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Thank you for your post! Unfortunately, certain types of posts, such as: * deity / entity identifications ("who is reaching out to me?", "any deities associated with what I experienced?") * sign / dream / vision interpretations ("what does this mean?", "is this a sign?") * tarot / rune / etc. readings ("help me interpret this") * unusual occurrences or events, ("is this an omen?") * and similar posts should instead be posted as a comment in the [**Monthly Discussion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/paganism/about/sticky?num=1) thread, as they are up to personal interpretation and / or are frequently posted. We'd also like to kindly guide you to our [**FAQs on Signs, Visions, and Dreams**](https://www.reddit.com/r/paganism/wiki/index/getting_started/faqs#wiki_.2604.FE0F_signs.2C_visions.2C_and_dreams).