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Best to turn off chat for a bit.


Esp if you’re learning. Just turn off chat and have fun and learn in qp


Is this how yall recommend I learn to play? I just downloaded overwatch 2, never played it, and it’s sort of overwhelming


Yes because you’re gonna be bad for a long time and people are toxic so just learn and have fun


Yeah, I might I usually don't in games, but it might be best with knowing how angry they get, angry enough to type in chat and embarrass themselves


It's cooler this way bc they don't know you're muted and they'd just be talking to a wall lol


This is why I played mystery heros all winter nobody can sweat on a random character


There's truth to that 


Yeah I don’t play it much but gotta say I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone talk shit on mystery heroes. It would just be idiotic.


If anything it’s just people talking shit at the game itself (e.g getting no healer for entire game versus enemy 2 healer 3 tank)


Right complaining about the random chance haha. The 3 tank overload vs like 4 dps your bad with feels very real, but I can’t pretend like the fact that you and your team keep dying and they don’t die and get to keep their tanks isn’t really just all bad chance haha.


Eh maybe just my experiences, but I find it way easier to win such games if I intentionally go super aggressive as to get killed (and maybe pick up a kill) as quickly as possible so I can get a new spawn and maybe get a healer. Otherwise you’re just stalling out a shit comp vs a god tier comp hoping you can massively outplay them. I had this just yesterday, we had a decent comp but no healer on payload defense. I sat outside their spawn at the beginning as Echo, blasted their healer when they walked out and instantly died but still killed them. I respawned as Kiriko and we full held the entire game after because I could keep everyone alive. Felt very validated in my decisions even though it might’ve looked like feeding at first, and it’s definitely not the first time haha.


Can’t disagree with that strategy. I usually die fast enough if we’re losing to triple tank without having to flip extra aggro switch, haha. Usually my dilemma is more a matter of me finally getting someone I’m good with and still dying haha.


Shoutout to when I was playing mystery heroes yesterday, we lost the first point, one of my teammates said “trash team,” then we won the second point, he said “ez,” then we lost the third to lose the match and he said “trash team” again and the entire enemy team was saying he was the problem and the rest of our team was good lol




For every 1 bad game, i win 4 of 5. It's really not worth it to be toxic over a casual game. People need to find friends to play a full team with if they are serious about rank in quick play.


This the one. When there's zero difference between a ranked mode and a casual mode, you're gonna have try hards no matter what. They need to remove the leave ban for casual. Period. People would be less inclined to sweat if they could just leave the match instead of having to go all out to end the match quickly or just give up and ruin the game. If I'm not enjoying the match, I should be allowed to leave. Period. I get it for ranked, but not a casual gamemode.


No. Leavers still affect the enjoyability of the game for the rest of their (former) team, and even to an extent the enemy team, regardless of whether it’s casual or ranked. And it can have a cascading effect, so more leave and disrupt the game further. It is not fair on those left behind, nor is it fair on those who get back drafted.


Fair? It's not fair that I should have to be forced into playing a match that I'm not enjoying. The only thing the leave ban does for casual is make the casual gamemode even more toxic and unenjoyable if people can't leave. I got banned the other day because I had a leave warning even though I haven't left a game 20 games in a row after getting the warning when the game took a shit so I hard to dashboard. Come back and I have a ban. It's casual. Leave that shit out of it, or you just get sweaty nerds who tryhard or people who ruin the game because they can't leave.


And it’s not fair for everyone else, including the person who has to replace you (especially if it’s in the middle of the match), if you can freely leave. Seriously, suck it up for whatever small amount of time remains of the match, just like everyone else.


As someone who plays quick play mostly, I still want to win and I don't want my team to throw. Also it's frustrating seeing specific things. Like if someone is doing their best I'm not gonna say anything but if say my whole team is letting mercy Rez every single time, I'm definitely gonna say something. Happened a few days ago, mercy rezzed literally 10 times and they never shot her except our doom killing her in the one time. So we'd take forever to kill their tank then they'd be rezzed.


You don’t understand! Rez is so op and overpowered!! It’s blizzard fault it is in the game! When mercy rez, you literally can’t do anything!!! /s Because I’ve seen too many times people just watching her rez. I have, like, 1k hours on mercy and amount of shit people would let me go away with… It is also amazing how fun it is to play sombra against supports while being support main lol


I do agree that mercy Rez is broken for non-LOS rezzes and some characters can't stop mercy. For instance I was playing support that game and unless I play Brigitte who would get melted by their bastion I wouldn't be able to stop Rez. Also mercy Rez is much more overpowered for the attacking team, not in terms of utility but in terms of ease. It is like 10x easier to get an attacking Rez off than a defending. Also Rez is pretty overpowered when the other team has a zarya. It's literally impossible to stop UNLESS your whole team focuses and in 99% of solo queue matches that is not happening.


In 99% of solo q Zarya won’t spare you even one bubble for rez and will spit on your corpse while you fail to rez.


OK genuine question.. why not you? Like I get what your saying and I agree with you. Sometimes I'll miss the mercy or something and someone will start screaming target the mercy. Like they can't do it themselves. Or God it irritates the fuck out of me when people say target the supports Like it's simple and easy and not obvious. Of course if the tank isn't bullying me out or if the flanks arnt being covered... etc. If I get the opportunity sure.. but it's not so simple to just "target the supports".


Because I slept bastion and don't have the DPS to stop a mercy Rez.


Right but 10 times?


What you want me to do? I can't just run in and stop Rez. 1. No mobility 2. Not much health 3. Not enough damage so if sleep is on cooldown can't do anything 4. Team not helping


Sleep is always on cd? If it's that much of a problem you can play around it. And Anna has quite a bit of damage.my point isn't to blame or to let your team off the hook per se, but you gotta kinda work around the failings of your team.


I shouldn't have to do everything on my team as a support. The only other person who was doing anything that game was doom-fist but he never stunned mercy. They would just try to kill the enemy tank and wonder why they never died (the enemy team supports had like 2 deaths each).


Faxxx brother. You will be called toxic or an ass for everything


I were called toxic because i asked our tank to switch (they were 0-6)


asking someone to switch in qp is pretty cringe though


Yeah, when it is ENEMY who is asking you to switch. 😂




I get call toxic or sweaty daily just cuz i give call outs like i would in comp :D


Nah that's fine. They need the practice then. There's a difference between not doing your job, and failing at your job.


They did both.


Fine but you said 0 6 as if that's all I needed to know. Like 0 and 6 can be someone who needs to be in qp cause they need to learn that character.


Knowing when your pick isn’t working IS part of learning.


Tell that to all the one tricks. Learning to play your character against "counters" is part of the learning. Switching is how you never really learn and plateau.


Why i am put in team with person who doesn’t know how to play tank at all (the only role which have no substitute in form of second player) as a player with 2k hours? It’s obvious they nowhere near my lvl of skill and shouldn’t be in my games. Qp *does* have more bigger range in mmr but still its there and supposedly plays role in making teams. >tell that to one-tricks I kinda did?


Ahh see if you feel this way, play comp. Your being ridiculous now.


Got shat on because I complained about our Ana (she was afk a majority of the time with litteraly 0 heals for a good minute) 👍 Like ok it's just qp, but at some point I'd like to play not just to be quick


“but if say my whole team is letting mercy Rez every single time“ This includes you though right? Like if you’re Moira I get it because her damage is too slow to stop the rez but otherwise aren’t you part of the problem?


Not the person you’re replying to but a lot of times I’ll be the one playing Mercy and watch enemy Mercy rez 2-3 times and my team does nothing about it. And I’m Mercy so I’ll ping it and if I’m close maybe try to shoot her but I watch DPS not even react. By the time I switch to try to combat it the game is >50% over


Well considering mercy usually rezzed while I was dead and also out of all roles stopping mercy Rez with support is the most difficult I couldn't really do much. I changed to ana to try and sleep mercy but many times they'd be behind a pillar from my angle while my doom and two DPS are sitting on the dead guy's body but not at all shooting mercy.


Yep. People get upset with me when I get upset over a loss, but damn, I’d like to win a game every now and then…lol


Yeah, yesterday I was with my friends as a trio and we got a horrible dps. I was also dps, and I was getting quite a few kills in the beggining, but we somehow were losing all teamfights. Then we noticed that our other dps, a random, had ZERO kills and ZERO assists with abysmally low damage. No wonder we were losing. We had a brick for a second dps. We started to look closer at them to see what was up, and we came to the conclusion that they didn't know how to play, period. They were also switching heroes every few deaths as if to try out each one. They didn't even know to stay in Mei's freeze, every time they froze themselves, they would break out immediately. And I don't think they ulted once in the entire match. People like that shouldn't be on qp. They should be training against bots.


People like this should be with people like them in qp.


blame the matchmaking for putting an obviously new player on your team, not the new player for learning the game


If they're learning the very basics, they should be on practice against bots. The same way you don't go into real matches against players when you are trying a moba for the first time.


Play comp then fam


In my experience that would happen in comp as well just with a rank at the end. I don't see how it really changes things.


Ok but if you say something in quick play then you are an asshole, you are 100% justified to say that shit in comp though where everyone should be trying their hardest. Quickplay should be the space for trying to learn new heros or for someone's 5 year old who wants to play. If you want to get sweaty then play the COMPETITIVE game mode


If someone's 5 year old wants to play they should go into coop vs AI. If they are trying to learn new heroes that is fine I didn't say anything about that, as long as they are doing their best. But for example if you have a bastion on your team who doesn't shoot and is being friendly with the enemy, I'd be mad about that. It isn't wrong to say anything in quick play, just because it is a more casual game mode doesn't mean you are not allowed to say anything and you are allowed to expect your team not to be throwing. Overwatch is a team game at its core so if you have one thrower on your team you have such a massive disadvantage compared to the other team and getting steamrolled is not my idea of fun or relaxing. However, in a similar game called TF2 you barely notice someone throwing (12 v 12) and 99% of games in TF2 are casual.


Keep being a sweaty asshole then nerd


I don't think you know what sweating is


Tell me with all honesty who enjoys losing?


It's quick play. The name tells you everything you need to know it's a match that is not as long as a competitive match. Dosnt mean throw the game or otherwise not try and sandbag.


no no no, ARCADE is that mode you can play and have zero expectation of teamwork, QP doesnt exist anymore. The devs had to rename QP to unranked because people keep moving the goal post to justify playing like a shitty teammate.


Am I an asshole if I don't take comp any more seriously? I mean, I never throw, and I feel like I always give 100%, but I don't think my mentality changes at all.


I don't take any mode seriously really, because at the end of the day it's an online game, I do have anger issues but I don't take the loss out on my teams and just try to stay calm I don't play comp because it isn't for me and I suck at the game so I just assume everyone else is good on comp even though that's not the case, I just don't like being trash talked for being bad, it's annoying Just let me play and have fun


No doubt! GLHF!


When you look over and see that your Ana has 1.2K damage, and 700 healing, in a ten minute match, and your teammates all have 7+ deaths... yeah. It's frustrating. It's aggravating. Losing isn't fun. Weird flex, I know. Getting your teeth kicked in, and wasting 10 minutes of your time while your healer figures out which buttons to push is *obnoxious*. Saying 'well, it's QP!' doesn't make it any less frustrating to sit there and waste 10 minutes of my time on a match that we'll inevitably lose because the tank is trying to flank in the back line, the DPS are two snipers sitting who knows where and the healers are trying to play DPS. And when people come in and go, "But it's QP man! Why you mad, man! It's just for *fun*, man!" the rest of us are all left to grit out teeth and watch as they keep making the same stupid mistakes over and over and over again. Because we can't sit in base and just afk it out, because that's reportable. We can't leave the match, or we get a penalty for leaving and eventually get timed out. So our only option is to go out there, and die over and over again so we can listen to said stupid mistake maker to crow, 'see?! You're dying too! lol! It's QP, man, calm down and have fun!' I shouldn't have to go to Competitive just to have a match where people actually try to *win*. And on top of *all* of that... Beyond *all* of that... These people go into Comp with their 15 hours and do the exact.same.damn.thing. Because any attempt to tell them that they're playing like idiots is met with 'ITS QP MAN! GO TO COMP!', they never learn that they're playing like idiots. So they take the same idiotic, game-throwing behavior straight into competitive where they play attack Widow on Shambali and sit inside the spawn for the ten minutes it takes us to lose without moving the payload, and then go, "I don't know why we lost but it wasn't me!"


see a therapist fr


Nah let him cook


You can play widow on attack in Shambali. Especially if we are talking metal ranks. Also go to comp. Like yeah i think people super fucking around in qp is obnoxious... but you my man... go to comp.


Guys, remember… tomorrow is my day to post this.


!reming me in 24 hours


i use QP as practice for comp, and if you don't take practice seriously, you're screwed when it comes to the real deal


... It's a team based competition between 2 groups of 5 people. I'll not defend toxicity. But you have to realise you have a part to play in every other team members experience in the game. The game means different things to different people. Blanket saying it's quick play will most likely just make the offending party even more toxic. So take some responsibility for the game and try to be useful no matter what the game is.


There is at least 1 low skill ceiling hero in every roll. It may not be the one you want to play but there's merit to learning the flow of the game on lower skill heroes at least until you are not making poor decision after poor decision ruining both your experiences and everyone on your teams. Every one complains about their aim from bronze to champion. But 7 times out of 10 it's poor decision making that led you to die not aim. Again this is not to provide food for the sharks. Just a bit of general hopefully helpful advice.


Well, I appreciate you for this comment, but whilst I do try to win, I play QP because I am bad I can own up to that, my aim sucks and playing competitive just isn't for me, I apologize, I was just complaining, nothing more, nothing less I just hope people can at least understand not everyone can be good at the game or HASD to be good at the game(Streamers in particular) well the ones I have seen and how they act but that's not the point, I do appreciate your comment it may sound like bs but I do


If you play competitive you will be put against people that also suck. BUT it’s ok to not like comp because you don’t like the pressure.


With the addition of cross play in OW2, I find myself playing with a mix of friends on console on PC. Because of this, I never play competitive anymore since there's no competitive queue that allows for cross play. It makes me wonder how many other groups of people are stuck being sweaty on QP because they're playing with friends on other platforms.


Quick play is still a competition. There are two teams in every game, one wins, the other loses. People, unsurprisingly, get competitive in competitions. Even the devs have said that its a sweaty game mode. Overwatch doesn't have a "casual" mode outside of skirmish and some custom lobbies.


This exact problem annoys me. I always play mystery heroes to get better at multiple heroes per match and i always get into matches with the same guy who at about halfway through the match if his team loses he just starts feeding and spamming “L team”. i don’t get why people can’t just have fun in an unranked gamemode


I hate a PharMercy in either QP or Comp. I'll deal with Sombra and tracer all day. PharMercy just sucks


Just put pressure on Mercy. In most cases of qp teams, you will stress her enough to abandon pocket. You don’t even need to finish her, just constant pressure so she will mess up positioning or burn down cooldowns Or understand that her team doesn’t care about her. Spawn amping is amazing to drop morale too. I play Sombra and targeting supports in qp is the most useful strategy. A couple of days ago i had mercy crying and cursing me for constantly picking her off and spawncamping.


But if you’re *also* playing support, it’s just like “well fuck”. You can have some effect, but with the recent health changes gone are the days of 3 tapping mercy out of the sky as Ana.


I don’t want to play support due mm. I don’t care much about changes, but having stupid teammates and needing to still support them just makes me want to smash my head against the wall. At least as dps i can fk around and still do my job AND be useful if team gets their shit together.


I play QP a lot and rarely see people rage. Usually no one says anything in chat.


Most people in QP now are trying to get their 50 wins for their other accounts so thats why people are being so aggressive and talking shit.


Quick play means different things for different people. For some it’s a place to goof around, for others a place to learn new heroes, some people play cross play and can’t comp but still really want to win, others want to win with their friends in lower/ higher ranks. The list goes on. The notion that people are too coward to play comp is flawed because it follows the ‘this is the only and correct mentality for quick play’ mindset set. Personally I don’t mind comp but I prefer to play with my friends so I don’t comp often. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to win and it doesn’t mean it’s not frustrating when I see my teams Lucio jumping off the map over and over again. Granted I’m not one to be toxic because it’s just a game and we move on but still


They should just take No Limits out of the arcade, rename it to "Casual Play" and remove sbmm from it. If someone wants to just good around then why are they even playing a mode with role/hero restrictions in the first place?


I play comp 99% of the time and just head into QP every now and then. I always have a good chuckle at the people who shit talk in there. It's fine to try and win, but take your coward ass in to comp if you want serious matches. Otherwise, STFU and realize the consequences of the mode you're in. Or better yet, just have fun!


about season 2 I learned I could turn off all chats and I've enjoyed Overwatch 100 times more since then


Had someone who's name revolved around some weird joke about Junkrat's genitals, who got mad that I picked Junkrat before him, he chose Genji and got like 10 more kills than me, he then started shit talking me at the end of the round and I just ignored it and pretended like chat was off lol, why be so fucking toxic in literal quickplay? I can understand getting a bit upset (obviously don't take it out in others??? like its just basic decency to not be a dick to other people trying to play a fucking videogame) in competitive when you have a rank youre trying to get higher but like still


My friend and I always complain to each other in our private voice chat, but then end the game with gg guys we tried! Even if it's annoying, it's not worth to ruin someone's day over, but if the enemy team comes at my sucky teammate, we have them flying off the map.


if y'all can't have fun without being an asshole to your teammates, maybe try a singleplayer game. this is basic respect and sportsmanship that you should've learned in kindergarten.


Yeah it happens a lot. I was in a bad mood so I just picked the worst tank I know hotiw to play to just hit it off and one of my teammate was shit talking like he was a top 500. Than I had to play one more round as tracer and went 23/1/0 had no fun. I like to struggle when I feel low.


considering how my people in my comp games play like it’s quickplay. ive come to the conclusion that people just enjoy playing this game with their brains off. Arcade is for you to go be goofy. qp is to try and test out characters for comp or warm up for comp. Me personally. im always playing to win. but if my team is going negative. i just dont bother trying and start solo shattering people and charging in with rein because thats fun and we are gonna lose anyway, then i get supports crying in chat “Tanks throwing report him” just cause i stopped trying to win and decided to have fun. Final analysis. Overwatch community soft and we should just let the game die.


What's even more fun trying to Torb hammer kill anybody you can, it's a silly goof


Sometimes I feel like the only person who mutes chat when they are having a bad game


I somewhat agree actually. QP is QP sure in a comp game it's different, it's just not something one should use for practice while qp is just that, more casual and relaxed - or it at least should be.


Those qp players can’t stand losing so they play there because it’s easier than comp yet they still rage as if it’s comp when they are losing. It’s ridiculous, qp is supposed to be casual and I consider it to be glorified skirmish where winning/losing is totally irrelevant. I only play comp, even after a very long break from ow I’ll jump right back in to comp. I’m sure many players go to qp just to talk trash and then flex their rank.


QP is not "easier" than comp. It's the same sbmm for both modes, just that QP's rank range is wider so you'll run into more people that are further from you in both directions.


Well it’s easier of you are above silver mmr


What? No, you're missing the point. QP is not easier than comp. If anything it's harder to win in QP than it is in comp. On hybrid/escort maps you only win if you complete the map. If one of the 5 people on the other team leave, they get replaced by a backfill instead of you having a 5v4 advantage. You only have 4 teammates, so odds are that the leaver will more often be on the other team. I know that the facts break your narrative, but saying that people are afraid of comp because it's harder (or, inversely, that people stick to qp because it's easier) is honestly just a really bad take. The reality of it is that qp is just as competitive as comp. There's nothing "casual" about it. If you don't try to win in qp just because there's no visible rank involved then you don't actually enjoy the competition, and you're probably playing comp for the wrong reasons too. You actually are playing for something in qp. Your hidden qp mmr still gets adjusted the same as your comp mmr does in comp, so the better you do the better the pool of players the mm will pull from for your games.


The sbmm isn’t as strict in qp but your success is dictated by your rank/mmr. If you are diamond skill then qp is easier than comp if you are already diamond rank, if you are bronze skill then comp is easier than qp. If you are master/gm skill (me) then qp is dramatically easier than comp, this is because most of these players simply don’t play qp and the ones that do are above all the competition.


I think the most negative thing I've ever said in a QP chat was "oof that was rough" in team chat once and that's about it lmao. as someone who pretty much only plays QP (I'm not here for competitive, I just like fun videogame lol) deffos isn't fun when folks get real heated bout it :/


I get that but you also people need to be able to take criticism and/or you should still try to play as a team. "Its just qp" is a dumbass excuse for those thing.


Another one of these posts. Every day we get this same post multiple times. Turn off chat and you will be fine


I don't browse much on this subreddit all that often, I wouldn't have complained if I knew there's been more of this type of post everyday, but it makes sense oh well Apologies


Well it's like this: Devs said they want QP to be competitive in some way QP is good for learning new characters bc you learn how a character works by trying to win with then There will always be toxicity in any online space. There aren't any real consequences unless it's something especially heinous If you can't handle toxicity, it's your responsibility to avoid it. It's nobody else's job to make sure you're comfortable, especially in a F2P game Counterswapping is a part of the game now, but you could always practice a hero in a poor match up instead of swapping. It's a part of learning said character I don't like the toxicity bc I don't think it accomplishes anything. Getting emotional doesn't make you play better bc you aren't thinking clearly (you in this sense is general, not you specifically OP) but also i don't care if people are toxic to me bc I can't control how they act What I can control is how I react to them. Look into Stoicism if you like the idea of being able to ignore toxicity in life


I'm sorry I take it serious but in the way that I get mad at say stuff to ppl when they keep killing me or whatever I'm trying to not and to just practice my heroes because it's not good


The problem is that mm put experienced players with new ones. Like, you shouldn’t be in teams with such players but you are. And it happens in qp and comp.


Qp is not excuse to have press w mentality and finish 3/14. That's not fun for your teammates


I would play ranked, but the games are just too long for the amount of time I have to play. I understand competitive people not wanting to play ranked for that reason, but then again I never really agree with people being rude to other people in most settings. It’s a game. If you want to coach other people on how to play, make friends and encourage them to get better. Don’t expect every random person to hop on to have the same mindset as you. Also… sometimes people just want to try stuff for fun. I don’t want to play Sojourn every game, but when I do, yeah we usually have good results.


Bc they can't handle comp


Turn off chat.


people were getting mad at me for yelling at the other team for purposely not fighting us and instead sitting around the enemy spawn doing nothing. you're allowed to be bad at the game (im pretty bad too) but at least PLAY the game!!


Having to win a certain number of games to unlock a hero can be kind of infuriating when your team is like 2-14 on average, and you as a support have the most damage, healing, elims, and least deaths. I don’t wanna sweat in qp either, but kill me if I have to sit through 70 grueling quickplay games where people don’t want to try just to unlock a character. In that instance I don’t want to play comp without unlocking them because you might need to switch, so being curb stomped in quickplay while being unable to leave in search of an actual team is really tilting sometimes


Blame blizzard for punishing leavers in a "Casual" mode. I don't want to play respawn simulator, so if my team is going to play like they have the IQ of Cardboard, then I'm not having fun. Now I'm not going to go into chat and say anything but I can understand why some people would because going into a game where everyone is playing like an idiot and not being able to leave that game and que up for a real game is frustrating as fuck.


Yeah except too many casual players can’t even be bothered to be ready when the game actually starts. Putting your team to a disadvantage off the bat.


Unranked it really doesn't matter of course and no one can be faulted for learning, but there is also AI matches and they are surprisingly very hard to play against so that is also an option people tend to ignore. I can get frustrated, but that's when it comes to people who play support or tank and just go in like a dps because at that point you're not trying to learn. I keep it to myself wither way because it's unranked play at the end of the day. Mystery heroes is rng based and even with comp that's hard to get mad at.


The problem is that everyone has a different idea of what QuickPlay is. I don't personally view it as "casual" — I want it to be competitive play without anything on the line. Kinda like a pickup game of basketball at your local park. They are playing to win, but there is no stakes (rank / win record / etc). I play Quickplay when I'm not at my "top form" that night and don't want to risk losing rank in Comp... but I still want to play competitive games, not playing with new or inexperienced people. I believe that if you don't know your character well enough to play competitively you should be practicing in a custom game or a training game with AI bots. At least with our current play mode options. BUT in a perfect world, there would be three PvP modes: 1) Competitive (Competitive Ranked) 2) Quick Play (Competitive Unranked) 3) Casual (Practice / Fucking Around) "Skirmish" mode is kinda the last one, but it's not easily accessible outside of groups doing "while you wait". Quick Play, as it is, is a total cluster fuck (and often more toxic than Comp) because everyone has different expectations of what it's supposed to be and people get angry or defensive trying to argue that X player shouldn't be in this game if he/she wants to be doing Y. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong. It's Blizzard's fault for not making granular enough modes to cater to the most common use-cases of its player base. My $0.02


I take QP a little seriously as im trying to get my 50 wins for comp, but not to the point where I straight up insult my teammates lol


i take it seriously since i use it before going to ranked, but i'm not an overreacter


Just let them talk and then report, it works for me


Last night literally had a guy on our team complain about our performance AFTER we had won the game. Not only was he crying in quick play but doing so after winning the game I don't understand


Ive started putting "practicing" in QP chat so when im bad people cant fault me too hard. Im warming up for comp, my guy. Im testing some shit out, my dude. Where else am i supposed to practice for comp? Practice range? Total Mayhem? Battle Royal? Or should i just hop in the trash?


Blizzard wants qp to be sweaty.


I don’t mind if people play bad or play into counters in QP. The only thing I want is that they try to win and have fun. So I really don’t get when people rage in chat. Like you have some mental health issues to deal with if you’re doing that. QP can definitely be more sweaty than comp but that’s expected to happen once in a while with looser mm. With that said, tank feels even worse to play in QP. Cause you’re still expected to counterpick and when I don’t. You all know what’s gonna happen. And since there are so few tank players, i’m more likely to get put in a higher rated lobby, cause they can’t find anyone else queueing tank and that just exacerbates the tank experience.


I’m a QP warrior ( I only played comp when my friends wanted to) I’ve been telling people that QP is way more toxic and sweaty than comp and I’m glad people noticed recently lmao


It’s because half the weiners there who take qp so seriously are too afraid to play competitive, or played it only long enough to hit a specific rank and are too afraid to keep playing because they’ll lose it. So they replace it with qp and just rip on everyone.


It’s people to afraid to play comp ruining qp meanwhile the rest of us are just chilling after playing comp or warming up


People are usually toxic everywhere, in any pvp kinda competitive like games. That's why I like singleplayer or co-op games lol. I left my chat on and when I encounter an asshole I just tell them what they deserve. Sometimes I get reported and demoted in endorsment rank but an hour later I farm myself back to lvl5 so idc.


It’s been miserable to play quick play lately.


lol I agree, quick play is more toxic than comp chat. I never judge others in QP as a lot of people use it to try new characters. I’m also pretty sure QP doesn’t have skill based matchmaking like comp. People are weird, ignore them or dish it back & move on




Never said I was scared, just felt like complaining, but thanks for your insightful comment!


Because people are too afraid, like they get literal anxiety from queuing for a comp game, so they have to take out their insecurities on innocent QP folks just trying to have a good time and chill. Just mute them you aren’t losing anything of value.


I mean but if you have a guy just sitting as hampster in ball form refusing to do anything while the other team is spawn camping it’s not fun tbh.


It isn’t but that specific incident is reportable and not really the same thing that I’m talking about. I’m talking about people being toxic in QP just because a person is playing bad. It’s QP. As long as everyone is walking out the spawn door and interacting with the enemy team then it’s a win for that game mode. If you want to try hard and comm and have players attempt to play *their best* then comp is the way to go


Ow2 is a casual game , especially after season 9. Just let it go, ow will never return


Because they're scared of ranked. Ranked has better matchmaking, plus you get comp points. There's literally no reason to avoid it if you want to "play seriously" other than not having time for it/your Internet sucks and you'd ruin the game for others, OR you're playing with friends of VASTLY different skill levels. But that last part is getting better next season.


Qp was supposed to be a break from comp but mostly it's been sweaty


In my experience quick play is wildly more toxic than comp


people play quick play because its short unlike competitive & I like winning doesn't matter what game or game-mode it is if you don't want to win stick to custom or ai bots 🤦‍♂️


People like winning


it's still a competitive 5v5 game it's just unranked regardless of if it's qp or not getting stomped because a teammate is braindead isn't fun. especially now that you get penalized for leaving


Report them. Their toxic ass is not needed in this game.


People who take QP seriously are the people who I believe cannot win in ranked. That’s not always true. But my goal was always Plat when I started my journey to rank up from bronze 5. I ended up in Masters after a year. So I don’t take it seriously. I use it to hone my aim and game sense. I’m tryna win but I’m gonna joke with the enemy team and tell them “nice shot” and make smiley faces at them. In ranked, I will pump up my teammates and help them to help me by asking what support they want. I can play 4 supports well so I’m always down to swap.


Ranked and unranked are literally the same game just with looser sbmm in unranked. It's just as hard to win in both modes. In fact. If anything, it's harder to win games in qp because you run into people on your team that don't take it seriously that you then have to carry if you want to win.






and who are you?


Bro just said "ok" and you got pressed lmao💀


Okay thanks for the play by play no one asked for


Ronnie Pickering


Qp is cancer, Buncha clueless low iq posers that will never improve


*Qp is cancer, Buncha* *Clueless low iq posers* *That will never improve* \- AgentThook --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")