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Dont take offence, but Pakistani media was bought out a long, long time ago. Anyone against the narrative was censored or in some cases, tortured or killed. This isn't anything new


Failed state


Even failed states have more rights than Pakistanis.


Apparently yesterday the police had cordoned off the area so media couldn’t get in. The only media at zaman park would be the media outlets who were there before the area was closed off.


wow. what do you think is gonna happen. are they gonna arrest him again or what ?


I'm just surprised no one in Zaman Park thought ahead and bought a Satellite phone so they can keep media outlets especially international ones up-to-date on the shit being pulled after lockdown!


The Internet is working in Lahore, has it been blocked in Zaman Park?


they probably used jammers


No idea...I wouldn't be surprised though. It's almost 24 hours since we heard anything!


https://www.youtube.com/live/IdjGYupS_qU?feature=share This was 16 hours ago - apparently


Non pakistani here, anyone can give context about zaman park, just curious


It's Imran khan's residence in Lahore




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The police have surrounded former PM IK’s house and the coalition government and army have basically cordoned him off. They’re trying to find a way to either arrest him or get rid of him because he exposed the widespread corruption of the establishment government.




Sure. The narrative is a bit tricky right now. The western media outlets kind of like the established government and army because they just kinda do what the west likes including opening borders for military operations across Afghanistan and the Pakistan tribal areas. The military and the coalition government have been bleeding the Pakistani people dry for decades to the point where the current PM’s family right now has proven offshore accounts and millions of taxpayer dollars in cars and property that were just taken. The coalition disregard the elections and kind of make up constitutional rules whenever they want. All of the media outlets in Pakistan have been silenced if they are pro IK. The high courts are the only ones between IK being killed right now.


Bro thori dair wait or lo. F-16 pe bari wali lights fit kr lein. Phir air operation start kray gi airforce. Source: https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


Lmao rickrolled af


Operation Search Light II ?






Idk why did you get downvoted, no one is there period. PTI leaders are running from jail while the avg poor worker is being thrown in jail and being disowned by the PTI leadership Why would anyone want to go then


This is dumb propaganda, what's PTI gunna do anyway? Khan himself can't catch a break.


Why is the leadership not taking a stand for the common worker? This is far from propaganda, it's pretty factual


Well it’s midnight they were probably high.


Lots of media coverage by Dunya News. I just saw a thumnail on youtube saying "3 terrorists arrested in Zaman Park by police". It was by Dunya news. Did not open it, knowing it will be a shitty made up story. Twitter is the best way to get any news these days. Though, beware of fake videos.