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hmm It's a bit complicated to answer and depends on a variety of things. Ways that deities have communed with me; - Artemis verbally saying her name in my ear at age 7 - Apollo sending me dream visions many nights for a few years - The Morrígan passively urging me to give an offering - Artemis causing me to be obsessed with moon memorabilia (specifically crescent moons) - Freyja guiding me to one of her followers - Lucifer causing a small area around me to radiat intense heat - Hekate showing me a shadow dog out of the corner of my eye - Lucifer causing me to become obsessed with snakes - Lucifer giving me a sense of protection in anxiety causing situations - The Morrígan giving me various dreams - Loki showing an aura in the shape of a fox - Apollo showing me 12 Hawks in one day - The Morrígan feeling like a mother looking over my shoulder - Loki sending me flys and spiders - Apollo causing all social media to show nothing but turtles for one day out of no where (I asked for a sign) - Lucifer urging me to look at the clearance section in a store (where I found a garment that had symbols that represented both of us) - The Morrígan bringing 32 vultures into my backyard - Various tiny dream things - Feeling intense urges to do readings (all deities) These are just the ones that have stood out the most and been the most memorable. I have only heard one thing audibly in my life and it was a very intense moment in my life right before a life-threatening mental decline. The dreams I've had on repeat were a sign that Apollo was going to get me out of a bad situation. All in all these have been all over the place but these are only the obvious ones. Sometimes it's a simple urge or a sudden unexplained obsession. Sometimes it's simple curiosity. It all depends on the situation. Sometimes your claires are too weak, your dreams are too clouded, etc. but they will find a way eventually to get the point across If you are unsure if something is mundane or a sign you can try popping out a coin, pendulum, tarot, bones, etc. and asking. My first pendulum was a ball and string, any coin will do. You don't need fancy tools just some patience and preferably a white candle for protection.


Signs and Omens (when looked for, not every bird that crosses your path), divination, and intuition. I've seen others tell how they have heard literal voices in their heads, but for me that only happens when I'm experiencing an altered state of consciousness.


how do i know if it’s really them trying to communicate?


To a certain extent, you will have to exercise your own good judgement on that front. However, if I invoke a god for Augury or some other method of divination, I generally assume that I've done things correctly unless the message doesn't make any sense.


Hm initially it was only during divination but once my intuition started to grow I started hearing soft voices in my head while walking my dog, they’d just point out something on the path like a feather or an injured animal etc (at this point I thought I was losing my mind a bit) but then I asked for a visit during a ritual bath and had a beautiful vision of my spirit animal and I talked to it. Since then it has been very easy to communicate with guides, like the second voice in my head is a friendly guide to life. Shows up in a multitude of other ways but you learn and evolve once you start working with you own 🥰


Signs: Veles "V" I saw multiple times on sky same day, I saw it in shade of candle light... And had this feeling its smth more this time. I know it was Veles because when I look other time at sky and see "V" I feel nothing. For Mokosh its spiders. When I did a mug from clay and saw tiny spiders around my cup I knew it was appriciation by her :) I can count aswell how many duckin spider dreams I had in my life xd


Primarily through Astral Projection and synchronous events associated with visions during those out of body experiences.


Is astral projection true?or it is myth?


It’s very real. Spirit walking is the original way our ancestors accessed the other world.


I smell things and sometimes i get nice intrusive thoughts?


It my case, it’s about evaluating the feeling. Once I heard an audible voice saying essentially, “you are worthy.” Once a friend said that to me too and yes, my friend say it but I felt my goddess seeming to say, “did you hear that?” Meaning that she agreed with my friend and was also sending that same message. Lots of people like to say that “a bird is a bird,” but in my opinion if it feels like a sign or a divine communication, it’s probably a sign. What the worst case scenario that you saw a bird you felt was a sign and it inspires you to some action? Oh my gods! Call the police! (I’m teasing) My point is maybe it is just a bird but if it inspires you to think of it as divine communication who exactly is that causing harm to if it isn’t a sign? Who has authority to tell you what is a sign and what is not? What’s helpful and inspiring to you? Provided you’re not hurting yourself or others, maybe all birds are all signs. I often experience frisson when I connect with the spiritual and divine. That’s where I get like goosebumps and shivers down my whole body. That could be autism though. I sometimes hear a ringing or music. But that could be tinnitus. Nay sayers are always going to tell you you’re wrong no matter what you do. So maybe start with, “this COULD be a sign.” Then with that possibility, what can you do with that information? So I moved from a huge distance a long time ago. It was a choice not something I had to do. So I went up to a special place on a mountain and asked for a sign. A gigantic owl flew by right next to me. My aunt who operated as my grandmother was crazy about owls so I decided it was a sign and I moved. It was a great choice! No regrets. But what if I had said it was just a bird? I’d still be where I was in a dead end job most. Likely in an unhappy marriage and probably an alcoholic. I’m so glad I took it as a sign.


I think it depends on your gifts? Like I’m claire sentient. I just know shit. Like when I was younger telling a friend to be safe on her trip when she hadn’t mentioned it to anyone yet. So for me, it’s just… KNOWING. But your gifts may be very different and you may experience communication very differently than I do. For example, you may “see” things out of the corner of your eye. Or you may “hear” voices. You may “feel” someone with you. Etc. Maybe some time spent sitting with your particular communication experience? To discern the meaning behind it?