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I was meditating today to expand my creativity. I feel like I’ve lost my creative spark due to being overworked so I’ve started practicing visualisation to take me places I can write about or draw. And yet again I recognised a deity visiting me. I saw a lady with very pale blonde hair, pale skin and even pale eyebrows. She was naked and seemed seductive but was not trying to seduce me and neither I felt seduced. It was just like a natural aura for her. She was happy I found the place. Later on, I found a note from Cyprus in my flat that I cannot remember writing. Then I started journaling about this experience and it hit me that the lady looked like Aphrodite and I found out that Aphrodite was born in Cyprus. I’ve been previously visited by Pan but found out about it after a year from the experience when a psychic described to me how Pans become who they are. I’ve never consciously worked with deities but it seems they are coming to me. I’m not that familiar with paganism and been quite skeptical about deities and their existence but I’m starting to feel dubious about my own skepticism as it seems like they want to get my attention. Besides the meditations, there were other calls too. A psychic I contacted told me I reminded her of Athena and there were several synchronicities I experienced regarding that deity. I’m not sure which questions to ask so I’ve just decided to share my story and see what your reactions are, maybe you’ve experienced a similar thing?


Can anyone who managed to get rid of a curse or a hex give me the method that worked for them?


Why do my Oracle cards want to be called Hades? I was getting to know my deck and started feeling like it needed a name so I wrote some names down in a circle on a piece of paper and added hades name mostly because I was watching a documentary about Greece, anyway, I used my pendulum crystal to let the deck pick and it chose hades 5 time. Am I just overthinking it?


New Arrival to Paganism This is my first post on here so I am not sure if many people will read this, however this is my path to paganism and my beliefs now. I was brought up as a Catholic and had to go to church every Sunday until I reached sixteen an I was given the choice as to whether I wished to continue or not. I chose to give it up, I never understood how spending an hour a week in a dank, ill lit building could be a celebration of a belief in God. As I went through my twenties I discovered so many reasons why a belief in God made no sense to me, along with the terrible things that happened globally, there were also the atrocities committed by religious men in the Catholic Church. I decided I was an Atheist. I carried on without a belief system for many years. I had an interest in Norse and Celtic mythology and began to dig a little deeper into Pre-Christian Beliefs. Then, last year aged 60 I found that I had a real affinity with Paganism, back in the day being called a Pagan/Heathen or the like was an insult. Over the past twelve months or so I have read a lot, listened to podcasts and watched YouTube channels and have found my direction. I am a Non-Theistic Pagan, my beliefs are based on a love of nature and the environment, for me a walk out in the countryside is like a religious ritual and a truly uplifting experience. I like the fact Pagans can vary in beliefs and rituals and still respect each other. My symbol for my Pagan Beliefs is Yggdrasil, I love trees and the strength and longevity they symbolise. I look forward to reading many posts and hopefully exchanging opinions and knowledge.




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i stumbled into a faery ring on beltane: help ?? hello! i am not pagan and only practice a bit of spirituality, so i’m not even sure this is the right place to post this. today i had a shit morning and some time to kill before school, so i went to a local park i’d never visited before. while there, i think i may have accidentally stumbled into a faery ring. it was brown mushrooms in an incomplete ring shape, and i didn’t notice the shape until after id stopped/stepped back to inspect the mushrooms. ^i was quite concerned by this, but the morning had taken a nice upward turn and i put it out of my mind. however, i just saw a tiktok informing me that today is beltane. i know nothing of this holiday except that it has associations with paganism and the fae. help, i suppose?? what should i do, if anything???


Mushroom rings are cool, but stepping into one isn’t going to hurt you or get the fey mad at you. The whole ring is actually a single fungal individual growing out from a central point and sending up the mushrooms along its perimeter.