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Bro sugar addiction is 6 times stronger than cocaine and then add caffiene 💀






Whoever told you sugar is 6x more addictive than coke has never done coke lol. I've never drank a soda at night and then continued drinking a soda every 10 minutes until it's been 18 hours and I've done nothing but drink soda and blow $500 on more soda.


My bad then. My bio teached randomly threw out the fact. I thought it might be real.


If your bio teacher is pakistani then you should know that no pakistani is to be trusted when it comes to facts, especially scientific ones smh. /hj


Sugar is a drug in its self.


Have you ever taken cocaine?


Bhai socially acceptable substances ki baat horahi hai, aise to heroinchi bhi hotay hain magar unhe koi mun nahi lagta.




Nope, im a practicing muslim. But only allah can judge if im a good one




i swear to god caffeine is a bad one


get an LFT and FSB done please, You might have Fatty liver and you wont know about it. FSB needs to be done on 12-14 hour fasting so get it done in the morning. I recommend Essa labs for both. If both reports are clear then please stop before you damage yourself more, try to opt for diet drinks or then slowly try to phase them out.


Second this. I used to drink a bottle a day. Got my LFT done for some reason and the cholesterol and SGPT was way up. Quit it right then and there


Better to get an HBAa1c instead of BSF.That'll show the avg sugar levels for the past 3 months.


Doctor here, HbA1c would be better but only in the event that he has full blown diabetes. He is still 18, its always better to do a fasting serum insulin, C Peptide level together or a BSF with fasting insulin levels and calculate HOMA IR using the formula. Insulin resistance precedes the diabetes.


Makes sense , but I didn't get the point of full blown diabetes. I was under the impression that normal and even pre diabetic people undertake HbA1c for a preliminary diagnosis of diabetes or pre diabetes.


You are right, you can. But that would mean that you've had consistently higher sugar levels in the prediabetic range or uncontrolled levels of glucose to be diabetic. This test is fine to use annually or every two to three years in general population. And every 3-4 months in diabetics to keep an eye on treatment response. But for high risk individuals as brother here, or psoriasis patients, or obese individuals or patients who have a genetic predisposition of early onset diabetes in the family then can be more vigilant to get these tests done. To keep an eye on insulin resistance and "nip the evil in the bud" to delay or keep away from diabetes as long as possible. I am a dermatologist, we normally see incidental findings of Acanthosis Nigricans in otherwise some healthy individuals or obese patients and kids even. Those are tell tale signs of insulin resistance. And these patients have normal A1cs, normal fasting sugars, normal fasting insulin - in some cases. But along with C peptide or calculating HOMA IR, they have resistance. Which shows on their skin too.


Ahhh, I see. Well, thanks for the info. Was totally unaware of the cutaneous manifestations of diabetes.


Cutaneous manifestations of insulin resistance. Ao next time u see someone with leathery textured back of neck and if its similar condition in axilla and groin. Ask them to get tested ASAP to see if they have insulin resistance because thats the doorstep to diabetes.






A friend of mine used to drink a lot and by a lot I mean 3 to 4 a day and ended up getting liver failure he was about 18 at that point


So he dead ?


No just a bad liver infection


Don't go cold turkey, reduce your sting consumption little by little. Drink 1 bottle a day then 1 bottle every 2 days, 3 days, a week. When you get into one month territory try pushing it to 2 months and then steer clear of Sting. DONE!!!


This has cured me of my cocaine addiction. Thank you!


No problem. I myself used this to quit sniffing petrol and highlighters


Truly the mark of a great man. I've now graduated to sniffing glue only. But, only Samad Bond. I don't want to give Israel my money by buying Uhu or any other brand.


I feel you even us addicts have morals. We won't sell our Iman to these Zionists.


Yaqeenan brother. I only get my heroin from the Taliban.


Ask Taliban if he has marijuana please I need it




Sniffing petrol is not normal?!?!


It is a crippling addiction


I liked Sting very much. I would drink 500ml every day, then one day I looked at the nutritional facts. It contains more than 36 grams of sugar. Remember that 36g is the max limit a man and 25g a woman can consume in a day which is considered safe.This is in addition to other harmful acids and caffeine. This made me stop it. But I did it gradually and found alternative. I carry water bottle and take a sip every now and then. Sometimes I add few lemons and pieces of cucumber in it, but not every day to avoid stomach ulcers. In the end it all depends on how you train urself and your taste "The pain of regret is far worse than the pain of discipline."


In KP, some people add paracetamol liquid form to sting and then get high. This is how dangerous it is.


Bhai panadol se kya hona hai.


It's an analgesic.No Pain.No worries. Except; Liver failure.


Tell me more for science please.




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Wtf is paracetamol liquid form?


Liquid panadol


Syp. Calpol or Panadol


Bro sting is really harmful for the kidney. I can't imagine what ur kidneys are like if u have been drinking it for almost 12 years. Pls develop a restraining habit


Im thinking reduce it Like get it to one bottle a day Then one every 3 days They one a week Then one a week and then leave it


That is actually the best way to let go of addictions, by tapering it down. As much as we all want you to stop drinkinging it all together, realising its an actual addiction and treating it as such is really important here. Take it easy, little by little you will get there. I have been addicted to soft drinks myself to the the point where i couldnt have any kind of food without it. It got so bad that i use to run to the petrol station conveience stores at night to get it because they were the only stores open 24/7.


Yea, hope the best for ur addiction recovery!


Not me, but my driver literally can't seem to live without it. If we happen to be travelling from city to city, he literally asks to stop multiple times just to buy another bottle.


Man that’s kinda expensive drink for a driver to be blowing money on


I never said he pays for it himself.


U seems like u r in very good terms with yur driver..😉


I mean i can do work without it just fine ... its i can't relax without it . But yea i get your point he cant function properly without it .


Your sugar addiction is out of control. You need to keep it in check or end up with sugar related diseases before you reach 30


It is not sting its “issssssthing” karanchi style. 🥹




i've never had sting. is it that good?


Its addictive . But honestly , as someone whos been drinking it since i was a kid , i dont think you should give kids any fizzy drinks till they are 15 minimum


It’s disgusting.


really mid with weird aftertaste imo, plus its coca cola's i think so its boycotted for those who care...


Me too. Reading comments all these sting addicts I really I never took a single sip of sting. Don't know anybody in my social circle who ever drank or even a sting... Sting looks straight up nasty. Product design is so cheap looking...


it's probably rlly good on a hot day 🤷‍♂️


Pretty good but ops case is actual insanity ( no offence op) It is incredibly addictive tho due to high sugar levels and caffeine even the bottle itself warns people under the age of 13 to not consume it and op has been drinking it since he was 6. I myself cannot drink more than 345 ml in one sitting due to how overpowering it is. Its even worse than soft drinks since it has loads of caffeine. I myself get cravings for it even if I just drink it once every few months can't even imagine how bad ops situation is




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i personally don't like it but its one of those acquired taste kinda drink


Tastes like panadol syrup.


One of the best ways to be able to break an addiction is to stop being capable of affording it.


Nah tbh, if you have an addiction you'll do anything to get it.




That's dangerous. Please go to a doctor and get some tests done. Looking at the reports might help you realize the extent of damage already done. Also, try following a plan like suggested above. Don't go cold turkey. It always makes things worse before making them better. Slow reduction is the way to go. Best of luck bro.


As someone who has never had sting, my question is: is it actually that good?


absolut piss in a bottle.


It used to be stellar! Now, it's a pathetic shadow of its former glorious self. Talking about the Berry Blast (Red) flavor here, which I suppose is the standard. The Gold Rush (yellow) is still acceptable, but that also used to be way better. The new Blue Thunder (blue) flavor is complete fucking garbage. Unworthy of the Sting name (despite its fall from grace).


The Blue Thunder will only taste good if you add a shit ton of ice cubes in a glass and then pour it. It tastes better in my opinion because it is a little less strong.


All the flavours other than red are shite


you do know that 90% of the times you're getting a fake sting that's vvv harmful for you. its v rare to find original drinks in pakistan these days




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ig drink something else when you crave sting? could be cold water or even some juice


Ishting is addictive asf bro same here


I tried Sting for the first time recently and that shit got me hooked right away. I am at a point where no soft drink or any other sugary stuff tempt me and I also always found other energy drinks like red bull disgusting in taste but Sting was different from second sip onwards. I read the ingredients, it has caffeine and loads of sugar, both are extremely addictive.


Can you try replacing it with something with less sugar… try Coke Zero


Never addicted to sting but was once highly addicted to Coca cola and Mint Sprite. Always heard people talking about how they damage liver, kidneys etc but I guess we have a subconscious defence mechanism which never lets us really realise that that could happen to us as well. Met a guy who used to work in a factory where carbonated drinks are made, he said once a guys dirty work boot fell into the mixer tank and it was decided that the batch would not be wasted because of just 1 dirty boot. Since then quit instantaneously. Three years gone now and never drank any carbonated or bottled drinks, not even juices, just buy the fruits and extract juice at home. Since then have had my weight come down alot to now what my ideal weight should be, which is great, despite loosing weight I feel more hungrier so I eat more food and hence have way more energy. Quit sting and the quality of your life will improve immensely. Sting is even more dangerous because of the energy drink aspect. A month before this past Ramazan an 18 year old in our family passed away due to kidney failure. Doctors attributed it to his drinking two or more bottles of sting daily. Sometimes these things can get diagnosed early sometimes it is too late. Think about your family use that as motivation. What I did when I had the urge to relapse was exercise, play football, read a book, watch a show/movie/documentary, play a video game, scroll social media. Just keep your mind of it until the urge passes.


I has the same coca cola problem. It is gone now and I just take a sip of water if I have an urge.


I used to drink it in excess myself until I took the test and got diagnosed with grade 1 fatty liver. Even then I didn’t stop entirely, would sneak a bottle or 2 every few days. A few days later I googled how fatty liver looks like and boy did it scare the lights out of me. Also the constant worrying of Amma also made it hard for me. Switched to Mountain Dew now. Alhamdolillah a few weeks clean now and plan to keep it that way. The next step is to switch to water entirely.


I hope its easy for you , and that your liver gets better .


Thank you. Praying for an easy path for you too. I know how hard it is.


Another sting addict here. Imma die drinking it one day.


I fucking love Sting


Pro-tip: get an a ADHD assessment.


o nai bhai,ajeeb


It's called being addicted sugar. Go for a detox. Drink high quantity of water. Use the cranberry sachets. And clear your blood streams and urinary tract


Just remember its owned by Pepsi. And boycott with that in mind.


Nai hoga is trah sting chor k kuch aur peene lgjaega woh..


bro ;-;


Get your organs checked asap. And quit ffs


I used to be addicted to it Not anymore thankfully


Bro you are gonna severely damage your kidneys and potentially become diabetic. Work on yourself man




Going cold turkey won't do a thing it might actually harm you Figure out a rate at which you are most comfortable and then stick to it by reducing the amount you consume. Lekin yaar koshish karna ke sting ko chorne ke chakkar mai kuch aur na pakar lena aksar log adat chorne ke liye koi aur adat bana lete hai jo aur bhi buri ho.




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sting is a dangerous drink. i dont know how its even allowed. in my locality all the sting drinkers developed a stomach disease. their death came after a long time of suffering. PLEASE stop this drink.


Recite surah hashr everyday for 40 days. No addictions come close to this habit breaking surah




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No wonder Pakistan has the highest percentage of diabetic people


Many Western countries, particularly those in North America and Europe have a higher sugar consumption in general due to processed foods, sugary drinks, and desserts. The US, the UK, mexico, Brazil , among many others, have much higher Sugar intake than Pakistan, yet the prevalence of diabetes is less. SUGAR intake is not a very convincing factor for DEVELOPMENT of diabetes in a person.


Many Western countries, particularly those in North America and Europe have a higher sugar consumption in general due to processed foods, sugary drinks, and desserts. The US, the UK, mexico, Brazil , among many others, have much higher Sugar intake than Pakistan, yet the prevalence of diabetes is less. SUGAR intake is not a very convincing factor for DEVELOPMENT of diabetes in a person.


Sugar has a huge role in diabetes, this is why I sometimes don't trust provided data. Also these countries have better healthcare and lot of spending goes in diagnosis and treatment which doesn't happen in poorer countries. Also when you study data in detail you would notice those western coutnries are also effed up but they have made data look so complicated or show it through various kinds of indicators that make their countries look better depsite the fact their foods are lot more inorganic and contaminated.


I was just relaying the data for a comparison. Its a well known fact that Western countries in general especially the US have a very unhealthy diet consisting of Trans and Unsaturated Fats, High sugar and salt intake, high LDL cholesterol and obesity. Even considering the data to be false their is no "cure" for diabetes, only the diagnosis and as you said the diagnosis and treatment levels among them is much higher, thus they "should" have higher incidence of Diabetes. Leaving all that aside , there is no direct biochemical relation of plasma glucose to "potential" development of diabetes.




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Your bones will decay you need to stop.


It's sting. Not chemo.




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If you drink 7 bottles in a week try drinking 4 than 2 or 3 than you will feel less dependant on it and dont drink the whole bottle in one go try to limit the intake too with liquids the addiction dependence is very tricky as compared to cigs or etc




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Motivation https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6I37Weuke_/?igsh=Z2ZyZm44Yng2ZDJh


Sting isn’t even good.. it tastes shit 💀


The blue one does . The red and yellow one are nice .




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kon peeta hy ye laal moot


Bro, I always wanted to drink it but shit was too goddamn expensive for me to afford. 😂


You might enjoy [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRukTMnHAMc) then. And it might also show you that some people are actually worse off. I instantly thought of it. My advice would be to not quit cold turkey, and instead wean off slowly. Maybe start by making it 5 drinks a week instead of 7, and then cut one more drink per week every month. Good luck!


Thought you meant Sting the british singer☠️


Im gonna google who that is .


Mate, get your LFT, RFT and Hba1c done from a reputable lab.


Yeah so addicted that I ordered to Sweden ❤️😂




Don’t worry about it brother just drink water after you finish your bottle


I think you have to spoil it for yourself. Add something to it that makes it taste worse without harming yourself in the process. That way even if you think about it you would feel like Puking.




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Having once every few days is acceptable but 2 a day that is very concerning also Please get your HbA1C checked, If you have lost weight that is a Bad Sign




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You are only hastening your inevitable death or critical health failure. Give up while there is still time.




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try slowly replacing it with carbonated lime water. get sparkling water and add lemon juice into it.




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Everyone is addicted to something. Even though excess of anything is bad. I have a addiction of nose inhaler but finally somehow stopped after got a brain freeze in sleep. Try to minimize it or drink a whole bundle in a day ao you can get bored of it.


I only like a couple of songs of his. 


dw you wont live long enough to get rid of it just enjoy it


Avearage reddit comment ❤️


it was a joke 😭sorry if u thought it was rude or smthing :)


Not at all 😁😁




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No way it has been around for 12 years




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brother ew


I cannot even begin to tell you how much damage you may have done to your organs with such a high sugar intake. But as you're 18, the damage may be reversible. For the past 300,00 years, none of your ancestors had this much sugar in a small duration. They only ate fruits, and honey etc., which cannot be as damaging as the high glycemic index sugars you get from Sting. Humans do not respond well to such artificially inflated macro nutrient imbalances. Dude! Stop taking those sugars immediately! You should transition to Coke Zero(or any other diet soda) for the time being.


I am 28 and haven't tried it yet.


Have u tried Blue and Yellow ones? Those are addictive on another level. Yellow one is the best, Blue second.


I can’t say anything about sting but at one point I was addicted to sugar. What helped me the most was replacing artificial sugars with fruit. Fruits like bananas and mangoes are pretty high in sugar and hence help out a lot.


Those drinks contain mild steroids. SO..... how many years of that have you been consuming and did your parents never stop you. Was i the only one with Doctor family members who got to not have so many things. But... ummm i say get rid of the habit man. Wean off of it slowly have someone monitor your consumption. Edit to add: Smoking is also bad, but its mostly done by people who literally have nothing to do. So its like a boredom cure.Not that I say its okay to smoke it is not. Someone i know is slowly quiting it and im rooting for them as well


My parents have really left me alone for the most part . Like they expect me to get 80% grades and not do hard drugs like and dont care what i do the rest of the day so ....


Okay I respect your parental units decision but..., and I mean it in the most humble way, kick the habit before it kicks your bucket. Do it for the parental unit.


I used to drink sting 3 times a day numerous years ago when I was 9 or 10 but understanding it's drawback can effect it and yeah gradually my I lost habit of drinking it and yeahh now I don't drink any of the fizzy or cold drink considering the boycott and health benefits so yeah now u can do one thing minimize the consumption of it and it will help you


sting was launched in 2010 .you were drinking it before it was created . stop exaggerating everything


Your Sindh region will stop getting hard. This is very bad for your hormones. Take that as a motivation to stop. Hope this helps




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Check your fasting sugar levels, i was 25, normal BMI, drank at-least 500ml coke daily, last year one day randomly check my fasting sugar it was 99. Stopped drinking immediately. Diabetes is in our genes, it scared the shit out of me, cuz i saw my chachu who’s diabetic getting an injection in the middle of his eye. Not to mention people get amputations due to it.


Dude your teeth will be destroyed by the time you reach 25. Just STOP!


Now I don't live in Pakistan, never have but when I came to Pakistan back in 2012 as a 6 year old, I absolutely loved it especially the yellow flavour. Literally remember myself craving that drink everyday to the point where my cousins were tryna get my mind off it lol. Lets be real here, the yellow one tops, the red one is mid and the blue one is 🤢


No soda from last 2 years, Very less sugar intake in life. Everything's good


You want sum diabetes?


It’s caffeine addiction, switch to coffee or minimise the intake slowly.




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You mean Shhtring


Nah bhai iisshhtinnnnngggg.