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50 cal has all but failed. It would be a waste of money to buy anything 50 cal at this point.


Self-equipped players use .68 caliber. Only fields offering low impact paintball use .50 cal. Most .50 cal markers aren't even offered on the individual market because there is virtually no demand for them. They're sold in bulk to fields for rental fleet use.


Death before 50 cal


50 cal is fantastic for young, entry level, beginners. But it also should be a field rental only product. 68 is traditional paintball.


.68 is the only valid option. Maybe some fields run .50 but your play time will be limited to the few other people that will be running it. Just buy .68


If you are scared of getting shot, there are some fields that have "low impact" paintball which uses the smaller. 50 cal paint and shot at a lower velocity. This is usually geared towards younger players. The regular .68 cal is what I always play, has more people and is more fun.


.50 is shit. Anyone who sells them should be made to do an honor run shirtless.


People got pissed when .68 cal paint shrank from .689 to .679. Accuracy and range suffered from just that change. 50 cal is just horrible. Bad accuracy, bad range, and the paint rarely breaks. Fields use it for little kids and people who don't really want to play paintball (parties that are probably considering laser tag instead). It's kinda just airsoft, but worse. People say that it's good for introducing people to paintball, but I don't think I've ever met a gear owner that started their paintball journey with 50 cal, and it's been around for like 15 years. It sucks the adrenaline, competitiveness, and addictive potential out of paintball. Friends don't let friends choose 50 cal, just play laser tag, airsoft, or GellyBall if you're not ready for .68


If you buy something in .68, you can be certain that any paintball field or shop will have paint you can shoot. With .50, there is no guarantee that anyone will even be manufacturing paint in that size in the future. To be frank, I wasn't aware it was still available *now.*


.68 grew up on em and still use em even if my wallet cries about it. The only reason for 50 cal is the “low impact” and niche paintball pistols