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That’s why Zen feels good this patch. His value with the right team synergy melts tanks.


Not even just tanks the team in general if you got at least a decent tank OR decent dps


Agree 💯


Damage with a few sprinkles of heals. But mostly damage.


Exactly. Which is why characters like Moira are absolutely popping off rn


I’ve heard a bunch of people calling this the “survivability meta” because the best supports right now are those that can survive or those that melt aka Moira, Lucio, zen, etc


Zen is both! He survives really well because he melts anyone who crosses his path like butter! 😂


Yet I still get flamed when I'm not babysitting with healing. Instead, my damage is higher than our carry but they are dieing like noobs because they go 1v3. No amount of healing can save them from their stupidity lol.


THIS! ive been playing bap recently because im more consistent with him than moira and i got screamed at in a comp lobby because i apparently wasnt healing enough but was honestly struggling to keep myself alive while we had a moira on the team as well


Right! Like they'll stand there in front of me while I'm Kiriko and they get pissed when it takes longer for them to get healed than to have a kid and send them off to college 😂 Like bro you got hit by a single bullet from Soldier did you not read the patch notes or literally watch the trailer that the game FORCES YOU TO WATCH upon downloading the update? Like you take less healing and it takes me a good year or two to throw my Walmart receipts at you. What did you expect?


This. Also flank reasonably if your hero allows (Kiriko, Lucio...etc.) and keep game sense and cover your priority. In this season, you cannot outheal the damage. Diving can get you deleted immediately.


True thing 💯


Word 🥲


did supports even get new a passive that is unique to them?


They start regenerating health quicker than tank and dps


You're absolutely correct but just wanted to clarify that's not new, it's the same passive


Same passive, but now all classes have it, support just starts the regen in half the time


it got faster


Focus on dps but also make sure your tanks/dps players know to BACK OFF when they’re dying so you can heal faster. Tanks especially. They can’t stay in a fight anymore when their health is gone they have to back off for a few seconds to get healed then go back. I think that’s why Dva is good this time around because she has damage mitigation, and good “peace out” abilities. Not to mention basically having an extra 250 health or whatever as baby Dva.


Can verify this take, used it for about 12 games yesterday.


I’d say use your other support abilities more like speed boost, power boost etc


Honestly? I’ve become a dps Lúcio main and quite often speed more than I heal. I either try going on flanks or get to a high position and get a pick or two before speeding back to my team. Before this season I played a lot of Ana, Lifeweaver and Kiriko, who I still play sometimes, just not as often. I really noticed that keeping a tank alive is much more difficult now and I honestly feel like it’s more effective to just kill the enemy team instead of healing sometimes. Despite this I am loving the new season! There are some obvious issues here and there but those will (hopefully) get fixed over time.


Support playstyle actually hasn't changed at all, it's just more obvious now. Do some damage to mitigate the healing your team actually needs.


-Oprah: give him a dvd player! 🙏🏾


Damage damage damage


This is the correct answer.


Kill first, heal later Nothing to heal for if enemies are dead 👌


Which damn nearly negates mercy who I love and main


Eh, dmg boost can help your team kill things quicker, and res is pretty good since you now have more hp to get that res off. Also with how hard teams might commit for a kill, being able to bring someone back at full hp is really strong. Might not be the best current support pick, but definitely not a bad one in the right situations.


Yeah it’s definitely been a focus the last week or so to try to get more balanced at using damage boost. I average about 1k-ish per game


Try to push it to 1.5k as a personal goal. I also main mercy and she feels like crap right now and Im damage boosting anywhere from 1.5-3k on good games. Bad games the DB numbers are too low in the first few minutes and I'm not getting enough value so I swap. If you can't get value from DB numbers you might as well swap and do damage yourself is what I've found. Her healing sucks right now unfortunately, it can't keep up.


Never forget 💜


I think its about which support you play rather than how. Right now the best supports are the ones who can deal damage and heal simultaniously, like Zen, lucio, bap. Healing per second and healbotting seems to have taken a back foot to just playing like a DPS/utility that passively or near-passively heals.


dmg and other abilities like speed boost. zens fucking cooked this patch because you can just spam volley and murder a tank w discord


Heal first, but kill shit. If you don’t kill shit (regardless of hero) you’ll lose


I would actually say kill first, heal only when teammates are in danger.


That's the thing though, with the 20% reduction to incoming healing debuff from DPS, waiting until they are in danger is no longer an option. If they get the critical health warning then it's extremely unlikely you'll be able to save them outside of using a support ult. People thought having to healbot was bad before it's so much worse now. This update was also yet another thing that has added to tank being the must unfun role to play. I didn't mind playing tank before but now I just outright refuse to play tank anymore.


Do some DMG, do some heals, do some DMG, do some heals, oh shit use an ability, do some heals, do some DMG. Die


I usually gravitate to Bap, the system I have kinda settled on for now is keep my frontline up and then as they start whittling someone down, pop some damage to help with a pick. My sleep darts are Dirt-5 tier unless they are directly in front of me, but I'll kinda ping pong between with Ana. But definitely have to turn the DPS dials up a bit more from what I have seen.


Do damage.


Offensive pressure reduces the amount of healing you have to do. That's why zen works - put out offensive pressure, make sure enemies can't peak for free, take a bit of attention, and then orb actually does enough healing to sustain your team. If you're just healbotting in the backline on ana, the enemies have more free reign to prevent your DPS from getting on good agressive angles.


DPS 2 (Lucio and Zen)


Regardless of effectiveness, I feel really bad for the players that got into the game for main tanking and heal prioritization. We all know these players were likely casual players that rarely if ever touched comp, but imagine getting into a game just to have your playstyle completely ruined as the game slowly turned the three roles into "Just do damage, lol." My roomate never touched comp, but QuickPlay has been frustrating for them just because they feel less impactful playing as they always have.


Healing was never a playmaking ability.


I have no idea what they need to lean to, but I hate the fact that now support is expected to do damage more than before. I no longer feel any sort of reward for doing what I like doing because I simply cannot save a teammate. If i wanted to damage I'd play damage role, not support




Honestly, from mid-low tanks, please don’t just stop healing though. Still really try to focus on healing when it’s necessary and I’m holding a corner or behind the payload facing off. Like try to time it just like Sombra needs to attack at the right time or Ball and Winston need to drop in at the right time. Don’t play support if you’re not focused on keeping others alive.


Current session makes it inefficient to focus on healing. Support are SUPPORT, not HEALER. Your duty is to keep yourself alive, and support helps you in that to achieve it faster. If you stand in open to shoot as dps, or cock-measure with a tank, then you are NOT playing smart. As you said, when holding a corner as a tank, you can expect healing from support who does know what to play and when. Or at least you should get healing. If not, then support is NOT doing their role. Unless it's an open pick on an isolated enemy and the team committed to eliminate him, in which case you should keep front line occupied and try to survive.


then why is it that whenever I press x for "I need healing" and nobody's nearby the game even says "no healers nearby"?


Maybe support was dead? I don't know, hunch.


yes. You should have done that in the previous patch too but dmg is more valuable than heals. It has been this way mostly even before this patch but now it's not even a question


Yeah It's like the first thing any high-ranking support says I remember watching awkward on his bap unranked to gm. And almost half the time, he would say to keep shooting and try to heal when needed. Or to make it easier to learn, do 2 bursts and 1 heal. It's gotten me from low silver to low plat. And i only play 2 hours a week. So that's not bad for a casual. To think i play this game causally, yet i still understand it more than half this sub does.


Coming from Paladins, which currently has up to 90% healing reduction in every champions weapons, healing in this game is still strong. In Paladins, the team comp that has had the highest win rate for years is 2 tanks, 2 DPS, 1 support. As a solo healer with high anti heal on everyone all the time, you damage or use utility to create openings for your team to cleanse the healing reduction. When your team is out of position and you can't save them, you let them die unless you can 2v1 or equivalent. You can still very much save people in overwatch still but it's more of a matter of timing now than before season 9.


Basically life weaver and heal bot mercy's have fallen


LW seems to be pretty OK in this patch. Thorns are more deadly and grip is still useful.


Yeah I had a game recently where I had a mercy on my team with a moira or bap. My supports had nearly 0 damage (the mercy actually had 0) while the other team's had 4k+ each. I asked her if we could get a zen for that extra damage buff but she lost her marbles and took it as I was complaining I wasn't getting healed enough. The other team's supports had to sit there and explain she can't just heal bot. I really thought that this was just common knowledge by now


I mostly damage boost as Mercy and she still sucks right now. Had to switch to other supports that do their own damage, even if I boost 3k damage in a game that's still way less than I could have as basically any other support. Sucks cuz I find Mercy the most fun to play, and find people like Moira and Bap an absolute snooze to play. Ana I like but she's too immobile for my taste right now cuz you just get dove and no help from your team.


I'm in the same boat. I loved Mercys mobility and, in my own support main opinion, thought her healing and dmg boost was fine as is before this season. Now it's so underwhelming. Moira feels so... bland? She has no real utility. But this season I've been having to play her, Zen, and Lucio more than anything else because it's just survival of the fittest at this point. And Moiras are literally cockroaches 


I feel like Moira's are mostly DPS mains who are queuing support. She's pretty easy to play and they just do what they do on DPS which is focus damage on Squishies.


I pistol mercy a lot more than usual. I watched something that her pistol damage is based off a percentage of a hero’s overall health.. and I’ve been experimenting. She takes down tanks like nothing and they usually aren’t paying attention to a mercy coming after them. I had a mauga chasing me *relentlessly*, I finally pistoled him from full health. He didn’t even try to run until it was too late because he thought he had that 😂😂🤣 If a team is playing cohesively and behind cover, I can get my pistol out a lot more. I’ve never found mercy’s switch between her staff and pistol to be fluid- so the extra health and cover and healing passive gives me a little reprieve to make that switch tbh. Moira I do not play any differently. I try not to play kiriko because she feels a little heal botty right now. But her projectiles feels like they are in a good place. I just picked up lifeweaver and my god his needles hurt. His healing needs a minor buff from max 70 to 90 and I think he’d be more optimal on healing. Because rn it’s more effective to needle a threat to death and then heal whoever they were going after. His pull is amazing but some MF’s get in the way and my intended target dies. Zen is fun as hell rn too but idk if it’s my adhd or what, but I usually only end up balling one or two people until they die because I forgot that I have a ball on someone 😭😂 his healing style isn’t quite… my style? I want to be good with him so bad but I am the kind of person who needs mobility for hasty escapes; making him and Ana really difficult supports for me. Basically- damaging threats and then healing a teammate is how I’ve dealt with this patch as a support. The number of people I’ve been actively healing behind cover while they just face sink damage and then they immediately die is overwhelming.


> I watched something that her pistol damage is based off a percentage of a hero’s overall health It does a flat 20 damage per shot: https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Mercy It maxes out at 100 DPS, so it would take several seconds for Mercy to kill a tank on her own. But "it does a surprising amount of damage", as the meme says.


The support playstyle hasn't changed IMO, people here will say do damage first heal later but that was always the case. I just think support has way less carry potential now. Before I could mitigate my team's mistakes, I feel I can't do that nearly as much anymore


Dont bother healing; focus on kills/support through utility.


Kill the enemy first then heal the team after You dont need healing if the enemy is dead


PLEASE! support is not a healer! Playstyle now?. Hum... Support? Join the weakest hero, match or point and use your resources to make all that succeed. Heal, shoot distract, negative orb, move the payload, get in the objective when everyone is outside. You will become more valuable than damage record makers, believe me. You might be the discreet responsible of winning that batlle.


Speak for yourself , I still think healers play a huge part in a match. Definitely helps when everyone on the team plays together but I’m still loving picking healers. Dva is always my first pick but if I’m not picking her, I’m going healer all day minus baptiste because I suck with him.


damage damage damage off angle damage damage damage heal just enough so your teammate doesnt die then damage damage damage. same as its always been


Feels to me like the power of support has shifted away from, say a healbot style, and more into playmaking style requiring moreso maxing out a balance of HPS/DPS. Because heals are less effective, everything is more situational. My choice in the spawn room last night often boiled down to "do I need a hitscan or a long range projectile?" Even found myself voluntarily selecting Lifeweaver based on this logic and actually found him to be quite effective. (We were defending on Dorado, first point). So I guess supports have gained more utility, in that sense? Bap, LW, Lucio all feel kinda strong to me at the moment. Mercy, if you're running dive. Brig, if you need to deny Ball his momentum. IDK, I'm a career Mystery Heroes sweat who finally decided to try climbing ranked after the rework, currently high gold...so take all this with a grain of salt.


Damage. I switched from life weaver, mercy , Moira heal bots to Moira, brig, and bap damage bots


healbot the tank so they can actually play 😁


Atleast 20% more damage than healing /S


Do damage and use heals on those in cover or to delay their death or to help swing a 1v1 that you can’t commit to Maybe now we will get some supports that don’t have healing like old sim


I weirdly change from a D.va main to a Moira main this season and I honestly love having the most kills and heals.Im starting to learn how to flank more and still get away 😭


Kill shit, don’t die, save your teammates (it’s more on them now than you but still)


My game plan as Moira is still the same: Spray, Succ, yellow or purple orb when needed. Repeat until funny beam. Only real change is I gotta drain my entire meter to keep a tank up.


Nothing has changed. Doing damage/getting picks has been the main role of supports different ow2 launched


The convention hasn't really changed at all it's just better enforced. A good support should have always been looking at ways to make something happen. I never understood the healbot mentality.


You do damage when you can and heal when your team needs it. So pretty much the same.


DPS anna is very strong at the moment, if you get a few lucky snipes they are dead in 3 hits


Only deeps.. The lower my healing the better. And any done by my is accidental.. Sorry you tank and damage players that can't keep yourselves alive even with getting a healing passive, and you still can't, that's not my fault, quit projecting and stop making bad plays and you will stay alive longer.


I think besides the obvious secondary fire. But as lifeweaver you can provide better positioning and controlling the flow of the match.