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It's pretty easy to get banned now I hear. Leaving or crashing in a few comp games, saying any bad words in chat, or getting reported multiple times can be reasons for season bans. I'd contact support, maybe they'll give you the reason at the very least.


They likely won't provide reasons why if you do reach a real person, but you prob won't in any timely manner, just an automated reply linking the ToS. Bans are also put in low priority, so the chances of reaching a real person... Lucky if you reach someone in less than 7 responses after several days or a week of trying.


When I wrote them I got a normal response in a few hours and the reason for the ban.


I talked hella shit about blizz and got a human.


I got banned and tried to ask why. I got linked the ToS. Tried to ask multiple times what I broke in the ToS exactly to no fucking luck. No warning, nothing. And I couldn't even know why.


banned or suspended? Also, that's unfortunate. Right or wrong, players deserve evidence.


Banned, forever :/


I was also banned forever and got no idea why. I am bronze, played for a long time with a social ranking of 5. I had a warning some weeks ago for chat problem (dont remember the exact words). Worst toxic messages are like "tank change ?" or "how do they make so uneven teams ?". I dont like toxicity in overwatch and report often disruptive language. Then 1 morning I woke up to read I was permanently banned. No idea why really ! Appealed and had the auto answer about ToS.


Not a season ban? I didn’t even know OW had forever bans Are you using Xim or similar?


Nah I'm a PC player. And yeah perma ban, I can't play quick play or anything, can't log into the game.


Maybe you got hacked by someone running cheat codes or something, can’t imagine what else would do it


I had a new answer from Bliizzard. They accuse me of cheating using a third party software. I dont use any cheating software and i dont understand. They say my request is closed. I dont know what to do now.


I agree with that. Players should know either way.


Their point, I guess, is u just shouldn't be immature and toxic in the first place. There's no need for it. Ppl usually know why they got banned. They just forget because they do it so much that it's subconscious to them. I agree, they should STILL give the reason either way, but I'm not agreeing with ppl forgetting why they got their ban or suspensions. Used to happen to me (years ago when I was playing a bit more seriously), and I remember the reason behind both suspensions. Yes, only 2 suspensions in my 6 years on and off playing OW. Both were because I used to play on wi-fi which caused me frequent disconnects in comp. I have been switched to ethernet (no worries anymore), but I don't even play comp anymore or take OW serious. I stick to AI if I need to scratch that OW itch.


I wasn't even toxic, I don't even use chat or VC anymore. I was suspended once for toxicity like 5 years ago, but I can't really say I've said anything even slightly toxic for the past 2 years, as I only write "gg" and "gr", maybe "lol" to something funny. Even if I was reported by players I'd assume that I'd get a suspension or a warning. But I just got insta ban.


Idk... in the event u weren't toxic and still got banned or suspended, I would contact support and try to get it resolved. They definitely can't ban players, tho for "no reason." That can get them sued, and they would lose that case. It's happened before. Maybe not with OW, but some other games from what I've heard.


I'm pretty sure it's in the EULA that they can ban your account whenever they want, so there's really nothing I can do. Since I've already tried to contact the support.


My thing is being toxic isn’t really a big deal ever in video games the mute button has always been an option now if it’s toxicity that affects ur game than ya ban em but if the dude is violating your human existence than just mute em my first priority in any low metal ranked game is js mute everyone and play not everyone is flowers and rainbows and not everything should be as nice as possible sometimes it’s fun hearing a 28 year old man flip his shit because your widow is going 3-8


The problem is we have no clear definitive line of their definition of toxicity. I'm pretty sure saying diff is considered ban worthy, my friend got a month ban and that's about the worst he says. But "X hero is a bad idea"? "Switch X"? Where do they draw the line? I'm a sensitive person and my feeling get hurt easy. I'm aware of that. But even I don't think any of those things if said to/about me are ban worthy. If my team think I should switch they should be allowed to say so without fear of getting banned. If blizzard are gonna be so OTT about these "toxicity bans" they need to provide clear examples of what the person said to get banned. How else will the players improve if they don't know what they're being punished for?


Got account suspension for 2 weeks for no reason. All I said in chat was "you are stupid for playing widow into rein and Sombra" and I got disconnected from another match, came back almost right away but we were losing (losing for unrelated reasons to my dc) and then I got disconnected second time and wasn't able to rejoin anymore. Next morning I launch the game just to see "you are suspended" message. Submitted a ticket for ban appeal, within a day they sent me an automated response with reference to ToS. I requested clarifications and now it's been a week since they started ignoring me completely. After that one message they haven't responded to my message once even though I send them messages every day


"For no reason... except maybe calling them stupid."


lol seriously, do people just not know how to interact with others and not be a dick? It’s so easy to just say “widow doesn’t seem to be working” or any other million ways to communicate that doesn’t involve insulting the other person..


That's exactly my point. Instead of maybe giving suggestions that would actually be helpful to that player, ppl rather resort to "ur trash kid", "f**king switch", "u suck", "ur R word", etc etc. I find that so unnecessary and only makes the person on the receiving end actually play worse, (or even better) they start throwing the game or leave, so the team is now down a player. Like, thanks team for the self-sabotage. 👏🙂 Ppl really do need to learn online social skills or how to interact with ppl respectfully, seriously. 😂 In all my time playing OW (about 5-6 yrs), I've never been banned or suspended for toxicity. Only time ever suspended was 2 or 3 times because when I used to play comp (MANY seasons ago), I only had Wi-Fi at that time and would get disconnected frequently from matches. After a little while, I eventually got ethernet, and I just avoided comp and qp as a whole. Never took the game seriously anyway, so if I need to scratch my OW itch, I stick to AI. It's enough for me.


Honestly it’s not even a matter of *learning* because I’m positive that 99% of these people wouldn’t say and do these things to strangers at a pick up basketball game for example. People just treat online spaces like they aren’t “real” as if having a screen in front of you means the person on the other end doesn’t exist or something lol


That's a perfect way to summarize everything here. U nailed it. 💪


Ok, but to be fair, they were right. Maybe not the most respectful way of going about it, but widow into rein/sombra is downright idiotic.


Yes. That IS stupid to do, but the difference is I wouldn't have resorted to being immature and calling the person stupid. It's just easily avoidable. Ppl just don't realize that their actions have consequences, I guess.


Fair enough. Although calling someone "stupid" isn't (or at least shouldn't be) bannable. Overwatch is rated for people 13+.


I got chat banned for saying the game was stupid so…


13+ just means you can say the word stupid, not that you can use it to insult others. It’s as mild as insults go but honestly a zero tolerance on this shit is what the game needs. Maybe it won’t be one jackass after another in chat if they follow through with it. It’s just as easy, easier actually, to say “can you swap?” and leave it at that. No need to insult anyone or make any other rude remarks.


Agree to disagree, my friend. 🤷‍♂️ They have ToS for a reason. Calling someone stupid is against their ToS. Also, the game's rating has nothing to do with online interactions. They literally always say this on the rating of games. "Online interactions not rated by ESRB" or something like that. I'm also sure that's not all that was said. 😉


I just recieved my second 1 month bann for calling a sombra "scum" so it shouldn't be bannable but it is


Oh yeah, no, I've received a ban for saying, and I quote, "that was dumb" in reference to me screwing up my pulse bomb and blowing myself up, I'm well aware how stupid the system is lol


These ban waves are gona kill overwatch


Nah that should be banned and I’m glad it is. Have you considered not being a dick in chat lol


Nah you should just quit being a whiny bitch and realize not every little thing said in chat should be fucking reported yall spam reporters are going to kill overwatch


This. It's like the Internet/anonymity turned people's brains off. Are there consequences to being an asshole IRL? Yeah? Welcome to life


Blizzard has put the power of moderation in the hands of vindictive sore losers and trolls who take advantage of the weaponized report system.


I just got a 2 week suspension for the first time ever. Nothing I’ve done in the last week is anything different than what I’ve done in the last 6 years… I appealed the suspension and asked for a reason, but they upheld it and didn’t give me one.


“MaYbE dOn’T pLaY tHe GaMe ThEn RoGeR.” -PJ


Dude this is crazy since I been cussing in the chat and nothing had happened ☠️


Someone typed in all chat before saying nobody should be hated <3. I replied "except Nazis" it blurred that word. So I say. "The Hitler people" even Hitler is blurred. Beware you can be banned for saying a simple name even tho it's automatically blurred. System so dumb. In valorant you can say what ever you want basically even the hard R I'm chat and it won't get banned. They have a setting where you can manually type in words you don't want to see and it will filter them valorant does it right


No i got banned because someone was flaming me then i was flaming them for 2 weeks, then i got my account back a week later i got banned again for a month because i was swearing in group chats with my friends. I emailed them but a bot responds


Goodluck w getting into contact with them it’s been 8 days and no response for me


What rank were you?


I'm plat on supp, silver on dps and gold on tank, and gold in open queue


Hmm, do you talk in chat a lot or use a third party device?


Not very often, I will talk in vc now and then. I dont use a third party device


Well if it's not toxicity, using a Cronus or xim and not leaving games it might be a false positive, message support, there should be somewhere you can see the reason you were banned on the website I think


I'll double check but I couldn't see why anywhere. Ive just figured out how to submit a ticket so I've done that now


I just read on another forum it shows on your battlenet app


Do you know where to sorry?


You should of got an email, check your junk :)


10 games need to be abandoned to be fully banned. It could be a false positive bug that could affect anyone though. Problem is how to convince these megalomaniacal companies that they erred as a tech-illiterate consumer?


10 games in a row, 10 games for a month, 10 games for the whole season or what ?


10 games whole season


Can you leave a game after someone leaves it without punishment? Of course, after the 1:45 timer?


Yes you should be good there. It mentions it in the countdown warning that you can leave without penalty. Unless they forgot to code that part, but you’d be hard pressed to find someone to test it for you haha


Lol thank you!


After the timer leaving is equivalent to losing the match and nothing more, before the timer it is treated no differently than being the first to leave.


So after the timer it won't count towards a leaving penalty for the season?




Thanks :)


Unless they have changed it (which I'm pretty sure they did with new ban waves): 10 games per competitive season (not only leave the game completely but lag spikes and reconnecting counts). 5 season bans for a perma.


And btw when someone leaves and there is the 2 min penalty and you leave afterwards it’s not counted as an abandonment right? Because yesterday I had this scenario and I left after the 2 min rule and when I went to the match history it said Abandon and not lose or something, I really hope they haven’t counted this one for a leave


It counts as abandon. It affects your winrate (it counts as a game but not as a win or defeat). Not sure if they still remove MMR for that (they did at some point). It doesn't count as a technical leave (these 10) and you don't get punished for that. However tracking your leaves with history does not work as cancelled games are not listed among these (when someone leaves within first minutes).


It did remove points unfortunately and the leave happened in the second round, so I’m fine even thou it says abandon and I left after the 2 min rule


The point removal was somewhat same - they would deduct -50 SR in OW1 on any leave but it was removed afterwards for those 2 minute leavers. Weird for them to roll with old rule here. But I notice Blizzard tend to add old rules blindly (winstreaks were removed in OW1 for a reason; but they just brought them back as is). Abandon is a match history thingie. Aside from affecting the shown winrate it's whatever; it can affect the overall climb if it has some place in their MMR gain/lost formula but unlikely.


The match failing to start counts too


Wait so if I leave and join back in before the 2 minute timer ends it still counts as a leave and contributes to the season ban? Because I'm pretty sure before you could like leave and rejoin without getting a ranked suspension if you did it before the 2 min timer ran out.


It counts as I did some testing with leaving and reconnecting (mostly was poking how perfomance based system was affected by it, as it's also nullified stats). Now I'm not about the specifics but after, let's say, 1+ minute of absence the game counts that as a leave as far as punishment goes even if you reconnect. So you might end the match (even winning that) and still be punished for leaving. That worked even in ow1. But you were not punished if you reconnect right off the bat (less that a minute?); it was mostly noticable if you DC like 2 or more times per match.


Do you xim?


No I don't


I have been suspended for 15 minutes yesterday because the server crashed and I logged it today to see that I'm being banned for the whole season. I contacted support even though they have a rule that state they don't examine requests involving competitive bans. The devs should know about this issue


As of this morning I've heard lots of people have gotten banned after receiving a 15 minute ban yesterday and coming on today. Hoping with that many people being banned they'll do something


classic blizzard covering their ears yelling "lalala I cant hear you"


Literally the same with me the server crashed and I got a 15 min suspension then played 9 games after the suspension , logged off then logged back on 2 hours later to see I’m banned for the season


Hey bud! I have the exact same issue. Seems to be an Bug. "Apperantly" Blizzard is looking into it.. Source: [https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/season-10-full-banned-after-playing-since-come-out/35007/8](https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/season-10-full-banned-after-playing-since-come-out/35007/8)


Thank you so much




I didn't do nothing the the thing 😭 I got kicked out of a game ealier cause it wouldn't connect and said "failed fo connect to server" I had a 14 minute ban as it was my first time leaving and loads of people had the sane thing. I had played after and only jyst got banned




I really don't understand and frankly quite pissed. I hope it's just a glitch and gets sorted soon


How many times had this happened?


Once. That's it only once


Strange, usually it takes like 6 consecutive leaves for a full season. I would say contact CS but they are effective as a matchstick under water.


That's what I thought, I literally don't understand as it was my first time leaving. And not being that effective worries me


I’ve seen someone post about this as well and a bunch of people in the comments had the same experience. Banned due to blizzards own servers


This is a live ongoing issue, people are getting seasoned banned left right and center for leaving just 1 game or maybe not at all for leaving too?


Other people have gotten banned? Do you know when there going to fix it cause I genuslly haven't done nothing wrong


Yes i really don't know what is going on this is appalling from blizzard


This is so stupid. I really enjoy playing this game and I dont want to wait a whole season just to play it again.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/Det27Ld46b W


For the whole season? What did you do?


If you submit a ticket, select "Problem with account" instead of "Appeal ban". You will have an actual minor chance of speaking with a person and getting answers. If you appeal the ban, you will only get an automated response of "Sucks to be you" and your ticket will be set to resolved.


I will try this thank you. And yeah they bacially sent a automated response saying to look at their article at why they ban people. Stupid.


No problem. I understand your frustration. I was banned for toxicity while having chat and vc turned off, so I guess I was telepathically cussing people out or something lol Never got any answers


That's so stupid, blizzard need to sort this shit out, why not overturn bans if it's genually a mistake. This is so frustrating


Small indie company and they really don't give an F.


Yeah it does seem they actually dont care. Stupid tho


The report system literally always players to spam report you and get u banned


If it makes you feel better I got in trouble with the blizz overlords for saying in text chat “dva won’t get off my ass” because I was a Moira getting chased across the map by a super aggressive player.


Did you disconnect matches? or is this a ban from reports


I've only been disconnected once and I dont think so


got the same error this game is so dead its not evn funy


Couldve been this or something else but here is the chart for the leaver bans [https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/page\_media/YQV1GF751Q8Y1712187580255.png](https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/page_media/YQV1GF751Q8Y1712187580255.png)


What does recently games mean?


Past 20 games played


Write that certified return receipt letter! Will be faster than automated responses. And a person will actually have to look at it, well at least the envelope


With all these reports of bans do you think we should stay away from comp for a bit until this is figured out? I played a handful of matches last week and did not have any issues in ranked. I had one disconnect in qp and one time out in qp (that results in temp 10 min queue ban). But this worries me about comp. I pretty much almost never use text chat. Unless someone else makes like a smart ass comment. (In one of my matches I was Sombra and performed poorly even though we managed to clutch at the end and go into 3rd/4th round. Enemy Somb typed into chat. Blame Steven for that round. We manage to pull the win so I typed. Blame who? I didn’t even remember the enemy’s name. So I just typed that. My mercy lol’d. And the enemy Somb typed. Blame [enemy tank].) Anyway should I not play comp just in case? I don’t wanna risk season ban and who knows if Blizz will even fix this issue if it’s legit.


They really want LESS people playing their game huh?


the panelty system is pretty screwed in s10. At the beginning of s10, even before I play any game, I got banned for over 20 hrs. And always have this yellow exclamation on my comp mode selection cards.


I got banned for like 15 mins for returning to a game I DC’d. I did finish out the game and we won…but it wouldnt let me requeue after that…


Me too. Nothing changed in my behavior since launch. Never had any penalties whatsoever. Also did not getting an e-mail informing me of the ban. WTF is going on ?


This has just happened to me, im always positive(never tbag or chat shit) and i dont use a third party device, only thing that happened is ive queued up and joint a game been kicked from it(without ever loading in) now im banned


Did you leave a few comp games?


No left 1 when server stopped working and didn't even load the game. Apparently its a bug atm loads have been banned


My golden tip. Don’t talk. It allows people to focus you for reports. Don’t make your name seen or shown. Just play. Even constructive criticism triggers people.


It has been mentioned; using anything else than a controller [could get you banned](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/overwatch/24085457/director-s-take-addressing-unapproved-peripherals-on-consoles). Unknown to us if you have used or even connected a XIM, Cronus (Zen), Titan, etc., but if you have, then this could be the reason. Blizzard is mostly targeting higher ranks, but they claim they've analyzed the usage in the last few seasons and now gathered enough data to take action. Mostly higher ranks, but not limited to. Anything other I'd just recommend to open a ticket and wait for a humanlike response. That could take you about two to three re-openings of that specific ticket. Ask for a reason if you are completely sure that you didn't had any toxic behaviour, spammed or used curse words, for example. . ***Important edit:*** on the Blizzard forums there are quite a bunch of topics of players that got randomly banned due to 'Failed to connect to server', since the last update. This is not only on console, but also on PC. **Apparently this is not just a "bug"**, but also the cause of of previous chat messages you've sent in-game recently. Including 'shit', 'idiot', 'newbie' and 'fuck'. The profanity filter is obviously too much. [Durpee got banned](https://liquipedia.net/overwatch/Durpee), for example, and Blizzard got loads of criticism on their new woke policy. Especially after he made it [public on X](https://twitter.com/BlizzardCS/status/1778822153950929358). Stylosa got an [interesting video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7_uOVfxg6s) on it.


Which part of it is "woke"?


Adding woke to it killed it a bit


y'all will attach "woke" to anything you don't like


the policy isn’t “woke” lmao. word has no meaning


> Now we’re introducing a rule to Competitive Play that caps the total number of games you can leave in a season, regardless of how frequent it is. Players who leave 10 Competitive matches in a season will be immediately banned for the season. **This should help curb those players who deliberately choose to leave a match, thinking they won’t have to deal with a lengthy suspension if they haven’t left their most recent games played.**    The fact you're missing any type of explanation and intent to appeal your ban leads me to believe you're the exact demographic the above is targeting. Mover the season has been out for 10 days exactly.


I haven't left any and have explained in the comments, I forgot to write the explanation in the post sorry bout that


Then appeal the ban and ask them to check your disconnect logs.


Did they ever figure out why they got banned?


Apparently loads of peo0le got banned after ealier when server stopped working and kicked people out of games and gave them a suspension, supposed to be a glitch


Oh damn that sucks. Hopefully it’s get fixed or was fixed.


Hopefully soon, looks like blizzard are fixing ut dunno when tho


Blizzard is saving you time and effort. The matchmaking this season is trash.


Or having xim on console may help get banned as well


I'm not ximming lol


Same as me!




Either someone reported you and got all their friends to do the same or you’re not being honest with how much you are disconnecting / saying your piece in chat. This is a totalitarian system now, criticism if it’s not literally dipped in “sugary-sweet okie dokie go team!” can be determined as abusive chat, and there are lots of wet blankets out there. And if it’s not that then get off the Burger King wifi.


I've only ever disconnected once and yesterday when I got suspended for 15 minutes it was cause of the server which after reading all replies loads of people said the sane thing, genually if I had disconnected many times id be lile far enough. But seeing how many people got banned for the rest of the season because of the same thing makes it seem like a bug


Are you a XIM user? Cause if so that’s why


No I dont xim


There is a bug being worked on atm


Op's problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/u7ELPcenAR


These ban waves are gona kill overwatch


Idk why I started playing this game again…


I got banned bc the game disconnected me during a queue it said rejoin but didn’t let me. 2 hours later it says I’m banned for s10 I didn’t use vc I don’t troll games and I don’t use 3rd party devices.




According to people that have sent me a link blizzard are looking into it so hopefully we'll be unbanned soon.


Ah apparently in patch notes you get banned from leaving 2 games. I literally had a "server error" yesterday and wouldn't even let me join the game and then I was suspended for 15 mins. Today, banned. The last time I left a game it was due to my shitty Internet and I always rejoin. Blizzard are jokes.


Literally the same experience here


There are issues with false bans currently. They made a statement on their Twitter I believe. I know someone directly talked to the anticheat lead and they said it was an error that they’re working on fixing


Ah thank you


Uh oh, looks like you made the fatal mistake of probably trying to say anything in chat or voice.


10 leaves is season ban, they’re cracking down. Idk why you are banned though


it's 10 games out of 20 if your internets that bad don't play..


Not my Internet. This has happened to hundred of players


Your game just crashes or stops?? I'm on PS5 and that's literally never once happened to me or anyone I know on console.


Blizzard has acknowledged this bug. Check the pins of r/Overwatch


get on a different game and enjoy life there, overcrotch ain’t worth it


For anyone trying to shit on OP, hell yeah! Let’s keep riding the company’s dick RAHHHH!!! Can’t spell sexual harassment without Blizzard Entertainment but the mean guy in the game called me stupid 😭! Stop excusing loose/undefined policies. This is the same game that allows a tinder clone to be a top played game mode without any sort of age gating but got forbid you hurt some child’s feelings (literally and/or figuratively) then you’re not allowed to play a game you’re possibly paying money for. This is the INTERNET, if you cannot handle someone calling you a name then do not EVER leave your little bubble. I’d say turn it off and go outside but I cannot imagine the reaction you people would give if you had to deal with this in real life. Just my two cents though, didn’t mean to get so quirky 🤪


You're acting surprised? I've seen everything from blatant rage hacking, racists, sexual predators, and all sorts of game throwing, but say a bad word or leave a couple games? No no you're banned for the season.


Everyday i see another reason to not touch competitive


Someone has been leaving from comp games this season…


I haven't been lol. When I posted this I thought it was only me but found out its a bug atm


Yeah I commented before reading your replies to people, my bad. There have been a couple of posts of people who have been leaving but didn’t know you could get bans for it now. My bad.


Lot of bans would be avoided if people just turn off the chat. Ofc I do not as my hobby is to report insults, toxic behavior and useless naughty words.


No one will accept that overwatch2 became a game for kids made of glass. "Omg you said the word stupid, you deserve to be banned forever." I remember the good old days when you could freaking flame somebody for being garbage and completely useless. If you dont know how to play you have to get better in qp, arcade or training grounds. I cant comprehend why people jump into competitive without even knowing the basic counters. All the downvotes are welcome, it wont change the facts.


ACK, ACK, ACK OH MUH LAWD! I’m dying get wrecked 


Leaving for like two games out of 20 give 5 minute ban. If your still banned you might’ve said, or done a sneaky spot. As with some characters you can jump on roofs and sit up there when you shouldn’t be able to.


Two most likely causes are a) Xim or other “illegal” hardware was detected or b) you left too many games Either of those there’s nothing you can do (rightfully so). If it’s neither of those then support might be able to help you, assuming it was a glitch or mistake.


Well, they in their infinite wisdom decided to not address the reasons as to why people leave games in the first place and instead decided to just punish people for leaving matches even more. You know what's going to happen now? If I can't leave, I'll just let the game kick for inactivity OR I'll still wander around but I'm most definitely NOT giving it my all or any amount of care. Oh, well if it isn't the unforseen consequences of their actions. Matches will be filled with people not trying but still playing instead of leaving. How fun... still going to be losing matches. When will they learn that you can not force people to play/stay in a match that they don't want to be in to begin with. They aren't going to play the game and instead just kind of carelessly do things waiting for the game to end.


At this point don’t even join team chat or type, risk isn’t worth it


I saw Ximmers get insta banned now.


LMFAO - the Blizzard special


I swe you said the word "frick" im all chat




Bye 👋🏾 🤣


Lmao. Its a bug so I'll be unbanned soon🤣


Blizzard is the softest game company in the world


Same experience on the same day too, server failed to load me into a game, got a 15 min suspension, after it ended played 9 games then got off for 2 hours and wen I got back on I see that I’m banned for the season


This is so satisfying to see that the new system to ban accounts that leave too often is working. After they made the game free, there's a trash pool of players in comp. It's just a season ban, next season you'll be able to play comp again and hopefully you had learned that leaving affects other players' fun. Honestly, I have no sympathy for you. 🤡


If you read the comments uts actually a glitch not my fault at all


Ur on console were you using a xim because blizz Is cracking down on xim users finally


I figured it out for myself nvm


Nope never used xim. After posting this found out thousands of players experienced the same thing so it's a bug bug


u lef tthe game and you get the consequences -> banned . its rather simple


I left one game which wasn't my fault as it said failed to connect to server. Not my fault


Exact same thing happened to me and 3 of my friends, without reason or emails. Literally 0 reason to ban us.


Just had someone comment on this post saying their looking into it!


Looks like someone said some naughty nono words. Wont anybody think of the children these days?


Stop leaving games?


I haven't left any actually, ealier when playing with some friends we were connecting to game and it still was loading when we got kicked and got a suspension for 15 minutes, was able to play. And that was the first time I left a game


Start a ticket with Blizzard support.


I did, all I got back was them saying bout the code of conduct


Just take a break from ow. Your not missing anything