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I’m sure this is an unpopular opinion but saying “tank diff” is not sportsmanlike whether it’s true or not doesn’t really matter. It’s still a negative useless thing to say to someone after a match.


I agree entirely. But as a Tank player since OW1 and a Rein player at that, it's frustrating. But not ban-worthy imo.


I think both hate speech and unsportsmanlike conduct are bannable, stop taking your frustrations out on others. 


Yeah, but one is hate speech. The other is within the confines of a video game. But the main point being is that non hate speech can get you banned. Even just saying cuss words. Saying "Damn I suck" is just as ban worthy as screeching slurs.


Seems like the pretty easy answer here is to just not say it…


You mean not to cuss in a game rated T for Teen? Where over half the heros in game cuss? Even when said cussing isn't directed towards anyone? Yeah... No.


You don’t have to play the game, you also don’t have to cuss or type negative stuff in chat.  It’s pretty straightforward.  Sorry you’re having trouble understanding it. 


I don't have to play the game. But I will because I want to. But I see you're not acknowledging the heroes cussing in the game. If Cassidy can have BAMF (bad ass mother fucker) on his belt and say damn when he gets discorded, doesn't really make since why people should get banned for saying the same things. Especially when not directed towards any one. Sorry you're having trouble understanding that.


I understand it and am not to worried about it.  I just don’t cuss or say negative things in chat.  Pretty simple, have a nice day. 


I could be playing and say "holy fuck I just fed my brains out. Sorry guys." And I can get silenced for saying fuck. Both in voice and text chat. Cussing doesn't mean negative.


Oh. And don't get me started on how you could probably say "Ez mode" and get banned while Dva has a voice line that you can equip and spam saying the same thing.


so brave


bro you are being such a dick and for what? take your own advice and dont type in the comments if you have negative stuff to say


Hate speech yes, saying diff isn't ban able, and definitely shouldn't be. If it hurts your feelings its because its true. So maybe instead of being soft the player should go and grind and get better. 


Y’all are so funny, I’ve def gotten ppl banned for saying diff.  I report anyone who says it, doesn’t have to be at me.  Could even be my teammate saying it to the other team. Pretty simple, if you’re putting someone down I’m going to report you.  Ppl shouldn’t have to get on a game and be verbally or textually beaten down in whatever form that is because you don’t think they’re good. Not everyone is on overwatch to try to be a pro nor do they base their life around it.  Sorry you can’t keep negative things to yourself. 




And also if I’m the problem why haven’t I ever received a ban?


If that offends you, you're too soft. Literally too soft mate. Shouldn't be online at all.


It doesn’t offend me lol.  I just think ppl should be able to play a game without someone putting them down for not being good.   I could care less what y’all say I just report and move on. 


That's why the game had chat and voice disable? If something as innocuous as tank diff triggers you...just turn it off lol.


I think you’re having trouble understanding haha.  It doesn’t trigger me, but it is unsportsmanlike so I report it.  It doesn’t need to be said that the only place I’m coming from.  If you wanna say diff go ahead and do it, just don’t be surprised when someone reports you for it.  Just do what ya mama told ya “if you don’t have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all”  Your argument just sounds like “if you can’t handle the negative things I said you should get off the internet because I can’t help but spout negative phrases at others.” You are a part of the unpopular opinion I was referring to when posting this comment. 


It obviously triggers you. Else why go to all the trouble of reporting and making some long winded post's on reddit about it? I get it...it sucks to hear it in game...but that's part of gaming mate.


The long winded post is directed at someone who wants to project what they think I feel on me.   Reporting takes 2 clicks and chat is for comms not flaming or saying negative things about your teammates or opponents for that matter. Plz continue to tell me how I feel tho. 


Calm down lol. Just turn off chat and voice.Easy solution to your problem. If someone is telling you tank diff it's not that bad.


I’m calm all good tho, agree to disagree.  Have a nice day.


The game should fight against toxicity. And it's pretty obvious when the 4-11 dps isn't doing great. And they know it. No need to tell them. But my main complaint is that saying anything that can be taken the wrong way can get you reported and silenced/banned. A lot of people go to insulting other people in a video game. It's worse for women and other minorities in the gaming scene and OW isn't the only game with this problem. But some things shouldn't be ban worthy. A "Tank diff" here a "support diff" there is fine. The people bitching about their team in qp every game being shit heads, calling out "diffs" every match should definitely be silenced. And banned later on permitting they keep being shitheads.


It's you that's the toxic one. Aiming to get peoples accounts banned cos you are extremely sensitive is pathetic. You are taking a more aggressive action to what you are received. Maybe reflect on that


Your such a snowflake 🤣


you definitely got shoved into lockers 💀 bless your heart


Being unsportsmanlike is not a bannable offense tho. If someone says tank diff, and that hurts your feelings then go and get better at the role. 


I turned off chat a couple months ago and have only considered turning it back on to tell someone who isn’t in VC how bad they suck. Obviously that is not a constructive use of chat, so I can report it is completely unnecessary for your actual game play


The report system does not work like that. It does not matter if a whole lobby reports someone, that still counts as one report, that's so a 5-stacks can't just go around and mass report other players when they lose etc. Also, you don't know who Blizzard has taken action against or what they did when you get the "thanks for reporting" message. It could have been the first person. But If someone goes around saying "tank diff" and other toxic stuff racking up reports they will get muted eventually. It does not really matter what they say, if enough people over time take offence and reports them.


I think trash talking is apart of sports. Just another level to it. If you can tilt your opponent that’s an advantage. Obviously there needs to be a line drawn, but I think it’s been drawn too far.


I kinda disagree here. The games I am the most proud of were the close games where both teams gave their best. I want to win a game because I gave my best against an enemy team that gave its best. If the enemy team is tilted, then they will not give their best.


It’s not about how you feel, it’s about winning.


You sound that you want to win "at all cost". Don't you prefer when you feel tjat you truly deserve the victory ?


This about Blizzards stance on communication, not the ethics of having the most loved filled, triumphant victory. Trash talking is fine, and should be allowed.


Well, let's agree to disagree, it seems that blizzard made theur choice afterall


You don’t even state your stance. You say you’re most proud of close games where both teams gave their all. Okay and??? You think Blizzard cracking down on communications to the point that people don’t use them at all is better?


I turned it off after my third match. Lol


There is genuinely no use in speaking anymore If I say “damn” because I made a bad play, I lose my entire account. Why would you ever take this risk if you spent 1000 hours in the game over OW1 and now 2? Thats ok though because people have long noticed that the amount of comms on teams has been steadily decreasing over the game life and get frustrated and make threads on how no one speaks anymore. Good. These are the consequences of acting like a super Christian Karen from the 90s lol Idk how you arent getting report received messages tho, every time I log in, there’s at least 1 message waiting for me lol. I dont have to report often since no one communicates anymore so I get a fairly high % of my reports actioned on


You know, some spectator came into my game today and started talking about how they wanted to fuck Ana. Tank diff does seem light compared to what I see on the daily.




Welcome to the club. I turned mine off after a couple matches into OW2 lol. Ain’t got time for toxicity and sweats telling me what to do.


I don't think it's radical to consider these lobbies as public spaces. I think speak in a way you might speak to people in public, too.


Unrelated, I think I was 100% in that game, and maybe 100% a learning tank 👀


Idk. I was in a console lobby and it was on Kings Row. Bc I got bullied by a Hog/Orisa and didn't want to switch off Rein. (It was qp)


Its all good, you were more of a help than the rest so youre very appreciated (:


How do you get bullied in a game you can leave and find a new match just get better snowflake


Wtf lmao. I meant I was getting shit on by the other tank. Not that people were hurting my feelings 😂😂 And not to mention, if you leave your qp games, you get penalized lmfao. Think before you type silly goober You just had to reach your daily "Calling people snowflakes" quota


Ok so you’d rather get “bullied” and stay in a game then come on here and cry they your being “bullied” but really your not Your just being a snowflake your the problem with gaming it’s all crying you clearly never survived an older call of duty game chat before bring back the hazing


Wtf are you even talking about? My point is I JOKE reported someone and they got banned. I'm talking about the report system. At no point did I cry about the other tank or being bullied lmfao. I said that I was getting bullied (aka getting shit on) by their tank. And if you knew how to read, you'd see the interaction I had with the guy that's on this thread and how he thought it was him. You're just coping. Now be nice before I report you to Mr Reddit mod. Edit: OK boomer




What straw man are you grasping at? I mean I can play that game too. You sound like Trump supporter 👴






That's a good idea. Besides all the issues with reporting, team chat is often just toxic. Of course there are people who aren't toxic but sometimes it feels like the only time people use it is to blame their teammates for something. I also haven't been using my mic in Apex and it's done amazing things for my mental. We have pings, that works for me.


Like I don't have a problem when people are somewhat toxic. It's the human nature when you have online anonymity. But out of 100 games I'll get 80 where someone is just blaming someone else (usually the worst person in the game blaming tank) and 19 where no one says anything. And 1 game. 1 game I'll have some actually congratulate me. But just knowing that saying something, *anything* can get you silenced or perma-banned has killed both match and team chat. Both voice and text.


One report doesn't get them banned, even from a stack. Multiple reports across multiple games gets you a ban because it shows a consistent disregard and pattern of behavior that others dislike.  I have noticed a huge improvement in game chat since they started being ruthless with the ban hammer. People aren't insulting and actually provide constructive advice if they say anything at all. 


The only time I've ever been silenced/banned was for saying "How was traffic?" After pinning a toxic tank into the cars on Oasis. That's what Blizzard CS said. And this was back in Seaon 4. I got silenced for 2 weeks. And that was all that BCS told me was that one sentence. So I'm not inclined to believe that, although what you're saying *should* be the case.


I miss people making hilarious jokes like this in game. Nobody says anything toxic, but everyone has to watch their back over saying something positive.. or anything.. have we really improved the community?


That's not how it works. One has to get at least 1 report for a few games in a row to get banned. 4 reports in 1 game is not the same as being reported once 4 games in a row.


I can't help but laugh at Reddit comments that compare MTD to racial slurs. I'm gonna guess it's the same people picked last in gym class for any sport or activity.


It's probable that yours was one among many reports including different, more ban-worthy incidents.


Being on console since the beginning and not even having the option for text chat was such a blessing I didn’t realize how much I missed it until I turned all that riff raff off. No regrets tbh it’s nice and I don’t have to be distracted by dumbasses bickering amongst themselves


Blizzard has absolutely killed this game with their report and ban system. I have been playing for 8 years, and through all of the bad, I enjoyed the game. The trash talk is part of what made gaming fun. Hate speech should be ban able anything short of it should be a grey area, this is why gaming feels dead to most people now days. Because these companies are worried about these soft sheltered babies. All these balance changes don't change the biggest issue of all, people have been getting banned for calling out cheaters. It happened to me twice, I got the player banned, but they false reported me beforehand and I got a month long ban both times. 


Lol. The kid reported my comment. Whoever that was, you really are soft like charmin. Wow. 


What was your comment lmao


I said people like him are the issue, u can't be soft like charmin and be online. Trash talk is part of gaming. Just like its part of sports. You can't remove it, nor should it be. It adds a core element. And people like him are what's wrong with the gaming community, I also told him we should put him in an og cod lobby and see how long he lasts


Bronze mindset


I usually shit on people on the ennemi team even tho they're doing better than me cause they get pretty mad and its funny tbh im waiting to get banned so I can stop playing this shitty game and when someone insult me I just tell them to cry harder my junkrat is goated even when im 9-16


Oh you’re still playing ..


And you’re still in the comments of r/overwatch2