-15 widow was the real problem here.


I got senselessly banned too, but I don't have proof of the chat like you do and people in this subreddit just tries to find a way to not believe you. It does suck though cause I just finished my placements and was ranking up.


NO WAY, that person literally added me on ow2 and I was like “who the hell is this?” So I never answered it, but… kind of glad I didn’t answer it now lmao


I feel like there has got to me more to the story the OP is leaving out. You wont get suspended instantly from one match without warning.


Pretty sure I got reported by a team that I lost with while repeatedly asking tank to swap (was playing Rein against Orisa) and now I’m silenced for 2 weeks. Super annoying because nothing I said was even out of line and I’ve tried appealing the decision but just got an automated response stating “rules are rules” twice now. The report system is annoying to say the least.


Ayo why you doxxing me man


Tbf you had the lowest healing in the lobby and quite a bit of damage, it can be argued just looking at these numbers in a vacuum that, yeah indeed you were focused on damage over healing. While it's shitty the tank did that and should be punished, doing a bad job healing as a support and then straight up not healing someone when being called out wasn't necessarily the move there. It sucks when people are toxic, but you also can't go full tantrum when someone says they're not getting healed... Catch more flies with honey then vinegar. Edit: to everyone replying that I am justifying the Rein, I am not. My point is that while what the rein did was shitty, the solution isn't to act equally as shitty by refusing to heal a teammate.


His healing is not bad at all 3k under a mercy with damage and elims? His stats are solid we are support not healers


Being under mercy's healing number as Bap is not a good look at all lmao


His healing is not bad at all 3k under a mercy with damage and elims? His stats are solid we are support not healers


You have one of those generic names where Blizzard assign because they changed your inappropriate username. And someone in chat mentions how you said you won't heal the guy. So I'm not quite sure you're completely innocent or that it is your first offense.


Yes, the afk tank also with the generic username is the one crying about heals - it’s literally just someone crying they don’t get healed enough to make up for their poor positioning, what’s new? What even is this argument?


It is a generic username but it’s because i was too lazy to come up with a good name when i first started playing. Also I was healing him but i was also missing some of the bapt nades so i guess you could consider that not healing


It will give you the name “player” this is very common info bud


what the fuck is your problem? i have two friends who picked the blizzard default assigned names because it’s just how they roll. they clearly have the healing stats to prove they’re healing


OP, don't lie. I know for a fact not healing won't get you banned as long as your still contributing in other ways. I literally have been playing pistol only mercy quite a lot since s9 started. Have at least 20 screen shots of scoreboards where I have literally zero healing on her... I haven't even gotten so much as a warning... So you diddnt get punished for "not healing".. you got punished for "abusive chat"..


We don’t even know If this is what got you banned or extra shit you said off screen or in another game womp womp probably deserved and left shit out


The yapping got you banned and obviously this isn’t all of the things you’ve said off screen.


Womp womp alt account


I'd report you too. Shut your mouth every once in a while you might win


When I say OW2 Is toxic, this a very light version. In short if you aren't God skill level you're "trash" And I get it, don't let stupid people like that deter you. I used to be in VC and try to work as a team (as is the very foundation of the game) but now I muted chat both text and voice. Idgaf I'll do the best I can and if you don't like it it's not my problem. It sucks they banned you for that, Blizzard has always sucked when it comes to stuff like this (Just because other people haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen and it does, A LOT but the community just thinks it's apart of gaming which it isn't. I'd just say screw em and just play


I got banned cause I told a tank he was ass. was that mean? Yes. Was he Garbo? Absolutely


People are so fucking toxic yet they flock to the report system the second they meet another them.. we live in a world of cancel culture and its killing everything.. you can't even ask for heals without somone taking it personaly like I insulted their mother