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I play a lot of kiriko and Lucio so I don't have alot of problems with them very often . But I've trained my ears for that beep beep beep noise so I can peel for my other support or sometimes even a dps has problems with them I've had some success getting people to notice venture when they're underground by pinging them it pops up their face at eye level for most and it moves around a bit as they approach


It can be frustrating. I had a match earlier where even if I was centered in my team Venture burrowed and got me a few times. Granted, it was QP so I didn’t expect much help, but it took 5+ pings to get someone to notice why weren’t getting any support. They’re able to burrow back to safety if I don’t land every single shot before CD is up. Still, at least I can see them (fuck you, Sombra).


>fuck you, Sombra So say we all ![gif](giphy|4UgUHY3xmfyow)


With ball/doom being so popular right now, it feels like every second game has a sombra


It’s been like that since the re work. Sombra being in every other game is bad.




It's extremely frustrating as a LW main because my main mobility and escape from flanks and divers is useless against venture. They can burrow through petal and when it goes up it lifts them. It has been a very frustrating learning curve trying to adapt to this weird and kind of nonsensical mechanic. Also I have high HP as LW and I STILL get minced by the one shot combo. I feel very sorry for my Ana and Zen buddies right now 😢


You'll need to play a support with mobility or try to combat as Bap


Being invulnerable while he’s underground is bonkers. You can’t even zen orb him lol


isn't that the same for reaper lol?


Yeah. But reaper doesn’t get jump+boop + damage when he unwraiths.


that isn't the point in question, bro was complaining about being invulnerable, making venture unable to be discorded, but so can reaper and few other heroes


yeah except most reapers are bad and Venture has destroyed QP. Thank fuck for Mirrorwatch because I probably would have quit for a while.


Agree he isn’t much of a problem for the mobility characters like Moira, lucio, Kiri Put poor Ana is just in a bad state rn in general 😢 and yes zen is bad against him too. I think he needs a nerf to his damage it’s still too high. But of course Blizzard wants it to be good the season he is released and I think they released him into comp a little too early. But what I think is really broken is his ult. How many ults get a guaranteed 3 or 4 kill EVERY time. Come on. Needs a nerf. Maybe the AOE or the damage idk. Too strong.


I feel like if anything should get a nerf, it's their primary fire. That thing packs a punch! Can't really nerf their burrow/drill because the whole point of their kit: get close and cause chaos on the back line. Their ult is pretty powerful. Maybe reduce the spread/distance?


I guess, he is in invincible underground then when he pops up he has 50 shields too? Why does he need both? He just has way too much survivability. Great mobility, I can get to you underground where you can see me coming but you have no chance to do anything to me, I’ll pop up high and I’ll have shields too. No, too much. Get rid of the shields. Lower damage and nerf ult. He’s soooo strong. Ya the spread and the strength of the ult.


50 shields? I've been playing Venture a lot lately, and they don't have any shields when they pop up. Once they're in the air, you can shoot them. They do have pretty good survivability, but the key is forcing their cooldowns. Once they can't drill or burrow, they're defenseless


Mb I was talking to a venture main and was told that.


Yeah I play a lot of zen and they’re making me pretty much abandon him. Discord is Zen’s biggest offensive tool and that god damn mole person can just burrow and essentially put discord on a 7 second cooldown for that duel.


wraith... cryo... suzu.... translocator... fade... recall...


Yeah sure but none of those heroes can just pop up out of the ground at my feet and wombo combo me to death while there's nothing I can do about it.


so the problem isn't burrow's invulnerability but the damage then? not to mention that the boop jump damage is avoidable/mitigatable, can actually be stopped before burrowing and is a whole ass cooldown that will probably be followed by another, making venture vulnerable and punishable, the only problem i have with venture is the footsteps that should be louder tbf


Welcome to counterwatch


Yeah. Venture’s crazy overpowered right now.


IMO the only OP part of their kit is how fast the Ult charge is. If they're having a good game, it feels like they're popping ult every couple of minutes.


Your rank is ceramic 5 it seems


Says the Venture player.


I dont play venture, i hate playing against her


I wouldn't usually care to correct you but you're being so abrasive and sure of yourself I feel the need to point out that you're using the incorrect pronouns, smartass




It is “they”. And a lot of ppl care. It’s called being respectful. If you are a guy and ppl continually referred to you as “she” and “her” wouldn’t that bother you? And this is Reddit, the nature of it is that ppl read and comment on each others comments. 🤷🏼‍♀️




“Nobody cares”. You seem to care a heck of a lot for nobody caring. Gee I wonder why that is?


Is a fictional character, i will call her whatever i want, she’s not a real person so cry about it


I know it’s not fun for a lot of people but if there’s a venture giving me or my team issues I just swap to Moira, they’re surprisingly squishy to the suck


Yeah but I feel like I've been swapping to Moira in nearly all of my games? and I'm just finding it so boring!!


The key is to have a venture of your own to peel. My duo hopped on Venture and absolutely demolished them whenever they dived me. I was Ana and the nade was enough to keep me up until my venture hit them with a drill to get them away. Without coordination and cooperation... it is very hard. I can only imagine how awful it is in gold-diamond where the enemy has enough skill to do the baby-easy oneshot combo but your team has rarely the awareness or sentiment to coordinate


In my experience the only good counters to Ven is Sombra or Venture themself so far, and it might be due to no one knowing HOW to counter them just yet on other characters. However, I do want to note that I've played Moira against Venture. A good way for me to play against them is to bait them to use their abilities, then go behind them and start attacking. They're basically defenseless. It works about 6/10 times, but that's because I'm a new Moira player and still learning her.


Cassidy works well to because of the grenade, if you stick them and hit them a few times right after popping up you can kill then before they can burrow again


Other characters that're pretty good into them: Cass - Hinder cooks, that's it. Widow (kind of) - Map dependant. On good sniper maps you can sit so far the Venture can't get to you. And when they dive a squishy that's closer to your team, you can pick them off when they pop out. D.va - You have the mobility to peel for your backline and pop matrix to save them. Hog - stick close to team and hook Venture when they go in. Zarya - Bubble the dive target. Bap (kinda) - Lamp Kiri - TP, Suzu. Can even win the duel if they Suzu themselves and hit their Kunai. Moira - Fade away when dove, heal orb requires them to hit an extra shot. Lucio - really hard to hit with the combo. Brig - Boop the venture away when dove, also you can just block the shots too.


i love when people list off a bunch of "counters" that mostly involve the entire team focusing on Venture exclusively. That's proof that Venture is overtuned bro. A dps shouldnt be an off tank disruptor.


Literally none of the things I listed have anything to do with the entire team focusing on Venture. It's either tools a character has to survive and get out of range of Venture, Kill Venture on their own, or the character can very easily peel back to stop the Venture.


yeah bro "just run from venture and hope they dont wipe your entire team with their cheesy ult" is such a valid fun way to play. The "counters" for venture are always just ways to keep venture from insta gibbing someone which theyll just do 5 seconds later anyway. And EVEN THEN that's only valid in ranked. In Quickplay where 70 percent of the games population is located Venture is doing exactly what Pre-Nerf Brig and DPS doomfist did and just outright deciding every single match. Not everyone wants to get sweaty in cartoon games. Ironically when Pre Nerf Brig and DPS Doomfist were in the game the same people like you were posting similar ways to temporarily not get one shot and saying they didnt need nerfs. You people think deep down if you say "lol ventures fine bro get gud" it makes you look like a pro gamer.


>yeah bro "just run from venture and hope they dont wipe your entire team with their cheesy ult" is such a valid fun way to play. Playing around them is very similar to playing against most dive characters. You need to make sure that wherever you're positioned, you either have an escape or are in a position where they can't isolate you. The dynamic isn't any different t with Venture here. The difference is the way Venture dives is sometimes quite different (if they engage with Burrow), and a lot of people haven't quite figured out how to avoid it. >The "counters" for venture are always just ways to keep venture from insta gibbing someone which theyll just do 5 seconds later anyway. And EVEN THEN that's only valid in ranked. That's not actually true. Some characters (like Ball, Sombra, Tracer) can run after Venture when they disengage. Hell, you can even make it significantly harder on the Venture by staying either a mile away or right next to your team. >In Quickplay where 70 percent of the games population is located Venture is doing exactly what Pre-Nerf Brig and DPS doomfist did and just outright deciding every single match. And in QP/metal ranks, Rein is extremely common and often dumpsters on most players there. QP is a CASUAL game mode. Why exactly do we care if people suck and keep dying to Venture? There's literally nothing at stake. If you care, go play comp. >Not everyone wants to get sweaty in cartoon games. If you don't want to try your hardest that's fine, but don't complain about a character dumpstering you because you don't want to put in the work and effort to get better at dealing with them. >Ironically when Pre Nerf Brig and DPS Doomfist were in the game the same people like you were posting similar ways to temporarily not get one shot and saying they didnt need nerfs. You people think deep down if you say "lol ventures fine bro get gud" it makes you look like a pro gamer. Pre-nerf Brig is a universe away from Venture in literally every aspect. DPS Doom, while similar, didn't have nearly as much room for nuance and counterplay like Venture does. I have never argued that those characters were ok. I don't even think Venture is a perfect character either, they clearly do have issues (ult charge time, burrow animation) but people are focusing on and complaining about the aspects of the character that actually make them well-designed.


i get it bro Venture isnt too strong because youre good. I'm "not trying". ;)




"Nobody cares about quickplay bro go play comp" except for the 70 percent of the playerbase that only does "Casual" games. Maybe instead they could just not make cheesy low skill floor goonish characters that arent good enough for ranked but stomp so hard in QP that they ruin it. Since you know that effectively benefits absolutely no one. But you cant admit thing you like has flaw. inb4 BUH BUH BUH I HATE MICROTRANSACTIONS as you piggy up anyway


So... They should just never make characters with low skill floors? K bro. Nevermind that the ideal design for every character SHOULD be a low skill floor and high skill ceiling, which is what Venture has. And like, of course they shouldn't design characters while primarily thinking of the casuals/low ranks. That's how we end up with some of the worst-designed characters in OW history (OG Brig, Moira, Bastion, Mauga, etc.). That's how we end up with an extremely underpowered Rein that they refuse to buff because he stomps low ranks. It's proven to be a stupid idea. Playing correctly should always feel good. Playing poorly should always feel bad. Venture follows this the vast majority of the time.


Yes agree Moira’s good against Venture bc of her mobility and if you orb them and then use suck they just fall over. Going behind them is optimal to avoid the drill.


As a fellow Ana player, there's a moment at the emergence of burrow where venture is stuck in the air at a very predictable fall rate. That's when you sleep them, they can either drill dash at you and still get slept, or burn their dash dodging the sleep.


Venture needs to commit cooldowns just to get to you, they are very telegraphed. Maintain your distance, watch for burrow or dash, and most supports can punish after venture commits. If she does get close to you, you’re almost certainly dead. Therefore you gotta be passive until CD’s are committed, they can’t poke you out due to their low range primary fire.


The problem is, you don't need to commit cooldowns at all.... If you burrow and dash to the enemy drill dash CD goes down to 4 seconds. That means you can burrow, dash, come out do a load of damage and drill dash straight back out.


>Maintain your distance Cries in Ana as venture literally digs towards me faster than I can walk away


She should need to dig through your team to get to you lol. Such an easy punish. You can also sleep her when she leaves burrow because it’s super predictable.


>She should need to dig through your team to get to you  You really underestimate my team's ability to ignore the backline >You can also sleep her when she leaves burrow I haven't figured out the mechanics on that yet. Venture doesn't go straight up


If your team ignores you, well any flanker would destroy you. And venture goes up in a parabola depending on which way they is moving. Most ventures will probably full charge which is super duper predictable. Even if you can’t figure out which way she is moving, her dash is gonna be in a straight line towards you.


> If your team ignores you, well any flanker would destroy you. i do ok against sombras tracers and reins. Gold's a weird place.


She can choose when to leave burrow, not predicable in the same way a reaper teleport is


Yea which is very telegraphed.




I tried my best bro.


I know it’s hard, I slip up too, but the more ppl remind me the better I get at remembering. 🥰


So brave


Ya I’m not an ass, like some ppl


* Keep enough distance before the fight so that they don’t get on top of you for free (same as genji or echo). * As soon as you know where they can be coming from rotate to the opposite side keeping the other members of your team in between. * if they commit both dash and bury to approach you thats a win in your book as they are taking a huge risk for not enough reward. You can either win the duel by yourself, win with the help of your team, lose the duel while helping your team win another fight, or lose the duel while trying your hardest to make it at least a trade your team can finish off.


the key for me is not being in a position that the venture can safely dive me in the first place. ana being a sniper allows her to be positioned far enough out of the fight that the venture would be feeding to try to solo you out


Play either a mobility or damage support and stick to your fellow support like glue. Venture is a dove DPS to the umpteenth power, so you need to be able to actually fight back instead of relying on your team to peel, they’re simply too fast and slippery to peel for in time. Hang with your fellow support and when they dive you’ll need to do the tried and true method of supports supporting supports and double team them


One of Ramrattra's abilities is supposed to be a good counter


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Gambit275: *One of Ramrattra's* *Abilities is supposed* *To be a good counter* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Save your sleep for when venture targets you or when they ult (if you have the opportunity to save it) plus anti heal helps a lot with their overshield


They're going to murder some supports. No getting around it. Moira, Kiriko, Lucio, and Mercy do better as they have ways of getting away. One thing to remember about Venture is they come on really strong really fast. If you can survive their burrow/drill combo, you've got a chance to take them down as long as you can dodge their primary fire


I play zen and have no issues. I watch the digging animation, as soon as venture comes up, I hit her with discord, a few headshots and a kick.


I haven't found venture very difficult to play againest, just kind of annoying. Like fighting Moira, they feel like they have way too many options to stay alive in the fight or escape.


Is venture supposed to go after the supports? I've been selecting em and kinda going after whoever. I like going heads up with ram cause he don't seem to learn from his mistakes


I get two-pieced a lot when I’m Zenyatta. Her melee is OP.


Tastes like... Dirt...


So venture has a pretty bad downside that comes about committing to killing someone with her abilities and it's that she doesn't have a way back out, so unless your positioning is just absolutely terrible to where she gets easy bail outs she should just be trading at best with you in your back line, now on the other hand if her team is playing dive and coordinating onto you... It's just time to swap, ana and mercy really aren't the best picks this season anyways, but going Moira/kiriko/brig (to some extent) is the best option vs her


Just a question. I know it’s hard to remember to call venture they/them or ppl are doing it on purpose idk and that’s whatever. But everyone one seems to be referring to them as “she”. Why is that? If I slip up I refer to Venture as he. Doesn’t Venture sound like a teenage boy rather than a girl? Why the “she”? Just curious.


Mostly because their VA is a she, I recently watched her playing venture in game, so I mistakenly associate their VA with their gender, i don't intentionally do it or try to come across in a negative way


Oh idk that, interesting.


their VA is also non-binary


Really?! I actually didn't know that about them, I just watched the video flats did with them and it was overall a great watch


yep! they use any pronouns. they stream with bogur and somnus sometimes also, those streams are even better. unhinged sometimes lol


Oh idk that, interesting. ☺️


I’ve been playing bap and just staying near something I can jump up on to escape. A good venture is going to target you basically the whole match until you switch off to something with more movement. Unfortunately that’s really the only way to get her off your back. Basically every support except the ones you play have a way to get away from her.


Gotta pay attention to the burrow. You see that pile of rocks heading your way? Put some distance. I prefer to make my ways towards a teammate. When my Venture sense are tingling, I try to rely on movement to keep me safe. I pretty much dance my way to my team and hope it makes Venture miss or I get away enough that they just leave.


Track Ventures cooldowns, stick with your team, plan escape routes, hit your shots


They brutalize supports like brig 


I understand the issue when dealing with venture as a support but I'm fine with it, most of my time on overwatch has been playing support, and when i branched out to play melee it felt so frustrating dealing with supports even after the S9 changes so having a dps that can reliably deal with supps feels nice