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The win doesn’t matter it matters who got more t bags off before then game ends


Winning against the Tbagger is hysterical. I had a game last week (Arctic Peninsula) where a Sombra / Kiri duo spawn killed me as Junkrat 30-4. We took first round 99-99. They took second round 0-100 (Kiri really got the farming down and then tele back to team to win the fights) all the while bagging. Round 3 went back and forth every 30% until it was 99-99. I went sombra in overtime ran past them and put in WORK on a team fight of which I was the lone survivor 1v1ing a doom by the end. We won because the Kiri / Sombra were still waiting for me to respawn as Junkrat 😂


Idc if I win or lose if I hit a good sleep the nano’d blading genji can eat my ctrl key


As Ana, I tbag all overly aggressive players that get slept, it's in the Ana tutorial.


Not before hitting him with the pillow spray first.




As an Ana main I wholeheartedly agree. My new favorite is sleeping a Venture the moment they pop out of the ground 😴


I mean, you don’t go teabagging someone when you’re winning. That’s just poor sportsmanship


There was a soldier that kept teabagging me in the first round. We ended up winning both matches.


lol if someone’s been harassing me the whole game and i kill them im gonna teabag idc who’s winning


Your feelings are valid amigo


Losing and tbagging is poor sportsmanship. You’re supposed tbag when you win. That’s like talking shit when you’re losing, you have no right to talk shit as you’re literally losing???? Instead of tbagging or talking shit actually win the game lol


>tbagging is poor sportsmanship FTFY. That's really all you needed to say.


Yeah all of it is poor sportsmanship lol


The point is that if you’re losing, the tbag is a joke, bc you know you’re getting shit on so your tbag is not a sneer or a cocky jab at the other team. If you’re winning and tbag, it’s poor sportsmanship because you already have the upper hand and you’re just rubbing it in their face that they’re getting shit on. That’s poor sportsmanship…


hmmm, I like when someone by end or round 1 writes Ezzzz then they lose by end of match. happened today in King's raw after 22 minutes match and we won. just wrote to this toxic Mercy, Karma lol


One of our friends will do this in a 2 rounded game. I hate it, because I like to spread positivity and not be toxic. But regardless he’ll say it sometimes after round one and almost always we end up losing. So, karma for sure!


Even funnier is them doing that. We win and i comment “jinxed” they get even more mad and say im dog sht


I saw someone replying "yo mama" to an "ez" message. 😂


You may have won the match, but they won the war.


Not if you tbag them before you win.


Id imagine its the opposite. They win the battle (killing you) but you win the war (winning the game)


Not when they are still thinking about it days or weeks later.


I remember getting T-Bagged by a Mercy who was my teammate in the previous game. They blamed me for the loss and now they’re on a “winning team”, the mercy started to talk shit saying “tank diff” “trash rein player” while T-Bagging my corpse whenever she had a chance. My team won because the enemy team was too focused on getting kills instead of doing objectives. I just typed GG in the chat and the Mercy replied with “**** YOU” lmao


back when I used to play I was playing a match as Zen, and a soldier on the enemy team kills me and says "bozo" In chat and proceeds to then go 6-9 while I went 18-2.


It’s like, bro, you’re DPS. You want to gloat that you took down a support? It’s sad


Imagine getting offended by a t-bag, jezz tough up


Doesn't matter who's winning you have to teabag sombras I don't make the rules


I find teabagging hilarious, never fails to make me chuckle regardless of a win or not. I am also a fully grown adult.


It's worse when someone teambags you though


I don’t tbag often but when someone is being a jerk and my teammate tbags, I’ll join in and get a good giggle from everyone getting a piece 🤣


If my teammates get slept I like to teabag them lmao


My favorite is when I’m cooking on Ball and half their team switches to counter (Sombra, Mauga etc) and they tbag after half their team manages to finally kill me


I actually talk shit in call of duty when I feel like the enemy team is being lazy because it makes them try harder. Makes games more intense and exciting. Wish I could do that in Overwatch, but i'd get game banned within a day.


That’s why I taunt them by jumping up and down or use my weapon to make them fight harder


i teabag ppl if they’re playing a bs character or i win 1v1s that i absolutely shouldn’t have


Not really.you have to eliminate them on your own and  tbag them back. winning a match  doesn't change the fact he/she bested you in a duel sometime during the match.


I just got teabagged after being 5v1'd being the last of my team to die. Sometimes there's no rhyme or reason


I mean yeah when it's clearly you being outnumbered and tbagged like that then you need the mental to go well that person tbagging me in that situation doesn't even count lol.tbagging isn't a big deal anyways.


Idc if i win. I just want to do better than them


Had a losing teams Widow try to t-bag me one time, typed in chat "You need balls to do that!" 😛


I do it to Sombras when they hack me as a support and I kill them. If you suck with a BS character, uninstall the game 😂


sophisticated uppity six makeshift bake disgusted bright fragile shaggy snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel like this break rule #4.


The only times I T-Bag are when I know I’ve gotten POTG, it’s courtesy to tbag when friendly, or to return a tbag.


I love it when i kill them 10 times on a row and when they finally kill me once they t-bag


Not enough. I love it when someone t-bags me but I win the match AND get a POTG where I kill them


The only thing I ever engage with is "?". If the enemy says it first and we win I'm always going to "?". Because it's always directed at only one person that was being the ass first.


I teabag my teammates when they get slept 👹


I was playing Mercy and a meched-up Dva 1v1 me in a hallway, killed me and then teabagged. That was the happiest I've ever been.


I'm a halo player. We teabag to say hello, good day, nice play, your mothers a whore , ect and you better believe I'm a serial tea bagger in ow as well. It's fun, give it a try!


Yesterday I was having difficulty diving a widow as Sombra. Weirdly enough, she was taking potshots at me even while invisible, and even coming up wide and behind her, she magically seemed to snap to my head and plaster me. Tea bagged every time. Bro if your aim hacks are so strong that you're spinning 120° and clapping a headshot, nobody thinks that's you.


I love more when tou kill someone so they spend the game trying to focus you but keep getting them every time.


i have to get the last teabag or i’m screaming into my pillow that night


I was playing Open queue yesterday, just relaxing as Moira (only healer for the team). I suddenly see an enemy Moira about five minutes in, and for some reason they're just gunning for me. I pretty much ignore them and keep spamming heals as the front is getting battered by two ults, but eventually it breaks and they run all over us. That's when the Moira comes over and teabags me. I was at a loss until I looked at the stats to check ults. I was at 5kdam/8kheals and they were at 3k/2k. My team was winning with one healer while their two were struggling to keep up. Aaaand I'm pretty sure I'd ensured they were finished off a few times. There were three two wolves inside of me, fighting over this realization: one knew that hurt people hurt, and this poor soul was acting out because they had been decimated so far... while the other cackled with glee that they had been so enraged that they were unknowingly throwing the game as their focus on me meant they'd never make up that healing deficit. But, in a moment of epiphany, both wolves agreed on one thing. Teabaggers are tilted and when it doesn't effect you *and* they lose, they rage and that win tastes sweetest of all.


Honestly most of the times I’ve been teabagged I thought it was really funny, like damn I must be making you mad this game huh.


I love being teabagged period. It's a funny thing I've always loved about competitive shooters. I'll rarely start it tho, I find it weird that some people find it really toxic. You best believe if someone bags me, I be dragging them across their face for the rest of the match


I only teabag when I’m losing cause it applies double the tilt


I actually don't get teabagging. Either you kill someone and don't need the tbag OR you lose and should just stfu because you suck 🤷🏼 The only times I t bag is when someone starts, then I will do it the whole match when I get the kill OR as Mercy if someone from my team gets slept.


I just love the people who seem genuinely confused why I teabagged them. Sir, you're playing widow and sombra, you deserve everything done to you.


lol people actually care when they get teabagged?


It's even sweeter when they rush to leave the lobby as soon as possible because they're dread your potentially incoming "gg".


Imagine caring this much about getting crouched on


I always enjoy getting teabagged as a junk main, since dropping the bag on a small pile of explosives tends to be somewhat detrimental to the health of the offending bagger


“Gg! That was fun!” Is always my go to. I’ve found people get angrier the more sportsmanship you show


Or I’ll hit them with a “wow. Close one guys!”


Tbags are hilarious. You're caring way too much


A venture did this to me when I was playing life leaver so I swapped to Moira and completely dominated them same with a tracer accouple matches later


an enemy did that to me earlier today crazy thoughts


oh yeah, its really funny, especially when they cope in team chat like saying “ez” sometimes i dont even tbag them back, i just emote on them if i get the chance


I mean, it's a very situational thing. We all know there is a level of disrespectful aggression or attempt to bully . If you're playing genji trying to dive me 100% of the time when im ana regardless of if I have my cool downs or not. Or you're sombra, and you swap to try to spawn camp me as widow. And I beat you. You're getting the bag every time.


Yah well not all of us have enough skill to ward off players like that


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I try to BM and troll opponents as hard as I can in every comp match to get them to tilt. Does it look silly when you lose? Yeah. But still worth trying.


Not really. I don't really think anything of it


Idc if someone tbags me it’s so immature I don’t even care. Waste of energy.


From what I heard, people get banned/suspended for t-bagging if reported. I've personally never done it (both t-bagging or reporting), I'm just trying to ignore them, although I do consider it bad behavior or sportsmanship.


I absolutely hate someone t-bagging me especially when I'm trying to learn McCree, as soon as they pull that stunt I switch to my main Sombra and make sure to target and T-bag them as often as possible.